10 Mar 2024

Much of America asks: Where did winter go? Spring starts early as US winter was warmest on record
Across much of America and especially in the normally chilly north, the country went through the winter months without, well, winter.

Unexpected signals from Voyager 1 baffle engineers after 46 years of service
Over four decades after its launch and more than 24 billion km (15 billion miles) away from Earth, Voyager 1’s journey took an unexpected turn in November 2023 when it started sending back incomprehensible signals from the edge of the solar system, sparking concern and curiosity among the team at NASA.

End Times: Microsoft’s AI Claimed to be God and Demanded to be Worshipped… 
Is this a warning of the end times?

Haiti Is Collapsing: Interior Ministry Set on Fire, Presidential Palace Attacked – PM Henry Faces Mounting Internal and External Pressure To Resign 
The present situation in Haiti defies our capacity for hyperbole. After more than a week of widespread violence and chaos, the country is politically adrift as Prime Minster Ariel Henry can’t even return to the country, and faces both internal and international pressure to resign.

The Coming Of The Police State In America
The National Guard and the State Police are now patrolling the New York City subway system in an attempt to do something about the explosion of crime. As part of this, there are bag checks and new surveillance of all passengers. No legislation, no debate, just an edict from the mayor.

“Sabotage, Shoddy Maintenance?”: Questions Swirl As Aviation Incidents Spike This Week
A mid-air engine fire, a tire separating from the landing gear, several emergency landings—what the hell is happening in the aviation industry this week?

STUNNING: Map Shows All Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under Biden
…I knew there have been a lot of food processing plants and other food supply buildings that have burned down, blown up or otherwise met a catastrophic, untimely end in the last 3 years, but I had no idea just how many until I saw it all together in one place…If you’re not the video type, then see it in print below…Here’s a complied list of nearly 100 fires from 2021 and 2022

How ‘Trusted’ Christian Pastors Coerced Congregations To Take Deadly COVID Vaccines Resulting In Untold Deaths 
A new research paper has been published that shows how “trusted” Christian churches in the U.S. took government bribes — in the form of COVID relief grants — in exchange for pushing the deadly, experimental COVID “vaccines” on their unsuspecting congregations — which lead to the deaths and disabilities of untold thousands of “believers.”

‘Transsexualism’ is Rising Wildly in the Military, According to Seven Years of Public Health Data
Based on ICD-10 diagnosis codes related to transgenderism, the number of occurrences in active-duty military is on the rise—and it’s an exponential rise.

US is facing risk of rolling blackouts as predicted electricity demand DOUBLES with AI data centers and crypto mines presenting ‘staggering challenge’ to the outdated grid
Swaths of the US are at risk of power outages with artificial intelligence data centers and cryptocurrency mines doubling forecasted energy demand over the coming years.

VATICAN urges Catholics to join Muslims for prayers and meals during their holy month.
The Diocese of Bergamo, citing Pope Francis’ directives on interreligious dialogue, issued a communiqué on Monday urging priests to seek out opportunities for interreligious dialogue during the “holy month” of Ramadan by invite the faithful to join in praying with Muslims and joining in the Iftar ritual meal.

India Takes a Stand: Banning Sharia While Europe Surrenders to Islamic Law
Incorporating Sharia Law into European Legal Systems” vs A State in India Bans Sharia

Warning: Muslim Terror-Tied Group Launches Dangerous Campaign To Convert British Infidels to Islam For Ramadan
Amidst a cunning charm offensive, the terror-linked Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA) launches a dangerous campaign targeting British non-Muslims, leaving many unsuspecting Britons vulnerable to conversion tactics and raising concerns about their understanding of the consequences of leaving Islam.

Regulatory Simulations at Home and Abroad: Mutual Recognition Agreements
“This is how the “vaccines” reached our trusting, innocent population.” – This is a VERY significant discovery” – “Those creatures who planned over decades, how to amend the law, always with an ostensible reason but with the real reason hidden. This took decades to accomplish. They knew exactly what they were doing”

US Navy Repels “Large-Scale” Houthi Attack Of 15 Suicide Drones
On Saturday Yemen’s Houthis have launched what international press reports are describing as the one of the group’s largest single attacks since the operation to disrupt Red Sea shipping began last November.

Palestinian Official: “I am not a Fan of Hitler, but When Hitler Perpetrated the Holocaust, He Had Obvious Reasons”
Yasser Abu Sido couldn’t help but say the quiet part out loud. Sido, an official in Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction, told Egyptian TV recently that Adolf Hitler had “obvious reasons” for ordering the extermination of Jews in the Holocaust and that Jews “planned to take control of Germany.”

No Significant Warming in One of the Most Climate-Sensitive Parts of the Planet, Ice Core Data Show 
There has been no significant warming in one of the most climate-sensitive parts of the planet, analysis of Greenland ice core data shows, casting further doubt on the alarmist climate narrative.

Emotion-Tracking – AI on the job: Workers Fear Being Watched – and Misunderstood
…A wide range of industries already use emotion AI, including call centers, finance, banking, nursing and caregiving. Over 50% of large employers in the U.S. use emotion AI aiming to infer employees’ internal states, a practice that grew during the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, call centers monitor what their operators say and their tone of voice.

UK Ambassador to the UN declares UK’s commitment to UN’s Agenda 2030
In September last year, Tom Woodroffe, the UK Ambassador to the ECOSOC, declared the UK’s commitment to delivering the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.  Why are we bringing this up now, more than five months after the event?  To remind readers that our government is not working towards goals that would benefit UK citizens, it is working towards the goals that will benefit the United Nations (“UN”).  As we will hopefully demonstrate, the goal of the UN, or at least one of them, has always been depopulation.

First ever prosecution for importing greenhouse gases into the USA; “It will not be the last,” US Attorney says
A Californian man who was arrested on Monday is the first person ever to be charged with smuggling greenhouse gases into the USA.

Puppeteers of the Globe: The Dark Influence of WEF Young Global Leaders
In an exploration of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders (YGL) program, we can scrutinize the profound influence that the alumni of this prestigious initiative wield in shaping global narratives and policies.

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