This Day, April 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

April 5

855: Today, in what is now part of the state of Israel, “at the banks of the Auja River, Abu'l-Abbas ibn al-Muwaffaq fought against Khumarawayh ibn Ahmad ibn Tulun in the Battle of Tawahin ("The Mills").”

1291: Muslim forces began the siege of Acre, the last Crusader stronghold.  Today, this site, Akko, is back in the control of the true titleholders, the people of People of Israel who were more often than not victims during the centuries dominated by the Crusades.

1360: Eleanor of Aragon-Gandia was crowned Queen of Jerusalem today.

1419: Sixty-nine-year-old Vincent Ferrer, the Dominican Friar who used dubious means to force Jews to convert to Catholicism and helped to sow the seeds of anti-Semitism in Spain passed away today. Among the leaders who sought to provide the Jews with the intellectual support to fight this period of darkness was Isaac ben Jacob Canapton, the Spanish rabbi who lived from 1360 to 1463 and wrote A Methodology of the Talmud. (The Catholic Church saw fit to canonize the priest)

1464: Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Seville, Spain.

1508: Birthdate of Ecrole II d’Este, the Duke of Ferrara to whom the Ferrara Bible, a 1553 publication of the Ladino version of the Tanach used by Sephardi Jews was dedicated,

1533: In an effort to stop the Inquisition, Pope Clement VII issued the Bulla de Perdao which was essentially a pardon for all past offenses. This was supposed to help the News Christians living in Portugal. Unfortunately, the pope died a few years later and the Inquisition was officially established.

1558: Birthdate of Philosopher Thomas Hobbes who discussed the nature and source of the canonized Biblical texts in Chapter 33 of his seminal work, The Leviathan.

1566:  Two hundred Netherlands noblemen, led by Hendrik van Brederode, force their way into the presence of Margaret of Parma and present the Petition of Compromise which denounces the Inquisition in the Netherlands. The Inquisition was suspended and a delegation was sent to Spain to petition Philip II.(Ed note:  This should provide further explanation of the reasons for the rise of the Jewish community in the Netherlands and ultimately in the United States)

1568: Baptism of Maffeo Barberini who as Pope Urban VIII “ended the custom according to which a Jew, upon entering the pontiff’s presence was expected to kiss the Holy Father’s foot.”  All that he required was that the Jew kiss the spot on the floor where the Pope’s foot had stood. (As reported in The Sword of Constantine, page 384)

1649: Birthdate of Elihu Yale who took a Jewish wife while serving in India and fathered a child with her.  [And you thought the only Jewish connection was the group of Hebrew letters on the crest of Yale University.]

1664: 1663: The Ascamoth (regulations and ordinances) the Sephardi Congregation of London “was promulgated” today.

1697: King Charles XI of Sweden, in whose presence Israel Mandel, Moses Jacobs and the 28 members of their families were baptized in Stockholm as a pre-condition for being able to do business in Sweden, passed away today.

1697: ): King Charles XII who “incurred substantial debts with Jewish and Muslim merchants” while supply his army that was fighting in Bessarabia which led to several Muslim and Jewish creditors arriving in Sweden which led to Swedish law being altered to allow them to hold religious services and circumcise their sons began his rule as King of Sweden today.

1721(8th of Nisan): Rabbi Benjamin Zev, author Ir Binyamin, passed away today

1757: Sir Alexander Schomberg, the son of Meyer Löw Schomberg a German-Jewish doctor who settled in England, and who was able to pursue a naval career only after converting so he could comply with The Test Act was promoted to the rank of captain today after which he eventually took command of the HMS Diana, and “played a distinguished part in the taking of the fortress at Louisburg during the Seven Years War.

1760(19th of Nisan, 5520): Centenarian Isaac Ḥayyim de Brito Abendana:Ḥakam of the Portuguese community in Amsterdam, who “published "Sermão Exhortatoria," in 1753 passed away today.

1765(14th of Nisan, 5525): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1768(18th of Nisan, 5528): Fourth Day of Pesach

1771(21st of Nisan, 5531): Seventh Day of Pesach

1775: Pope Pious VI issued the “Editto sopra gli ebrei,” a proclamation that reinstituted all former anti-Jewish legislation. The proclamation included forty-four clauses prohibiting the possession of Talmudic writings, erection of gravestones, forbidding Jews from passing the night outside the ghetto, under pain of death, and more. The regulations were in effect until the arrival of Napoleon army 25 years later.

1782: Birthdate of Canadian native Uriah Judah, not to be confused with the Uriah Judah, the son of Abraham Judah who was born in 1714l

1790(21st of Nisan, 5550): Seventh Day of Pesach

1791: English native Esther Cohen and German native Michael Hart who were married in Philadelphia in 1787 gave birth to Henry S. Hart.

1795(16th of Nisan, 5555): 2nd day of Pesach

1795(16th of Nisan, 5555): After having been arrested as an Austrian spy, accused of corruption and bribery” Moses Dobruschka was sent to the guillotine.

1800(10th of Nisan, 5560: Parashat Tzav; Shabbat HaGadol observed for the last time during the Presidency of John Adams.

1804: Birthdate of German botanist Matthias Jakob Schleiden

1806(17th of Nisan, 5566): Shabbat Shel Pesach

1811(11th of Nisan, 5571): Eighty-three-year-old Sloe Levy, the wife of Hyman Levy and the mother of Zipporah Levy who was the husband of Benjamin Mendez Seixas passed away today in New York.

1812: In Stuttgart, Germany, Sheinle Ephraim and Isaac Samuel Wormser gave birth to Lewis Wormser Harris the successful Irish financier who served as Lord Mayor of Dublin and President of the Dublin Hebrew Congregation.

1817(19th of Nisan, 5577): Shabbat Shel Pesach

1822(14th of Nisan, 5582):Ta'anit Bechorot

1822: In York Place Queens Elm, Sophia and Nathaniel Levy gave birth to Ellen Levy.

1822(14th of Nisan, 5582): Rabbi Benjamin Zev of Zabrocz , Poland, passed away in Tiberias. (As reported by Abraham P. Bloch)

1824: In London, Ellen Rice Jacobs and Gabriel Simmons gave birth to Mark George Simmons, the husband of Caroline Lazarus with whom he had nine children.

1824: The brith of Lewis Levy, the son of Joseph Levy and the former Hanna Isaacs took place on Holywell Street which may have been the same street described as “19th-century London’s epicentre of erotica and smut.”

1825(17th of Nisan, 5585): Third Day of Pesach observed exactly one month and one day after John Quincy Adams’ inauguration as the 6th President of the United States.


1830, “In his maiden speech to the House of Commons, Thomas Macaulay spoke eloquently in favor of Robert Grant's bill for the Removal of Jewish Disabilities. Alluding to but not actually naming, Nathan Rothschild (who had financed the Allied armies ranged against Napoleon), Macaulay noted that "as things now stand, a Jew may be the richest man in England.... The influence of a Jew may be of the first consequences in a war which shakes Europe to the centre," and yet the Jews have no legal right to vote or to sit in Parliament. "Three hundred years ago they had no legal right to the teeth in their heads." If some members of the House thought it indecent of Macaulay to dredge up this nasty old business about King John extracting gold teeth from Jewish heads, certain opponents of Jewish Emancipation found it still much the best policy. According to J. A. Froude, his biographer, Thomas Carlyle, standing in front of Rothschild's great house at Hyde Park Corner, exclaimed: "I do not mean that I want King John back again, but if you ask me which mode of treating these people to have been nearest to the will of the Almighty about them--to build them palaces like that, or to take the pincers for them, I declare for the pincers." Carlyle even fancied himself in the role of a Victorian King John, with Baron Rothschild at his mercy: "Now, Sir, the State requires some of these millions you have heaped together with your financing work. 'You won't? Very well'--and the speaker gave a twist with his wrist--'Now will you?'--and then another twist till the millions were yielded." Although Macaulay was a liberal, he did not speak for all liberals, some of whom stood much closer to Carlyle on the Jewish question. One of these was Thomas Arnold, the famous headmaster of Rugby and intellectual leader of the liberal or Broad Church branch of the Church of England. Arnold set himself against conservatism as the most dangerously revolutionary of principles: "there is nothing so unnatural and so convulsive to society as the strain to keep things fixed, when all the world is by the very law of its creation in eternal progress." (4) When John Henry Newman, leader of the Anglo-Catholic (or "High") branch of the Church of England, declared that liberalism was "the enemy," and that by liberalism he meant "the Anti-dogmatic Principle," Arnold was among the principal culprits he had in mind, particularly "some free views of Arnold about the Old Testament."


But Arnold's preference of improvement to preservation and of free views to dogma drew up short where the Jews were concerned. He might excoriate the High Church party for having, throughout English history, opposed improving measures of any kind; but he shared with his Anglo-Catholic adversaries the conviction that Christianity must be the law of the land. In 1834 (a year after the Jewish Emancipation Bill had been passed by the Commons but rejected by the Lords) Arnold insisted that he "must petition against the Jew Bill" because it is based on "that low Jacobinical notion of citizenship, that a man acquires a right to it by the accident of his being littered inter quatuor maria [on the nation's soil] or because he pays taxes."  That indelicate word "littered" suggests that Arnold's opposition to Jewish emancipation was not purely doctrinal, but had a strong admixture of compulsive nastiness (or worse).


1831: Peter Simeon, the husband of the former Sarah Rees and father of James, Michael and David Simeon was buried today.

1832: Ellis Abrahams married Rachel Hyams today at the New Synagogue.

1833(16th of Nisan, 5593): Second Day of Pesach

1833: As the Jews observed the first day of the Omer, President Andrew Jackson wrote to Andrew Jackson, Jr. who was raised by Jackson as his own son although he was really the nephew of his wife Rachel

1838(10th of Nisan, 5598): Sixty-seven-year-old copper manufacturer Harmon Hendricks, the son of Uriah Hendricks “one of the 23 Jewish immigrants who founded Congregation Shearith Israel and Eve Esther Gomez Hendricks and the husband of Frances Isaacs Hendricks with whom he had four children – Joshua, Justina, Frances and Selina – passed away today after which he was buried in the Third Cemetery of Congregation Shearith Israel.

1844(16th of Nisan, 5604): Second Day of Pesach

1844: As the Jews observed the first day of the Omer, President John Tyler, the first Vice President to have become President due to the death of the incumbent, issued a proclamation giving U.S. Secretary of State John C. Calhoun to meet with emissaries from the Republic of Texas to discuss the possible annexation of Texas which today is the home to approximately 175,000 Jews.

1847(19th of Nisan, 5607): Fifth Day of Pesach

1847(19th of Nisan, 5607): Seventy-three-year-old John Moss, the London born son of Joseph Moss and the husband Pennsylvania native Rebecca Lyons whom he married in 1797 and with whom he had nine children passed away today in Philadlphia.

1849: The Sons of Israel held its fifth meeting today where it is decided to buy a seal which will not cost more than five dollars.

1850: The Danish King implemented a law that allowed foreign Jews to settle in Denmark

1859: In England, John and Alice Watchorn gave birth to Robert Watchorn, the Immigration Commissioner who in 1907attended a Seder at Ellis Island in 1907 where he gave “a speech dealing with the right of every man in this country to worship God according to his own conviction and pointing out that a man who served God was sure to make a good citizen.

1860: According to reports published today Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, “editor of the Cincinnati Israelite, has written to several Senators to caution them against the repetition of any clause in the Chinese treaty similar to that in the treaty with Switzerland, which debars the Jews from enjoying the privileges of other American citizens.”

1860: In New York, the Assembly passed a bill “to amend the charter of the Hebrew Benevolent Society”.

1860: In New York, the Assembly passed a bill “to amend the charter of the Cemetery Association of” B’nai Jeshurun.

1861: “What Made Him Sick” published today described the desperate financial condition of the Ottomans whose creditors include Jews who left the government undisclosed amounts of money.  [During its last century of existence, Westerners referred to the Ottoman Empire as “the sick man of Europe.’]

1862: In Beerfelden, Germany, Simon Buttenwieser and Bella Saalheimer gave birth to Moses Buttenweiser, the holder of a Ph.D. from Heidelberg University and husband of Ellen Clune who after teaching and writing in his native land became “Professor of Exegesis at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio.

1863(16th of Nisan, 5623): Second Day of Pesach observed on the same day during the American Civil War that “several Confederate ships were detained in Liverpool docks, as it was believed that they were blockade-runners.”

1863(16th of Nisan, 5623): Rachel Sater give birth to Samuel Sater, the husband of Fanny Heyman Massell and the father of Alexander Joel Sater.

1865: In Boston, MA, Clara Ballin and William Filene, the founder Filene’s department store gave birth to Abraham Lincoln Filene who took over the family business with his brother Edward and was a supporter of the New Deal and who along with his wife and their daughters Helen and Catherine was known for his philanthropic work

1865: In Zatos, Austria, “Jacob and Rosie (Getreider) Farber gave birth to Prague trained Rabbi Rudolph Farber who in 1895 came to the United States where he wed Etta Crocker, the mother of his 3 children – Bertram, Arnold and Nettye Heyman – and served congregations in Texarkana, Los Angeles and Chicago while serving as an editor of the Jewish Occident and the American Hebrew News.

