8 Jan 2024

Enmity and Entropy Eclipsing The Light

Enmity: deep-seated hatred
Entropy: decline into disorder
Eclipsing: blocking out the light
The Light
: Jesus said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).


UK-based Methodist Church issues guidance discouraging terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife.’


‘Make-Believe’ Crisis. The entire climate change scam is nothing more than a means to control the masses, enslave them through this warped ideology, and siphon billions from the very taxpayers they are misleading through their sophisticated propaganda campaign.


Kentucky: Priest wearing rainbow scarf gives ‘blessing’ to lesbian couple at St. Paul’s Catholic Church.

Pope Francis faces backlash over his same-sex blessings ruling

California school district pushes kids to watch films on transgenderism that showcase puberty blockers. Hayward Unified School District in the Bay Area serves over 19,000 students from preschool to high school.

Tennessee Church suspends pastor charged with possessing over 100 images of child sexual abuse.

South Carolina pastor charged with 22 counts of indecent liberties with child under 13 when a pastor in Virginia.

Canada honors ‘transgender’ activist who defunded rape shelter for banning biological males.


Abortion was leading cause of death worldwide in 2023, killing 73 million babies.

Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers got $2 billion from Feds.

Appeals court in Texas blocks Biden from forcing emergency room doctors to perform abortions.


Italy Fallen: Undated videos posted on Radio Genoa show horrible abuse of locals and women by African and Middle-Eastern men.

Nigeria: World looks other way as Christians ‘killed for sport by jihadists’ in some 20 communities, killing over 140. Some sources say closer to 200. Over 52,000 “butchered or hacked to death for being Christians” since 2009 in Nigeria.

Netherlands: Islamic schools ban Muslim children from befriending Jews and Christians and teach that non-believers in Islam should be killed (video).

Christians in Jerusalem were violently attacked by over 30 masked Arab Muslims.

At Least 100 Killed in Iran ‘Terrorist Attack’ At Event Honoring Late Iranian General. 141 people were also injured. Two bombs exploded; the second blast occurred 15 minutes after the first, a strategy used by terrorist groups to target emergency personnel and cause increase in deaths. Islamic State (ISIS) said it carried out the Iran suicide bombings that killed dozens. Iran is Shiite Muslim; ISIS is Sunni Muslim; they are against each other.


Germany: Berlin Jews facing ‘extremely tense’ situation, city’s top antisemitism official warns.


1 student dead, 5 others wounded in Iowa school shooting. At the time the shooting occurred at Perry Middle and High School in Iowa, only a few students and faculty were inside the building. The shooter, a 17-year-old, killed himself afterward. A sixth-grade student was killed, and four other students and a school administrator were wounded. One of those is in critical condition.

Nevada Woman arrested for fatally shooting pastor over disagreement. The woman who resided in the same condominium building as the Davi family also faces two counts of child abuse and/or neglect. The incident raised serious concerns among local residents about the recent uptick in violence in the valley.

Wisconsin: Big Bend Community Tried to Disband the Police Department. The public caused them to reverse course. The chief then died by his own hands. And so far, half the police department has quit, with more resignations expected.

Multiple state capitols across U.S. received bomb threats, which led to evacuations and lockdowns; however, no evidence of explosives was found.

Triple-Felon Flies Across Vegas Courtroom, Attacks Lady Judge.


Tap-to-pay terminals can reach in your wallet/purse and charge you for things you haven’t purchased.

Meet ‘Link History,’ Facebook’s New Way to Track the Websites You Visit.

Artificial Intelligence allowing construction of global surveillance prison from which no escape is possible.

Canada: Sanctioned Chinese company’s cameras found across 50 Quebec cities, hospitals, government facilities. Canada’s intelligence service has issued warnings about the potential national security risks posed by Hikvision’s surveillance systems.

List of anti-free speech states: Arizona; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Hawaii; Illinois; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Nevada; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Vermont; Washington; Wisconsin; District of Columbia [DC].


Self-Checkout Kiosks At 4,500 Walmarts Now Offer ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Loans for Basic Items. Other major retailers might follow Walmart’s lead. It’s never a good sign when retailers expand the purchasing power of broke consumers.

UK households who buy meat and cheese ‘turning to black market’ amid cost-of-living crisis. “A lot of people are more willing to buy stolen goods than to shoplift themselves because they’re one step removed from it.”

Rice prices hit 15-year high, increasing food insecurity for billions of people.


Chicago medical examiner’s data: 90% of 2023 opioid overdoses involved fentanyl pouring in across the border.

Use of drugs to restrain kids in mental health facilities jumps 141%. Critics called for an outright ban on chemical restraints in mental health facilities after a study showed a steep rise in the number of children subjected to them. They cited lack of informed consent and a culture of medicalization that leads to labeling, misdiagnosis and over-prescribing of drugs that can cause suicidal and homicidal ideation.


150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the Covid pandemic response.

Wuhan Cover-Up: A cabal took the concept of biological warfare 30 years ago and ran with it in order to create new industries, massive profits, and control the world using fear of death by contagion.

Review shows Covid vaccines “significantly” more deadly than flu shots.

Florida Surgeon General warns against Pfizer & Moderna Covid vaccines over possible cancer risk.


Invasion in Lukeville, Arizona: hundreds of fighting-age men invade daily at this sector alone. Since Biden usurped the White House, nearly 10 million illegals have entered the US through the open southern border. Record numbers came across in December, less than a year before the 2024 Presidential election, where many of them will probably vote illegally.

California to be first state in the nation to give illegal aliens taxpayer-funded health insurance.

Germany: Over 7,000 Women Sexually Assaulted by Asylum-Seeking Migrants since 2015.


Mega-Study finds minorities don’t receive harsher criminal punishments, but that academics said so anyway. “Evidence for racial bias in the US criminal justice system has been consistently weak, and… scholarly narratives have too often ignored this.”


7.6 Earthquake Struck Japan New Year’s Day, resulting In  [update over 100] confirmed fatalities, difficult rescue conditions with fatalities expected to rise, 1.2 m (4 feet) tsunami waves, and land shift of up to 3 m (10 feet). Additionally, 5 people were killed at Tokyo Haneda airport January 2 when a Japan Airlines jet collided with a coast guard plane on its way to provide earthquake relief. Over 500 people were injured in the quake, and approximately two hundred are still missing.

Final bodies found after China’s most serious earthquake in a decade. That raises official fatalities from the 6.2 quake that rocked the provinces of Qinghai and Gansu two weeks ago to 151.


Japan: Tsunami flooded over 100 ha (247 acres) in Ishikawa following 7.6 quake.

France: Widespread flooding hits Pas-de-Calais, damaging over 2,000 homes.


April 8, 2024, brings a rare solar eclipse that won’t happen again for decades.

From a July 7, 2023 Article: 3 eclipses that will combine to create a giant “aleph” [A} over America.


In Ukraine: Russia launches biggest aerial barrage of the war, killing 30 civilians.

UK and US planning strikes as 10 Houthis killed in Red Sea. Houthi boats were attacking a container ship. When US helicopters arrived, the Houthis fired at them also. The US helicopters sunk three of the four boats. The fourth boat fled.

Iranian warship enters Red Sea at a time of soaring tensions on key shipping route amid Israel-Hamas war and attacks on vessels by forces allied to Iran.

A new front with Iran in Syria as war takes on international dimensions. A document from Israeli army’s Home Front Command leaked to media describes a scenario in which an Iranian surprise attack is launched from the Golan Heights. The document warned that Hezbollah’s actions against northern Israel from Lebanon are merely a distraction from the major attack Iran is preparing in Syria.

Israel expands scope of fight against Iran-backed Hezbollah. Iranian efforts to rush military supplies to Hezbollah ahead of all-out war in the north sees Israeli respond in expanded attacks on Hezbollah and supply routes in Syria.

Israeli strike kills senior Hamas official in Lebanon. Saleh al-Arouri was killed after being struck by alleged Israeli drone strikes in Beirut. He was one of the founders of Hamas’ military wing. Hezbollah leader Nasrallah said his group will respond swiftly “on the battlefield.”

Israel’s Defense Minister: ‘the hourglass is about to turn’ on Hezbollah. Israel favors a diplomatic resolution to tensions along Lebanon’s border, but the likelihood of a military option is increasingly imminent.

Hezbollah member losses in Lebanon grow to 9 in one day after Israel mounts another major airstrike.

Over 20 rockets fired toward central Israel by Hamas as 2024 begins.

In plain sight: Israel IDF finds explosive devices planted by Hamas in Gaza kindergarten.

Israel IDF Colonel of a counter-terrorism unit was asked how he interprets what happened and is happening to Israel. He responds: “It will be a time of trouble for Jacob [Israel],” quoting Jeremiah 30:7. But the passage concludes by affirming that “he [Israel] will be saved out of it.”


Heading into 2024, six biblical truths Evangelicals need to embrace when it comes to Israel and Arab/Muslim world. Because Iran-backed Hezbollah has a much bigger army of terrorists – and 150,000 powerful missiles aimed at Israel (many precision-guided) – the next phase of this war will be much bigger. In this time of terror and tragedy, let’s follow Jesus’ teachings more faithfully than ever. (See article for scriptures relating to what Christians need to do.)

The post 8 Jan 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.