7 Mar 2024

Extreme flash flooding in Al Dakhiliyah, Oman
Severe thunderstorms accompanied by heavy rainfall and hail wreaked havoc across Oman over the past couple of days. On March 6, extreme flash flooding hit the town of Adam in the Al Dakhiliyah region.

Douglas Brodie: Net zero and the Hunga Tongo climate change chicanery
“We should scrap net zero, including its suspiciously anti-humanity evolution into a war on farming,” Brodie said. “Pursuing astronomically-expensive net zero is certain to lead to stunted economic growth, impoverishment and deindustrialisation. Net zero-provoked industrial tragedies … together with ongoing degradations to and malinvestments in our energy infrastructure are reducing the UK to being an insecure basket case.”

Artificial Intelligence: Are We ‘Summoning Up Demons’?
About seven years ago, I started to become aware of a phenomenon known as “artificial intelligence” or “AI.” The first troubling headline I saw stated, “Ex-Google Executive Anthony Levandowski is Founding a Church Where People Worship an Artificial Intelligence God.” The second headline read, “Why Humans Will Happily Follow a Robot Messiah.”

Maine Democrats push bill to create ‘rights’ to unlimited abortion, transgender mutilation 
Social conservative leaders in Maine are sounding the alarm on planned legislation that would make the Pine Tree State a sanctuary for both abortion and gender “transitioning,” not only preventing future lawmakers from regulating either but effectively gutting the conscience rights of hospitals that don’t want their staff to participate.

The Islamization of Germany: Frankfurt Succumbs to Ramadan Lights 
Left-wing German politicians, in their capitulation to Islam, forsake their Christian traditions, embracing those who advocate for the demise or conversion of Christians and non-believers alike.”

Canada: Muslims Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’, Chanting ‘Death to Israel, Death to Jews’, Block Montreal Jews from Holocaust Museum Event
Despite Yair Szlak, CEO of Federation CJA, urgently calling for Canadian intervention against increasing attacks on Montreal’s Jews by leftist and Islamic supremacists, the continued targeting on Monday starkly highlights the community’s insufficient protection.

Gang Members Outnumber Police 22 To 1 In The City Of Chicago, And The Ratio Just Keeps Getting Worse
The city of Chicago has become a time bomb, and it is a prime example of a very disturbing trend that is happening all over America.  Criminal gangs are thriving in most of our major urban areas, and Joe Biden’s open border policies are greatly fueling their growth.

Fatalities Reported, Crew Abandons Ship After Houthi Missile Attack; US & Allies Sending Warships  
Attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea continue to escalate and risk sparking a regional conflict as President Biden’s Operation Prosperity Guardian to shield ships from Iran-backed Houthi attacks miserably fails. The latest incident involves a commodity ship hit by at least one anti-ship ballistic missile in the Gulf of Aden, close to the Bab al-Mandab Strait, marking the first fatality of crew members of the multi-month Red Sea crisis.

Waste of the Day: NIH Awards $200,000 Grant for Transgender Voice Training
Topline: The National Institutes of Health is paying $214,000 for three researchers to create a “transgender voice training” app, according to Fox News. Key facts: The study aims to address “voice dysphoria,” which researchers say causes lower quality of life when a person’s voice does not match their gender identity.

Who Will Prevail In World War 3? Exploring The 7 Key Battlefields
World War 3 is already well underway, even though most don’t recognize it…Total war between the world’s largest powers that reshuffled the international order defined the previous world wars. Total war between the largest powers today—Russia, China, and the US—means a nuclear Armageddon where there are no winners and only losers.

U.S. Charges Chinese National With Stealing AI Secrets From Google 
A Chinese national who worked at Google was indicted on charges he stole the company’s artificial-intelligence trade secrets as part of a multiyear scheme to compromise sensitive American technology and boost Beijing in the high-stakes global race to dominate the booming industry.

Canadian Christian forced to undergo second ‘hate crime’ trial after already being acquitted 
An Albertan Christian is being forced to undergo second “hate crime” trial after already being acquitted in 2021.

Breaking News: MP Andrew Bridgen Summons Head of Met as a “Matter of Urgency” & has “New Disturbing & Damning News”
Andrew Bridgen says that the COVID inquiry team had told him that if criminality is suspected then it is a matter for the police. As we know, and as Andrew Bridgen says “there is evidence of criminal activity at the highest levels of the UK Government, including British Prime Minister and his financial links to Moderna.” And this will be presented.

Covid injections can cause kidney injury and renal damage 
In April 2023, an exhaustive review of the scientific literature relating to renal complications following covid vaccination was published in the Indian Journal of Community Medicine. It described 28 mechanisms of kidney injury and renal damage from covid injections. There was a common theme of inflammation from cytokines and autoimmunity.

MEP Rob Roos: The elites have decided we are “living wrongly” and “everything must change” in the name of “climate change”
The ruling class, which controls politics, wants farmers to disappear by crushing them with one regulation after another and then concluding trade agreements with the entire world where they see fit, all under the guise of climate change. “The ruling class wants to eliminate farming from Europe,” Dutch Member of the European Parliament (“MEP”) Rob Roos said.  They want to completely change our lives. “It’s a kind of social engineering” and the instrument they are using to do it is the Green Deal.

UK’s planned energy transition to net zero is an unprecedented act of economic self-harm
In the run-up to Budget Day today, 6 March, a new paper by a former World Bank economist and published by The Global Warming Policy Foundation warns that the UK’s current decarbonisation timeframe is unrealistic and threatens to be economically and socially unsustainable.

Mini-organs grown from human stem cells for the first time 
For the first time, ‘mini-organs’ have been grown using human stem cells taken from pregnancy. Researchers say this could lead to advances in prenatal medicine, as human development can be observed in late pregnancy which could help treat and monitor any congenital conditions before birth.

RuPaul Shares “Rainbow Bus” Giving Away “Banned” Books and Spreading “LGBTQ Literature Throughout the South”
…Charles, a co-founder of the new online bookstore Allstora, announced on Monday a new rainbow school bus will travel from the West Coast to “spread LGBTQ+ literature throughout the South!” The Rainbow Book Bus will partner with local LGBTQ organizations to distribute diverse titles to communities “that have limited access to books or are facing book bans.”⁠

The post 7 Mar 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.