1866(20th of Nisan, 5626): Sixth Day of Pesach

1866: In Franklin, PA, Morris Ullman, the German born son of Judith and Leopold Ullman and Lenche Ullman gave birth to Monroe A. Ullman, the Cleveland educated businessman who was a partner of Leopold Einstein and the husband of Florence Fuld of Albany, NY.

1868(13th of Nisan, 5628): Aaron Stix, the German born son of Deborah Cohen and Solomon Stix and the husband of Hannah Rice with whom he had four children – Carrie, Charles, Harry and Rachel – passed away to today in Cincinnati, OH.

1870(14th of Nisan, 5631):Ta'anit Bechorot

1870: Today the Sultan Abdul Aziz issued a firman that allocated the "Alliance Israelite Universelle" 2600 dunams of land east of Jaffa for the establishment of a school of agriculture and also granted permission for importing all kinds of tools and machinery free of taxes and customs. As Ben Gurion, said: "I doubt that the Israeli dream would have been realized if the farm school of Mikveh Israel had not existed."


1871(14th of Nisan, 5631): Fast of the First Born; Erev Pesach

1871: As the Jews of Newark, New Jersey, begin the celebration of Passover this evening, it is estimated that they will consume 10,000 to 15,000 pounds of matzoth during the eight days of the holiday.

1872: In Mogilev, Mordechai Yithak, “a commissioner of military clothing” and his wife gave birth to David Pinski, the Yiddish playwright who pursued his career in Warsaw, Berlin and New York before making Aliyah in 1949 after the creation of the State of Israel.

1874: Charles Isaacs, the husband of Deborah Isaacs with whom he had had seven children was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1875: In Louisville, KY, “Isaac and Rose (Sale) Lieber gave birth to St. Louis educated businessman, Leslie Lieber, the husband of Rosalie Dillenberg with whom he had two children – David and Dorothy – who left F. Smith and Son in 1898 to become vice president of Haas-Lieber Grocery County.

1878: Today, a week before his 22nd birthday Rabbi Benjamin Baruch Guth, the Hungarian born son of Frank and Juliane Guth who was the “founder of the Jewish Center of the East Side” and a member of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of U.S. and Canada married Jennette Roth.

1879: In Luzern, Abraham Erlanger, the German born son of Simon (Schimele) Erlanger and Rosine Reele Erlanger and his wife Bertha Bela Erlanger gave birth to Simon Erlanger, the husband of Helene Erlanger and father of Moshe Joshua Erlanger; Eva Guggenheim and Reline Wagner

1881: Two days after she had passed away, 44-year-old Hannah Moses, the Middlesex born daughter of Isaac Moses and Ann Aarons and wife of Louis Goldschmidt with whom she had two children – Therese and Annette – was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1882(16th of Nisan, 5642): Second Day of Pesach; First Day of the Omer

1882(16th of Nisan, 5642): German born rabbi and educator Max Lilienthal passed away in Cincinnati, Ohio. After a successful career in Europe, “Lilienthal left Russia suddenly in 1844 and went to the United States. Settling in New York, he became rabbi of the Congregation Anshe Chesed, Norfolk street and, later, rabbi of Shaar ha-Shomayim,. His somewhat advanced views led to considerable friction. He resigned his position in 1850 and established an educational institute with which he attained considerable success. In 1854 he became correspondent of the "American Israelite," and in the following year removed to Cincinnati and became associate editor of that journal and rabbi of the Congregation Bene Israel. His activity in Cincinnati extended over a period of twenty-seven years. He organized the Rabbinical Literary Association, serving as its president, and was at first instructor and later professor of Jewish history and literature at Hebrew Union College. He was prominent, also, in the Jewish press as the founder and editor of the "Hebrew Review," a quarterly, and the "Sabbath-School Visitor," a weekly, and as a frequent contributor to the "Israelite," the "Occident," "Deborah" (founded by him), the "Asmonean," "Volksblatt," and "Volksfreund." He published a volume of poems entitled "Freiheit, Frühling und Liebe" (1857), several volumes of addresses and sermons, and left three dramas in manuscript—"Die Strelitzen Mutter," "Rudolf von Habsburg," and "Der Einwanderer."Lilienthal took an active interest in the affairs of the municipality. As member of the Cincinnati board of education, and as director of the Relief Union and of the university board, he contributed much to the welfare of his adopted city. He was a reformer by nature; he was instrumental in introducing reforms in his own congregation in Cincinnati, constantly preached tolerance, and urged a more liberal interpretation of Jewish law.”

1885: In Kletkx, successful flour millowner Hyman Cohen and Anna Rosofsky  gave birth Fannia Cohen who emigrated to the United States in 1904 where she became an educational and labor leader whose work with International Ladies Garment Workers Union was undermined by what today would be male chauvinism and sex discrimination.

1886: In Lithuania, Mere and Shmuel Yuter gave birth Rabbi Moses Etter, the husband of Sophie Etter who came to the United States in 1924 where he began serving the community in Harrisburg, PA which included a Jewish community center.

1887: In Odessa, Mannie Podell and Mordecai “Max” Podell, “a bookkeeper” gave birth to the New York School of Philanthropy graduate and social worker Nettie Podell Ottenberg, the wife of Louis Otttenberg whom she married in 1912 and mother of Regina, Miriam, and Louis Ottenberg Jr.

1890(15th of Nisan, 5650): First Day of Pesach

1890: Three days after he had passed away, 27-year-old Percy Michols, the son of Rebecca Montefiore and Horatio Lucas Michols was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1891: In Paris, Alfred Dreyfus, the most famous Jew to serve in the French Army and Lucie Eugénie Hadamard gave birth to Pierre Léon Dreyfus, the husband of Marie Apllonie Dreyfus.

1892: Birthdate of Chicago native Robert I. Wishnick who at the age of 4 came to Chicago where he earned a “chemical engineering from the Armour Institute of Technology and an LL.B. from the Kent College of Law before going on to found Witco Chemical Corporation and serve as “an active sponsor of the United Federatonation Jewish Philanthropies and the United Jewish Appeal” in NYC.

1892: In Pennsylvania, Minna and Rabbi Louis Levinthal gave birth to University of Pennsylvania trained attorney Judge Louis E. Levinthal, the huband of Lenore Levinthal and father of Sylvia and Cyrus Levinthal, “who was special adviser for Jewish affairs to Gen. Lucius D. Clay and the postwar European Command in 194748.”

1893: In Berlin, Bertha and Georg Freund gave birth to Kate Freund, who became Kate Lippman when she married Leo Lippmann and who was murdered at Auschwitz in February of 1943.

