Don’t Stop With COW Living

And he called to her and said, “Please bring me a little water in a cup, that I may drink.” And as she was going to get it, he called to her and said, “Please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.” _I Kings 17:10-11 (NKJV)

First Elijah asked for a cup of water, next he asked for the virtually impossible – a morsel of bread. 

To you and me, a morsel of bread seems so simple, so easy, so underwhelming.  Obviously Elijah had never heard of giving people a “stretch goal” and its certain he had never read Jim Collin’s book, Built to Last, where he challenges his readers to develop BHAG goals (Big Hairy Audacious Goals). 

A morsel of bread!  What kind of ask is that? 

Well, if you’re living in the middle of a prolonged famine and you’re a widow with a son and no source of income and you’re down to your last meal before you start the slow starvation exit plan to leave this world, and some strange looking fellow that’s been living in the wilderness by a brook eating meat brought to him by scavenger birds asks you to take food from your starving child and give it to him…

Now that’s a stretch goal!  That’s the mother of BHAG goals! 

But don’t forget, this wasn’t just any garden-variety widow.  This widow, though she didn’t know it, was under direct command to The Commander, the Most High God (1 Kings 17:9). He had handed Elijah over to her to take care of.  

And you can be sure, He whom He commands, He equips. 

This leads me to you…

Are you settling for cup of water goals?

Cup of water living?

Cup of water dreams?

Things that you can do, let’s be honest, without much help from God? 

Is there no room for virtually impossible in your life?

Do you not have the courage to go after a real stretch goal, to put it all on the line, one of those – if this doesn’t work I starve goals? Do you have the stomach to really and truly trust and obey?

I get it, we all know God has big plans for important people, but widows?  You?  Me?

Why not?

The ONE THING for today: Don’t stop with COW goals and COW living (Cup of Water), the next time you’re asked to do something that seems virtually impossible, say, “Yes.”

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash