This Day, March 9, in Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

March 9

590: Bahram Chobin is crowned as King Barham VI of Persia. The newly crowned king enjoyed support among Persian Jews since opposing forces under a general named Mahbad “killed the Jewish followers of the pretender to the throne, Bahram Chobin.”

1230: Bulgarian tsar Ivan Asen II defeats Theodore of Epirus in the Battle of Klokotnitsa. According to information in the Virtual Jewish Library Jacob b. Elijah wrote a letter in which he reported that two Jews were thrown from a mountaintop for refusing to obey the order of the Czar to put out the eyes of the defeated Greek ruler.

1244: The Pope ordered the burning of the Talmud.  Those who hate the Jews understand how critical studying and learning are to our survival.  Hence they have always burned our books and outlawed study.

1276: Augsburg becomes an Imperial Free City in the Holy Roman Empire. The Jewish presence in Augsburg began during the days of the Romans. Existing records show that a Jewish cemetery and synagogue existed by 1276. The Augsburg Municipal Charter of 1276, determining the political and economic status of the Jewish residents, was adopted by several cities in South Germany. “Regulation of the legal status of Augsburg Jewry was complicated by the rivalry between the religious and municipal powers. Both contended with the emperor for jurisdiction over the Jews and enjoyment of the concomitant revenues.”  For more about this ancient Jewish community see .

1316: “Louis the Bavarian granted the city of Worms the privilege of levying on the Jewish community a yearly tax of 100 pounds heller in addition to the 300 pounds it had thitherto paid.”

1489: Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici, the future Pope Leo X who relied on Bonet de Lates, a Jew from Provence, as his personal physician and unofficial advisor, was named a Cardinal today.

1490: In Florence, Berahiel ben Hezekiah Trabot completed “a small machzor” today.

1496:  The Jews of Carinthia, Austria were expelled (and not readmitted until 1848).

1500: A huge fleet under the command of Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral, accompanied by Gaspar da Gama, a Polish born Jew whose slave name had been Yusuf ‘Adil before being forcibly converted to Christianity, set sail from Portugal today sailing south and the east for India.

1513: Start of the papacy of Leo X who employed Immanuel ben Jacob “as a physician and translator and approved the printing of “the first edition of Mikraot Gdolot” by Daniel Bomberg which was edited under the directing of “the Jewish convert to Christianity Felix Pratensis.”

1666: Birthdate of George Granville, 1st Baron Lansdowne, the English poet, playwright and political leader.  In 1701 Lord Lansdowne produced “a spurious version” the “Merchant of Venice” entitled “The Jew of Venice.”  In Lansdowne’s version the part of “Shylock was degraded to a kind of low comedy.”  The play would not be performed again for 40 years when Macklin would revive it and begin the hundreds of his sensitive portrayals of Shakespeare’s most famous Jewish character.

1739: In New York City, Rebecca Michaels and Judah Hays gave birth to Boston merchant Moses Michael Hays, the husband of Rachel Myers, the father of Catherine and Rebecca Hays and one of the founding members of the famous Touro Synagogue.

1749: Birthdate of Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau, an early leader of the French Revolution who came to be a defender of Judaism and Jews completed his service as a member of the Estates General and began serving as a member of the Constituent Assembly.

1757: In Bardeau, France, Rachel and Abraham Benjamin Nones gave birth to “U.S. Patriot and soldier in the American Army during the Revoltuion Benjamin Abraham Nones, the husband of Miriam Marks with whom he had thirteen children and the Philadelphia abolitionist who freed his own slaves.

1760: In Philadelphia, PA, Prague born Mathias Bush and Tabitah Mears gave birth to Hannah Bush.

1773(14th of Adar, 5533): Purim

1773: On Purim at the Newport synagogue, the future President of Yale University at Ezra Stiles described Rabbi Raphael Chiam Isaac Carregal as being "dressed in a red garment with the usual Phylacteries and habiliments, the white silk Surplice; he wore a high fur cap, had a long beard. He has the appearance of an ingenious and sensible man"

1774: Birthdate of sugar merchant Louis-August Say the brother of Léon Say, who worked on the on the Northern Railway Company which was owned by his friend Alphonse de Rothschild and who had supported Rothschild’s fight to maintain bimetallism while serving as Minister of Finance.

1789: In Coswig, David Salomon Unger, the first Jew to settle in Erfurt with full “civil rights” and his wife gave birth to mathematician Ephraim Salomon Unger.

1792(15th of Adar, 5552): Shushan Purim

1793: Robert and Lois Collins Pierpont gave birth to Julia Pierpont Marks, the wife of Dr. Elias Marks, “a convert to Christianity from Judaism who she married in 1832.

1799(2nd of Adar II, 5559): Parashat Pekudi

1799: Napoleon came to power as a result of a coup d’etat.

1800: Leah Nathan and Jacob Naphtali Hart gave birth to Philadelphian Benjamin Hart, the husband of Delphine Hart.

1803(15th of Adar, 5563): Shushan Purim observed on the same day, the British Ambassador writes to Lord Hawkesbury to explain why he has issued a British passport to Meriwether Lewis who was to be one of the two leaders of the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase and find a land route to the Pacific Ocean.

1808: Seligman Löb (Siegmund Leopold) Beyfus married Babette Rothschild.

1811(13th of Adar, 5571): Shabbat Zachor; Erev Purim observed on the same day it was reported that the House of Representatives at the behest of President Madison voting against a bill for incorporating a Baptist Society in the Mississippi Territory and granting it five acres because it was seen as “erecting a religious establishment and therefore unconstitutional.

1815: Friedrich von Gentz, the Secretary of the Congress of Vienna “had a conference” today “with Simon Elder von Lamel of Prague, the distinguished Jewish patriot and accepted a commission from him to urge Jewish emancipation” when the Congress met.

1816: Birthdate of Jane L. Theiss Sheftall, the wife of Emanuel Sheftall and the mother of Sarah, Mary, James, Edward, Jane, Louisa, Caroline, Josephine, Hannah and William Sheftall.

1820: The revolutionary military leader and de facto Spanish leader, Riego of Spain issued a decree ending the Inquisition. This decree was apparently not accepted by everybody since people continue to suffer under the Inquisition until 1826. The Spanish Inquisition was actually only brought to an end on July 15, 1834.

1821: In Philadelphia, Aaron Moses Dropsie and Angenette Dropsie gave birth to Moses Aaron Dropsie, the Jewish attorney, scholar and philanthropist best known for bequeathing the funds that created Dropsie College.

1825: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi Peixotto officiated at the wedding of Noah J. Ellis and Esther Levin.

1827: In London, Rebecca Montefiore and Joesph Solomon gave birth to Henrietta Rachel Solomon, the wife of Lionel Benjamin Coheb and the mother of Florence Justina Cohen

1828: At Posen, Rabbi Levi Aron Pinner and Wilhelmine Goldbarth Pinner gave birth to Moritz Pinner who moving to the United States became active in the anti-Slavery movement and the creation of the Republican Party.

1832: Today in Jamaica, Samuel Delisser has been promoted to the rank of Ensign.

1836: Charles Millingen married Sarah Barnet at the Hambro Synagogue.

1839: In Bingen, German, Louis Loeb and his wife gave birth to Adolph Loeb and husband of Lucille Hart who lived in Memphis before moving to Chicago in 1873 where he served as a director and/or agent for several insurance companies while serving as a President of Sinai Congregation and the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith.

1831: Frederick David Goldsmid, the fifth son of Isaac Lyon Goldsmid and a member of parliament and his wife Caroline Samuel gave birth to Albert Abraham Goldsmid who passed away in 1864.

1839: In Bingen, Germany, Louis Loeb and his wife gave birth to Adolph Loeb the head of the Chicago insurance firm of Adolph Loeb and Son and the wife of Lucille Hart who had lived in Memphis where he was an official with the Congregation of Children of Israel before moving to Chicago where he served as  president of the Chicago Sinai Congregation


1841: Frederick David Goldsmid and his wife the former Caroline Samuel, the daughter of Philip Samuel gave birth to their son Albert Abraham who passed away in 1864.

1841: In Nice, France, Rachel Goldsmid and Salomon Henri d’Avigdor, the son of Count Isaac Samuel d'Avigdor and Gabrielle Pauline Henriette Avigdor gave birth Elim Henry d’Avigdor

1843: Bavarian born Judah Abraham and Sara Sussman whom he married en route to the United States in 1837, gave birth to Brooklyn resident Abraham Abraham, the husband of Ruth Epstein and “the founder of Brooklyn department store Abraham and Straus who was president of Temple Israel and Vice President of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum

1846: Birthdate of Emil Gabriel Warbug a leading German Jewish physicist was part of the famous Warbug Family

1849: Birthdate of Vilna native and German trained Reform Rabbi Herman Eliassof who led Congregation Beth-El in Chicago while editing The Occident and several history books including The Jews of Chicago and The Jews of Illinois.

1849: “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” an opera with a libretto by Hermann Salomon Mosenthal was performed for the first time in Berlin

1849: Today, just “a few weeks before his death” Hananeel de Castro “secured the repeal of the herem that had been promulgated against the Reform synagogue in London in 1841.

1851(5th of Adar II, 5611): Eighty-one-year-old Ruben Samuel Gumperz an advocate of Jewish emancipation passed away today in Berlin.

1852: The New York Times reported that “France has addressed three demands to the government of Switzerland” one of which concerned the treatment of the Jews of Basle Champagne.

1853: Ellis Harfield married Catherine Marks today at the Great Synagogue

1855: “Response to the Call for a Rabbinical Conference” published today.

1857(13th of Adar, 5617): Fast of Esther observed for the first time during the Presidency of James Buchanan

1857: Birthdate of Russian native and future St. Louis resident Abraham I. Gallant, the husband of Jennie Kaplan Gallant and the father of Max, C.Lew, Fan, David and Edward J. Gallant.

1860(15th of Adar, 5620: Shushan Purim

1860(15th of Adar, 5620): David Romm, who became head of the family printing business in Wilna after the death of his father Joseph Reuben Romm, passed away today “while on his way to St. Petersburg.”

1861(27th of Adar, 5621): Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei; Shabbat HaChodesh

1861: As the Jews observed the Sabbath, the Confederate Congress passed “the Coinage Bill” which authorized the printing of fifty million dollars of Confederate currency.

1861: Today, the Burlington Weekly Hawk-eye printed in full President Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address in which the new president stressed the Union between the North and South and his constitutional duty to maintain and defend it – a view which was supported by a vast majority of the Jews in the United States.

1862: Birthdate of Algerian native and French physician Fernand Georges Widal, best known for his work in the fields of pathology and bacteriology.

1862(7th of Adar II, 5622): During the Civil War, William Durst, the Austrian born “coal heaver” was serving aboard the U.S.S Monitor when it scored a strategic victory over the C.S.S. Merrimack in one of the most important naval engagements in the 19th century.  This was the first clash between ironclads which meant that the days of “wooden sailing ships were numbered.  It also meant that the Union blockade, which was a key to the Union victory favored by most Jews, would succeed.   Durst was one of the eight to ten thousand Jews who served in the Union army and navy. When he passed away in 1916, he was reported to be the last surviving member of the crew of the Monitor, and he was buried at the Mt. Carmel Jewish Cemetery in Philadelphia.  

1864: President Lincoln appointed General Grant who would be the first U.S. President to attend services dedicating a synagogue to command all of the armies of the United States while General William Tecumseh Sherman succeeded Grant as commander of the Union forces in the west which contained several Jewish officers and enlisted men.

1865(11th of Adar, 5625): Ta’anit Eshter is observed for the last time during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

1865: Three days after he had passed away, Henry Jacobs, the son of Jane Jacobs, the husband of Kitty Moses and the father of Elizabeth, Moses and Amelia Jacobs was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.

1867(1st of Adar II, 5627): Rosh Chodesh Adar

1868(15th of Adar, 5628): Shushan Purim.

1868: The annual Purim Ball was held tonight at Pike’s Opera House in New York City. The ball marked the end of city’s “season of Carnival.”

1869: Joseph Aron married Maria Samuel today in Paris.

1870: In Pekin, Illinois, Garrison and Sarah Bloom gave birth to Sol Bloom, the husband of Sarah Bloom who went from “entertainment impresario and sheet music publisher in Chicago to a legislative powerhouse while serving in the House of Representatives from two different New York congressional districts for more than two decades.

1870: Three days after he had passed away, David Quixano Henriques one of the original founders of the West London Synagogue of British Jews, the son of Abraham Quixano Henriques and Leah Rachel De Leon, the husband of Rebecca Micholls and the father of Arthur and Edward Henriques was buried at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

 1870: Birthdate of Kovno native Samuel Osgood who in 1883 came to the United States where he settled in Pittsburgh where he was a wholesale dry goods merchant and active member of the Jewish community.

1872: A reporter for The New York Times visited Temple Emanu El in this morning where he “at once noticed the extraordinary resemblance” that this Jewish house of worship had “to the Christian cathedral form.”

1875: In the UK, George Joseph Emanuel, “the son of Joseph and Jane Emanuel” and his wife Elizabeth Emanuel gave birth to Harry Emanuel today.

1876(13th of Adar, 5636): Fast of Esther.

1877: In Chyenne, WY, after an argument over a card game Jim Levy, an Irishman of Jewish decent mortally wounded Charlie Harrison in what became known as the “Harrison-Levy Shootout.”

1877: Birthdate of Russian born American businessman and musical impresario Max Rabinoff who also attended the Versailles Peace Conference.

1879(14th of Adar, 5639): Purim

1879(14th of Adar, 5639): Fifty-nine-year-old London born Dutch writer and translator Mark Prager Lindo who “went to Holland in 1838 as teacher of English, first at Arnhem, and then at the Military Academy at Breda” after which “he studied Dutch literature at Utrecht University” where he earned a doctorate in 1854 and began English by Dickens and Thackery into Dutch while writing a two volume “history of England I Dutch.”

1879: It was reported today that there of the 849,870 people living in Australia’s Victoria Colony, 4,237 are Jews.

1879: Thomas Grady is scheduled to speak at meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association tonight where he will defend his proposal to abolish the Free College.

1880: Birthdate of Bernard “Barney” Samuel a leader of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania who served as May of Philadelphia from 1941 to 1952.  He passed away two years later.

1881: Birthdate of English labor leader and politician Ernest Bevin. Bevin was Foreign Minister in the Labor Government after World War II. He helped to enforce the White Paper and hewed to a pro-Arab line.  In responding to request for consideration for Jews after the Holocaust, Bevin
commented that Jews were always trying to push to the head of the line. Bevin died in 1951 at the age of 70.

1883: Thirty-year-old historian Arnold Toynbee, the uncle of historian Arnold J. Toynbee who despairingly referred to “the Jewish people as a “fossil of Syriac civilization” passed away today.

1884(12th of Adar, 5644): Moses Wilhelm Shapira “shot himself in the Hotel Bloemendaal in Rotterdam. Born in the Russian Empire in 1830 he followed his father to Palestine in 1856. He converted to Christianity and began a career selling artifacts.  Unfortunately, many of these were reported to be fakes. According to some reports he took his own life as the result of his involvement in the forging of supposedly biblical texts.

1885(22nd of Adar, 5645): Seventy-one-year-old Breslau born merchant Simon Baruch Schefftel who after his retirement “prepared a large Hebrew commentary on the Targum Onḳelos, which was published posthumously by his son-in-law Joseph Perles” passed away today.

1887(13th of Adar, 5647): Ta’anit Esther; erev Purim

1887: Birthdate of San Francisco native and Stanford graduate Morgan A. Gunst, the husband of Aline Dreyfus Gunst, with whom had two children, Mrs. Carl Stern and Morgan Gunst Jr. who became vice-president of the Bank of Italy (Bank of America) and the Pacific Coast manager of the General Cigar Company.

1889: In Kovno, Fruma Bimstein and Joseph Silverman gave birth to Syracuse University trained pediatrician A. Clement Silverman, the specialist in children’s diseases and first lieutenant in the U.S. Army serving at “base hospitals in France” during WW I who was “appointed assistant in pediatrics at University Hospital” in Syracuse and who was a “member of the board of trustees of the Jewish Fresh Air Campaign” while authoring “various articles on physiology and pediatrics” and serving as the medical director at City Hospital from 1928 to 1965 which to its name being changed to “the Dr. Clement Silverman Public Health Hospital.”

1889(6th of Adar II, 5649): Fifty-six-year-old Giacomo Alatri, the Italian banker whose warnings about the impending bankruptcy of Banca Romana and helped raise funds to support kindergartens for poor Jewish children passed away today, two months before his father Samuel Altari passed away.

1890: Several “Sabbath Schools of Jewish congregations” in New York City hosted special Purim celebrations. One congregation hosted a Purim Operetta performed by the female faculty for the benefit of the young children.

1890: In Paramaribo, Suriname, Salomon David Levy Hartogh and Rachel Fernandes gave birth to Daniel Joseph Hartogh the husband of Estelle Celine Abrahams.

1890: Almost 2,000 people attended the Purim celebration hosted by the Temple Beth El Sabbath School which was held at the Lexington Avenue Opera House.

1890: It was reported today that the money raised by the Hebrew Benevolent Society’s charity ball at Long Island City will go “to the erection of a house of worship, a school for children, the purchase of a burial plot” and for a fund to provide relief for widows and orphans.

1890: Rabbi Kohut recounted the Purim story to 350 children, their parents and friends at Temple Ahawath Chesed at 55th and Lexington Avenue.

1890: It was announced today that Dr. Charles Elliot who has been teaching Hebrew at Lafayette College for the past four years will not be teaching after this year.

1891: Today during the strike by Polish cloakmakers “a group of Polish Jews” broke into the tenement occupied by two cloak contractors – Hermann Greenbaum and Sam Billet – where they were reportedly having non-union workers make cloaks and broke up the work stations.

1891: Benjamin Fernstein, a seventy-year-old clothing cutter who died yesterday while riding the Second Avenue El was the victim of a heart attack according to his family.

1891: Birthdate of Georg “George” Froeschel,  “the son of banker in Vienna” and lawyer turned author who came to the United States where he wrote several successful screenplays the most famous of which was the all-time classic “Mrs. Miniver.”

1892: Today, Naphtali Taylor, a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, married Rosalie Solomons, who “was active in Jewish affairs as well as in politics” serving as Tammany co-leader of the Seventh Assembly District, from 1918-1939 and the daughter of Adolphus S. Solomons and Rachel Mendez Seixas Phillips Solomons.

1892: Following the death of two more Jewish immigrants and two more Irish immigrants, it was reported that there have been 14 deaths since the outbreak of typhus with 70 known or suspected cases quarantined on North Brother Island.


1892: Mason Hirsh, a senior member of the umbrella manufacturing firm of Hirsh Brothers located in Philadelphia was knocked down by a car in front of 435 Broadway in New York City today.

1892(10th of Adar, 5652): The four-year-old “minor son” of Isaac and Esther Jacob passed away today after which he was interred in the Jewish Cemetery at Natchitoches, LA.

1892: A. J. Rosenthal, a Jewish banker from Fayette County served as Chairman of the Credentials Committee when the Republican State Convention opened today in Austin, Texas.

1892: The New York State Senate passed the “so-called Freedom of Worship bill” this afternoon

1892: Birthdate of Mátyás Rosenfeld, the Hungarian communist leader who repudiated Judaism and changed his name to Mátyás Rákosi as he climbed the ladder of “party success.”

1893: A charity ball sponsored by the Purim Association will take place tonight at Madison Square Garden with the United Hebrew Charities serving as the beneficiaries of the event where the admission ticket costs $10 per attendee regardless of their sex.

1893: “Gift to the Aguilar Library published today described an anonymous gift given to this non-sectarian institution founded by several prominent Jews that is “open to any resident of New York over twelve years of age.  (In a day of “tablets” and “i-pads” it is hard to envision what the availability of this trove of free books meant to generations of immigrants and their families)

1893: Today, Lord Lyon Playfair explained to the House of Lords that “Messrs. Burnett and Schloss” had been sent to the United States “as part of a general inquiry in the subject of pauper alients to the United Kingdom” especially as it pertained to Russian and Polish Jews.

1895: On New York’s City Lower East Side, “Hannah Pepper, an Austrian native who had emigrated to the United States via Russia” and her husband gave birth to Bertha "Beatrice" Alexander Behrman who gained fame as dollmaker “Madame Alexander.”