1895: “Bequests by Bernhard Bernhard” published today included a partial list of those benefiting from his generosity including the Hebrew Benevolent Association, Mount Sinai Hospital, the Home for the Aged and Infirm Hebrews and the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids each of which received $150 and the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews which received $100. 

1895: In New York City, Herman and Anna (Kornfield) Roth gave birth to University of South California trained attorney and husband of Gertrud Frances Freeman who worked as a reporter with the Los Angeles Examiner and Los Angeles Express and served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps during WW I after which he pursued a career in the legal field which led to his becoming a partner in the firm of Lissner, Roth and Gunter in 1923 while  serving as a member of the board of directors for the Federation of Jewish Welfare Organizations and an associate editor of the B’nai  B’rith Messenger.

1896(22nd of Nisan, 5656): Eighth and final day of Pesach with ceremonies that include Yizkor.

1896(22nd of Nisan 5656): Seventy-three-year-old Leopold Pick, the husband of Sofie Sara Pick passed away today in Vienna.

1896: Rabbis Gottheil, Silverman and Sparger will officiate at the funeral of Leonard Friedman who died last week in New Jersey. Edward Lauterbach will deliver the graveside address.

1896: Dr. Joseph Silverman spoke today at Temple Emanu El on “Passover and Easter; a Comparative Study.”

1896: Birthdate of Boston born American Modernist artist and illustrator for several magazines including The Saturday Evening Post and Harpers Henry Botkin.


1896: “Solomon’ Song” published today contains a detailed review of Elbert Hubbard’s study of the biblical book entitled The Song of Songs, Which Is Solomon’s

1896: Using information that first appeared in The American Hebrew, “Error in the Jewish Calendar” published today described a lecture “delivered under the auspices of the Graetz College in Philadelphia on ‘The Jewish Calendar’ in which Dr. Cyrus Adler called attention to an error in the calendar” which was first “promulgated by Hillel II” in or around 350 C.E.

1897: Reverend Lyman Abbott of Plymouth Church addressed an event hosted by the Jewish Alliance in the Assembly Hall of Temple Emanu El

1898: Three days after she had passed away, 28 year old Katie Myers, the wife of Albert Myers was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1898: Birthdate of Russian native and WW I Irving Norman Chayken who in 1908 came to the United States where he became a jeweler and B’nai B’rith in Hammond, IN.

1899: Dr. Lee K. Frankel of Philadelphia accepted the offer to serve as the manager of United Hebrew Charities of New York City succeeding N.S. Rosenau who had resigned from the position last February due to poor health.

1899: “Real Estate Exemption” published today described Assemblyman Green’s efforts to gain a property tax exemption for the Young Men’s Hebrew Association of New York City.

1900(6th of Nisan, 5660): Yahrzeit of Rabbi and Talmudist Rabbi Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen who passe away 1597(5357).

1900: Birthdate of Columbia graduate and Parkinson disease patient A. Wilfred May, the former foreign correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune, NANA and The London Financial Times and “economic expert with the SEC’”

1900: Birthdate of Spencer Tracy, the non-Jewish actor who starred as the American judge who would not bow to popular will and release Nazis in “Judgement at Nuremberg,” the 1961 film with a script by Abby Mann and produced and directed by Stanley Kramer.

1901(17th of Nisan, 5661): Shabbat Shel Pesach

1901:  In Macon, GA, Lena Priscilla (née Shackelford), a Protestant Mayflower descendant and Edouard Gregory Hesselberg, a Jewish concert pianist and composer gave birth to Melvyn Hesselberg who gained fame as actor Melvyn Douglas who wrote in his autobiography See You at the Moviesthat he was unaware of his Jewish background until later in his youth: "I did not learn about the non-Christian part of my heritage until my early teens," as his parents preferred to hide his Jewish heritage.”

Douglas gained a different kind of fame when his wife Helen Gagahan Douglas ran against Richard Nixon for U.S. Senator in 1950.  Nixon and his allies combined her liberal politics with his Judaism to create the specter of the Jewish/Communist Conspiracy.  The fact that Douglas had changed his name was considered evidence of the conspiracy. "Californians can do one thing very soon to further the ideals of Christian nationalism, and this is not to send to the Senate the wife of a Jew."  Douglas died at the age of 80 in 1981 just before the appearance of his final film, Ghost Story.

1901: Birthdate of old NYU trained lawyer Joseph Gershman who “was a past president of the Educational Alliance, treasurer of the Jewish Education Committee” and “a founder with Herman Wouk of the Fire Island Synagogue” passed away today in Beth Israel Hospital.

1901: In Detroit, a site was chosen at the corner of Woodward Avenue and Eliot Street was purchased on which would be built a new Temple for Congregation Beth El.

1901: Birthdate of Boston native and Harvard trained Dentist Lewis Julius Danovitch.

1902(27th of Adar II, 5662): Parashat Shmini; Shabbat HaChodesh

1902: It was reported today that “the House Committee on Foreign Affairs” has “directed favorable report on the resolution of Representative Goldfogle of New York asking the State Department for information as to the alleged exclusion of American Jews from Russia.”

1902: Charles Frohman, the Jewish producer from Ohio, “has made another hit in Detrichstein’s farce ‘All on Account of Eliza,’ which has been received with acclaim at the Shaftesbury Theatre.

1902: “The Jew as a Patriot” published today provided a review of Peter’s The Jew in Politics which includes chapters that “trace the part taken by the Jew in the early American wars,” in the Civil War and “in the Spanish war in which 4,000 Jews participated.”

1903: In Maciejowice, Poland, Rabbi Mendel of the Warka Hasidic dynasty and his wife gave birth to Ita Kalish.

1904(20th of Nisan, 5664): Sixth Day of Pesach

1904: Birthdate of Bronx native Pincus “Pinky” Silverberg who gained fame Flyweight Champion “Young Silverberg.”

1905: Two days after he had passed away, Alfred Benjamin Baumann, the husband of the former Priscilla Isaacs and father of Rebecca, Benjamin, John James and Adela Baumann was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1905: Today, “the daily Hebrew newspaper Ha-Zefirah of Warsaw carried an article signed by ‘guest,’ probably the pen name of its editor, Nahum Sokolow, which said in part; ‘Are we Japanophiles? In the records of Jewish history you will not find the name of Japan…But I have to confess that in one respect I am a Japanophile, in admired the speed in which they move and in which they adjust themselves to new circumstances…My dream is that sometime someone will excavate from the soil of Japan a proof that the Japanese are indeed the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.’”

1905: The announcement of the engagement of journalist and former cigar worker Rose Pastor to prominent Protestant philanthropist James Graham Phelps Stokes caused a media sensation.

