The Haves and the Have Nots

Posted on March 14, 2008 by Steve Wright
I was once told by a former Presiding Bishop that it wasnt possible to bring together the haves and the have nots. You see, it has for the longest time been my deep running call in my heart to see this happen, even if it seems to be impossible. In San Francisco God gave me a little taste of the possibility near the end of my call there and it has only increased my appetite to see it manifest in my life time. The conversation I had with this former Presiding Bishop was many years ago but I still live it over in my mind often. It wasnt until a few days ago when Dr. Robby Waddell came to Charlotte, walked into my house and prophesied into my life the very thing I needed to hear. You see, he was aware of this conversation because he was on that trip with me those many years ago. Dr. Robby told me that, tomorrow will be the start of what you have always had in your heart. He was speaking of my first core group meeting with those of South Charlotte. It was the conformation I needed. Continue reading →
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