1895: Fifty-nine-year-old Austrian author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch “who faithfully described the manners of Polish Jews but feared that his affection for them might give the impression that he was” Jewish passed away today. He was the author Jews and Russians and the editor of At the Pinnacle, “a progressive magazine” that championed “tolerance and integration for the Jews of Saxony.”

1895: Birthdate of Suffolk, VA, native Linwood Lehman, the holder of a BA, MA and Ph.D. from the University of Virginia where he was a Professor of Latin and translator of the first English edition of “Un Jeune Homee Presse by Eugen Labiche.

1895: Birthdate of Albert Günther Göring, the older brother of Hermann Göring, who worked to save Jews while his brothers was killing them.

1895: Purim will be celebrated this evening with an invitation only fancy-dress reception at Delmonico’ sponsored by the Purim Association.

1896: Today Baltimore native Sydney S. Weil enlisted as a machinist in the United States Navy after which he “served on the USS New York and USS Indiana and during the Spanish American War on the “Castine.”

1896: Judge Julian Mack married Jessie Fox.

1897: Maurico Jacobs and his family are scheduled to set sail from New York to Panama today aboard the SS Allianca thanks to funds provided by the United Hebrew Charities.  Jacobs is a native of Peru who owned a sugar plantation in Cuba with his brother.  He claims that they were forced to leave the island after his brother was killed and the plantation was seized.

1898(15th of Adar, 5658): Shushan Purim

1898(15th of Adar, 5658): Seventy-seven-year-old “a Warsaw-born Polish composer and pianist, promoter of Chopin, son of Gabriel Bereksohn, grandson of Berek and Temerl Bergson, great-grandson of Samuel Zbytkower,” husband of Katherine Levison and father of “influential French philosopher Henri-Louis Bergson and Moina Mathers, wife of Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers” passed away today in London.


1898: Mrs. Oscar Hammerstein has obtained a lease Olympia which was arranged by Andrew Freeman.

1898: It was reported today that the name of Esterhazy, one of the French officers responsible for the false imprisonment of Captain Dreyfus, was added to the name of villains who were booed during the reading of the Megillah during Purim Services.

1899: “Peters Praises The Jews” published today provides a summary of Reverend Madison C. Peters lecture on “Justice to the Jew” – a unique highly positive view of the Jewish people.

1899: Attorney Benjamin Charles Bachrach, the Elgin, Illinois born son of Leonora and Charles Kalman Bachrach and his wife Martha Blanche Bachrach gave birth to Leona Celeste Graham.

1900: Herzl had another meeting with Austrian Prime Minister Ernest von Koerber. The subscribers the Colonial Bank were permitted to complete their payments and receive their shares.

1900: In Buffalo, NY, Samuel and Rivka Halpern gave birth to Julius Halpern “the husband of Mary Claire Halpern.”1900(8th of Adar II): Sixty-three-year-old Hebrew poet and Yiddish author Isaac Rabinowitz (Ish Kovno) who lived in Telshi where he met his wife for 22 years before eventually settling in New York where he tried to continue he vocation of writing songs and translating novels into Yiddish passed away today.

1901: Prinzessin Victoria Luise “the first purposed built cruise ship” which part of the fleet of Albert Ballin’s Hamburg-American Line” began her second cruise sailing today from New York to the Mediterranean and Black seas.

1902: Birthdate of Paterson, NJ, native Judah Harry Barth, the Hackensack lawyer and leader of the YMHA.
1902: Composer Gustav Mahler married Alma Schindler in Vienna.

1902: Louis and Clara Asia Parnes gave birth to Rose Parnes who became Rose Parnes Petchesky when she married Joseph Petchesky in 1932

1902: Birthdate of Elisabeth Pelletier de Chambure, the member of a wealthy Catholic aristocratic family who became Élisabeth de Rothschild when she married famed vintner Baron Philippe de Rothschild.

1902: Rabbi Isaac Jacob Reines founded the Mizrachi Movement.

1903: “Duty of Jews in Politics” published today described a speech given by New York rabbi Dr. Adolf Guttmacher in Baltimore in which he called on Jews to exercise their franchise but denied that there was a “Jewish Vote” saying that “the Jew is found in all political camps” and the Jew “goes to the polls to perform the sacred duty of the citizen not as Jews but as a citizen of this great Republic.”

1904: Birthdate of Gerald Ernest Heal Abraham, the native of the Isle of Wright who forsook a career in the Royal Navy to become one of Britain’s leading musicologists.

1905: It was reported today that Commissioner Abraham Stern had attacked the City of Superintendent of Schools at a meeting “called to consider” the State Commissioner’s “order to show cause why his approval of the Normal College course of study should not be revoked.

1906: The Wadsworth District Sunday bill (H.R 16483) which would make it effectively to operate a grocery store on Sunday in the District of Columbia – a bill that be at odds with the needs of Jewish businessman – was introduced in the House of Representatives.

1906: In Russia, “founding of the Jewish Socialist Workers Party” an offshoot of the Paole Zion that followed the teachings of Chaim Zhitlowsky. 

1906: In Skokie, Illinois, Hyman and Rebecca Bertha Goldstein gave birth to Bertha Rebecca Goldstein who became Bertha Rebecca Brownstein when she married Henry J. Brownstein.

1907(23rd of Adar, 5667): Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudi; Shabbat Parah

1907: Pavel Krushevan, “an anti-Semitic member of the Duma from Kishinev” threatened those who had disqualified him from the Russian Parliament would “be followed by more anti-Jewish attacks in Southern Russia.”

1907: Birthdate of Moyshe Lenski.

1908: It was reported today that in Camden, NJ, “because of the excellent work she has done in behalf of the Jewish Ladies’ Aid Society, Mrs. Jacob Silver has been presented with a gold medal.”

1908: In Camden, NJ, “tonight Jacob Wietzman” is scheduled to “give a reception and dinner to his fellow members of the Seventh Ward Republican Club.

1909: As a result of meeting held yesterday at the home Mrs. I.M. Appel, Jews can now make plans for electing officers for the newly organized auxiliary for the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver.

1909: It was reported today that incoming Taft administration has offered former Secretary of Commerce and Labor Oscar S. Straus, the position of Ambassador to Japan.

1910: The Mayor of New York appointed Moses J. Harris, a Brooklyn lawyer to serve as Police Magistrate today.

1910: “Lee Shubert of Shubert Brothers admitted” today “that negotiations were pend for the leas of six old private dwellings…at 113 to 123 West Forty-third Street” which may become the site of a new Shubert theatre.

1911: After having been baptized as Roman Catholic in 1905 and having “taken” his doctorate in laws in 1906, Hans Kelsen took “his habilitation today.”

1911: Today, composer and pianist Leo Ornstein, the Russian born son of Clara and Abram Ornstein who had come to the United States in 1907 gave his “public concert at the New Amsterdam Theatre” in NYC.

1911: In Detroit, Dr. Emil Amberg, the Santa Fe, NM born son of Minna and Jakab Amberg, and his wife Cecile Amberg gave birth to Robert Siegal Amberg.

1911: “Mr. Boris Hambourg, the excellent violoncellist, who appeared here earlier in the season, gave a second recital this afternoon in Mendelssohn Hall.”

1912(20th of Adar, 5672): Shabbat Parah

1912(20th of Adar, 5672): Fifty-seven-year-old Hiram Ullman, the Pennsylvania businessman who served on the Williamsport Common Council passed away today.

1913: The Independent Anshe Bessarabia Talmud Torah was founded in Philadelphia, Pa.

1913: The funeral for Pauline Phillips, wife of Herman Phillips and the mother of Arthur Phillips is scheduled to take place today followed by interment in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1913: In Bangor, Maine, Beth Israel whose synagogue had been destroyed in the Great Fire of 1911, dedicated its new building today.

1914(11th of Adar, 5674):  Seventy-six-year-old Nuremberg born Henry Pretzfelder, the “senior member of the wholesale shoe firm of Pretzfelder and Company, the husband of Hanna Ellel Prtzfelder and the father of Gertrude Pretzfelder Schental passed away today in Baltimore after which he was buried at the Oheb Shalom Cemetery.

1914: In Cambridge, MA, Herman Bernstein, the Secretary of the American Jewish Committee told a meeting of the Menorah Society at Harvard said that since public opinion has forced the Russian government to abandon its policy of massacring Jews the Czar’s government was not seeking to consign the Jews to permanent illiteracy by “closing the schoolhouses” to Jewish students.

1915: “Bernstroff Defends Turks” published today contains the assertion by the German Ambassador, who is trying to keep the United States from joining the Allies, that his Turkish allies are tolerant of all religions and that the suffering of Jews of Palestine is the product of local zealots in the government in Jerusalem.

1916: Birthdate of Hyman H. “Bookie” Bookbinder a Washington lobbyist for Jewish causes who spent many years working for a variety of liberal causes including civil rights and the rights of labor.

1916: Kitty Kelly of the Chicago Tribune staff is among those scheduled to address the meeting this afternoon of The Deborah and Deborah at their meeting in the Sinai Social Center on Chicago’s south side.

1917(15th of Adar, 5677): Shushan Purim

1917: The Jewish Publication Society announced “that it has published the first edition of the news translation of the Bible, the first volume of The History of the Jews in Russia and Poland by Simon Dubnow and that it will be holding its annual meeting later this month at Dropsie College in Philadelphia, PA.

1917: Dr. M.H. Harris is scheduled to lead services today, Shabbat, at Temple Israel of Harlem.

1917: Dr. Enlow is scheduled to deliver a sermon on Apostasy and Judaism” this morning at Temple Emanu-El.

1917: Dr. Samuel Schulman is scheduled to deliver the Sabbath morning sermon at Temple Beth-El.

1918: Ukrainian mobs massacre Jews of Seredino Buda

1918: The Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs made public the suggestions by the British Palestine Committee, “a non-Jewish organization” which spoke approvingly of the creation of a Hebrew university in Jerusalem which was being built “while military operations were still in progress.”

1918: In Bloomington, Illinois, vaudevillians Claire and George Rockwell gave birth to George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party.

1919: In Manhattan, “Israel Edwin Goldwasser and the former Edith Goldstein,” gave birth to physicist Edwin Leo “Ned” Goldwassser

1919: Jacob H. Schiff told 3,500 members of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America meeting in Carnegie Hall tonight he hoped “that the portals of America would never be entirely closed to the Jews” but he also “declared that the one aim of all Jews at the present time should be the restoration of Palestine.

