Satan Is Obviously In Charge Of America As Pretend Woman Admiral Rachel Levine Calls For A ‘Summer Of Pride’ To Celebrate Sodom And Gomorrah

Satan Is Obviously In Charge Of America As Pretend Woman Admiral Rachel Levine Calls For A ‘Summer Of Pride’ To Celebrate Sodom And Gomorrah

Admiral Rachel Levine, the Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has declared, as Pride month is coming to an end, that it should be a ‘Summer of Pride.’

Admiral Rachel Levine has declared that only having a month to celebrate Pride is inadequate, and that it should be given over to the entire summer. Obviously he is jumping the gun in anticipation of the soon-coming-Days of Lot when the LGBTQIA+ Movement, under the authority of Antichrist, will rule the world for 7 short years. America may have been founded on Christian principles, but in 2023 it is Satan who is calling the shots at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

“He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.” Job 41:34 (KJB)

America cannot recover from the Days of Lot mess we’ve gotten ourselves into, and there’s not a single candidate for president able to put us in the right direction as far as God and the Bible are concerned. Oh sure, if Trump is elected the economy will get better and there will be more money in your paycheck, but Trump has a long history of being pro-LGBTQ. In 2012 he fought to have a transgender compete in his Miss Universe Beauty Pageant. America has made peace with what God hates, and soon He will cast His vote in the only election that matters. In the meantime, Satan has been placed in charge as judgment on us. Don’t believe me? Just visit the front lines and see for yourself.


Admiral Rachel Levine Declares LGBTQ ‘Summer of Pride’

FROM BREITBART NEWS: “Happy Pride! Happy Pride Month, and actually — let’s declare it a summer of Pride. Happy Summer of Pride.”

Pride month originally began as a commemoration of the Stonewall riots of  late June 1969, when activists rioted against police raids on the Stonewall pub, where gay men had been known to congregate and meet.

Since then, the observance has been extended to a full month of festivities in many American cities, and now — apparently — to the three months of summer, now transitioning to a celebration of alternate sexualities.

In 2021, as Breitbart News reported, Levine was sworn in as the first openly transgender four-star admiral in the armed forces. Levine has been criticized for controversial views on gender transition, including a refusal to limit “gender-affirming drugs and surgery” for minors.

The Biden administration has celebrated Pride month across all federal government departments, including military and diplomatic institutions at home and abroad. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post Satan Is Obviously In Charge Of America As Pretend Woman Admiral Rachel Levine Calls For A ‘Summer Of Pride’ To Celebrate Sodom And Gomorrah appeared first on Now The End Begins.