It all comes down to this

“I’m have no trouble asking Jesus to help me get to the shore, but I also pick up the oars and start rowing.” _Phillip C. McGraw “Dr. Phil”, interview with Jordan Peterson 

The Bible describes the Christian lifestyle as “living by faith.” 

In other words, it eventually all comes down to this: Do we trust God enough to get up and start living? 

The issue is not whether or not God will come through, the issue is will we walk through…walk through the doors of opportunity that God gives.

And here’s the zinger, many times God’s “door of opportunity” is disguised in trouble, conflict, and suffering. 

The widow of Zarephath is a good example. 

There she was, on the fringe of society.  No influence, no income, slowly dying because of a prolonged famine.  She was down to her last meal and in walks a man from God telling her to get up and start making preparations to live.

In other words, she started “rowing for the shore” instead of surrendering to her circumstances.

The ONE THING for today: In the end, whether we live or die comes down to this, do we trust God enough to get up and start living.  

The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.  

_G. K. Chesterton

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash