This Day, March 31, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

This Day, March 31, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

March 31

1084: Henry IV, who had been embroiled in a conflict with the Papacy, was crowned Emperor by Clement III, called by some an anti-Pope. Within six years after this second coronation, Henry granted the Jewish community of Worms, the privileges of free commerce and exemption from taxation” and “designating the Jews as ‘subjects of his treasury,’” placing  “them under his immediate protection, so that neither royal nor episcopal functionaries could exercise any jurisdiction over them” including the power of taxation.

1146: Bernard of Clairvaux preaches his famous sermon in a field at Vézelay, urging the necessity of a Second Crusade. Louis VII was present and joined the Crusade. Unlike the First Crusade, the Second Crusade was led by two monarchs - Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany. The “German connection” led to more suffering for the Jews of the Rhineland. Thanks to the incitement by one monk, the town of Wurburg was demolished during the massacres of Jews living along the Rhine River. As had happened during the First Crusade, the Christian warriors decided to slaughter the Infidels in their midst as they moved to free the Holy Land from the Infidels. The growing class of Christian merchants benefited from the violence since the destruction of the Jewish community destroyed their Jewish competitors. All Christians did not engage in this anti-Semitic behavior. Bernard himself tried to protect the Jewish population. His message of Crusade was heard. His message concerning the Jews was not.

1283: Massacre of the Jews of Mayence in Germany.

1310: At the auto da fé held at Paris today, a converted Jew who had returned to Judaism also died at the stake.

1324: In his 53rd year, Henry II, “the last ruling and first titular King of Jerusalem” (part of the Christian fiction of control dating from the Crusades) passed away today.

1381: During a popular uprising in France known as The Revolt of the Maillotins, Jews in France were murdered, and their property plundered for next three or four days. The regent exercising royal power for the youthful Charles VI was unable to save the Jews or gain them indemnification for their loss.

1387: Sigismund of Luxemburg, who “drained the Jews of their wealth whenever he could, he protected them from some of the worst excesses,” was crowned King of Hungary and Croatia today.

1492: Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon issued the Alhambra Decree or Edict of Expulsion, ordering her 150,000 Jewish subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion. Jews, unlike conversos and Marranos, were not subject to the Inquisition. So, the Church leveled a ritual murder accusation against them in Granada and was thus able to call for the expulsion of both Jews as well as Marranos from Spain. The Marranos themselves were accused of complicity in the case so both groups were ordered to leave within four months. Torquemada, the director of the Inquisition (and incidentally of Jewish descent), defended this against Don Isaac Abarbanel. The edict was passed, and over fifteen thousand Jews had to flee - some to the Province of Aragon and others, like Abarbanel, to Naples. Still others found temporary sanctuary in Portugal.

1499: In Milan, Bernardino de' Medici and Clelia Serbelloni gave birth to Giovanni Angelo Medici, who as Pope Pius IV issued a bull that improved the conditions of the Jews passed because it allowed them to stop wearing their yellow cap, buy land up to the value of 1,500 ducats and to trade in things other than old clothes. While they could speak with Christians, they could not have Christian servants. He also allowed the Jews to publish the Talmud as long as they did not use that word in the publication.

1547: Francis I, for whom Agostino Giustiniani, the first person to occupy a chair of Hebrew and Arabic at the University of Paris, became a pensioner passed away today.

1547: Henry II succeeded his father as King of France on his 28th birthday. Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno, the Italian Rabbi dedicated his commentaries on “The Song of Songs” and “Ecclesiastes” to the French monarch.

1596: Birthdate of Rene Descartes, the French mathematician and philosopher who was one of the two main sources from which Spinoza derived his view of the world.

1621: Forty-two-year-old Phillip III, who supported the policy of making his realm Jew free and gave a free hand to the murderous Inquisition began passed away today.

1621: Philip IV, who would support the return of the Jews as proposed by his minster Count de Olivares and then would “show himself a servant of the Church” by promising to drive the returning Jews out of Madrid, began his reign today


1647: Ralph Cudworth who had been Professor of Hebrew at Cambridge since 1645 and who “maintained an extensive correspondence” with Isaac Abenda the hakam of the Spanish Portuguese Synagogue in London preached a sermon in the House of Commons that advocated “principles of religious toleration and charity.”

1648: In an attempt to explain the drop off in the production of vanilla, Commander Beekman of Essequibo and Pomeroon wrote the following letter to his superiors in Amsterdam today

“The Jew Salomon de la Roche having died some 8 to 9 months ago, the trade in vanilla has come to an end, since no one here knows how to prepare it, so as to develop proper aroma and keep it from spoiling. I have not heard of any this whole year. Little is found here. Most of it is found in Pomeroon, whither this Jew frequently traveled, and he sometimes used to make me a present of a little. In navigating along the river, I have sometimes seen some on the trees and picked with my own hands, and it was prepared by the Jew....I shall do my best to obtain for the company as much as shall be feasible, but I am afraid it will spoil, since I do not know how to prepare it.” [The letter is illustrative of the vital role Jews played in the production of vanilla.]

1661: Spanish-born and Hamburg educated publisher Joseph b Abraham Athias who settled in Amsterdam where he became a printer producing such volumes as “Tikkun Sefer Torah” (Order of the Book of the Law” “was taken into the Printers’ Guild today.

1688: The German Jews received permission to participate in the tobacco industry “but only on condition that they would build houses in Christianshavn, a suburb of Copenhagen on the island of Amager.

1722: Fifty –two-year-old Campegius Vitringa, the Elder, “a Dutch Christian Hebraist” whose works included a dissertation on the Synagogue and a “Commentary on Isaiah” passed away today at Franeker.

1745: Leah and Joseph Tobias gave birth to Joseph Tobias, Jr., the husband of Judith Tobias and father of Joseph, Leah and Isaac Tobias.

1745: The Jews of Prague were exiled today.

1764(27th of Adar II, 5524): Parashat Tazria; Shabbat HaChodesh

1764: On the same day that the Jews observed one of their special of their special Sabbaths, The Providence Gazette and Country Journal reported today that upwards of a thousand people have recored from Small-Pox due to the “practice of inoculation” which has led “many who opposed the practice to now embrace it.”  (Editor’s note - Sounds eerily similar to the response to the Pandemic of 2020)

1766(21st of Nisan, 5526): Seventh Day of Pesach

1768: New York City native Sara Rodriguez Rivera and Portugal native Aaron Edward Lopez gave birth to Joshua Lopez whose first wife was Newport, R.I. native Rebecca Hays Touro and whose third wife was Mary Ann Gomez, the mother of Aaron Edwin Lopez.

1771(16h of Nisan, 5531): Second Day of Pesach

1774(19th of Nisan, 5534): Fifth Day of Pesach

1774: As the Jews on both sides of the Atlantic ate the Matzot, the Boston Port Act which closed the port of Boston, and which was one of the steps on the road to the American Revolution became law today.

1779(14th of Nisan, 5539) As the American Revolution dragged on for its fourth year, Jews observed the Fast of the First Born and prepared to sit down to a Seder this evening.

1781: Today “the Hungarian government issued a decree known as the Systematica gentis Judaicae regulatio, which wiped out at one stroke the decrees that had oppressed the Jews for centuries. The royal free towns, except the mining-towns, were opened to the Jews, who were allowed to settle at leisure throughout the country. The regulatio decreed that the legal documents of the Jews should no longer be composed in Hebrew, or in Yiddish, but in Latin, German, and Hungarian, the languages used in the country at the time, and which the young Jews were required to learn within two years.”

1783: Emperor Joseph II issued a proclamation allowing the Jews to live in so-called "Royal Cities" including Pest, which would later be the “Pest” in Budapest. By 1787 81,000 Jews would be living in Hungary. The Hungarian Jewish community would grow large and prosper but would all but perish in the Holocaust. Tragically, it was the Holocaust that produced Hungary’s most famous post-War Jew, Elie Weisel.

1789: In New York, Zipporah Levy and Benjamin Mendes Seixas gave birth to Esther B. Seixas, the wife of Naphtali Phillips whom she married in 1823 and the mother of Reuben, Rachel, Sarah and Zipporah Phillips.

1790(16th of Nisan, 5550): Second Day of Pesach

1792: In London, Hannah Montefiore and Moses Ancona gave birth to their daughter Esther Ancona.

1796: Birthdate of Hermann Hupfeld, the German Biblical commentator who specialized on ‘the Old Testament” and whose writings “included a treatise on the early history of Hebrew grammar among the Jews” published in 1846.

1797: Solomon da Silva Solis and  Benvenida de Isaac Henrqiues Valtine , the daughter of Isaac Henriques Henriques Valentine and Simha Mandil and Solomon da Solis gave birth to Samuel Solis.

1799(24th of Adar II, 5559): Lorenzo Bertran was subjected to an auto-da-fe ("act of faith," in reality the public ceremony when the sentence of the Inquisition was read and carried out) in Seville. Supposedly he was the last person to be punished for attempting to lead others to Judaism in Spain. It was not the end of the auto-da-fe; a ceremony that was reported to have taken place in Mexico in isolated instance in the early 19th century.

1805: Founding of the Syrian Society which morphed in the Palestine Association whose members sought “to promote the study of the geography, natural history, antiquities and anthropology of Palestine and the surrounding areas, "with a view to the illustration of the Holy Writings.”

1808: In Westphalia, which was ruled by Jerome Bonaparte a Jewish consistory “was introduced by decree.”

1808: Jacob Lazarus and Elizabeth Lazarus were married at the Great Synagogue.

1808: The French created Kingdom of Westphalia ordered Jews to adopt family names

1809(14th of Nisan, 5569): Erev Pesach

1810: Birthdate of Hayyim Selig Slonimski a native of Byelostok, who was “a Hebrew publisher, astronomer, inventor” and a pioneer in providing Jews of eastern Europe with a scientific education.

1811: In Columbia, SC, Rebecca Phillips and Isaiah Moses who had been married since 1807 gave birth to Jacob I. Moses, who married Sarah Ottolengui after the death of his first wife, Rinah J. Ottolenguie.

1812(5572): Fourth Day of Pesach

1814: Birthdate of Amsterdam native Meyer Hartog Silver, the husband of Rachel Silver and father of Phoebe Silver who was the father of Clara Silver, the issue of his second marriage to Rachel David Blok.

1817(14th of Nisan, 5577): Ta'anit Bechorot

1821: Abolition of the Portuguese Inquisition. The Inquisition was established in 1531 meaning it lasted for 290 years.

1825(12th of Nisan, 5585): Ta'anit Bechorot observed for the first time during the Presidency of John Quincy Adams.

1831: In Krautheim, Germany, Henriette and Isack Rothschild gave birth to Frank Rothschild, the husband of Amanda Anna Rothschild.

1838: Two days after she had passed away, 16-year-old Betsy Jacob, the daughter of Jacob and Sarah Kate (Sinons) Jacob was buried today at the “Falmouth Jewish Cemetery.”

1839: Louis-Mathieu Molé, “Napoleon's advisor on Jewish affairs and was heavily involved with Napoleon's gathering of a Jewish Grand Sanhedrin in 1807,” completed his service as the 16th Prime Minister of France.

1842(20th of Nisan, 5602): Sixth Day of Pesach celebrated on the same day The Middleton Junction and Oldham Branch Railway line was opened up to Werneth in North West England.

1843: Birthdate of anti-Semitic political leader Bernhard Forster, the brother-in-law of Friedrich Nietzsche.

1850(18th of Nisan, 5610): Fouth Day of Pesach

1850: In Russia, Feiwel Mendelson and his wife gave birth to Samuel Mendelsohn Maimonides the Miamondes College trained rabbi and University of Noth Carolina Law School graduate who began serving Temple Israel at Wilmington, NC in 1876 after having led Congregation Beth-El in Norfolk, VA for three years.

1851: Birthdate of Sir Francis Henry Dillon Bell, the first native of New Zealand and the first Jew to serve as Prime Minister of the land of the Kiwis.

1853: In Hungary Michael Heilprin and his wife gave birth to Angelo Heilprin “an American geologist, paleontologist, naturalist, and explorer.”

1854: Birthdate of Joseph Schulen, the Munich banker who went into the brewery business in 1895, when he took over Munich’s bankrupt Unionsbrauerei and in 1904 “acquired Münchner Kindl, another failing brewery in Munich.” (As described by Yardena Schwartz)

1854: Birthdate of Hungarian born British inventor David Gestetner, the father of Sigmund Gestetner whose inventions included the Gestetner Cyclograph.


1855: Birthdate of Alsace native Jacques Love, the son of Gabriel Loeb and wife of Selena Wiel who settled in Montgomery, AL where he was a member of the of the B’nai B’rith and the “wholesale grocery firm of Winter, Leb and Company

1856: 40 Harmonia, a large main-belt asteroid was discovered today by German-French astronomer Hermann Goldschmidt

1856: The Jews of Belarus or White Russia were denied the right to wear any distinctive garments that would mark them as different from the rest of the citizenry. At the time White Russia was part of the Czar's Russia with Poland and Lithuania to the west, Ukraine to the South, and Russia to the east. Minsk, home to a large Jewish population is today the capital of an independent Belarus.

1857: In San Francisco, Jesse (Isaias) Seligman and Henriette Seligman gave birth to Henry Max Seligman the husband of Adeliade (Addie) Seligman.

1858: One day after she had passed away, Louisa Collins, aged 2 years and 9 months and the daughter of John and Adelaide Collins was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1860(8th of Nisan, 5620): Parashat Tzav; Shabbat Hagdol is observed for the last time during the Presidency of James Buchanan.

1861(20th of Nisan, 5621) Sixth Day of Pesach observed for the first time during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

1861: Birthdate of German native and New Orleans residen,  Sigmund Odenheimer, the President of Lane Cottons Mills “and a major benefactor of Audubon Park in New Orleans who was the husband of Pauline Freyhan Odenheimer with whom he had three children – Marion, Alice and Julius.

1863(11th of Nisan, 5623): Abraham Abraham, a native of Bath and an “optician and scientific instrument maker” who was the son of optician Jacob Abraham, and who served as President of the Liverpool Jewry’s Philanthropic Institute and Warden of “the Old Hebrew Congregation” passed away today.

1863: “The Will of Commodore Levy--The Bequest of the Monticello Estate to the People of the United States Void” published today described the litigation surrounding attempts to “break” the late Jewish naval hero’s will. “This was an action to obtain a construction of the will of Commodore Levy, in respect to the bequest of the People of the United States of a farm owned by him, and 200 acres adjoining it, at Monticello, Virginia, and also in respect to a bequest of $1,000 to the Jews' Hospital in this City. The Court now rendered the following judgment, declaring the devise and bequest of the Monticello estate, and the 200 acres adjoining, to the people of the United States void, and that said portions of the estate descended to and vested in the heirs at law and next of kin of the testator; also that the Jews' Hospital of New-York are entitled to have their bequest." Such was the endorsement upon the papers.”

1865: During the American Civil War, Philadelphian Morris Schlesinger, the First Sergeant of the Twelfth Regiment, USA was mortally wounded at the Gravelly Run, Virginia today.

1865(4th of Nisan): Rabbi Jacob Zevi ben Gamaliel Konigsberg author of Ha-Ketav ve-ha-Kabbalah passed away

1865: The new Synagogue of the Congregation Shaar Hashomayim, (Gate of Heaven), in Rivington-street, between Ludlow and Orchard, was formally consecrated this afternoon. The building, which was erected in 1835, was occupied by a Presbyterian congregation until last November, when it was sold to its present occupants.

1866(15th of Nisan, 5626): Second Day of Pesach and Shabbath

1867: “The Insurance Companies and ‘Jew Risks’”published today reported on a meeting where members of the community including the mayor or Richmond expressed their anger over the decision of insurance companies to no longer accept ‘Jew Risks.’ The mayor, who had been in the insurance business for years, told the crowd that he had numerous dealings with Jews over the years and found them to be honest. No reason was given for the decision of the insurance companies.

1868: Birthdate of Lithuania native and future Chattanooga, TN resident Robert Hyman Siskin, the husband of Annie Siskin an the father of Sarah, Aaron and Garrison Siskin.

1868: Today, Barrister Sir Julian Goldsmid, the Vice Chancellor of London University and MP married Virginia Philipson with whom he had five children – Violet, Edith, Margherita, Beatrice and Maud.

1869(19th of Nisan, 5629): Fifth Day of Pesach

1869: “Blue pass to the floor of the Senate for the impeachment of the President printed by Adolph Simeon Solomons, one of the founders of the American Red Cross” bearing today’s date.


1871: A poem in Hebrew about the Western Wall by Henry Vidaver, who served as a rabbi at Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia, United Hebrew Congregation in St. Louis, B’nai Jeshrun in New York and Sherith Israel in San Francisco, appeared in the newspaper Havatzelet.

1872In the Netherlands, Bonn and Albertje Osterman gave birth to future Illinois resident Albert Osterman.

1875: Henry Moss married Matilda Leopold today.

1876: In Safed, Palestine, Hershel and Leach Benderly gave birth to American University of Beirut graduate Samson who came to the United States where he trained as a doctor before abandoning medicine for Jewish education with the founding of the Bureau of Education in New York where he lived with his wife, the former Hemdah C. Miller.

1876: Birthdate of William Henry Dieterich, the anti-Semitic and “somewhat pro-German” Senator from Illinois who lost his bid for re-election in 1938 thanks in part to the efforts of Henry Horner, the states Jewish governor.

1878: It was reported today that “foreign Jews trading in Russia” are now have the same legal standing as native Russian merchants.

1878: “The Order of B’nai Brit” published today traces the history of the history of the Jewish fraternal organization which was founded 35 years ago in New York City.

1878: It was reported today that “foreign Jews trading in Russia” are now have the same legal standing as native Russian merchants.

1878: Birthdate of University of Chicago undergraduate and Harvard trained attorney Benjamin Samuels, who rose to the Presidency of the Yellow Cab Company in his native Chicago while serving as the President of B’nai B’rith and founding “Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital in Hot Springs, AR where the treatment of arthritis was of primary concern and raising his son Robert with his wife Martha.

1879: In South Carolina, Alfred Abraham Strauss, the Mannheim, Germany born son of Sara and Aaron Strauss and his wife Amelia Strauss gave birth to Fanny Strauss who became Fanny Pearlstine when she married Thomas Louis Pearlstine.

1880(19th of Nisan, 5640): Fifth Day of Pesach

1880(19th of Nisan, 5640): Forty-four-year-old Polish violinist and composer Henryk Wieniawski the son of Tadeusz Wieniawski, who converted to Catholicism before he earned his medical degree and Regina Wolf, “the daughter of a noted Jewish physician from Warsaw” passed away today.

1880: Alexander II of Russia was assassinated, and with him his half-hearted liberalism. He was succeeded by Alexander III who, devoted to medievalism, urged the return to Russian civilization. The most influential person during his reign was Pobestonostov, his financier and procurator of the Holy Synod, who earned the title "the Second Torquemada."

1881(1st of Nisan, 5641): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

1881: In London, Morris and Anna (Mishkowsky) Goldforb gave birth to C.C.N.Y (B.S.) and Columbia University (Ph.D.) trained biologist Dr. Abraham Goldforb, the CCNY Professor specializing in physiology and experimental embryologist who was the husband of Dr. Frances Shostac and father of Mrs. Miriam Dinerman.

1882: One of two birthdates (the other being March 21) of Friederike Massaryk, the native of Austria, who converted to Protestantism in 1903 and gained game as actress and soprano Fritzi Massary.

1883: In Russia, “Joseph and Etta (Belitsky) Elvove gave birth U of Kentucky undergrad and George Washington University trained pharmacist Elias Elvove, the husband of Elka Milatiner and member of Adas Israel in Washington who pursued a career with the “U.S. Hygienic Laboratory.” (Another source show his birthdate as March 22. )

1885(15TH of Nisan, 5645): Pesach

1885: The New York Times reported that “the Jewish festival of Pesach, or Passover, instituted to commemorate the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt, commenced last evening and its celebration will be continued among the orthodox Hebrews throughout the world for the next eight days. This festival is also known as Hag Ha’Matzos, or the fest of the unleavened bread.”

1889: The Eiffel Tower is inaugurated. One of Chagall’s most famous paintings was “Eiffel Tower, Serenade.”

1888(19th of Nisan, 5648): Pesach Shel Shabbat

1889: Birthdate of St. Louis native and WW I veteran Irwin Sale the Washington University trained lawyer who on to serve as an Assistant United States Atorney.

1889: In New York City, Fannie Weiss and David Lowy gave birth to Columbia educated chemist Alexander Lowy, the husband of Dora Landberg and Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh and a member of Temple Rodef Shalom in Pittsburgh.

1890: The New York Times reported that “the diary of Sir Moses Montefiore and Lady Montefiore which the Belforde Clark Company published in two octave volumes covers the period from 1812 to 1883. The papers of Sir Moses were left to his Secretary, Dr. Lowe, for arrangement and publication, but Dr. Lowe died upon completing the work and son of Sir Moses, now a resident of this country, then carried it forward.”

1891: In Vilnius, Jacob B. Girsh Chipkin and Hadassah Batia Mayper gave birth to Israel Solomon Chipkin, the holder of degrees from CCNY, Columbia and JTS who served on the faculty of JTS and was an officer of the National Council for Jewish Education.

1891: In Bilgoraj, Pinchas Mendl Zinger, a rabbi and author of rabbinic commentaries, and Basheva Zylberman gave birth to Hinde Ester Singer Kreytman, the sister of Joshua and Isaac Bashevis Singer who gained fame as Yiddish author Esther Kreitman.