1905: Birthdate of Elias Pichney, the native of Fostov, Ukraine the husband of former Dora Werthman and father of Joel, who was the field secretary of the National Jewish Welfare Board and “the co-founder of Social Workers for a Sane Nuclear Policy.”

1906: In Cologne, a congregation introduced the use of an organ which led to the departure of its Orthodox members who formed a new congregation.

1907(21st of Nisan, 5667): Seventh Day of Pesach

1907: Birthdate of Brooklyn native and University of Illinois trained physician Morris Aaron Kaplan who specialized in the treatment of allergies while serving on the faculty of his alma mater and the University of Chicago.

1908: Award-winning statistician and future vice president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Louis Israel Dublin, the Kovno born son of Sarah Rosensweig and Max Dublin married Augusta Salik today.

1908: Henry Asquith became Prime Minister of Great Britain today and appointed two rising stars to his cabinet and future Prime Ministers to his cabinet – David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill.  Lloyd George would be the Prime Minister whose government issued the Balfour Declaration; a document he would continue to champion during the 1920’s when such support ceased to be “fashionable.”  Churchill enjoyed the support of friendship of members of the Jewish community, supported the Balfour Declaration and was a personal friend of Chaim Weizmann.  This personal friendship did not keep Churchill from turning his back on the Zionists in the waning days of WW II.

1909: Birthdate of Art Cohn, the New York native who became a successful sports writer of the Oakland Tribune (CA) and screenwriter who died in a plane crash with his friend movie producer Mike Todd whose biography he was in the process of writing

1909: Edward Lewis, the son of the former Ann Levy, was buried today at the “Karangahape Road Cemetery” in Auckland, NZ/

1909(14th of Nisan, 5669): As Jews in Atlanta, GA sat down to their Seders, for the first time they had a choice of which matzoth to use – they could either continue with the Manischewitz or use that offered for the first time in this southern city produced by A. Goodman & Son, of New York which also offered “Berliner Tea Matzoths, Matzoth Meal, and Imported Potato Flour”  

1909(14th of Nisan, 5669): The New York Times reported that “The celebration of the Jewish festival of Pesach, or the Passover, will commence at sunset this evening and will continue among the orthodox members of the Hebrew community for eight days. The first two days and the last two days of this period are held as strict holidays on which no business should be transacted or servile work entered upon, except such as may be considered works of necessity or charity.”


1910:  Birthdate of Chaim Grade, poet, novelist and short story writer.  Born in Vilna, Lithuania (which at that time was part of Russia), Grade gained prominence in the 1930's as a Yiddish author.  He survived the Holocaust and came to the United States after the war where he continued to write.  Two of his more famous novels are The Agunah and The Yeshiva.  In My Mother's Sabbath, Grade created a memoir praising his mother, "a pious woman, who raised her son alone and worked herself to the bone...but never forgot the holiness of the Sabbath."  Elie Wiesel described Grade as "one of the greatest, if not the greatest of contemporary Yiddish novelists."  Grade passed away on June 26, 1982.

1911: Eight hearses carried the caskets of seven unknown victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire to the Cemetery of the Evergreens in Brooklyn.

1912(18th of Nisan, 5672): Fourth Day of Pesach.

1912: Today B. Altman advertised “their newly equipped fireproof storage on premises at their Fifth Avenue location which are designed for “the safekiiping and care of furs, fur garments, rugs, portieres and curtains.”

1912: It was reported today that “one hundred young women, many of them this season's debutantes, will participate in the work of raising $200,000 for the Young Women's Hebrew Association building fund in the two weeks' whirlwind campaign which opens on April 10th, the day after Passover ends.

1912: Today, Dr. Heinrich Harburger, the Professor at the University of Munich and the Councilor at the Court of Appeals was appointed President of the Senate of the Supreme Court.

1913: Maimonides Kosher Hospital founded in Chicago

1913: It was reported today that there were at least five Jews, including three from Warsaw “in the deputation which presented the Czar with a million rubles in commemoration of the three hundredth anniversary of the Romanoff dynasty.”

1913: The celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding the Jewish Publication Society is scheduled to begin this evening after Shabbat with an “Authors Evening” “to which all the living authors who have written books for the society will be invited.”

1914: Preparations were made today for the free distribution of thousands of pounds of unleavened bread or Matzoth to needy Jewish families, for use duruing the week of the Passover, which begins on Friday night.

1914: The 24th annual convention of the Independent Order of Free Sons of Judah opened today at the Murray Hill Lyceum

1914: The New York Times Magazine features on article describing “the almost unrivaled collection of Jewish manuscripts found at the Jewish Theological Seminary, which, thanks to Dr. Solomon Schechter and others is surpassed only by those found at the British and Bodleian Museums.”

1915(21st of Nisan, 5675): Seventh Day of Pesach

1915: Explorer and archeologist Camden M. Cobern, who had just returned from a trip to Palestine began a series of lectures about his archaeological discoveries today in which he “pointed out that the Jews had three different systems of shorthand reporting in the first century and that in every Jewish court had shorthand reporter or clerk who sat on each side of the Judge.

1916: It was reported today that at least one member of the Dumas has been critical of the Russian government’s negotiations with their British ally and has demanded, among other things, that after the war Britain agree to a Joint Anglo-Russian of Palestine which unbeknownst to him would run contrary to Sykes-Picot agreement that gave Britain sole control of Palestine.

1917: Harry Hirschfeld of Ossining received permission today from the warden at Sing Sing to provide food for a seder to be attended by Alexander Shuster who is in the deathhouse and other Jewish prisoners which will be paid for by Jacob Schiff and others.

1917: The Evening Telegram published what Samuel Untermyer later said was a “fabricated” interview in which it was claimed he said he “was opposed to the United States sending young men to fight for England which has injured” the United States ‘as much as Germany has.”

1917: “The tenth annual report of the American Jewish Committee made public” today contained “a census of the Jews in the army and navy of the United States showing that there 2,953 enlisted or commissioned Jews in the regular army and navy and more than 1,000 in the National Guard at a time when the peace-time army had approximately 100,000 members.

1917: Sixteen-year-old Solomon Richenberg “the son of Mark and Annie Richenberg” was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1917: Birthdate of Robert Albert Bloch who wrote hundreds of short stories and over twenty novels, usually crime fiction, science fiction, and, perhaps most influentially, horror fiction. He was a contributor to pulp magazines like Weird Tales in his early career, and was also a prolific screenwriter. He was the recipient of the Hugo Award, the Bram Stoker Award, and the World Fantasy Award. He served a term as president of the Mystery Writers of America. Robert Bloch was also a major contributor to science fiction fanzines and fandom in general. In the 1940s, he created the humorous character Lefty Feep in a story for Fantastic Adventures. He passed away in 1994.