1919: The 30th annual convention of the Federation of Roumanian Jews of America whose 20,000 members among other things “maintain the Jewish Home for Convalescents at Grand View on the Hudson, NY under the leadership of Samuel Goldstein, Rose Markowitz, Mrs. Clara Bereano and Michael Baumann took placed today at New York City.

1919(7th of Adar II, 5679): Forty-one-year-old Rangoon born barrister, Elisha Arkie Cohen, the first husband of the former Ruth Jacobs the author and poet whose works include the “Poem A Day Lady” passed away today in Manitoba, Canada.

1920: The tombstone for Emanuel Jacobs of Covent Garden is scheduled to be consecrated at Jersey today.

1921: Winston and Clementine Churchill arrive in Cairo in preparation for a conference to examine the workings of the mandates for Palestine and Iraq.

1922: Birthdate of Camden, NJ native Harvey Pollack, the “grandfather” of the NBA statistical records.  (As reported by Richard by Goldstein)

1922: Twenty-two-year-old Alexander Neufeld, the native of Budapest who in 1918 played his first game as a member of the Hungarian national team which defeated Switzerland today led his team Hakoah Vienna’s soccer team to victory. (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

1922: Winston Churchill delivered a speech in Parliament in support the Balfour Declaration against its opponents.  He reiterated support for the establishment of the Jewish Homeland in Palestine while cautioning against letting Jews who were Bolsheviks settle in Palestine.

1922: The Shearith Israel League of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in New York City is scheduled to present a performance of “The Mikado” today in the grand ballroom of the Hotel Plaza.

1923(21st of Adar, 5683): Charles Eisenman, the New York City born son of Isadore and Caroline (Rosenblatt) Eisenman, the cofounder in Cleveland of K and E Company, a manufacturer of shirts and blouses and president of the Federation of Jewish Charities who had married Bertha Hays in 1891 passed away today.

1923: In Vienna, “Salomon Kohn, who ran a business selling artistic postcards, and the former Gittel Rappaport, whom her son described in an autobiographical sketch for the Nobel committee as “a highly educated woman with a good knowledge of German, Latin, Polish and French and some acquaintance with Greek, Hebrew and English” gave birth to Walter Kohn winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1998.

1924(2nd of Adar II, 5684): Abraham Caraco, who was named rabbi of the Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel after 39 Turkish elders of the Sephardi community formed the Sephardic Community of Los Angeles ("La Communidad") in 1920 passed away today.

1924: The deeply anti-Semitic Theodore Duesterberg who in 1932 would learn for the first time that his grandfather was a Prussian Jewish doctor who converted to Lutheranism in 1818, began serving as the Deputy Federal Leader of Der Stahlheim.

1925: In Lower Saxony, Jakob and Hanna Hanne Cohen gave birth to David Jacob Cohen, the husband of Dian Berger.

1926: William Fox, the Chairman of the $6,000,000 United Jewish Campaign of New York announced the appointment “”Albert Goldman , Commissioner of Plant and Structures of New York City, as Chairman of the Bronx Division of the drive, which is part of the $15,000,000 ‘Overseas Chest of the United Jewish Campaign.”

1927: In London, Dr. Alex Tudor Hart and Dr. Alison Macbeth gave birth to Dr. Julian Tudor Hart the husband of British photographer and Soviet sympathizer Edith Suschitzky the daughter of Viennese Jewish social democrat Wilhelm Shuschitzky.

1927: Birthdate of Erfut, Germany native Leo Alexander Inselsbacher who gained famed as Hebrew musician Aryeh “Arik” Lavie,

1928: In Vienna, Franzi Grossman and her husband, a chief bank accountant gave birth to Lore Groszmann, who gained fame as Lore Segal, the author of Shakespeare’s Kitchen, one of the finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in 2008.

1928(17th of Ada, 5688): Birthdate of Kassel, Germany native and “professor of Assyriology and Babylonian Literature and curator of the Babylonian collection at Yale University” Dr. William W. Hallo, a refugee from Nazi Germany whose family fled to England in 1939 before settling in the United States in 1941.

1928: New York State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthal was injured this morning when the taxicab in which he was riding skidded out of control and hit an elevated pillar. Israel Mora was the cab driver.

1928: In Manhattan, Maxwell Walzer, a furrier and the former Ruth Rosenthal, gave birth to Peggy Sandelle Walzer gave birth to Peggy Charren who gained fame as an advocate for improved children television programming. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1929(27th of Adar I, 5689): Shabbat Shekalim

1929(27th of Adar I, 5689): Thirty-four “English composer, arranger, music teach and pupil of Gustav Holst passed Jane Joseph away today.

1929: The Zionist Organization of America announced plans for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the founding of Tel Aviv.  The planned activities include a Jewish ‘world Congress for Propagation of Interest in Palestine Products and a Palestine and Newar East Exhibition and Fair.

1930: The two day “Washington Conference for the Allied Jewish Campaign” which was “hailed as the beginning of a new intensified activity by American Jews on behalf of their harassed brethren in Eastern Europe and Palestine” came to an end today. (JTA)

1930: Funeral services were held this afternoon at Temple Emanu-El for theatrical stage impresario Abraham L. Erlanger.

1930: Twenty-nine-year-old Bucharest native Leon Feldestein, the owner of Feldstein Furniture Company in Portland, OR married Esther Gumbert today.

1930: “Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny (German: Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny)  a political-satirical opera composed by Kurt Weill” which was later banned by the Nazis, premiered today in Leipzig

1931: A “plenary meeting of Arab executives” is scheduled to be held today which attendees will discuss “the Arab attitude toward the Palestine Government and the summoning of the eighth Palestine Arab Congress” and make a decision regarding the proposed economic boycott of Jewish enterprises.

1931: Dr. Victor Rosewater, the former editor and publisher of The Omaha Bee and a leader of the Jewish community and Republican Party in Nebraska spoke at the school of politics of the Women’s National Republican Club.  He told the gathering that “the influence of the press in forming political opinion is no longer as directed as it once was…”

1932: In Rochester, NY, Hebrew teacher Eva Muchnick and attorney Arnold Heicklin gave birth Cornell and University of Rochester educated chemist Dr. Julian Phillip Heicklen, the husband of Susan (Hook) Heicklen and father of Alice Heicklen and Deborah Heicklen who gained famed as “a charismatic, cantankerous chemistry professor who dedicated his retirement years to a series of public protests in defense of civil liberties…” (As reported by Clay Risen)

1932: The new turbines at the hydroelectric project created by Pinhas Rutenberg began to turn today.

1932: “Night Over Taos” a three-act play “staged by Lee Strasberg with a cast that included Luther Adler, Stella Adler, J. Edward Bromberg, Morris Carnovsky, Sanford Meisner and Clifford Odets opened at the 48th Street Theatre today.

1933: It was reported today “at an emergency executive meeting of the Greater New York American Palestine Campaign Committee it was voted unanimously…to continue the American Palestine Campaign to raise money” for the Jewish Agency for Palestine.

1933: The first of thousands of “critics” of The Third Reich were sent to Dachau.

1933: Henry Thomas Rainey who in 1906 attended a mass meeting held to protest the “atrocities in Russia” and told the audience that the Romanoffs “are inflaming the populace against the helpless Jews – and already the blood of 100,000 Jews cries out for vengeance” began servings today as 40th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

1934: “Coming Out Party” a comedy produced by Jesse L. Lasky and with a script co-authored by Jesse L. Lasky, Jr. was released in the United States today.

1934: The Pesach Cruise, managed by Rosen Palestine Oriental Tours is scheduled to begin today aboard the SS Vulcania.

1935: “New German Plea” published today described Dr. Julius Lippert’s call for American businessman to put an end to the Jewish Boycott of German goods.

1936: The cover of Time magazine features the beaten, bandaged visage of Leon Blum who had been beaten Royalist (right wing) youths.,16641,19360309,00.html

1936: “Abominable Triumph” published today as the cover story for Time described the causes of the life-threatening beating given to Leon Blum by those who oppose him because he is a socialist, anti-fascist and Jewish. (The road from Drancy to Auschwitz began on the streets and chambers of Paris in the 1930’s),33009,770084,00.html

 1936 :( 15th of Adar, 5696): Shushan Purim

1936 Birthdate of Martin Ingerman who gained fame as comic actor Marty Ingles. (A comedian born on Purim – talk about bashert)

1936(15th of Adar, 5696): “Two Jews were killed and four seriously injured today in rioting in the town of Prystytyk in the District of Radom, Poland while “scores” more “were beaten or wounded  and 700 Jewish families were thrown into panic.”

1936: “A government statement issued by the official news service” at Berlin which says “Jews do not enjoy the privilege of voting – that is to say, such persons as are descendants of at least three fully Jewish grandparents. Furthermore, persons are not privileged to vote who are descendants of two fully Jewish grandparents and who were members of Jewish religious bodies… or who joined a Jewish religious body after September 30, 1935 or who married a Jew after that date.”

1936: Birthdate of Juda Bar-Norwegian, Dutch born Israeli actor.

1936: The Przytyk, Pogrom, the worst of a series of pogroms that took place in Poland during the interwar decades, claimed the lives of three people.

1937: “The anti-Semitic ‘Prophecy’ attributed to Benjamin Franklin and distributed in Germany within the last few days by the government news service was identified on publication” in the United States today “as a document that made its appearance in 1934 and was investigated for several months by Professor Charles A. Beard” one of the leading historians in the United States who “pronounced it ‘a barefaced forgery’.”

1937: The American Labor Delegation to Palestine, whose members include Max Zaristk, Josephy Schossberg, Isidore Nagel, Samuel Perlmutter, Reuben Guskin, Jacob Breslaw and Jacob Blum is scheduled to deliver their report at the Hippodrome today.

1938: The Chancellor of Austria, Schuschnigg, announces a plebiscite on the question of Austrian independence. His policy was to try and keep Austria semi-independent and to limit the more overt anti-Semitic activities. Hitler furiously demanded his resignation, which arrived two days later. His resignation opened the way to the Anschluss (annexation) of Austria by Germany on March 13

1938: The Palestine Post reported that Arab terrorists sniped at various quarters of Jewish Jerusalem. The Sanhedria Quarter came under a direct Arab fire from Lifta.

