Joe Biden Launches A Terrifying First 2024 Campaign Rally In Virginia, Demanding He Be Reelected On The Shed Blood Of Dead Babies In The Womb

Self-professed Catholic President Joe Biden is leveraging the killing of the unborn through abortion to drive his second presidential campaign forward.

The Democrats and Joe Biden have officially launched their opening rally for the 2024 President Election, and they want America to know that they want ‘4 more years’ based on their ability to deliver dead babies in the womb. With a cry of ‘Restore Roe!’, the president-in-the-teleprompter put words in Biden’s mouth letting you know there will be blood, and plenty of it.

“Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these.” Jeremiah 2:34 (KJB)

We live in a day and age where America domestic policy has much more in common with Adolf Hitler and eugenics than it does with anything else. Think about it, we are told all day every day that an mRNA injection from the government is better than our immune system, that ugly and repulsive transgenders are beautiful, and that murdering babies is ‘health care’ and ‘every woman’s right’. How on earth is this different from Adolf Hitler murdering the ones he deemed ‘undesirable’ in the gas chambers? It’s not, it’s the same. Watch the clip below, see Joe Biden barely able to speak understandable words, listen as he calls for infanticide, and recoil in horror as a crowd of nearly all women behind him cheer him on. Come on, people, party like it’s 1933. I want nothing to do with this America, may God judge it swiftly.


Joe Biden Harps on Abortion at First Campaign Rally in Virginia: ‘Restore Roe’

FROM BREITBART NEWS: At his first campaign rally in Virginia on Tuesday, the 81-year-old Democrat president focused entirely on abortion and blamed former President Donald Trump for installing three Supreme Court justices who ultimately helped to overturn Roe v. Wade, a 1973 decision which had invented the constitutional “right” to abortion.” The Supreme Court overturned Roe with its Dobbs decision in June of 2022 and sent the issue of abortion back to individual states.

“Let there be no mistake. The person most responsible for taking away this freedom in America is Donald Trump,” Biden said, according to the Hill. “The reason women are being forced to travel across state lines for health care is Donald Trump,” he added. “The reason their fundamental right has been stripped away is Donald Trump.”

The Biden campaign “held the rally in Northern Virginia to highlight that in 2023, Democrats retained the Senate, flipped the state House blue and ‘rejected’ Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s (R) effort to put in place restrictions on abortion access. Biden won Virginia in 2020, beating Trump,” according to the report.

Biden was flanked by Vice President Kamala Harris and their spouses, with all four speaking in favor of abortion in front of a large banner that read “Restore Roe.” The Biden administration is arguably the most pro-abortion presidential administration in American history, working through executive orders, rule-making and guidance from unelected government bureaucrats, and various legal challenges to install its abortion-on-demand agenda around the country and the world. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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