1917: “Professor Israel Friedlaender of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, an authority on Russian Jewry gave a statement to the press in which he expressed his disagreement with the belief of “Rabbi David Philipson of Cincinnati that the Russian Revolution will put an end to Zionism by removing the necessity for Jews to seek refuge in a State of their own to escape persecution.”

1918: In an interview given in Berlin to a representative of the Judische Rundschau, the Bulgarian Minister stated, “that his government intended to press for the grant of full rights to Jews in Romania at the peace congress and promised that steps will be taken to end the mistreatment of the Bessarabian Jews.”

1918: Premier Radoslavoff of Bulgaria praises the patriotism of Jews, and pledges his

 Government will be an ally of the Jewish cause in the negotiations with Romania.

1918: The Duetschvolkische Blutter wrote “that the time has arrived to declare war on Jews openly because of their opposition to German war aims” while deputies in the Reichstag were “demanding the adoption of measures against the Jewish race which agitates for strikes and raises the price of food.”

1918: It was reported today Kiev continues to the scene of “anti-Semitic agitation” as can be by the fact that “when the city was captured by the Ukrainians most of the inhabitants they shot were Jewish.”

1918: It was reported today “that anti-Jewish riots have occurred in Turkestan” including the city of Kokand where 300 Jews have been killed and great deal of property has been destroyed.

1919: Rabbi Joseph H. Margolies conducted services at the South Side Hebrew Congregation on Michigan Avenue in Chicago.
1919(5th of Nisan, 5679): The Polish army executed 35 young Jews who had helped in the distribution of packages sent by the Joint to the Jewish community of Pinsk. They were taken from a legitimate business meeting of the Jewish Cooperative and accused of being Jewish Bolshevists. Others also arrested were told to dig their own graves and but were released.  Ironically, the relief activities of the Joint Distribution Committee were used by Russians, in the declining years of Stalin, as a pretext for their anti-Semitic charges of disloyalty against Soviet Jews.

1919: Yiddish author and Mayor of Pinsk, Moyshe Gloyberman passed away today.

1920(17th of Nisan, 5680): Third Day of Pesach

1920: As Arab violence in Jerusalem grew worse, “the Old City was sealed off and martial law was declared which did not put an end to the “looting, burglar, rape and murder” which makes the decision to withdraw the soldiers that night all the more inexplicable or as the Palin Report would call it “an error in judgment.

1921: In New York Cit Alderman Bruce M. Falconer objected to the “Freedom of the City” being given to Professor Chaim Weizmann and Professor Albert Einstein” because he was not acquainted with the work of the two scientists and because “he thought the freedom of the city had been granted too often.”

1922: “The House Without Laughter,” a silent drama produced by Lupu Pick was released in Germany today.

1923: In Frankfurt, Henri and Rosa Mandel gave birth to philosopher and economist Ernest Mandel who was a member of the Resistance in Belgium during WW II.

1924(1st of Nisan, 5684): Parashat Tazria; Rosh Choesh Nisan; Shabbat HaChodesh

1924(1st of Nisan, 5684): Fifty-two-year-old Lithuanian born American coin designer and engraver Victor David Brenner whose “initials are pressed into the underline of Lincoln’s bicep” on the Lincoln penny, passed away today.

1925: Celebration of the 40th anniversary of the founding of Montefiore Hospital for Chronic Diseases a leading medical intuition named to honor the memory of Sir Moses Montefiore. During the observance, President Rosenbaum reviewed the history of the hospital and Dr George E. Vincent, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, delivered an address on "The Hospital and the Community."

1926: At Footgaurd Hall in Hartford, CT, flyweight Pincus “Pinky” lost his only fight by a knockout when he was “ko’d” in the third round.

1926: Birthdate of Philadelphia native Adolph Stanley Levey who gained fame as drummer Stan Levy.

1926: Newspaper correspondent T. Walter Williams reported that the American Zionist Commonwealth and the Palestine Securities Corporation are paying $20 a dunam (quarter of an acre) to the Arabs for land in Palestine and selling it to Jewish settlers for $100 per dunam.

1927: It was reported today that Joseph A. Koffend, a product of the Presbyterian Church’s aggressive conversation activities “wishes to go to Africa as a missionary.

1927: Municipal elections are held in Jerusalem. The election ordinance allocates four seats for Jews and eight for Arabs. Ragheb al Nashashibi is elected mayor. Deputy Mayors are Chaim Salomon and Ya'akuv Faraj (a Christian).

1928(15th of Nisan, 5688): Pesach

1928: At Temple Ansche Chesed, Dr. Jacob delivered a sermon in which he “deprecated the tendency to exchange freedom for security with its bondage” and said that “the dictatorships in Russian, Italy and Poland were such a base exchange” while asserting that “Freedom and responsibility, not bondage and security should be the American aims.”

1928: At Temple Israel in New York, Dr. Maurice H. Harris delivered a sermon in which he said “freedom carries the obligation to overcome evil and inertia” and that “Egypt is a state a of mind. We make our Egypt or our Eden, our desert or our paradise.  Each individual alone knows his own fatal weakness and each alone must be his own emancipator.”

1928: Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein delivered a sermon at the Institutional Synagogue in which he “deplored the recent oil scandals” saying that ‘I plead for a strong moral fiber.’”

1929: In the Bronx, Abraham Kinzer, “glazier in a glass auto shop” and the former Rose Blivis gave birth to Charlotte Kizner who married Marvin Leffler after the death of her first husband Sidney Frank who gained fame as Charlotte Frank, “who blazed a career path beginning as a fourth-grade teacher in New York City to become a policymaker codifying ambitious curriculums for millions of students…” (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1929: “The Jewish Welfare Board, through Dr. Cyrus Adler, chairman of the army and navy committed announced today that the Secretary of War has  requested that furloughs be granted to all Jewish soldiers in order that they might spend the Passover period in their homes” and that “the Bureau of Navigation has issued a similar order to all ships and stations granting leave to me for the Seder Celebrations.

1930: In Chicago, “Herman Noah and Grace (Bloomfield) Grochov,” an artist who had studied painting at the Art Institute” gave birth to Maurice Ronald Gorchov who as Ron Gorchov gained fame as an abstract painter widely known for vividly colored, saddle-shaped canvases that curved away from the wall and gently warped the viewer’s perception…” (As reported by Roberta Smith)

1930: U.S. premiere of “Ladies of Leisure” written by Jo Swerling and produced by Harry Cohn.