1939: In what might be seen as double-header for the Jews, today President Roosevelt “discussed tax legislation with Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau” and received “a report on the progress made in arranging for emigration of Jews from Germany” presented by George Rublee, the director of the Intergovernmental Committee on Political Refugees. 

1940(29th of Adar I, 5700): Parashat Pekudi; Shabbat Shekalim

1940: Rabbi David de Sola Pool told congregants at the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue that “the postulate of democracy that all men are created equal is based on the recognitions of the worth of the individual” and that “religion and democracy are at one in holding that there is qual worth to the soul of every human being whatever be his race and creed.”

1941: “An appeal to Protestants, Catholics and Jews to unite in the relief of war sufferers and reufees and to reintegrate the shatter spiritual life of the world was made” tonight “by four speakers” included Rabbi Jonah B. Wise “in a nation-wide broadcast opening campaigns in various communities of the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Overseas Needs.”

1941: Esther "Etty" Hillesum began writing in her diary which would provide a description of life Amsterdam under the Nazis.

1941: After 8 months in office Petain and his Vichy Government adopted an ordinance requiring Jews to get “authorization to sell or rent property.”

1942: The Jews of the small Polish community of Mielec were driven out of their homes and rounded up in the marketplace; the old and feeble were shot on the equivalent of a death march. The survivors waited in a hangar in the aircraft factory without food or water and were herded into cattle cars a few days later.

1943: U.S. Army Colonel F.B. Yancy, Chief of the Special Services spoke at the opening club designed for the use of U.S. military personnel. The club is housed in the former Tel Aviv luxury hotel.

1943: Today Rokhl Auerbakh, one of the few surviving members of Emanuel Ringelblum’s “Oyneg Shabes group” “escaped from the Warsaw Ghetto and began working as Polish secretary which enabled her to continue her work of recording the fate of the Jews of Warsaw.

1943: The Nazis continued the transport of Greek Jews from Salonika to Auschwitz. Salonika was an ancient Jewish community.  It became a haven for Sephardic Jews when they fled Spain at the end of the fifteenth century.  It was renowned center for kabalistic studies.  In 1943, Elie Veissi, a journalist, formed an all Jewish resistance group at Salonika.  Veissi supplied valuable information to the British about Nazi activities in Greece.  But he and his group failed in their main mission - saving the Jews of Salonika.  A few thousand escaped to Athens, but most of the rest perished in the camps. Some of you know about the Jews of Salonika because of their unique music. Some of it was captured in a recording called Kol Salonika.  You may have heard their haunting melody for verses five and six of the 118th Psalm – Min hameitzar karati Ya, anani vemerchav, Out of my distress I called upon the Lord and He set me free.  .  The other famous song is entitled Kol Ha-Olam Kulo - "The entire world is a narrow bridge; the main thing is not to fear." (I realize this has been a little lengthy, but one of the lessons of Jewish History is that Holocaust Memorial Day should be plural, not singular, event.)

1943: In a rare case of open police resistance to the arrest and murder of Jews of Europe during WWII, 12 Dutch military policemen including 23-year-old Henk Drogt refused orders to round up the remaining local Jews in Grootegast, Holland. The policemen were pressured and threatened by their commanders with incarceration at a concentration camp themselves, but steadfastly refused to carry out the orders. The group was subsequently arrested and taken to the Vught concentration camp in the Southern Netherlands.  Drogt would evade capture until his arrest in August of 1943.  He was executed in April of 1944.  In 2010, he received the State of Israel's highest honor for non-Jews on Monday at Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial.

1943: An audience of 40,000 gathered in New York’s Madison Square Garden to watch “We Will Never Die”  “a dramatic pageant” designed “to raise public awareness of the ongoing mass murder of Europe's Jews. It was organized and written by screenwriter and author Ben Hecht and produced by Billy Rose and Ernst Lubitsch. The musical score was composed by Kurt Weill and staged by Moss Hart. The pageant starred Edward G. Robinson and Paul Muni and subsequently traveled to other cities nationwide.”


1944(14th of Adar, 5704): Purim

1944: Today marked the second and final day of the “Liquidation of the Theresienstadt concentration camp to which “approximately 144,000 Jews, most of whom were Czech citizens” had been sent approximately 33,000 of whom had died” and whose remaining inmates were on their way to Auschwitz.

1944: The American Palestine Committee is scheduled to sponsor a national conference” in Washington today “to promote "American Christian" support for the opening of Jewish immigration into Palestine…”

1945: “Seeks Voice at Parley” published today described demands by the American Zionist Emergency Council to have Jewish representation “at the San Francisco conference” when “all matter affecting Palestine and the future of the Jewish people” are discussed.

1946(6th of Adar II, 5706): Parashat Pekudi

1946: “Establishment of a two million college in Brooklyn to train students for teaching Hebrew and promote the study of Hebrew Ideals and culture is proposed in a bill offered in the state legislature by Assemblyman Bernard Austin.”

1947: In Tunis, Hnuna and Shimon gave birth to Yedhuda Galili who made Aliyah in 1956 and died aboard the Dakar, a submarine lost with all hands on board in 1968.

1947: The first unauthorized immigrant ship known to have been sent to Palestine by the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation was taken into government custody today. The ship which was known variously as the SS Ben Hecht and/or the SS Abril was filled with 599 Jewish refugees including 385 men, 194 women and 20 children.  All of the refugees were placed on two ferries by the British and sent immediately to displaced persons camps in Cyprus. 

1947: According to Jack Bernstein, who served as a Seaman aboard the SS Abril (Ben Hecht) “at 05:33 A.M. the HMS Octavia came along side, secured a line and towed the Ben Hecht to Haifa” where “the British took the American crew members to Akko Prison” and shipped the “passengers  to Detention Camp Number 66.”

1947: “Troops fired over the heads of a number of Jews in the marital-law area of Jerusalem” because officials said they were “’too slow in returning to their homes when the daily curfew was re-imposed at 5 P.M.’”

1947: British policed reported that 25 “suspected terrorists” have been arrested in Tel Aviv in the last 24 hours.

1948: In Los Angeles, Henry and Phoebe Ephron gave birth author to Hallie Ephron, the sister of Nora, Amy and Delia Ephron.

1948: Jacob Joseph Kohn, the American-born clothing salesman” is still being held by the Paris police having been charged with complicity in the illegal collection of arms seized recently in Paris that were “allegedly collected for use by the Jews in Palestine.”  (Editor’s Note – this is an example of the double standard of the time. The arms embargo was enforced against the Jews but the Arabs, because they were part of nation states had unlimited access to modern military equipment.)

1948: Birthdate of American artist Eric Fischl.

1949: During Operation Uvda, one unit from Alexandroni Brigade captured Ein Gedi while another unit captured Masada.

1949(8th of Adar, 5709): University of Cincinnati trained attorney Alfred Morton Cohen, the Cincinnati born son of Phebe Phillips and Morton Cohen and the husband of Millie Phillips who served as a state legislator and city councilman passed away today.

1949: In Chicago, “Nathan Hirsch, a businessman, and the former Mollie Shulman, who worked in a bank loan department” gave birth to Dr. Arnold Richard Hirsch, the University of Illinois trained historian best known for chronicling the story of housing segregation. (As reported Sewell Chan)

1949: During Operation Uvda, “Golani forces captured Gharandal and proceeded to Ein Ghadyan (now Yotvata).”

1949: During the War for Independence, two IDF units set off to take Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba


1950: A special meeting of the board of directors at the Astor Hotel is held to announce the formation of the Amun-Israeli House Corporation that “will finance $20,000,000 worth of housing construction” in Israel.  The lack of adequate housing is one of the Jewish state’s most pressing problems and this effort which enjoys support from a diverse group that includes Nelson Rockefeller and the leaders of the I.L.G.W.U. represents a major effort to provide both immediate and long term relief.

1950:  It was officially announced tonight that Turkey “has accorded full diplomatic recognition” to the state of Israel.

1950: The Swedish government issued a report today accusing the Israeli police of demonstrating grave negligence in investigating the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte which had taken place in September of 1948.

1950: AT&T announced today that it has created a new direct circuit between New York and Tel Aviv which will improve phone service between the major cities.  Calls can only be made between 7 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon at a cost of $12 for the first three minutes.

1951: Birthdate of Michael Kinsley, journalist and founder of Slate.

1951: The Pan American Games, during which Byron “Krieger won gold medals in team foil and team sabre and the team silver in épée” came to an end today in Buenos Aires.”

1951: Almost thirty thousand Iraqi Jews had signed up for immigration for Israel as of today.  Today was the deadline the Iraqi government had set for this registration.  Registration meant giving up their Iraqi citizenship which meant that as of this date these people were "stateless."

1952(12th of Adar, 5712): Israel Gerstein, the husband of Cecilia F. Gerstein and the father of Tillie and Maurice Gerstein passed away today after which he was buried in the Tifereth Anshai Sfard Cemetery in Lawrence, MA.

1952: Sioux City native and Air Force veteran Morris Mirkin the founder of Budget Rent-A-Car married his first wife Judith Carole Lindenberg today after which they had three children – Jeffrey, Margaux and Mitchell.

1952: Birthdate of Amir Petertz, the native of Morocco whose family made Aliyah in 1956. A Labor Party MK, he has served as Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that in Moscow following the death of Stalin,Georgi Malenkov, 51, was appointed the head of the Soviet Union while Molotov, Beria, Bulganin and Kaganovitch had been named as his deputies. Israel was one of the few countries which were not invited to Stalin’s funeral.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel had been divided into six administrative districts: three urban: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa, and three rural: the Northern, Central and South.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that fifteen marauders were killed and 11 captured during the past week.

1954: CBS broadcast the final episode of Clifton Fadiman’s “This Is Show Business.”

1954: CBS television broadcasts the See It Now episode, "A Report on Senator Joseph McCarthy," that featured Ed Murrow at his finest. Fred Friendly, a Jewish television producer born in New York, joined forces with Murrow to produce all of the See It Now episodes. CBS was owned by William Paley who was also Jewish.  Their ethnic origins had nothing to do with this choice of programming.  In fact, Paley, like so many other Jews in the print and electronic media, bent over backwards to avoid any connection between being Jewish and the product they offered.

