Encouragement for Troubling Times

Encouragement for Troubling Times

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston Churchill.

Encouragement #1: Tune out most news. Timeless news, not today’s news is what matters.

  • Mark 13:5-8

Encouragement #2: Watch out for yourself. Self preservation is not being selfish.

  • Mark 13:9

Encouragement #3: Stay focused on the mission. You have a contribution to make. Focusing on what you have no control over helps no one; make your contribution and leave the rest to God.

  • Mark 13:10

Encouragement #4: You are never doing life alone. God is with you.

  • Mark 13:11

Encouragement #5: You don’t have to collect “likes”. Being liked is not the goal, being right about what matters is the goal.

  • Mark 13:12-13

Encouragement #6: Going another day is enough. Do your duty today and leave tomorrow to God.

  • Mark 13:13b

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Jesus (Matthew 6:34)