1931(18th of Nisan, 5691): 4th day of Pesach

1931(18th of Nisan, 5691): Twenty-year-old Lewis Warner, the son of Harry Warner, who had been appointed “as head of Warner Bros.” passed away today “when an infected, impacted wisdom tooth was extracted, which led to septicemia and then double pneumonia.”

1931(18th of Nisan, 5691): Seventy-nine-year-old Nathan Frank passed away today.

1931: “Skippy,” a comedy directed by Norman Taurog, produced by Adolph Zukor, Jesse Lasky and B.P. Schulberg with a script by Joseph L. Mankiewicz and Sam Mintz was released today in the United States.

1932: Mrs. Sidney C. Borg announced today that “the women's division of the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies had raised a total of $635,615.75 in 1931 from women contributors, nearly $87,000 more than the total raised in 1930, and about $120,000 in excess of the sum contributed by women in 1929.”

1932: Documents released today by Carl Severing, the Socialist Prussian Minister of the Interior confirmed the fact “that Herr Hitler is surrounded by a large staff of former army officers who have not only given his fighting units their external military structure but have secretly supplied them with an elaborate intelligence and espionage organization patterned after approved military formulas.”

1933: In Washington, “William Venezky and the former Millie Ruth Bronstein, Jewish immigrants from Russia” gave birth to Melva Jane Venezky who gained fame as Melva Bucksbaum, the wife of Des Moines shopping center developer Martin Bucksbaum, who went from being president of the Des Moines Art Center board to being a nationally known art collector and curator.

1933: One day after he had passed away, 45-year-old Romanian native Isaac Alpert, the husband of Fannie Alpert and the father of Joseph, Jacob and Harry Isaac Alpert was buried today at the “Workmen’s Circle Cemetery” in Syracuse, NY.

1934: Birthdate of “Dr. Fritz H. Bach, a physician and medical researcher who helped develop techniques to improve people’s chances of surviving organ and bone marrow transplants.” As reported by Douglas Martin)

1934: Birthdate of Moise Yacoub Safra, the scion of affluent Syrian and Lebanese bankers who moved to Brazil where he “co-founded Banco Safra” with his brothers.

1935: In Jerusalem, at the final session of the Actions Committee, the Supreme Council of the World Zionist Organization voted to approve the largest budget ever in its history which will include funds for settling an “agricultural colony named in honor of the late Baron Edmond de Rothschild of Paris.”

1935: In New York, Samuel Pincus, “an immigrant from Poland” and “the former Charlotte Wittenberg” gave birth to Robert Alfred Pincus who gained fame as “art critic Robert Pincus-Witten.”  (As reported by Neil Genglinger)

1936: Based on an analysis of figures “sent from Jerusalem by Dr. Werner Senator, director of the immigrant department of the Jewish Agency for Palestine” published today “134,500 people from all countries arrived in Palestine” from January of 1933 to December of 1935, of whom 36,372 came from German including “24,499classified as permanent settler and 11,873 classified as tourists most of whom are rapidly indicating their intention of staying permanently.”

1936: Plans were published today describing the upcoming viewing of “important works of the Dutch masters of the seventeenth century” that will take place at the Manhattan home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Buttenweiser which will serve as fundraiser for the women’s division of the United Palestine Appeal.

1936: “Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn’s list of ‘the ten greatest living Jews’ was criticized for including the names of ‘Jews who are great men but not great in an address delivered this morning at the Free Synagogue by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, who “was one of the listed by Dr. Lewisohn.”

1936: In Pittsburgh, Pa, “the executive board of District 5 of the United Mine Workers of America asked its 40,000 members today to enforce a boycott on all German-made goods.”

1936: “Slogan calling for a boycott of Jewish businesses were plastered in the shape of swastikas over the windows of Jewish stores” tonight which “was the newest phase of a Jew-baiting campaign among the 35,000 Jewish citizens of Leeds, UK.

1936: The Fraenkische Tageszeitug reported today that a Nuremberg court sentenced a Jewish cattle dealer to six weeks’ imprisonment for wearing brown trousers.”

1936: “The conference of Jewish youth organizations meeting” in New York “at the Hotel Pennsylvania adopted a resolution today favoring the inclusion of Jewish history and Hebrew in school curriculums.”

1936: “A plan for settling 12,000 German Jews a year in countries other than Palestine at an annual cost $1,000,000 was completed by the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland, the Jewish relief organization and forwarded to the Council for German Jewry in London.”

1937: “Elephant Boy” a Kiplingesque film directed by Zoltan Korda and produced by Alexander Korda was released in the United States today.

1937: The Palestine Post reported in a leading article that the Mandatory government’s delay in granting certificates to workers, apparently for political reasons, had caused a severe shortage of Jewish labor.


1937: The Palestine Post reported that Jews living Safed were forced to remain in their own quarter since those who dared to go into the Arab parts of the city were stoned.

1937: The Palestine Post reported that a royal palace was been unearthed at Megiddo by the archaeological expedition, organized by the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

1937: The Palestine Post reported in Poland Menachem Begin and members of his Betar Revisionist youth group were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment for having demanded free immigration to Palestine, during a demonstration held outside the British Embassy in Warsaw. The Polish government expressed its regrets to the British Embassy.

1937:  In New York City, “while fifty men and women who said they represented more than 100 Jewish organizations picked the Polish Consulate…at noon today, a delegation of seven presented a petition to a consulate attaché demanding that the Polish Government take immediate action to stop attacks” on Jews in Poland.

1937: Birthdate of Aryeh “Arie” Selinger who “served as the head coach of the USA Women's Team in the years 1975-1984.”

1937: Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld and the former Toby Bookholtz gave birth to Pulitzer Prize winning author and New York Times executive editor Joseph Lelyveld.

1938: Anti-Jewish riots break out in Dabrowa and spread across Poland.

1938: Lazar Kaganovich began serving his second term as People’s Commissar for Transport.

1939(16th of Nisan, 5699): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1939(16th of Nisan, 5699): Dr. Moses Gaster passed away today. 1940Birthdate of Aliza Kashi, Israeli, actress and singer who gained some of her popularity as a regular on the Merv Griffin Show.

1940: The Norwegian government in exile began to function in London which meant that Norway’s small Jewish community was now at the mercy of their Nazi conquerors and the Quisling government.

1941: Unbeknownst to them the Jews of Greece and Yugoslavia are enjoying their last day before the forces of the Final Solution come to their respective homelands.

1942: The Lutheran Church of Norway issued "Kirken grunn" ("Foundations of the Church"), a letter condemning Nazism and racism and protesting efforts of Vidkun Quisling, Norway's German puppet, to "Nazify" Norway's churches.

1943: In Aleppo, Syria, Jacob Safra and his wife gave birth to Brazilian businessman and co-founder of the Bano Safra Moise Safra.