1955(15th of Adar, 5715): Shushan Purim

1955(15th of Adar, 5715): Sixty-four-year-old Columbia trained physician Dr. Ernst Phillip Boas, the Worcester, MA born son of “Franz Boas, regarded by many as the father of modern anthropology” and the former Marie Krackowizer,  who served as the Captain in Medical Corps of the U.S. Army during WW II before becoming the Director of the Montefiore Hospital for Chronic Diseases starting in 1921 while raising three children – Barbara, Donald and Norman – with his wife “the former Helen Sisson” whom he married in 1917, passed away today.

1956: In Finland, premiere of “The Rose Tatoo” directed by Daniel Mann, produced by Hal B. Wallis with a script co-authored by Hal Kanter.

1956: It was reported today that “eleven Orthodox deans of Jewish seminaries have signed a directive declaring that joint action with more liberal rabbis is "prohibited by Torah law."

1959: Barbie, the popular girls' doll, debuted. Over 800 million have been sold marking another Jewish business success brought to us, in this case, by Ruth Mosko Handler.


1959: “Juno, a musical with music and lyrics by Marc Blitzstein and book by Joseph Stein” “premiered on Broadway at the Winter Garden Theatre” today.

1959: In New York City, “Edie L. (Greene), a merchandise manager, and Murray A. Price, a car leasing company owner” gave birth to theatric actor, writer and director Lonny Price.

1960(10th of Adar, 5720): Forty-seven-year-old Richard L. Neuberger, the junior Senator from Oregon passed away unexpectedly today as the result of a cerebral hemorrhage.
1962: “Knife in the Water” a film nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film directed by Roman Polanski who co-authored the script along with Jakub Goldberg was released in Poland team.

1962: Egyptian President Nasser declared that Gaza belonged to the Palestinians. Of course, Gaza was occupied by Egypt from 1948 until 1967.  No attempt was made to turn the government over to the Palestinians at the time of this declaration.  In fact, the Palestinians were trapped in Gaza without meaningful economic assistance from their Arab brethren.

1963: The 1963 NCAA Division I Basketball Tournament which would provide a showcase for the talents of Duke’s Art Heyman opened today.

1963: Allan Sherman’s “My Son The Celebrity” reached #1 on Billboard’s Top 150 Best Sell LP’s Chart.

1964: Sir Alfred Knox, who in 1932 while serving in the House of Commons raised the possibility of Palestine become a source of suppl of oil for the British Navy, passed away today.

1965(5th of Adar II, 5725): Just nine days before his 78th birthday, Abraham Abelson passed away after which he was buried at the Jewish Peoples Cemetery in East Haven, CT.

1968: Today, while serving with the U.S. Army in Viet Nam Jack S. Jacobs performed so heroically that earned the Medal of Honor for Valor. “Although seriously wounded and bleeding profusely, he assumed command and ordered a withdrawal. He then repeatedly returned through heavy fire, to rescue other wounded including the company commander and treated their wounds. On three occasions he repelled Viet Cong squads who were also searching for wounded American soldiers in the same area, killing three and wounding several others.”


1968: CBS broadcast the final episode of “Good Morning, World” a sitcom created by Sam Denoff, Carl Reiner and Sheldon and co-starring Goldie Hawn.

1968: Birthdate of Adam Carl Adamowicz, “concept artist whose paintings of exotic landscapes, monsters and elaborately costumed heroes and villains formed the visual foundation for two of the most popular single-player role-playing video games of all time” – Fallout3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. (As reported by Daniel E. Slotnik)

1969: The chief of staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces was killed today during the War of Attrition. Today marked the second day of Egypt’s attempt to destroy the Bar Lev using massive artillery bombardments.  While General Abdul Munim Riad was at the front to personally viewing the product of his handiwork, he was mortally wounded by Israeli artillery that had been fired in response to the Egyptian assault.

1970: A meeting of over 100 investors interested in financing tourist development projects in Israel will meet today in Jerusalem today.  The government will unveil its plans to provide support for these efforts.

1971: “When Eight Bells Toll” the film version of the novel of the same name produced by Elliot Kastner and Jerry Gershwin was released in the United Kingdom.

1972(23rd of Adar, 5732): Fifty year old Israeli diplomat and former intelligence officer Yaakov Herzog, the son of Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog and the brother of Chaim Herzog who was trained as a rabbi and a lawyer passed away today.

1977: About a dozen armed Hanafi Muslims invaded three buildings in Washington D.C., killing one person and taking more than 130 hostages. The siege ended two days later. The three buildings were the District Building (city hall), the Islamic Center and, surprise, surprise the national headquarters of B’nai B’rith. And you thought terrorism like this only started with Osama and company.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that the US refused to consider any new sale of arms to Israel, despite Defense Minister Ezer Weizmann’s pressing requests, until the conclusion of the current Carter-Begin summit meetings and negotiations.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel has started the commercial exploitation of oil from the Alma II and III wells, situated near a-Tur in the Gulf of Suez.

1979: President Carter is scheduled to meet with President Sadat in Egypt today before traveling to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Begin.

1980: Wrong Number on Israel published today

1981: According to reports published today, 19,000 Iranian Jews have made Aliyah since the fall of the Shah and the rise of the Ayotollah and his fundamentalist forces.

1982(14th of Adar, 5742): Purim

1982: Pola Nirenska, a Polish-born dancer and choreographer who first came to the United States with Mary Wigman's company from Germany in 1932, presented ''An Evening of Choreography'' to night in George Washington University's Marvin Theater.

1984(5th of Adar II, 5744): Seventy-two-year-old movie producer Hannah Weinstein passed away today.

1984: “Splash” a romantic comedy produced by Brian Grazer, with a script by Lowell Ganz, Babaloo Mandel and Bruce Jay Friedman with a cast that included Eugene Levy and Howie Morris was released in the United States today.

1985: As part of its pre-Broadway run the curtain came down on a month long performance of Neil Simon’s “Biloxi Blues” at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco which was its last stop before opening in New York

1987(8th of Adar, 5747): Fifty-year-old Pottsville, PA native and musical preservationist Allen Jaffe the owner of Preservation Hall, that musical mecca that was always jam-packed even though it was the only venue in the French Quarter that did not sell alcohol passed away today.

1989: “The Heidi Chronicles” by Wendy Wasserstein opened on Broadway today.

1989: At the Lotus Club in Manhattan, Rabbi Saul I. Teplitz officiated at the wedding of NYU trained attornev Ellen Minsky and Wharton trained television producer Richard Diamon.

1990(12th of Adar, 5750): Eighty-two-year-old Cambridge born, and Harvard trained attorney Harold Rosenwald who was a member of the Alger Hiss defense team passed away today.

1990: “Coup de Ville” a “comedy-drama” directed by Joe Roth and co-starring Alan Arkin was released in the United States today.

1991(23rd of Adar, 5751): Parsashat Vayakhel-Pekudi; Shabbat Parah

1992(4th of Adar II, 5752): Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin died in Tel Aviv at age 78. Regardless of your view of his politics, Begin was one of the central characters in the Zionist movement whom we will study in depth. Begin was the heir to Jabotinsky and the founder of what today is the Likud Party.  In other words, he was the leader of the Jewish opposition to the Labor Zionists personified by Ben Gurion.  Begin was the founder and leader of the Irgun.  He was the first right wing Prime Minister of Israel.  Most important of all, he negotiated the peace treaty with Sadat that ended the state of war that had existed with Egypt since 1948.

1993: In “Philip Roth Sees Double. And Maybe Triple, Too” Esther B. Fein examines the author’s latest work, Operation Shylock.

1994(26th of Adar, 5754):  Lawrence E. Spivak, creator of Meet the Press passed away at the age of 93.  On radio and then on television, Meet the Press was billed as the live press conference of the air.  With Spivak sometimes serving as the moderator and sometimes as a member of the four person panel, American and foreign government officials took part in a thirty minute unrehearsed question and answer session.  While the programs were marked by an air of civility, the members of the print and electronic media asked real questions and the guests were expected to provide real answers.

1996(18th of Adar, 5756): Comedian George Burns passed away at the age 100.

1996(18th of Adar, 5756): Fifty-one-year-old Imar Ambrose of Romania succumbed to the wounds he had suffered during the Jaffa Road bus bombing on March 3rd.

1997: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Blood and Water: Sabotaging Hitler's Bomb by Dan Kurzman, Southernmost And Other Stories by Michael Brodsky and The Stories of David Bergelson:Yiddish Short Fiction From Russia by David Bergelson.

1999(21st of Adar, 5759): Hermann Merkin, the native of Leipzig who fled Nazi German and in 1940 arrived in the United States where, in turn, he served in the Army, founded the investment firm of Merkin and Company and became a philanthropist whose good works including the founding of the Fifth Avenue Synagogue.

2000: Barbra Streisand began her tour of Australia with a concert at the Sydney Football Stadium.

2001(14th of Adar, 5761): Purim observed for the first time under President George W. Bush.

2001(14th of Adar, 5761): Eighty-two-year-old “William Hammerstein, the director and producer who was the eldest child of Oscar Hammerstein II, and directed the 1979 Broadway revival of his father's Oklahoma!, died today of complications following a stroke suffered Jan. 6, according to Theodore S. Chapin, president of The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization.”

2001: “Get Over It,” a comedy featuring Mila Kunis was released today in the United States.

2002(25th of Adar, 5762): Shabbat HaChodesh2002(25th of Adar, 5762): Limor Ben-Shoham, 27, of Jerusalem; Nir Rahamim Borochov, 22, of Givat Ze'ev; Danit Dagan, 25, of Tel Aviv; Livnat Dvash, 28, of Jerusalem; Tali Eliyahu, 26, of Jerusalem;Uri Felix, 25, of Givat Ze'ev; Dan Imani, 23, of Jerusalem; Natanel Kochavi, 31, of Kiryat Ata; Baruch Lerner-Naor, 28, of Eli;Orit Ozarov, 28, of Jerusalem and Avraham Haim Rahamim, 29, of Jerusalem were murdered by an Arab terrorist and 54 more people were murdered  at the Café Moment in Jerusalem “about 100 meters from the home of the Prime Minister.

