Lessons Ive Learned From Starting Additional Services
Posted on September 15, 2008 by travjohnson
Yesterday, we launched a 3-service schedule and had 526 people. We launched a 2-service schedule September 16, 2007 and had 292 people. Here are some things Ive learned in the process:
1. Never add a service to an existing schedule. Change the entire schedule or people wont adopt the new schedule like you need them to do.
2. Get people to commit in writing to making the move to the most likely least attended service. Be creative, challenging, but not pushy. We used an Easy Button Campaign.
3. Bring the heat (lots of intensity) in your first service. Dont allow crowd size to diminish your intensity or the intensity of your service. Dont make people miss the service they just left.
4. NEVER refer to a service as the early service. Refer to them by their time slot. Dont create a stigma for that service that may not exist. Continue reading→
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