General Council of Brotherhoods and Guilds In Spain Commissions Painting Of ‘Gay Jesus’ For Holy Week 2024 That’s Actually A Picture Of Antichrist

A shocking portrait of an obviously gay ‘Jesus’ has been released for Easter Holy Week 2024 in Spain, but the image actually shows you Antichrist.

No actual images of Jesus of Nazareth exist, but if they did, you can know for sure from the biblical description of Jesus what at least some of His attributes would look like. For example, the Bible says Jesus is a Jew, so He would have dark, full hair, olive skin, and a dark, full beard. Jesus was a carpenter, so He worked with His hands, He would have been physically strong. Solomon says “His legs are as pillars of marble” so that gives you some idea. One thing’s for sure, Jesus wasn’t queer, He didn’t look queer, and He didn’t act queer. But the Antichrist? That’s a different story.

My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand. His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven. His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.” Song of Solomon 5:10-12 (KJB) 

When you look at the face of the person in the painting, you see right away there is nothing Jewish about him. He looks effeminate with smarmy evil at the same time, like a drug dealer, and sporting the Roman Catholic ‘split hoof’ beard you see in many of the paintings done during the Dark Ages when the papal powers ruled Europe. Nothing about this image, on any level, shows you Jesus Christ of the Bible. But it is perfectly in line with Pope Francis and his current bid to create an affirming Catholic Church. When the Antichrist finally comes on the scene after the Rapture, he will have great appeal to the entire 2SLLBGTQIA++ alphabet, he will be the “king over all the children of pride” as Job 41 shows you.

This ‘gay Jesus’ created for Holy Week 2024 in Spain has much more in common with Antichrist

FROM QUEERTY: Easter is coming up at the end of March. The Christian holiday is a particularly big thing in Spain and many regions hold their own special festivals. This includes Seville. The city’s General Council of Brotherhoods and Guilds announced last September it had chosen local, respected artist Salustiano Garcia (b.1965) to design a poster for Holy Week 2024. That poster was unveiled this week… and it’s divided opinion online.

Some have expressed love for the image. The city’s Council of Brotherhoods praised the work. It says it depicts “the radiant side of Holy Week.”

That’s not what others are seeing. IPSE, an ultra-conservative Catholic group said, “It’s absolutely shameful and an aberration.” It went on to say the depiction of Christ is “camp” and “effeminate.”

Javier Navarro, of the far-right Vox political party, claimed the poster was designed purposefully “to provoke.”



The artist disagrees. He told Spanish newspaper ABC the image was based on his own son, Horacio. Garcia described it as “gentle, elegant and beautiful”. He said he created it with “deep respect” even if, “the representation of the sacred image is very far from my style.”

“To see sexuality in my image of Christ, you must be mad,” he said. He added that painters and sculptors have depicted Christ in a similar fashion over hundreds of years.

Others agreed with him and pointed to similar depictions. Many condemned the implicit homophobia behind some of the criticism. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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