2003: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of interest to Jewish readers including Regions of the Great Heresay: Bruno Schulz: A Biographical Portrait by Jerzy Ficowski, Down and Out in the Magic by Cory Doctorow and the recently released paperback edition of Me Times Three, by Alex Witchel.

2004: “Abu Abbas, the Palestinian mastermind of a deadly 1985 cruise ship hijacking in which 69 year old Leon Klinghoffer, an American passenger in a wheelchair was shot and thrown into the sea, has died at a prison in Iraq, a Pentagon spokesman said today.”

2005: “The author of a damning report about the illegal financing of settlement outposts recommended today that Israel consider criminal investigations of some of those involved, in particular the settlements adviser to the Defense Ministry, Ron Shechner.”

2006: There was a palpable air of excitement at the Kraft Family Stadium, as two-time Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady of the New England Patriots made a special visit to see what American Football in Israel was all about,

2007: Robert Alan “Bob” Levinson “was taken hostage” today “when visiting Iran’s Kish Island

2007: John Zorn’s Masada Quartet is scheduled to perform on of its last concert at Lincoln Center.

2008: Novelist and former Roman Catholic priest James Carroll discusses his 2001 book Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews: A History at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

2008: The Sunday New York Times featured reviews of Beaufort, a novel by Israeli author Ron Lehsem, translated by Evan Fallenberg, The Life of the Skies by Jonathan Rosen and a collection of  four short works of fiction by French novelist and Holocaust victim by by Irène Némirovsky including David Golder, The Ball, Snow In Autumn and The Courilof Affair.

2008: In “A Family Tree of Literary Fakers,” published today Motoko Rich traces famous literary frauds including Clifford Irving’s “biography of Howard Hughes,” Binjamin Wilkomirski’s 1996 phony memoir, Fragments describing how he survived as a Latvian Jewish orphan in a Nazi concentration camp and Misha Defonseca’s book, Misha: A Mémoire of the Holocaust Years about a childhood spent running from the Nazis and searching for her deported parents; a childhood that did not happen.

2008: The Washington Post book section featured a review of Founding Faith: Providence, Politics, and the Birth of Religious Freedom in America by Steven Waldman.  Founding Faith takes up two central questions about religion in early America. First, what did such Founding Fathers as Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison usually believe? And second, how did it come about that the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees that "Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"? The answers to these questions carry implications for Jewish Americans since the role of religion and religious freedom has allowed the American Jewish community to think of itself as a unique element that will transcend past Jewish experiences in other societies and countries.

2008(2 Adar II, 5768): Twenty-year-old Sergeant Liran Banay, who was critically wounded last Thursday when a bomb was detonated near an IDF vehicle patrolling the Gaza security fence, died of his wounds on Sunday morning. The Givati Brigade soldier, who lost both legs as a result of Thursday’s explosion, died in Soroka Hospital in Ashkelon.

2009: WebYeshiva started the WebYeshiva Blog today. “The WebYeshiva Blog presents a variety of posts daily in audio, video, and text format, and features regular columns such as the weekly Parsha, Haftora, Nach, Business Ethics, Aggada, and Jewish Philosophy. Both WebYeshiva students and teachers also make regular contributions, and WebYeshiva's Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Chaim Brovender, posts a video Halacha Yomit every day.” “WebYeshiva, founded in 2007 by Rabbi Chaim Brovender, was the first online yeshiva and midrasha.

2009 (13 Adar 5769): Fast of Esther

2009: In the evening, Megillah Reading

2009: Economist Nouriel Roubini, the Turkish born son of Iranian Jews who spent part of his youth living in Israel and who was the “man who predicted the current financial crisis said the US recession could drag on for years without drastic action…Roubini sees ‘no hope for the recession ending in 2009 and will more than likely last into 2010.’”

2009: Police arrested two Arab youths carrying a commando blade in the Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood of Jerusalem today foiling a stabbing attack. During a preliminary investigation, the pair said they had planned on carrying out a terror attack.

2009: In “Bad Guy Inspires Goodies,’ published today in the Cedar Rapids Gazette, columnist Cecilia Hanley provides a brief account about Purim, the history of Hamantaschen and a recipe for a pastry that she likened to the Kolache, a pastry popular with the Czech population that settled Cedar Rapids and is still a unique local delicacy.

2009: In “The Perfect Hamantaschen” published today Deborah Gardner attempts to settle the dispute between those who prefer prune and those who munch on “mun.”

2010: The winners of the National Jewish Book Award are scheduled to be honored today in New York City. The names of the winners had been made public in January. Toronto author Joseph Kertes won the 59th annual National Jewish Book Award for Fiction for his novel, "Gratitude." Other National Jewish Book Award winners include Hasia Diner, author of "We Remember with Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence after the Holocaust, 1945-1962" (New York University Press), the American Jewish Studies' Celebrate 350 Award; Melvin Urofsky, the Everett Family Foundation Jewish Book of the Year Award for "Louis D. Brandeis: A Life (Pantheon Books); Daniel Gordis, for "Saving Israel: How the Jewish People Can Win a War That May Never End" (John Wiley & Sons), the Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice Award. Ellen Frankel and Avi Katz of the Jewish Publication Society won the Louis Posner Memorial Award in Illustrated Children’s Books for the JPS Illustrated Children’s Bible. Sir Jonathan Sacks, the chief rabbi of England, won the Dorot Foundation Award in memory of Joy Ungerleider Mayerson in Modern Jewish Thought & Experience for his "Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible, Genesis: The Beginnings" (Koren Publishers).

2010: David Nemeth is scheduled to be the instructor at this evening’s session of How to Give A D’var Torah at Adas Israel in Washington, D.C.

2011: Alan Joseph Shatter, Irish political leader, began serving as Minister for Justice and Eguality

2011(3rd of Adar II, 5771): Seventy-two-year-old “Owen Laster, one of the most powerful literary agents of his generation, who ran William Morris’s worldwide literary operations and had a long list of best-selling writers that included James A. Michener and Gore Vidal”, passed away today (As reported by William Grimes)

2011: Calvin Goldscheider (Professor Emeritus of Judaic Studies, Brown University), Max Ticktin (Professor of Judaic Studies, George Washington University), Susan K. Finston (CEO and Managing Director, Amrita Therapeutics Ltd.), Steve Rabinowitz (future emeritus president and CEO of Rabinowitz-something Communications), and a special mystery guest speaker are scheduled to appear at Washington DC's 20th Annual Latke-Hamantash Symposium at Adas Israel.

2011: The Lillian & Albert Small Jewish Museum is scheduled to host “From Shtetl to City: Travel in the Old Jewish Heartland” featuring author Ruth Ellen Gruber.

2011: As Jerusalem prepared for the possibility of a snowstorm, Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat asked the public “to be responsible” “during an inspection of the city’s emergency snow plans at the Givat Shaul maintenance center.

2011: Today the Knesset approved the initial reading of a bill which proposes an end to allowing companies to discriminate against customers based on where they live, a law which could potentially benefit West bank cities and residents. "

2011: UK Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks was honored by Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba today for his exceptional work as “a widely published theologian and philosopher, whose aspirations for truth and mutual respect of all peoples guide his actions.”

2011: According to an article entitled “50 Famous Travel Spots Every Literary Geek Should See” published today by the website “Online Courses must see spots include the following four spots of special interest to followers of Jewish history.

  1. The Secret Annex: Amsterdam has converted The Secret Annex into the Anne Frank Museum, preserving the memory of lives lost and destroyed when Nazis discovered their hiding place.

2.     Auschwitz-Birkenau: Holocaust literature frequently relates horrific tales of the Auschwitz concentration camp, most notably Night and Maus, and today it stands as a somber reminder of humanity’s capacity for senseless cruelty. Buchenwald also appears in many memoirs as well.

3.     Algonquin Hotel: This lush Midtown Manhattan locale used to host the Algonquin Round Table, consisting of New York’s finest wits. Their meetings resulted in a plethora of fictitious and non-fictitious works alike, most famously the bulk of Dorothy Parker’s oeuvre. Parker was born Dorothy Rothschild, the daughter of German-Jew who was not related to the famous banking house.

4.     Dublin, Ireland: Visit the Irish capital on June 16th for Bloomsday, a festival honoring James Joyce’s modernist magnum opus Ulysses. Readings and walks bring the brick of a novel to life, allowing celebrants to follow in the footsteps of iconic protagonist Leopold Bloom. Although fictious, Bloom may be Ireland’s most famous Jews.

2011(3rd of Adar II): Anniversary of the dedication of the Second Temple which took placed on the 3rd of Adar, 3412 (349 BCE)

2011(3rd of Adar II, 5771): Seventy-two-year-old Owen Laster, a literary agent for William Morris passed away.

2012: In Washington, DC,  at Tifereth Israel,  Artist in Residence Alison Westermann is scheduled to kick off a weekend of “Translating Text Into Song” with a Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat Service.

 2012: “Footnote” – the Oscar nominated tale of a rivalry between two Talmudic scholars who are father and son – is scheduled to pen Angelika Film Center and Lincoln Plaza Cinema.

2012: Two senior terrorists were killed in Gaza today after IDF aircraft targeted a vehicle in the Strip, the army confirmed. One of the fatalities is Zuhir al-Qaisi, the secretary-general of the Popular Resistance Committees terror group, Palestinian sources said. The second terrorist killed in the strike is Ahmad al-Khanini, a senior PRC member freed in the Shalit prisoner swap, the Palestinians said. The senior terrorist killed in an IDF strike today was planning a major terror attack on Israeli targets near the Egypt border, army officials said. Zuhir al-Qaisi, also known as Abu Ibraim, was planning a mega-attack in recent days that could have resulted in numerous casualties, the army said. The planned multipronged terror strike was to originate from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, military officials said.

 (As reported by Yoav Zitun)

2012: More than 30 rockets were fired from Gaza into southern Israel tonight, leaving at least eight people injured, one of them seriously.

2013: “No Place On Earth” is scheduled to have its Minnesota Premiere this evening at the Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival.

2013: AMIT is scheduled to host “A Night of Israeli Cinema” at Tribeca Cinemas.

2013: The Eden-Tamir Music is scheduled to host a concert “Loving Brahms” today in Jerusalem.

2014: In Coralville, Iowa, Agudas Achim is scheduled to host its annual Purim Carnival under the leadership of Rabbi Jeff Portman.

2014: “The Sturgeon Queens,” a documentary about Russ & Daughters is scheduled to be shown in Boulder, CO.