1892(1st of Nisan, 5652); Rosh Chodesh Nisan

1892: NYU grad and Columbia Law School trained attorney Fredric Ullman, the German born sone of David and Charlotte (Loeb) Ullman and the president of Temple Beth Zion and the Jewish Hospital, both of Buffalo, NY married the former Beatrice Hirsh today.

1892: It was reported today that 69 nine-year-old Mark Samuel, a former resident of Toronto, has passed away in London. He had found M & L Samuel in 1855 and helped found the Toronto branch of the Anglo-Jewish Association.  He was a supporter of efforts to settle Russian Jews in the Northwest Terriotories.

1892: The SS Massilia, the steamship which had previously brought several Jews from Russia who were infected with typhus is scheduled to arrive in New York today.  Health authorities will be paying close attention to the passengers since they are similar to the ones brought here before.

1893(14th of Nisan, 5653): Ta'anit Bechorot1893(14th of Nisan, 5653): Alexander Levi one of the earliest settlers and earliest Jewish settlers of Dubuque, Iowa, passed away today.

1893: A group of Boston Jews belonging to Adath Israel petitioned Judge Ely for the return of wine and brandy which the Judge had previously ruled had been wrongfully seized by the police. Passover begins tonight and the Jews need the wine for the Seder. While the Judge said he would do all that he could to help with the return, “he could find no authority to order the wines returned before May.”

1893: The New York Times reported that “the celebration of the feast of Pesach, or the Passover, will be begun by Jewish people throughout the world at sunset this evening and will be continued for eight days by the Orthodox Jews. Those who have accepted the reform ritual, among them a large number of the Jews in America, continue the celebration only seven days, the first and last days of that period being alone regarded as of special significance and celebrated as holy days.”

1894: Birthdate of Anatol Josephewitz, a Jewish Siberian immigrant to the United States from Omsk, Russia, who gained fame as Anatol Marco Josephs, the man who invented and patented the first automated photo booth in 1925, which was named the "Photomaton".

1894: It was reported today that Russia is changing its rules about naturalizations and that “foreign Jews will be excluded” from applying for citizenship in the Czarist Empire.

1894: “For the Jews in Palestine” published today described the appeal made by Abraham Neurmak, the rabbi at New York’s Orach Chaim to provide aid for those living in Eretz Israel.  “The North American Relief Society” under the presidency of Myer Isaacs has already responded with a donation of one hundred dollars.

1894: As of today, there are about 4,000 Polish Jews living in Zarephath, Hebron, Tiberias and Jerusalem. They came to Palestine to seek refuge from Russian persecution.

1895: “A Charity For Children” published today described “the good work of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.”

1895: “Cider in Etymology” published today traces the origins of the English word “cider” which according to Sir George Birdwood has its origins in the Hebrew word “Shekar.”

1895: Four days after he had passed a way, Roman native Giuseppe di Rubino Moro, the husband of the former Rachel Montefiore and father of Arthur and Sarah Moro was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1896: In New York, the Herald Square Theatre is scheduled to  host a special performance of “The Heart of Maryland” that is a fundraiser for the Hebrew Infants’ Asylum.

1896: “More than 1,000 pushcart vendors” attending a meeting tonight at the Hebrew Institute which was held under the auspices of the City Vigilance League and presided over by New York May Strong.

1896: In New York, Palmer’s Theatre was the site of fundraiser for the benefit of the A.C. Sisterhood, a Jewish organization headed by Rebecca Kohut, the wife of the late Dr. Alexander Kohut that “supports a kindergarten, day nursery, relief bureau and employment bureau.”

1897: The improbably named “Jack the Jew” that went off at odds of 9 to 10 won the first race on a sloppy track in New Orleans.

1897: Funeral services for the late Louis Israel, the owner of one of the largest livery stables in Brooklyn, will take place at Temple Beth Elohim today.

1897: Massachusetts Congressman introduced the following resolution in the House of Representatives:

“Resolved, That the Secretary of State be requested to demand from the Russian Government that the same rights be given to Hebrew –American citizens in the matter of passports as now are accorded to all other classes of American citizens and also to inform the House of Representatives whether any American citizens have been ordered to be expelled from Russian or forbidden the exercise of ordinary privileges enjoyed by the inhabitants because of their religion.”  (Editor’s Note – This champion of Jewish rights is John F. “Honey Fitz” Fitzgerald who provided the name for his famous grandson, John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

1898: Dr. Kaufmann Kohler, the rabbi at Temple Beth-El will officiate at the funeral of the late Rabbi Emanuel Schwab. Cantor Hass of Adas Israel will preside over the internment in the Machpel Plot at Cypress Hills Cemetery

1899: Rumania barred Jews from professional and agricultural schools/

1899: Birthdate of Alexander Solomon, the native of Toronto and member of the Jewish Legion who served in Palestine before returning to Canada where he practiced law for 27 years.

1900(1st of Nisan, 5660: Parashat Tazria; Rosh Chodesh Nisan; Shabbat HaChodesh

1900: Today, at Temple Emanu-El Rabbi Joseph Silverman delivered a sermon which was a eulogy for the late Dr. M. Wise “using as a text Second Samuel, Chapter III, Verse 38: ‘Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen in Israel?’”

1901(11th of Nisan, 5661): On Jewish calendar Yahrzeit of Rabbi Isaiah Horowtiz

1902: Today at a meeting of the Board of Health, “members of the board brought the fact that the produce dealers on the east side” home to large immigrant Jewish population “are violating many laws of health and the chief offenders are those who sell polluted milk.”

1903: The Times of London correspondent in St. Petersburg reported that there are factories in South Russia, “especially in Kertch and Odessa” that are “chiefly in the hands of Greeks and Jews” which “employ men of great archaeological learning” to produced fake antiques that are so well-made that they “deceive experts.”  (Editor’s note: Is the report correct or is it one more anti-Semitic canard from the land of pogroms and blood libels?)

1903: Birthdate of Warsaw native Aaron B. Tart, the attorney and director and  executive vice president of the Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training (ORT)

1904(15th of Nisan, 5664): First Day of Passover

1904(15th of Nisan, 5664): Sophia Karp, born Sara Segal in Romania, who became a leading performer in the New York Yiddish Theatre working with such giants as Abraham Goldfaden, Israel Grodner and Sokher Goldstein passed away today at the age of 42 or 43

1904: The New York Times reported that “at sunset last evening the Jewish people throughout the world began the celebration of the festival of "Pesach," or the Passover. This festival was instituted to celebrate the deliverance of the children of Israel from their long bondage in the land of Egypt, and, lasting for eight days, is a season of peculiar observances.”

1905: Dorothy Levitt, the first English woman ever to compete in a motor race drove from the Adelpi Hotel in Liverpool to Coventry and then on to the De-Dion showroom in Great Marlborough Street in London, retracing the 205-mile trip she had made the day before.

1906(5th of Nisan 5666): Parashat Vayikra

1906: Jaakoff Prelooker, the Pinsk born son of Moshe Chaim Prelookeer who settled in Great Britain before WW Iand his wife Ethel Eliza Prelooker gave birth to Miriam Prelooker, the sister of Eleanor Franks.


1907(16th of Nisan, 5669): Second Day of Pesach; First Day of the Omer

1907: It was reported today that Secretary of State Root does not see how he could intervene on behalf of the Jews of Romania since “the uprising of the peasantry” which has brought so much to the Jews “appears to be political” instead of religious.

1908: It was reported today that “Jacob Saperstein, the editor of The Jewish Morning Journal, who a has vigorously denounced Saturday’s Anarchist outbreak in Union Square” has received at least three letters all in Yiddish one of which demanded money and the other two threatening his life but none of which he said worried him or would influence his actions.

1908: Today’s Extraordinary Sale at Abraham and Straus included $5.00 suitcases being sold for $3.97 and $16 Princess Bureaus being sold for $10.00.

1909: “The Man of Few Books” published today which questioned the views of Harvard President, Dr. Charles W. Eliot “who opposed efforts to limit the admission of Jews and Catholics to Harvard,” on what books should be read to provide “a liberal education” noted that “Assuredly Moses and the authors of the Bible were “fraught with a universal insight into things.”

1910: Sidney Sonnino, whose father Issacco Saul Sonniono was an Italian Jew who converted Anglicanism, completed his service as Prime Minster of Italy.

1910: NYU trained Isaac Alpern, the Perth Amboy, NJ businessmen and the Palestine born son of Sarah Chafetz and Abraham Alpern who successfully worked in real estate, insurance and banking and was instrumental in the construction of new building for the Young Men’s Hebrew Association married Lena Pauline Coble today.

1910: Luigi Luzzatti began serving as Italy’s 31st Prime Minister making him the second Jewish person to hold the position; the first being Alessandro Fortis.

1911: Rabbi Stephen S. Wise delivered an address tonight in Boston on “The Moral and Economic Effects of Race Discrimination” in which he said that “America’s countenancing Russia’s refusal to recognize passports issued by” the United States “to former Russian Jews is to accept such discrimination as valid.”

1911(2nd of Nisan, 5671): Eighty-year-old Augusta Lasker, the German born wife of Samuel Lasker with whom she had five children – Henry, Sallie, Harry, Bettie and Esther – passed away today in Little Rock, AR after which she was buried in the Oakland and Fraternal Historic Cemetery Park.

1912: It was reported that “Interesting archaeological discoveries, showing the observance as far back as 430 B.C. of the Jewish Passover, the festival commemorative of the exodus from Egypt, which Jews throughout the world will celebrate for a week beginning the evening of April 1, are described in the current issue of The American Hebrew.”

1912: The Patriotic League of America, an organization dedicated to helping Jewish young men pursue careers in the army and navy has invited 200 service men stationed in and near New York City to be its guests at Seders for the first two nights of Passover at the Tuxedo Hall in New York. Adjutant General A.F. Ladd of the War Department has responded positively to the League’s lobbying efforts on behalf of the Jewish servicemen and has directed commanding officers to allow the Jewish soldiers to have furloughs so that they can observe the holiday which begins on the evening of April 1.

1912: It was reported that Leopold Plaut, President of the United Hebrew Charities has issued a circular asking that the families of deceased Jews donate the money normally spent for flowers at a funeral to his organization. The organization will send acknowledgements to the donor and the family of the deceased, acknowledging the gift without mentioning the amount.

1913: “The Tik-Tok Man of Oz, a play with music by Louis F. Gottschalk “opened at the Majestic Theatre in Los Angeles” today.

1914: Reverend Aaron E. Bullard, President of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, in Ocean Grove said that he meant no disrespect to Jews when he took issue with the fact that under a Borough Government in Ocean Grove that a Jews could be elected to the management of a “Christian resort” saying that complaints on this point by the Young Men;s Hebrew Association of Asbury Park were unfounded since he has “eaten at their table” and has the “highest respect” for a number of Jews.

1915(16th of Nisan, 5675): Second Day of Pesach

1915: Lord Oxford and Asquith wrote in his diary “I think I have already referred to Herbert Samuel’s dithyrambic memorandum, urging that in the carving up of the Turk’s Asiatic dominion we should take Palestine, into which the scattered Jews would in time swarm back from all the quarters of the globe and in due course obtain Home Rule.” “Curiously the only other partisan of this proposal is Lloyd George, who, I need not say does not care a damn for the Jews or their past or their future, but thinks it will be an outrage to let the Holy Places pass into the possession or under the protectorate of agnostic, atheistic France” (As reported by JTA)

1915(16th of Nisan, 5675): Seventy-four-year-old Nathan Mayer Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, Baron de Rothschild, the eldest son of Baron Lionel de Rothschild and the grandson of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the English branch of the famous banking family passed away today.

1915: In Egypt, Colonel John Henry Patterson swore in the new volunteers for the Zion Mule Corps and invited them to ‘Pray with me that I should not only, as Moses, behold Canaan from afar, but be divinely permitted to lead you into the Promised Land’

1916(26th of Adar II, 5676): Fifty-year-old Maurice Rothschild, a member of the New York Exchange passed away today.

1916: The Jewish War Sufferer’s Bazar which is being held in the Grand Central Palace closed at six o’clock this evening because of Shabbat and will reopen tomorrow evening at six o’clock when a record breaking crowd is expected to attend the fair.

1917: “The latest official cablegram” received tonight at the United States State department “regard the torpedoing of the British steam Crispin stated that out of the sixty-nine Americans on board two appear to have been killed by an explosion and eighteen…more are still missing. (This is the latest report of the what those who wanted the United States to enter the war on the side of the Allies called “unrestricted submarine warfare” which would in fact lead to the U.S. going to war in April with all that that would mean for Americans in general and American Jews in particular.)

1918(18th of Nisan, 5678): Fourth Day of Pesach

1918: “Jews in Newark, NJ,” are scheduled to hold a parade “this afternoon to celebrate the arrival in Palestine of the Jewish Administrative Commission.”

1918: The members of Young Judea, “who have organized to help in the collecting the fund of one million dollars for the restoration of the Jewish homeland in Palestine” are scheduled to meet in cities across the United States “where plan for the restoration of a Jewish republic in Palestine will be discussed.”

1918: Members of the British Expeditionary Force were forced to cross back to the west bank of the Jordan River after having been defeated by Ottomans during the first Battle of Amman, the first leg of a British offensive following the capture of Jerusalem which was designed to eventually end with the capture of Damascus thus ensuring Britain’s post-war control of the region.

1918: Today, Dr. H.G. Enelow reviewed Jewish Theology Systematically and Historically Considered by Dr. Kaufman Kohler, the distinguished New York Rabbi and President of the Hebrew Union College.

1919: The Alumni Association the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary is scheduled to meet in New York today and “discuss the future of Judaism in America and special religious work in Palestine.”

1919: It was reported today that “Dr. David Levine has been chosen” to serve as the rabbi for “newly-formed Progressive Synagogue of Brooklyn”

1919: It was reported today that “Edmond A Guggenheim…has been appointed a special deputy police commissioner” who “will have charge of police affairs in the Bronx.

1920: According to the Treaty of Versailles as of today the Reichswehr (German Army) was to have army no more than 100,000 men in a maximum of seven infantry and three cavalry divisions which the Allies thoughts would make it impossible for the Germans ever to threaten the peace of Europe with an offensive action.

1920: In the aftermath of the Arab riots, some contended that today, Colonel Bertie Harry Waters-Taylor, Allenby’s Chief of staff had told Haj Amin al-Husseini that if he rioted during Holy Week, it would serve as proof that Arabs would never allow a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

1921: Albert Einstein lectured in New York on his new theory of relativity.

1922: In Detroit, Michigan, “Sarah (née Applebaum) and David T. "D.T." Nederlander” gave birth to James M. Nederlander, the brother of Harry, Robert, Fred, Joseph; and Frances Nederlander who founded Nederlander Organization “one of the largest operators of legitimate theatres and music venues in the United States.”

1922: In Berlin, American-born German movie producer Seymour Nebenzal and his wife Lisbeth Mary Else Nebenzal gave birth to producer and novelist Harold Nebenzal who “was in charge of foreign film production for many years for MGM, and also worked on many of the films of Billy Wilder.

1922: Birthdate of Lionel Davidson, the Hull, Yorkshire born son of the Davidovitz family who gained fame as the “noted British thriller writer whose novels brought to life far-flung setting like Prague, Tibet, Israel and Siberia.” (As reported Margalit Fox)

1922: “Herman and Mollie (Schesten) Shay, poor Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe” gave birth to “Art Shay, a photographer who chronicled the famous and powerful, including nine presidents, as well as the everyday life of mid-20th-century Americans…” (As reported by James Estrin)

1922: In the Bronx, Columbia trained lawyer Herman Shulman and his wife Rebecca gave birth to Paul Nachman Shulman, the United States Naval Academy graduate who played an active role in Isreal’s nascent naval force in 1948.

1923(14th of Nisan, 5683): Shabbat HaGadol and Erev Pesach

1923: The Hamburgers sold the A. Hamburger and Sons department store which had ben founded by Bavarian native Asher Hamburger to the May family of St. Louis for $8.5 million today’

1923: “Paganini” a silent bio-pic directed by Heinz Goldberg and featuring child actor Martin Herzberg was released today in Germany.

1923: Birthdate of Shoshana Damari

1924: It was reported today that in an address on “My Thirty Years’ Battle in The Ministry” Dr. Stephen S. Wise “derided the counsel of those who urge silence when ‘Jews are assailed and libeled.’”

1924: It was reported today that Adolph S. Ochs, the son-in-law of the late Dr. Isaac M. Wise and Mrs. Albert M. May, the reform rabbi’s daughter were among the speakers at ceremony at Temple Rodeph Sholom where “a memorial portrait of the founder of Hebrew Union College and the Central Conference of Rabbis “was unveiled.

1924: The SS President Arthur, which is owned by The American Palestine Line, “a steamship company formed in 1924 for the purpose of providing direct passenger service from New York to Palestine and which was reportedly the first steamship company owned and operated by Jews” arrived in Haifa today after which the flag draped coffin carrying Herman Hirsch who had died on March 24 was placed on deck and services were conducted in English and Hebrew by Rabbi Ashinsky before t he body was taken ashore for interment. 

1925: In Washington, Myer Solomon Cohn, the Russian born son of Leo and Sarah Cohn, and his wife Bertha “Birdie” Cohn gave birth to Leonard Earl Cohn

1925: The town of Afula was founded in the Jezreel Valley. Afula means The Town of Jezreel and it was started with the support of the American Zion Commonwealth. Unfortunately, the town never lived up to the original expectations with the settlers in the Jezreel Valley preferring to go to Haifa for rest and relaxation. The hospital at Afula did prove to be of lasting importance. Afula is a friendly crossroads town with numerous small stores selling what the locals claim to be the "best pistachio nuts in the world."

1926(16th of Nisan, 5686): Second Day of Pesach

1926: Jacob Adler, who had suffered a stroke in 1920 and had been in declining health ever since, suddenly collapsed today.

1926: Despite Arab threats of a general strike, the French High Commissioner visited Jerusalem today where all of the stories owned by “Arabs and Christians” were closed “in sympathy with the Syrian rebels” and the Jewish shops were closed because of Passover.

1927: University of Georgia graduate and Columbia trained attorney Leonard Haas, the Atlanta born son of Fannie Rich and Aaron Haas and one of the attorneys who defended Leo Frank married Beatrice Hass today with whom he would raise two sons – John and Leona.

1927: While delivering an address today on “The Jew in Industry and Finance” President Frederick B. Robinson of City College said that “the alleged Jewish conspiracy in international industry and finance is a figment of ill-informed persons.”

1928: Real birthdate of Jacob Lateiner, Cuban born American pianist. His father would not get around to registering his birth until May of 1928 which has led to confusion about when he was really born.

1928: Today Jewish and Gentile businessmen in Jerusalem and Haifa told a reporter today “that while the Government remained in the hands of the British they did not fear trouble with the Arabs or Bedouins who were more afraid of Lord Plumber than they had been of Hebert Samuel,” his civilian and Jewish predecessor as British High Commissioner.

1929: Birthdate of Ilya Piastetski-Shapiro, famed math theorist who clashed with Soviet authorities. He passed away at the age of 79 on February 21, 2009, in Tel Aviv.

1930: “Ninety Jews were expelled from Moscow today and exiled to Siberia and Central Asia on a charge of belonging to the illegal organizations Hashomer Hazair and Zionist Socialist.

1930: Rabbi Irving Frederick Reicher who “has accepted a unanimous call from Temple Emanu-El of San Francisco to succeed Rabbi Louis Newman” is scheduled to submit his resignation at this evening’s meeting of Tremont Temple in the Bronx.

1930: Birthdate of New Orleans born organic chemist Boris Weinstein, the holder of a Ph. D from Ohio State and the husband Barbara Weinstein with whom he had two sons, who passed away in 1983 while serving as a member of the faculty of the University of Washington.

1931: It was reported today that “during the observance of Passover which begins at sundown on April 1, “appeals for funds for the Jewish Agency’s work in Palestine

will be made in scores of synagogues and temples throughout” New York City.

1932: At Tel Aviv, on the final day of the first Jewish Olympics, Americans captured the lion’s share of the victories Sybil Koff of New York “won the women’s triathlon and the high jumps. Gus Hemann … won the men’s 100 meter dash…Leslie Flaksman won the 500 meter race…and Harry Schneider won the javelin, shooting, discus-throwing and men’s triathlon contests.” Victories by European teams included an Austrian first place finish in the 400 – meter race and first place finish by a team from the Middlesex Regiment in the relay race that earned it the High Commissioner’s Cup.

1933: One day before the first nationwide "Boycott Day", the board of Tietz AG resigned in unison. Over the next few weeks, Leonhard Tietz was forced to sell the company far below its value. The department stores of Leonhard Tietz AG were "Aryanized" and "taken over" by Westdeutsche Kaufhof AG. In the runup to the anti-Jewish boycotts, the Tietz family fled to Amsterdam with their children and mother-in-law Flora Tietz. 

1933: Adolf Bertraim, archbishop of Breslau rejected the request of Oskar Wasserman for aid in protesting against the boycott of Jewish business organized by the Nazis but this was refused as he regarded it as purely an economic matter”
1934(15th of Nisan, 5694): Pesach

1934: Greensboro, NC was accorded the distinction today of being the first community in the United States to respond to the $3,000,000 United Joint Appeal of the Joint Distribution Committee and the American Palestine Campaign of the Jewish Agency because “its 400 Jewish resident have subscribed $5,000 to the fund being raised for the relief of Jews in Germany and other lands and for their settlement in Palestine.”

1935: German mathematician Felix Hausdorff who would later commit suicide when ordered to report to a concentration camp, was granted emeritus status today.