2014: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host “The Whole Megillah: A Family Purim Program featuring a Puppet Show and Art Project.”

2014: The Washington DC JCC is scheduled to host the 4th Annual Community Day of Education on Israeli Arab Issues.

2014: The JCC of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host a Pre-Purim Pajama Party.

2014: The 24th annual Washington Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to come to an end.

2014: David Brooks is scheduled to lecture on “Genius, God and Morality” at the 92nd Street Y.

2014: The third bi-annual LimmudFest New Orleans is scheduled to come to an end.

2014: The New York Times published reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Genesis: Truman, American Jews and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli Conflict by John Judis and The Double Life of Paul De Man by Evelyn Barish

2014: In “Eulogy for a Source” published today, Helen Epstein remembers Jiri Fiedler, who along with his wife was murdered at the end of January.

2014: In Eilat, this morning, Israeli troops unloaded some 150 containers, suspected of holding illicit Iranian arms, from a ship seized several days earlier in the Red Sea

2014: Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews filled the streets in lower Manhattan today to protest Israel’s proposal to draft strictly religious citizens into its army.

2015: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host a field trip to The National Museum of American Jewish History which is featuring a an exhibited “that examines the role that Jews have played in the American Military from 1654 to present.”

2015: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host an evening with the Meitar Ensemble which was “founded in 2004 in Tel Aviv by artistic director Amit Dolberg.

2015: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host a screening of “Above and Beyond,” “the first major feature length-documentary about the foreign airman” who served in the War of Independence in 1948 produced by Nancy Spielberg.

2015: “A state attorney announced today that the Israel Prize for Literary Scholarship will not be awarded this year, after a month-long controversy over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s intervention in the composition of the judges’ panel.” (As reported by Tamar Pileggi)

2016: Today, Mitchell “Schwartz signed a 5-year, $33 million contract with the Kansas City Chiefs, making him one of the highest-paid right tackles in the NFL.”

2016: Steven Gimbel, a Professor of Philosophy at Gettysburg College and author Einstein: The Man is scheduled to speak at Stevens Tech in Hoboken, NJ.

2016(29th of Adar I, 5776): Eighty-six-year-old investment mogul John Gutfreund passed away today.

2016: “Everything Is Illuminated” a favorite of festival chairman John Dreyfus is scheduled to be shown at the Houston Jewish Film Festival.

2016: Today, “Dos Equis Beer announced that it would replace Jonathan Goldsmith in the role as the "Most Interesting Man in the World",

2016: “The Midnight Orchestra” is scheduled to be shown at the Charlotte, NC Jewish Film Festival.

2017(11th of Adar, 5777): Ta’anit Esther

2017: Michael D. Cohen, the son of a Holocaust survivor the lawyer and confidant of Donald Trump who personally paid off “porn start Stormy Daniels” registered as a Republican today.

2017:  The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to co-host an evening with Tuvia Temebom” the author of The Lies They Tell Us who will talk about “What American Really Think About Jews And Israel.”

2018: “Israeli dance master Roy Assaf’s ‘Girls and Boys’” is scheduled to pend for a month-long run at the Suzanne Dellal Centre in Tel Aviv today. (As reported by Stacey Menchel Kussell)

2018: Rabbi Eli Glaser is scheduled to run “the Jerusalem Marathon in memory of, and motivated by Rafael Shachar Weissberg” who succumbed to “a debilitating neurological illness” last year at the age of 37.

2018: In New York, the Sephardic Jewish Film Festival is “dark” this evening because of Shabbat but is scheduled to continue on March 10.

2018: In New York, the Landmark Theatre is scheduled to host a screening of “Itzhak,” a film that “explores Perlman’s remarkable biography as an immigrant of humble origins and a childhood victim of polio who went from young violin prodigy (debuting at 13 on “The Ed Sullivan Show”) to established international star, balancing a demanding performance schedule with a robust family life.”

2018: “The Diary of Anne Frank,” featuring Serena Collins as “Margot Frank” is scheduled to premiere at Theatre Cedar Rapids in Cedar Rapids, IA.

2019: The Jewish Book Week Festival is scheduled to host a panel of Ruth Deech, Trudy Gold, Rod Liddle and David Triesman chaired by Gavin Esler discussing “Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred.”

2019: Final performance of “Fiddler on the Roof” starring Andy Nyman as Tevye is scheduled to take place this evening at The Menier Chocolate Factory.

2019: In Vallejo, CA, Congregation B’nai Israel is scheduled to host the Klezmer music concert with the Haimish Music Band.

2019: The Fattal Rock Festival is scheduled to come an end at Eilat.

2019: The New York Sephardi Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Mori-Shabazy’s Riddle” directed by Israela Sha’ar Meoded.

2019(2nd of Adar II, 5779): Parashat Pekuday;

2020: The Berkeley Center for Jewish studies is scheduled to host Jelena Subotic, assistant professor at Georgia State, talks about her new book, Yellow Star, Red Star that looks at “the suppression and obfuscation of Holocaust memories in Eastern Europe.”

2020: JSwipe, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters, the ADL, the AJC, Apptopia, Lanky and the Fens and Urbanites Boston are scheduled to host “the most anticipated young professionals Purim event in Boston!”

2020: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “Escape from Pretoria.”

2020: In Cedar Rapids, the Megillah reading is scheduled to be followed by a meal that include Pizza along with Hamantaschen

2020: This evening in Iowa City, Hillel and Congregation Agudas Achim will co-host a Hamantaschen Baking event followed by a reading of the Megillah.

2020(13th of Adar, 5780): Fast of Esther: Erev Purim

2021: The Lubavitch of Arkansas Center for Jewish Life, under the leadership of Rabbi Pinchas Ciment, is scheduled to host an “interactive live music concert featuring Tali Yess, “the son of the late Moshe Yess, a true music legend who created my popular Jewish songs like My Zaidy, Our Land and The Angel Song.”

2021: Congregation Beth Israel’s Rabbi Yonatan Cohen is scheduled to lead an online session about how to engage kids and adults at the Passover table

2021: SFSU’s Office of Diversity, Student Equity and Interfaith Programs, in association with S.F. Hillel, is scheduled to present a conversation with professor and Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt of Emory University on “Antisemitism on College Campuses.”

2021: Members of Temple Judea are scheduled to participate in an act of tikkun olam as they contribute to sandwiches to the Help Feed the Hungry program sponsored by St. George’s Soup Kitchen.

2021: As part of the “celebration of Jewish Women’s History Month,” the Lappin Foundation is scheduled to present online a discussion of the new documentary “The One and Only Jewish Miss America.”

2021: In New Orleans, the Hadassah Reader’s Circle is scheduled to discuss Mortality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks.

2021: Based on reports published yesterday that Israel has administered its 5 millionth coronavirus vaccination, the country is able to contemplate relaxing some of the virus-related restrictions.

2022: Sephardi Thought and Modernity 2022 Webinar Series is scheduled to present Deborah Starr (Cornell University) and Eyal Sagui Bizawe (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Nostalgia as Critique: The Case of Jews in Egyptian Cinema.

2022: The King Lecture Series which preserves the work of UCSC History and Comparative Religion professor Noel Q. King, promotes and explores the dialogue between faiths is scheduled to present a lecture feature award-winning author Dara Horn whose latest work is People Love Dead Jews.

2023: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to present a Julie Salamon and Michael Schulman as they discuss his new book, Oscar Wars: History of Hollywood in Cold, Sweat and Tears.

2023: The Jewish Museum of London is scheduled to mark the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine with a “conversation” centering on three Ukrainian spices used for Havdalah that will be led by Dr Domenico Sergi, Senior Curator, Museum of London and a panel that includes Sabina Artemieva, who fled Ukraine with her son, Prof David Cantor, Director of The Refugee Law Initiative and Mark O’Neill, Associate Professor in the College of Arts at Glasgow University.

2023: The 2023 New Orleans Book Festival at Tulane co-charied by Walter Isaacson is scheduled to open today.

2023: In London, the Wiener Holocaust Memorial Library is scheduled to host a virtual panel discussing More Than Parcels: Wartime Aid for Jews in Nazi-Era Camps and Ghettos edited by Jan Lanicek and Jan Lambertz.

2023: The JWA Book Talk series is scheduled to host a conversation with Nell McShane Wulfhart, author of The Great Stewardess Rebellion.

2023: Prime Minister Netanyahu is scheduled to fly to Italy today, but based on previously published reports he will be flying on a Boeing 737 because his plane of choice the Boeing 777 is not available because he pilots qualified to fly the 777s operated by Israel’s El Al airline reportedly refused to fly the prime minister” a part of the protest against his plans to reform the judiciary.

2023: The Cleveland Jewish Book Festival is scheduled to host Jean Meltzer, author of Mr. Perfect on Paper and Lynda Cohen Loigman, author of The Matchmaker’s Perfect Gift.

2024: In Iowa City, the traditional, egalitarian Hawkeye Minyan is scheduled to meet at the Iowa City Public Library.

2024: In Jerusalem, Agnon House is scheduled to host a reading “To My Father’s House” followed by a discussion on “the tumultuous relationship between parents and children, which lasts a lifetime and even more” led by Adin Ner-David.

2024: On the same day that those kidnapped by Hamas spend their 155th day in captivity, the “March for Gaza” sponsored by a group “that supports Hamas” on its Facebook page and is described as “anti-Semitic” by the Quad-Cities Jewish clergy is scheduled to take place today.

2024: In Little Rock, following Mincha Lubavitch of Arkansas led by Rabbi Pincas Ciment is scheduled host a “sponsored in honor of the birthday of Yisroel Aryeh Leib Mockin.”

2024: The Eden-Tamir Music Center is scheduled “Romantic Nationalism” a chamber music concert featuring Dima Pocitari, violin; Kirill Mihanovsky, cello and Julia Gurvitch, piano.

2024: In Metairie, LA, The Seymour Schram Private Foundation is scheduled to sponsor the Havdalah Event at Congregation Beth Israel this evening.

2024: “Major rising-star conductor Lahav Shani is scheduled to perform with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra in their first collaboration at Carnegie Hall.”

2024 (29th of Adar I, 5784): Shabbat Shekalim

For more see

2024: As March 9th begins in Israel, the Hamas held hostages begin day 155 in captivity.  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)