1935: Hebrew novelist Samuel I. Agnon was awarded the Bialik Prize in Hebrew Literature. The Bialik Prize was established in memory of the dean of Hebrew literature, Chaim Nachman Bialik and is considered the equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize. S.I. Agnon is considered by sum to be a worthy candidate for the Nobel Prize.

1935: The Italian liner Roma arrived in Haifa carrying 1,650 passengers, which is believed to the largest number of people ever brought to Palestine on one ship. Most of the passengers are believed to be headed for Tel Aviv, site of the upcoming Maccabiad.

1935: In the Bronx, “Joseph Perelman, a textile official and Dorothy Shapiro Perelman, a public schoolteacher” gave birth to Judith Louise Perelman who gained fame as novelist Judith Rossner, the author of Looking for Mr. Goodbar.

1935: The Palestine police (an instrument of the British mandatory government) “issued an order today prohibiting a parade of athletes participating in the Maccabiah, the world Jewish athletic games.” The parade was scheduled to be held in Tel Aviv on April 1. The police reportedly were responding to threats of violent outbursts by the Arab populace.

1936: Birthdate of poet, playwright and novelist Marge Piercy who grew up in the racially divided city of Detroit, where her Jewishness made her the target of bullies. One grandparent was Yiddish-speaking and Orthodox; another was a union organizer murdered for his activism. These influences, together with grief over relatives murdered in the Holocaust, aroused Piercy's political activism. They also strengthened her commitment to remaining involved with issues and matters of Jewish importance.


1936: In New York, The Friends of the New Germany, whose members are “supporters in the United States of Nazi philosophy, announced the organization would now be known as the German-American League or “Amerikadeutscher Bund” which is dedicated to combating “the Moscow-direct madness of the Red world mean and its Jewish bacillus carriers.” 

1936: Mrs. Judah Dresner presided over the closing session of the 14th convention of the New York State Conference of the National Council of Jewish Women at the Jamaica Jewish Center in Queens where Mrs. Maxwell Ehrlich of Staten Island was elected president.

1937: “The anti-Jewish demonstrations begun before Easter continued” in the Free City of Danzig where “Jewish shops were picketed today.

1937: The Palestine Post reported from Glasgow that the International Labor Party conference deplored the bloodshed in Palestine by terrorists and called upon Jews to resist all attempts by Arab reactionary elements, sometimes supported by the British authorities. The first regulation made by the High Commissioner under the New Palestine Orders allowed the authorities to seize and retain accommodation and food, as they thought fit for the execution of their duty.

1938: As of today, “an eight month limit of 8,000 Jewish immigrants being allowed to enter Palestine will have expired.

1938: According to reports published in the New York Times, Dr. Sigmund Freud cannot leave Vienna and move to The Hague because “the authorities have refused to give him a passport.” In other words, the Nazi Austrian government has made the prominent Jewish psychiatrist a prisoner.

1938: Birthdate of Brooklyn native Arthur B. Rubenstein, the composer of countless scores to television and movies including “Whose Life Is It Anyway” and “Lost in America.”

1939: The Campbell Playhouse broadcast a non-musical version “Showboat” based on the novel by Edna Ferber on CBS Radio.

1939: In Wakefield, Mass., truck driver turned attorney Julius Horovtiz and Hazel Rose (Solberg) Horovitz who did double duty as a trained nurse and homemaker gave birth to Israel Arthur Horovitz, the husband of Gillian Horovitz and “an influential and oft-produced playwright” passed away today. (As reported by Neil Genlinger)

1939: The cinema version of “The Hounds of the Baskerville” with music by David Raskin was released today in the United States.

1940: Nuri Said was replaced as Prime Minister of Iraq by Rsahid Ali who a year later would lead an anti-British pro-Nazi coup that would lead to the Farhud, a pogrom that was the beginning of the end for the ancient Jewish community of Iraq.

1940: Birthdate of Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank.

1940: Benjamin V. Cohen met with Franklin Roosevelt in the White house from 5:10 pm to 6:45 pm.

1941: After 7,500 Jews arrived from Vienna, a decree was issued to establish a ghetto at Kielce

1941: The United Yeshivos Foundation, the cording ation agency of forty Jewish educational institutions is scheduled to honor Julius Dukas, a director of the foundation and the president of the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School with a dinner tonight at the Hotel Astor in celebration of his 80th birthday.

1941: With encouragement from the Axis powers (Italy and Germany) Rashid Ali al-Gaylani led an anti-British revolt in Iraq much to the detriment of the Jewish population.

1941: After 7,500 Jews arrived from Vienna, a decree was issued to establish a ghetto at Kielce

1942(12th of Nisan, 5702): Eighty-three-year-old Washingtonian, Aline Esther Solomons, the daughter of Rachel Phillips and Adolphus Solomons passed away today.

1942: The Gestapo “disbanded” the Neu-Isenburg orphanage and deported the girls living there to Theresienstadt.

1942: 1939 Naval Academy graduate Nathan “Fred” Asher married Selma Straus with whom he had three children – “Dennis, Karen and Jeffrey.”

1942: In the western Ukraine, the Gestapo organized the first deportation of 5,000 Jews from Stanislawow ghetto to Belzac death camp.It was one of the biggest transports to Belzec in the first phase of the camp.

1942: Birthdate of radio personality Michael Savage

1942: Six thousand Jews from Eastern Galicia were deported to Belzec and gassed to death.

1943: This was the deadline the Germans gave Spain to repatriate any Spanish nationals of the Jewish "race."

1943: Broadway premier of the Rodgers and Hammerstein’s hit musical “Oklahoma.” Yes, it took a team of Jews to create this most famous of all American musical comedies. This is yet another example of how it was Jews who helped to create what some call "the American myth." It was this ability and not some Jewish plot that explains, in part, the success of Jews in various parts of the American entertainment industry.

1943: Crematorium II at Auschwitz begins operation.

1944(7th of Nisan, 5704): Sixty-seven-year-old Lothar Stark the German born movie producer who took refuge in Copenhagen in 1933 when his Jewish heritage was discovered died in Sweden today after having been rescued along with most of the Danish Jewish population in 1943.

1944: It was announced that every Jew in Hungary would be required to wear a yellow badge as of April 5th

1945: Mother Maria of Paris, a Russian nun who had saved many French Jews by hiding them, was killed by the Nazis.

1945: “The Glass Menageries” for which Alexander Yokel served as “general manger” and  with scenic and lighting design by Jo Mielziner, whose “paternal grandfather was a rabbi” opened on Broadway at “The Glass Menagerie.”

1945: The deportation of Jews from Slovakia comes to an end. In all, German and Slovak authorities deported about 70,000 Jews from Slovakia; about 65,000 of them were murdered or died in concentration camps. The overall figures are inexact, partly because many Jews did not identify themselves, but one 2006 estimate is that approximately 105,000 Slovak Jews, or 77% of their prewar population, died during the war.

1946: Birthdate of Gabe Kaplan in Brooklyn, New York. The comedian and actor gained famed as the teacher in “Welcome Back Kotter,” a television show that launched the career of John Travolta.

1946: Hungarian born American layer and Nazi war crime prosecutor Benjamin B. Ferencz married his wife Gertrude today in New Yor.
1946(28th of Adar): Yiddish author and translator Leon Kobrin passed away

1947: Birthdate Israeli archaeologist Ronny Reich who shifted his focus from the Iron Age to the Early Roman period in the late 1970’s/

1947(10th of Nisan, 5707): Sixty-year-old Hot Springs, AR native and NYU trained attorney Grover M. Moscowitz who had been appointed the United States District Court by President Coolidge in 1925 passed away today New York.

1948: In Brooklyn, New York Philip Perlman “a Polish immigrant who was a manager at a doll parts factory and Adele Perlman, “a bookkeeper” gave birth to Comedic Actress Rhea Jo Perlam who gained fame for her roles in the television comedies “Taxi” and “Cheers” where she worked with her sister, producer and scriptwriter Heide Perlman.

1948: as part of Operation Balak, “the airlift to Israel of fighter planes and military supplies” a Skymaster “flew directly from Prague to an airstrip near Be’er Tuivah, landing there today” with equipment immediately used in Operation Nahshon.

1948(20th of Adar II, 5708): Sixty-two-year-old journalist, rebel and communist Egon Erwin Kisch died today two years after returning to his native Czechoslovakia.

1948: Today, the New York Times received memoranda,” including a letter from Shmuel M. Katzneslon that “set for the bitter position of the Jewish political detainees” being held at a the special British camp in Gilgal, Kenya

1949: The Dominion of Newfoundland joins the Canadian Confederation and becomes the 10th Province of Canada. There were somewhere between 215 and 360 Jews living in Newfoundland at this time. “The real history of the Newfoundland Jewish community began with the arrival in St. John's of Israel Perlin from the United States. He was instrumental in founding the first synagogue in Newfoundland, the Hebrew Congregation of Newfoundland, in 1909. The census of 1935 reported 215 Jews living in Newfoundland. The census of 1971 showed that that number had grown to 360.

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel had become the ninth nation to ratify the agreement to eliminate trade barriers on the import of educational, scientific or cultural materials, sponsored by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Forty tons of Jerusalem stone, hewn from the Castel quarry, went into the building of the UN headquarters in New York as Israel's contribution to the project. The stone was sufficient for 300 sq.m. of flooring. Israel purchased 40,000 tons of wheat from South Africa.

1953: The number of Israeli unemployed as of this date was 16,350.

1953: New York premiere of “Fear and Desire” “directed, produced and edited by Stanley Kubrick” with a script by Howard Sackler.

1953(15th of Nisan, 5713): First Day of Pesach

1953: Birthdate of New York native and author Harold Augenbraum, “the former Executive Director of the National Book Foundation, and former member of the Board of Trustees of the Asian American Writers Workshop, and former vice chair of the New York Council for the Humanities.”

1953: Birthdate of Ehud Banai, an Israeli singer and songwriter.

1954: As tensions grew between Jordan and Israel due to the attacks by terrorists based in Jordan, the British cabinet discussed military options for responding to a possible strike by Israel into Jordan.

1955(8th of Nisan, 5715): Seventy-four-year-old Columbia trained ophthalmologist Dr. Kaufman Schlivek, the husband of Elsie Schlivek, with whom he had two children – Isabelle and Louis – passed away today.

1956: In Boston, Albert Sinofsky and his wife gave birth to Bruce Jeffrey Sinofsky who grew up in Newton, Mass and pursued a career as a documentary film maker.

1957: In Trenton, NJ, at Har Sinai Temple Rabb Joshua Haberman officiated at the wedding Elanor Mae Cohen, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Herman Cohen and Byron E. Fox, the University of Virginia trained attorney practicing in Arlington, VA.

1958: The US Navy formed an atomic submarine division. Admiral Hyman Rickover is considered the “father of the atomic Navy.” Thanks to his efforts, America developed a fleet of nuclear submarines that provided the United States with its strongest strategic edge during the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

1959: In one of those uniquely American cross-cultural experience Don Devlin (Bronx born Jew Donald R. Siegel) “appeared as an Indian, Dixon White Eagle” in an episode of “Sugarfoot.”

1960: “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies” a movie version of a book by the same name produced by Joe Pasternak was released today in the United States.

1961(14th of Nisan, 5721): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach and erev Shabbat

1961: “Just two months after Arthur Goldberg’s appointment as Secretary of Labor” Arthur and Dorothy Goldberg hosted a Seder to which the President, Speaker of the House, Chief Justice, the President of the AFL-CIO and both senators from the state of Illinois were invited.

1962: Birthdate of British “writer, reporter and political analyst Tim Judah, a Jew of Baghdadi descent whose “ancestors include Solomon Ma’tuk” whose wife is British author Rosie Whitehouse and one of whose sons journalist Ben Judah

1963(4th of Nisan, 5723): Eighty-seven-year-old Samuel Paley, the native of Kiev who came to the United States in 1888, founded the United Cigar Company in 1896 and financed the purchase of what today is CBS by his son William, passed away today in Miami Beach.

1963(4th of Nisan, 5723): Sixty-eight-year-old New York song writer Harry Askt who began his career playing piano for such vaudeville performers as Al Jolson and who began his partnership with Irving Berlin while they were serving at Camp Upton during WW I passed away today in California.

1963: Today, in accordance with company policy, Paul M. Hahn retired as the President and CEO of the American Tobacco, a post he had held since 1950.

1964(18th of Nisan, 5724): Fourth Day of Pesach

1966(31st of Nisan, 5726): Seventy-five-year-old Lomza, Poland native and Harvard Medical School educated cardiologist who “gave advice in the case of Franklin D. Roosevelt's paralytic illness and was the first to diagnose it as polio” and who was the namesake of “the Levine scale, Levine's sign and Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome” passed away today in Newton, MA

1966: It was reported that Harold L. Rosnebaum, the grandson of Rabbi Moses A. Poleyeff, a professor of Talmud at Yehisva’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary will be married this summer to Naomi AvRutick, the daughter of Rabbi Abraham N. AvRutick, a past president of the Rabbinical Council of America.

1967: Nelson Glueck, the President of the Hebrew Union is scheduled to lecture on “What The Bible Means to Me” this evening at the 125th Anniversary Services at Rodeph Sholom.

1968(2nd of Nisan, 5728): Forty-five-year-old Mt. Vernon, NY native and Harvard trained city planner Stanley Tankel who crossed swords with Robert Moses passed away.

1969(12th of Nisan, 5729): Eighty-eight-year-old Dr. William Seigman Ehrich, the Georgetown, SC son of Louis and Cornelia Ehrich, “who for most of his career was a surgeon at Evansville State Hospital” passed away today after which he was buried at the Beth Elhoim Cemetery in his native Georgetown.

1970(23rd of Adar II, 5730): Sixty-nine-year-old Russian born author and journalist Herman Ehrenreich who in 1910 came to the United States where he attended NYU and became the drama critic of The Forward while writing such Yiddish books as Lands and People and A World Without Jews passed away today.

1971: In Perth Scotland, the former Carol Diane Lawson and James Charles Stewart "Jim" McGregor to Ewan Gordon McGregor who has chosen to his directorial debut be creating a cinematic version Phillip Roth’s Pulitzer-winning novel American Pastoral

1972(16th of Nisa, 5732): Second Day of Pesach; First Day of the Omer

1975(19th of Nisan, 5735): Fifth Day of Pesach

1975: Boris Tsitlionok and Mark Nashpits were the defendants in the Soviet anti-Zionist trials that began today.

1976: U.S. premiere of “W.C. Fields and Me” directed by Arthur Hiller, produced by Jay Weston, written by Bob Merrill, featuring Allan Arbus and Milton Kamen.

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that West Germany protested to Israel that it had not been told for more than a year of the arrest of two young West Germans, Brigitte Schultz and Thomas Reuter, who planned, on January 18, 1976, to shoot down an El Al plane in Nairobi. Five terrorists were arrested by Kenya: two Germans and three Arabs. Israel announced that they would soon be tried in camera, by a military court.

1978: In New York City, Joseph Cross and his wife gave birth to actor turned businessman Harley who went from making such cult films “The Believers” to co-founding Hint Mint, a breath mint candy company.

1979: In Jerusalem, Israel, Gali Atari &; Milk and Honey won the twenty-fourth Eurovision Song Contest for Israel singing "Hallelujah.

1979(3rd of Nisan, 5739): Parashat Vayikra

1979(3rd of Nisan, 5739) Russian native Benjamin Bauer, the “American acoustic engineer and holder of over 100 patents” who was Vice-President and General Manager of the CBS Technology Center passed away today in Stamford, CT.

1980(14th of Nisan, 5740): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach celebrated for the last time during the Presidency of Jimmy Carter.

1981: The annual International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee began today in London.

1981: “The Yellow Star - The Persecution of the Jews in Europe 1933-45” lost out for an Oscar tonight as Best Documentary Feature.

1982: Howard Droker interviewed Leo Azose who recounted “his family's life in Marmara, Turkey, and especially his father's career as a rabbi in Marmara and Seattle, Washington.”

1983: NBC broadcast the final episode of the first season the hit sitcom “Cheers” co-starring Rhea Perlman as an Italian waitress supporting a multiplicity of offspring as a single mom.

1984(27th of Adar II, 5744): Parashat Tazria; Shabbat HaChodesh

1984: Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” starring Dustin Hoffman as “Willy Loman” has sold “3,306 tickets for $107,000” gross today.

1985: After 122 performances the curtain came down the Off Broadway production of “Diamonds” a musical revue directed by Harold Prince with lyrics and/or music by Howard Ashman, Cy Coleman and Comden and Green.

1989(24th of Adar II, 5749): Eighty-four-year Frederick Henry Russell who “was a special assistant for Israeli-Arab relations under Secretary of State John Foster Dulles” and who “in 1953-54, served as charge d'affaires in the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv” passed away today.

1989: Six months after premiering in ItalyHeathers” a comedy starring Winona Ryder (Winona Laura Horowwitz) who also served as narrator was released in the United States today.

1990(5th of Nisan, 5750): Parashat Vayikra

1990(5th of Nisan, 5750): Seventy-one-year-old Manhattan born, NYU Law School graduate and WW II U.S. Army veteran Martin W. Juster, the real estate develop and founder of Juster Development and Construction Company in Yonkers, NY who was the husband “the former Doris Levy” with who he had three children – Howard, Gary and Ann -suffered a fatal heart attack “at the United Hospital in Harrison, NY.

1991(16th of Nisan, 6751): Second Day of Pesach and First Day of the Omer

1991: The 1960 television version of “Peter Pan,” with music by Mark Charlap and Jule Styne and lyrics by Carolyn Leigh, Betty Comden and Adolph Green which had become a classic was re-broadcast today.

1993: “Family Prayers” a dramatic film starring Paul Reiser and featuring Tzvi Ratner-Stauber and Allen Garfield was released in the United States toda

1993: The “first season” of “Homicide: Life on the Streets” a television adaptation of Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets by David Simon whose creators included Barry Levinson came to an end.

1993: With Israel reeling from its worst wave of Arab violence in years, including the shooting deaths of two policemen this morning, the Government indefinitely closed the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip today. The Israelis also relaxed the rules under which their soldiers may fire at armed Palestinians. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin went on national television tonight to urge that Israelis stand firm in "an all-out war against terrorism." But he also acknowledged what everyone here already knew, that the country was "in the midst of a difficult period" of lethal attacks, with no end in sight. Although Mr. Rabin's center-left coalition seems in no immediate danger, political commentators say there has been a loss of popular support for a leader who entered office nearly nine months ago promising to protect Israelis' personal safety while moving rapidly toward a peace agreement with the Palestinians. No Accord, and Less Security Instead, he has no peace accord, and he must contend with a shriveled sense of security among many of his people. It is far from the first time that the territories have been shut. Sometimes, closings have lasted only a few days. The longest period in recent years was six weeks in 1991, during the Persian Gulf war. Some Government officials say the prevailing public mood of outrage and fear may limit the Prime Minister's ability to make compromises to help restart the stalled Middle East peace talks and then move them in a purposeful direction. "The whole situation makes it much more difficult for the Government to maneuver," one official said. Since the start of the Palestinian uprising in December 1987, there has not been a period of such sustained anti-Israel violence as in the last month. Just about every day, there have been stabbings and shootings that have left 15 Israelis dead in March, more than in any month in several years. The number of wounded is higher still. Palestinian Casualties Higher No matter how bad the violence has been for Israelis, the casualty rate remains much higher for Palestinians in their street clashes and other encounters with Israeli soldiers. At least 26 have been killed this month. But the relentlessness of the recent attacks has been a shock for Israelis. Tabloid newspapers have contributed to the mood with enormous pictures of gore, like one on Monday of a blood-drenched victim with a knife sticking out of his back. People have been whipped into "a state of mass hysteria that plays into the hands of the terrorists," said Prof. Ariel Merari, a terrorism expert at Tel Aviv University. In the last day alone, the death toll climbed by three. A Jewish settler was fatally stabbed on Monday night by an Arab in the Gaza Strip, and two traffic policemen were shot in the head at close range early today as they sat in their patrol car in Hadera, which is 25 miles north of Tel Aviv, well within Israel's pre-1967 borders. Later, an armed wing of the Hamas movement of Muslim militants took responsibility. Hamas was the main target of Mr. Rabin's deportation in mid-December of more than 400 accused militants from the occupied territories to Lebanon, an action that produced worldwide condemnation of Israel and complicated efforts to get the peace negotiations going again. Killings Have Not Ended While Israel insists that those expulsions seriously damaged Hamas operations, terrorism obviously has not disappeared, a point reinforced today with the killing of the two policemen. Under pressure to act swiftly, the Prime Minister called his Cabinet into emergency session, and then announced that the 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank would be barred from entering Israel until further notice. Ever-roiling Gaza was already sealed off on Monday. The goal, officials said, is a cooling-off period for the Arab and Jewish populations -- a move intended, some said, not just to protect Israelis from possible attacks, but also to make it less likely that Palestinians will suffer Israeli reprisals. Thus far, the sharpest reactions to the killings have come from Jewish settlers in the territories, who have intensified street protests and their own violence. Palestinians in Gaza said settlers had taken revenge today for the latest killing there by setting fire to a mosque in the town of Khan Yunis. Mr. Rabin promised stepped-up army operations in the territories, and announced new open-fire regulations for soldiers, saying they may shoot at any Palestinian carrying a weapon, even someone in no position to use it. In the past, soldiers' lives had to be in immediate danger before they could fire. The time has also come, the Prime Minister said, for Israelis to end their ingrained dependence on cheap Arab labor, so that there will be fewer Palestinians in their midst and fewer opportunities for terrorism. In past struggles, he said tonight, "we didn't win by the strength of our weapons, but rather by the strength of our spirit and the staying power of the people, standing behind the army even in times of trouble." But if Mr. Rabin viewed the fight against terrorism as a war, he did not enjoy instant national cohesion. Instead, he found himself accused by right-wing opposition parties, led by Likud, of doing too little, too late. Many on the right accused the Prime Minister himself of inspiring Arab violence by having been conciliatory in the peace talks, and some called on him to step aside in favor of an ill-defined Government of national unity with emergency powers. For their part, Palestinians denounced this latest shutdown of the territories as a form of collective punishment that would deny a regular income to hundreds of thousands of people. Faisal al-Husseini, the Palestinian leader in East Jerusalem, called the closing "a new obstacle to the peace process."

1994: Yosef Zandani, age 28, of Bnei Ayish, was found killed in his apartment near Gedera. Near the body was a leaflet of the DFLP "Red Star", explaining that the murder was carried out in revenge for the shooting of one of its members by an Israeli citizen. The Israeli acted in self-defense.

1995: Al HaMishmar, a “paper owned by and affiliated with Hashomer Hatzair as well as the Hashomer Hatzair Workers Party of Palestine and Mapam” which was first published in 1943 ceased publication today.

1996: “Who Owns The Dreyfus Affair?” published today provides an advance look at the opera based on the life of the famous French Captain.

1997: The Union of Orthodox Rabbis issued “A Historic Declaration which stated Reform and Conservative are not Judaism at all. Their adherents are Jews, according to the Jewish Law, but their religion is not Judaism...we appeal to our fellow Jew, members of the Reform and Conservative movements: Having been falsely led by heretical leaders that Reform and Conservative are legitimate branches and denominations of Judaism, we urge you to be guided by this declaration, and withdraw from your affiliation with Reform and Conservative temples and their clergy. Do not hesitate to attend an Orthodox synagogue due to your inadequate observance of Judaism. On the contrary, it is because of that inadequacy that you need to attend an Orthodox synagogue where you will be warmly welcomed

1998(4th of Nisan, 5758): Former New York Congresswoman Bella Abzug passed away at the age 77 (As reported by Laura Mansnerus)

1999(14th of Nisan, 5759): Ta-anit Bchorot; Erev Pesach; Deb Levin hosts her first Seder in what will become a tradition that will eventually be highlighted in the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

1999: Did you ever wonder how Jews celebrate Pesach, the holiday of “Spring,” in the Southern Hemisphere where it is really Autumn? In “An Argentine Passover, Then and Now,” Joan Nathan gives us some sense of the celebration.

2000: “Whatever It Takes,” a comedy co-starring Marla Sokoloff and James Franco and produced by Paul Schiff was released today.

2000: “High Fidelity” a movie version of the novel directed Stephen Fears and co-starring Jack Black, Lisa Bonet and Sara Gilbert was released today in the United States.

2000: “Rules of Engagement” a combination war and legal movie directed by William Friedkin, produced by Scott Rudin and featuring Mark Feuerstein was released in the United States today.

2001: Uzi Landau replaced Binyamin Ben-Eliezer as Energy and Water Resources Minister of Israel

2002: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback editions of "Constantine’s Sword: The Church and the Jews: A History" by James Carroll and "Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five Books of Moses" by Bruce Feller.

2002(18th of Nisan, 5762): 4th day of Pesach and 3rd day of the Omer.
2002(18th of Nisan, 5762): Fourteen “people were killed and over 40 injured in a suicide bombing in Haifa, in the Matza restaurant of the gas station near the Grand Canyon shopping mall. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. The victims: Suheil Adawi, 32, of Turan; Dov Chernevroda, 67, of Haifa; Shimon Koren, 55; his sons Ran, 18, and Gal, 15, of Haifa; Moshe Levin, 52, of Haifa; Danielle Manchell, 22, of Haifa; Orly Ofir, 16, of Haifa; Aviel Ron, 54; his son Ofer, 18, and daughter Anat, 21, of Haifa; Ya'akov Shani, 53, of Haifa; Adi Shiran, 17, of Haifa; Daniel Carlos Wegman, 50, of Haifa. Carlos Yerushalmi, 52, of Karkur, died the next day of wounds sustained in the attack.” (Jewish Virtual Library)

2002(18th of Nisan, 5767): Hamas took credit for today’s attack at the Erfat Medical center where four people were injured.
2003: Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman gave birth to their youngest child, Abraham “Abie” Wolf Waldman

2003(27th of Adar II 5763):Eighty-five year old Sidney Greenberg, one of the Conservative movement’s leading rabbis, passed away.

2003: National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice addressed the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee’s Policy Conference.

2004: An updated version of “Baby” the David Shire musical opened at “the Paper Mill Playhouse, Millburn, New Jersey today.

2005: While Lewis Wolff may be the head of the group buying the Oakland Athletics, reports published today claim that John J. Fisher son of GAP founder Donald Fisher, is he one putting up most of the money for the purchase.

2005: As of today Hans “Berliner still had by far the highest International Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF) rating of any player in the United States, at 2726, 84 points above the second-highest rated player.”

2005: ABC News reported that Ted Koppel will leave that organization when his contract expires in December of 2005. Mr. Koppel has been with the network for 42 years and has hosted the popular late night news program “Nightline” for the past twenty-five years. Nightline provided a hard-news late night alternative to the talk shows hosted by the two other networks. Nightline’s audience would always grow during periods of crisis such as the seizure of the American embassy in Teheran and the prolonged hostage seizure that followed.

2005: At the Jewish Museum in New York, a distinguished panel of speakers, including exhibition co-curators Emily Bilski and Emily Braun, as well as Whitney Museum curator Elizabeth Sussman and Union College professor Brenda Wineapple, consider the contributions of women such as Gertrude Stein, Margherita Sarfatti, and Florine Stettheimer to literature and the visual arts from the late 18th century through the 1930s.

2007: Shabbat Ha Gadol.

2007: In Cedar Rapids, the show “Remnants of Memories” Interpretations of the collage by artists Tom Lee and Elizabeth Levi sponsored by Ginsberg’s Jewelry comes to a close.

2008: Hillel receives a $10.7 million grant, from the Jim Joseph Foundation which the college-oriented organization says is the largest in its history. The grant will be disbursed over five years and enable Hillel to engage an additional 30,000 students, according to a news release. Hillel intends to use the funds to place Jewish educators on 10 new campuses as part of its Experiential Educator Exemplar program. The grant also will go to support the Campus Entrepreneurs Initiative, which employs college students to engage their peers in Jewish life.

2008: In New York, The Center for Jewish History presents a lecture by Dr. Atina Grossman entitled “Close Encounters: Jews and Germans in Occupied Germany during which she will discuss the story of the "close encounters" in Allied occupied Germany between Jewish survivors of the Nazi Final Solution who found themselves on "cursed German soil" after the German surrender, and the defeated Germans with whom they continually interacted.

2008: End of Women’s History Month.

2008: In Vancouver, B.C., the Vancouver Jewish Film Festival presents a screening of “Samuel Bak: Painter of Questions.”

2008: “New Jerusalem: The Interrogation of Baruch de Spinoza at Talmud Torah Congregation: Amsterdam, July 27, 1656” was among the nominees for the 23rd annual Lucille Lortel Awards, celebrating excellence in Off-Broadway theatre,
2008(24th of Adar II, 5678): Ninety-six year old movie director Jules Dassin the son of Russian immigrants who began his career as a Yiddish actor and was a victim of the infamous Hollywood Blacklist, passed away today.
2008(24th of Adar II, 5768): Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, a dominant figure in American Jewish philanthropy during Israel’s formative years, passed away at his New York home at the age of 89. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2009(6th of Nisan, 5769): Ruth Fredman Cernea, 74, a cultural anthropologist who wrote on topics that included the Jews of Myanmar and the annual mock debate at the University of Chicago on the respective merits of Jewish holiday foods such as latkes and hamantaschen, died today of pancreatic cancer.

2009: Danny Ayalon began serving as Deputy Foreign Minister.

2009: Moshe Kahlon replaced Ariel Atias as Communications Minister.

2009: Gideon Sa'ar was appointed Minister of Education

2009: Yeshiva University hosts the second day the Israel and India International Conference which features the theme "A Relationship Comes of Age." Presenters include Nathan Katz (Florida International University), Amit Kapoor (Management Development Institute, India), Efraim Inbar (Bar-Ilan University), Shlomo Mor-Yosef (Hadassah Medical Organization), Maina Chawla Sing (University of Delhi), P R Kumaraswamy (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi), Gadi Ariav (Tel Aviv University).

2009: Gottschalks, a chain of department stores that was founded by German Jewish immigrant Emil Gottschalk in 1904, “announced it would liquidate its remaining stores.”

2009: Silvan Shalom replaced Yaakov Edri as Minister for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee

2009: Ayoob Karab began serving as Deputy Minister for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee.

2009: Ariel Atias replaced Ze'ev Boim as Minister of Housing and Construction

2009: Ya'akov Margi replaced Yitzhak Cohen as Minister of Religious Services

2009: Eli Yishai replaced Meeir Sheetrit as Minister of Internal Affairs

2009: Uzi Landau replaced Binyamin Ben-Eliezer as Minister of Energy and Water Resources.

2009: Daniel Hershkowitz replaced Raleb Majadele as Minister of Science and Technology.

2010(16th of Nisan, 5770): First Day of the Omer; Second Day of Pesach

2010: “Rethinking the Holocaust and Genocide with Michael Thaler”

2010: An exhibition presented by the American Jewish Historical Society entitled “Pages from a Performing Life: The Scrapbooks of Molly Picon” featuring the 22 scrapbooks keep by Molly Picon and her husband Jacob Kalish chronicling their extraordinary 50-year career, is scheduled to come to an end.

2010(16th of Nisan, 5770): “Internationally known Columbia archaeologist Samuel Paley, the “head of the Judaic Studies at the University of Buffalo” who has “excavated sites in Cyrus, Israel and Turkey” lost his battle with brain cancer and passed away today.

2010(16th of Nisan, 5770): Steven Zilberman died while serving his country. “Miroslav Zilberman, a Navy pilot known to his friends as Steven, moved with his parents from Ukraine to Columbus, Ohio, in the early 1990s. His parents, Anna and Boris, did not want their son to be forced into military service in their native land. AP reports describe Zilberman as grandson of Gregory Sokolov, a major in the Soviet Army in World War II. Zilberman decided to follow his grandfather’s footsteps and joined the Navy after graduating from Bexley High School in 1997. He went on to graduate from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., where he majored in computer science. Zilberman’s plane, an E-2C Hawkeye, was returning to the carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower following a mission supporting operations in Afghanistan when the plane experienced a malfunction. Zilberman ordered his crew mates to eject before going down with the plane into the North Arabian Sea.”


2011(25th of Adar II, 5771): Eighty-three year old Henry Taub, found of ADP, passed away. (As reported by Duff Wilson)

2011: Yosef Begun a former Soviet Prisoner of Conscience is scheduled to speak at noon today in Washington, DC.

2011: Performance of “Steve Reich’s masterpiece Tehillim” today.

2011: The 14th annual Main Jewish Festival opens in Portland, Maine.

2011: “The Army of Crime” and “Hidden Children” are two of the films scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2011: “The Human Resources Manager” is one of the films scheduled to be shown at the Hartford Jewish Film Festival

2011: In Jerusalem, the Old City Flavors Festival comes do an end.

2011:  David “Deutsch’s second book, The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations that Transform the World, was published” today further enhancing the reputation of the Haifa born British physicist who atteneded both Cambridge and Oxford.

2011: “How Israel Won the Six-Day War” published today described Operation Yated and the role an Egyptian agent “turned” played in the miracle of June, 1967.

2012(8th of Nisan, 5772: Parashat Tzav and Shabbat Hagadol - 81st anniversary of the Bar Mitzvah of Joseph B. Levin, of blessed memory who was Bar Mitzvahed on Shabbat Hagadol

2012: This evening Emily Bount married Michael Signer, the son of Robert and Marjorie Singer, who as Mayor of Charlottesville worked on plans to remove Confederate statues from his cities which led to violent protests from white supremacists and Nazi.

2012: “Footnote” and “Salmon Fishing in Yemen” are scheduled to be shown at the Hartford Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Jeremy Piven stars in “Mr. Selfridge” a Masterpiece Classics min-series that is scheduled to aire for the first time tonight on PBS.

2013: The Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue, also known as the Jobar Synagogue was erroneously reported to have been destroyed by Syrian forces operating in Damascus today when in fact it was only seriously damaged by mortar fire from either government or rebel forces.

2013: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Retrospective by A.B. Yehosuha and Karl Marx: A Nineteenth-Century Life by Jonathan Sperber 

2013: President Shimon Peres today congratulated Yitzhak Tshuva, the controlling shareholder of the Tamar natural gas field which was first put into use Saturday, for pumping the gas into Israel four years after the deposit was first discovered — adding, however, that the pumping should not have begun on the Sabbath, the Jewish day of rest.

2013: Pope Francis and Rome’s Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni exchanged greetings to mark Passover and Easter.

2014: In Little Rock, Lubavitch of Arkansas under the leadership of Rabbi Pinchas Ciment is scheduled to host an evening with “author, comedian, journalist and musician David Nesenoff.”

2014: Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was convicted today of receiving bribes to facilitate the construction of the Holyland housing project in Jerusalem a decade ago.

2014: In their never-ending quest to get something for nothing “The Palestinians today gave US Secretary of State John Kerry 24 hours to resolve a dispute with Israel over prisoners after which they will resume moves to seek international recognition.

2015: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to lead Passover shopping expedition to Moti’s Market in Rockville, MD.

2015: In Philadelphia, The National Museum of Jewish History is scheduled to host the VIP Opening Reception for “Richard Avedon: Family Affairs” which “features more than 70 portraits by the famed photographer.

2015: The first part of “The Dovekeepers” a dramatization of events at Masada is scheduled to be shown on CBS.

2016: “Kosher Kilts and Plaid Skullcaps: Scotland’s Jews Get a Tartan”

2016: Steven Gimbel, the professor of philosophy at Gettysburg College and author of Einstein: The Man is scheduled to lecture at Johns Hopkins University’s Baltimore campus.

2016(21st of Adar II, 5776): Eighty-six-year-old Hungarian Holocaust survivor, author and Nobel Laureate Imre Kertesz passed away today.

2016: Northern Virginia Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Raise the Roof" – a documentary about the building of a replica of the “mural covered wooden synagogues of the 18th century” that were destroyed by the Nazis.

2017: Bidding for the mineral rights on five blocks in the Mediterranean ‘including areas that lie in waters disputed by Israel” is scheduled to come to an end today in Beirut.

2017: ABC broadcast the final episode of “Last Man Standing” a sit-come co-starring Molly Ephriam as the ditzy daughter Amanda “Mandy” Baxter.

2017: “Norman Lear,” a film about “the life, trailblazing shows, and political activism of famous TV writer/producer Norman Lear: is scheduled to be shown this afternoon at the Seattle Jewish Film Festival.

2017: Release of “The Zookeeper’s Wife.”

2018: France J. Pruitt is scheduled to talk about her book Faith and Courage in a Time of Trouble “a memoir of a Belgian-Jewish girl and her family who were saved during the Nazi occupation of France through the compassion and heroism of French peasants from the southern part of the country” this afternoon at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.

2018(15th of Nisan, 5778): Pesach

2019: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest Jewish readers including A Weekend in New York by Benjamin Markovits, America’s Jewish Women: A History From Colonial Times to Today by Pamela S. Nadell, The Age of Disenchantments: The Epic Story of Spain’s Most Notorious Literary Family and the Long Shadow of the Spanish Civil War by Aaron Shulman, Foursome: Alfred Stieglitz, Georgia O’Keefe, Paul Strand and Rebecca Salsbury by Carolyn Burke and the recently released paperback edition of Tailspin: The People and Forces Behind America’s Fifty-Year Fall and Those Fighting to Reverse It by Steven Brill.

2019: In Ames, IA, the Iowa Jewish Historical Society, the Ames Jewish Congregation, Hillel at ISU, Chabad at Ames and the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines are schedule to present “Second Chance” during which Celina Karp Biniaz, “one of the last survivors from Schindler’s List,” and the “only Schindler Juden to graduate from high school and college Iowa” “tells her personal story.”

2019: In Atlanta, at the Breman Museum, Daniel Horowitz Garcia is scheduled to lecture at today’s meeting of the Jewish Genealogical Society.

2019: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to present a panel discussion on “Immigration Matters: Jews, Other Immigrants and America.”

2019: Today is the deadline for submitting SEFER Center awards grants for Research on Russian Jewry. 2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host an on-line presentation by Rabbi Sara Sapadin on “Passover in the Age of Coronavirus - How the Haggadah Speaks to Us Now.”

2020: The London School of Jewish Studies is scheduled to “The Pesach Exodus: Ultimate War of Good versus Evil,” an on-line presentation by Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum.

2020” Hillel@Home is scheduled to a “”Jewish Ethics in Entertainment,” a seminar on breaking into Hollywood and how Jewish ethics inform the entertainment profession, with screenwriter and producer Dara Resnik.”

2020: The Vilna Shul, Boston’s Center for Jewish Culture is scheduled to host “How to Find Your Ancestor Without Leaving Your Computer.”

2020: Adas Israel and the Capital Jewish Museum is scheduled to host a live-stream with Esther Safran Foer “as she discusses her debut memoir,  I Want You to Know We’re Still Here, the story of Esther’s journey to piece together a mystery from her family’s past and of four generations living in the shadow of the Holocaust.”

2020(6th of Nisan, 5780): On the Hebrew calendar Yahrzeit of Talmudist Rabbi Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen.

2021(17th of Nisan, 5781): Third Day of Pesach; Second Day of the Omer

2021: Jewish Family and Children’s Services is scheduled to present a seder with JFCS Jewish Chaplaincy Services director Bruce Feldstein and JFCS Spiritual Care Services director Rabbi Daniel Isaacson.

2021: URJ Jacobs Camp Director Anna Herman and New Orleans JCC Director of Youth and Family Engagement Gary Brandt are scheduled speak at  the Leventhal Center for Interfaith Families so that attendees can learn more about the magic of Jewish summer camp for all families and hear from interfaith camp families,

2021: Keshet is scheduled to present online, “Let My People Grow: An LGBTQ+ & Ally Teen Passover G

2021: This evening “AGJC leadership has been invited to Al Dhafra Air Base in Abu Dhabi where Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie and members of the board, along with military chaplains and the Jewish Welfare Board, are scheduled to host a Passover celebration with holiday food and conversation for U.S. troops stationed at the base which can be seen by webcast at other U.S. bases in the region

2021: USF’s Swig Program in Jewish Studies and Social Justice is scheduled to present an interfaith solidarity seder focusing on the need for climate justice.

2021: Based on reports published yesterday, today and for the foreseeable future, Israelis must be on alert to prevent the entry of the pathogen's far more dangerous Brazilian strain, despite the country's continued drop in coronavirus infection rates.

2021: Rabbi David Zaslow, author of Jesus: First-Century Rabbi, is scheduled to talk “about the sociology, history and psychology of hating Jews, including Good Friday narratives that are read and acted out in many churches.”

2022: In Atlanta, after two years as a virtual event, the American Jewish Committee’s Unity Seder returned to The Temple’s spacious Schwartz-Goldstein Hall today.

2022: The Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Center is scheduled to present a lecture by Dr. Sabina Tanovic on “Designing Memory: The Architecture of Commemoration in Europe, 1914 to the Present.”

2022: Professor Dina Porat, Yad Vashem’s Chief Historian, filmmakers Doron and Yoav Paz and star Michael Aloni are scheduled to explore the story of "The Avengers," some 50 young men and women who planned to poison six million Germans to avenge the Holocaust at the Streicker Center.

2023: Lockdown university is scheduled to host a webinar featuring Rabbi Shippel lecturing on “Your Seder: A Night Uniting Generations.”

2023: At Congregation B’nai Torah of Sudbury, Rabbi Ediuson  is scheduled to host the congregation for a “Charoset Chop” in the CBT kitchen followed by a Shabbat evening pre-Passover service.

2023: S.F. Hillel is scheduled to present a networking event for Jewish graduate students and postdocs at universities across San Francisco.

2024: LBI is scheduled to host “Moses Mendelssohn Returns to Jerusalem” a symposium that “marks the first Hebrew translation of Moses Mendelssohn's Jerusalem in seventy-five years.”

2024: The American Sephardi Federation and Jewish Lives at Yale University Press are scheduled to present: “Why Spinoza Matters Now: Truth and Freedom in America Today.”

2024: The Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County, NJ is scheduled to host To Israel With Love presented by Naomi Miller.

2024: In San Francisco, the Jewish Community is scheduled to host a lecture by Katrin Kogman-Appel on “The Kennicott Bible is one of the most celebrated illuminated Hebrew Bibles that survives today, delighting readers since its completion in 1476.”

2024: In-person and on-line the Weitzman Museum is scheduled to carry the” Hamantaschen Monologues,” “a live storytelling event exploring personal connections to Judaism, sex, bodies, and sexuality.”

2024: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Trudy Gold on “The Holocaust on Film, Part 2.”

2024: After pausing for Shabbat, The annual Red Sarachek tournament the country's most prestigious tournament for Jewish high school basketball teams. Is scheduled to continue today at Yeshiva University.

2024: The San Francisco Yiddish Combo and Jewish blues musician Saul Kaye are scheduled to perform at the East Bay Jewish Music Festival.

2024: As March 31st begins in Israel, the Hamas held hostages begin day 177 in captivity.  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)