1943(29th of Adar II, 5703): Three hundred Jews from Soly and Smorgon, Byelorussia, were transported by rail westward to Vilna, Lithuania. En route, the captives shattered the railcars' wire-reinforced glass and attempted to flee but were shot to death by guards. The survivors were later shot at Ponary, southwest of Vilna, by German and Lithuanian SS troops. About 4000 Jews from in and around Vilna were trucked to Ponary, slaughtered, and dumped into mass graves. Jews arriving at the Ponary station by rail from Oszmiana and Swieciany, Lithuania, resisted with revolvers, knives, and their bare hands; a few dozen escaped to Vilna and the rest were shot. During the massacre, a Lithuanian policeman was wounded by Jews and an SS sergeant was hospitalized after being stabbed in the back and in the head.

1943(29th of Adar II, 5703): The final trainload of Jews from Macedonia arrived at Treblinka. All aboard were gassed immediately.

1943: Three Tunisian Jews, Joseph, Gilbert and Freddy Scemla, were flown from North Africa to Germany where they would be imprisoned in Dachau and eventually be beheaded.  The three men had been betrayed by an Arab when they were attempting to hide from the Nazis in the days before Tunisia was liberated by the Allies. 

1943: Hans vonDohnányi a German jurist who was part of the Resistance and really did rescue Jews, was arrested at his office by the Gestapo] on charges of alleged breach of foreign currency violations: he had transferred funds to a Swiss bank on behalf of the Jews he had saved

1944: Deadline arrives for all Jews of Hungary to wear a Gold Star on their clothing.

1944: At today’s meeting of the Cairo Forces Parliament which when it met for the first time in February included Welsh attorney and future MP Leo Abse, “an officer gave notification that the assembly was contrary to King’s Regulations” the more than 500 attendees voted for a bill call for then nationalizing banking system” and then dissolved.

1944: Violette Szabo, who would eventually be murdered at Ravensbruck  began her first mission as a covert agent today when she was flown from RAF Tempsford in Bedfordshire in a US B-24 Liberator bomber and parachuted into German-occupied France, near Cherbourg

1944: A prisoner escaped from Auschwitz to warn Czech Jews about the death camp.

1945: Forty-seven-year-old Karl Otto Koch, the Nazi commander of Buchenwald, Majdanek and Sachsenhausen was executed today after having been found guilty by “the Supreme Court of the SS and Police.”

1945: After two days of fighting the Wehrmacht surrendered to the U.S. Army at  Wurzburg, which had had a population that included 2,000 Jews in 1930 most of which was shipped to the death camps between November 1941 and June 1943

1945: No. 459 Squadron RAAF a Royal Australian Air Force squadron that operated during World War II that was formed in early 1942 and served as a maritime patrol and bomber unit in the Mediterranean theatre that had been stationed at Lod Airfield since 1942 left that installation today,

1945: Today “units from the American Fourth Armored Division of the Third Army were the first Americans to discover a concentration camp with prisoners and corpses.”

1946: It was reported today that “the New York State Legislature is considering a bill introduced by Bernard Austin to establish in Brooklyn a $2,000,000 college to train Hebrew teachers and grand degrees in Hebrew literature.”


1946: It was reported today that 27 “Protestant churches in Massachusetts have organized a campaign to build a synagogue for Jewish families in Athol area” who “have been worshipping in a loft above a store.”

1947(15th of Nisan, 5707): In China, a Seder was held at The Shanghai Jewish Young Community Center

1948: With Arab irregulars already attacking the Yishuv, and Arab armies poised to attack in May, the final step in mobilization was completed with a call-up for all males forty or younger.

1948: While Jerusalem was under siege and the United States was wrestling with question of the creation of the Jewish state, the Soviets were using all tactics to strangle the West in Berlin including the harassment of Allied civilian aircraft by Russian fighters as can be seen by today’s collision of a Yak-3 with British airliner.

1949: Birthdate of Dr. Judith Arlene Resnik.  Born in Akron, Ohio, Resnik was a design engineer, electrical engineer and biochemical engineer for Xerox, RCA and NIH.  She was a mission specialist on the Challenger where she died in 1986.

1951: In a rare move for this time, Israel responded to the murder of seven soldiers yesterday with an airstrike, which, unfortunately was ineffective.

1951: “A Place in the Sun,” co-starring Shelly Winters and with music by Franz Waxman was released at the Cannes Film Festiva.

1951: “Teresa” directed by Fred Zinnemann, produced by Arthur Loew, Jr., with a script by Stewart Stern and music by Louis Appelbaum was released today in the United States.

1951: The Rosenbergs and David Greenglass were convicted of spying.  Prosecuted by Jewish lawyers, the Rosenbergs were sentenced to death by a Jewish judge.

1852: In Los Angeles, Beth Jacob West Adams Hebrew Congregation marked the anniversary of Rabbi Simon Dolgin’s bar mitzva as well as the 13th anniversary of his service to his congregation.


1953(20th of Nisan, 5713): Sixth Day of Pesach

1953(20th of Nisan, 5713): Twenty-seven-year-old Herb Gorman, who had been taken out of game while playing left field for the PCL San Diego Padres today after complaining of pain passed away at a local hospital.

1953: Birthdate of Ghaleb Majadele, an Israeli-Arab member of the Labor Party who has served as an MK and cabinet minister.

1954: In New York, Leon Hess, the founder of what is now the Amerada Hess Corporation, and his wife Norma gave birth to Harvard trained businessman John B Hess, the husband of Susan Elizabeth Kessler who succeeded his father as CEO of the family business in 1995.

1955: Tella Lichtenstein, a leader of Jewish Science is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “How to Live” at the Forest Hills Inn.

1955: Birthdate of London native, novelist and screenwriter Anthony Horowitz, the husband of Jill Green who holds the unique distinction of being the “literary voice of the dead” having been commissioned by the estate of Arthur Conan Doyle “to be the writer of new Sherlock Holmes novel” and having been commissioned by the estate of Ian Fleming to write a new James Bond novel.

1955: Having been named Prime Minister for a second time in 1953, Winston Churchill retired from the position today. For more about Churchill and the Jewish people see Churchill and the Jews by Sir Martin Gilbert.

1956: Birthdate of “English author and screenwriter” Anthony Horowitz.

1956: In a case of Jew versus “Abraham Telvi, a mobster and hit man, attacked journalist Victor Riesel with acid, blinding him as he left” Lindy’s Restaurant in New York.  Riesel was a crusading journalist who exposed the connection between mobsters and certain elements of the American labor movement.

1956: Egyptian artillery in the Gaza Strip bombarded settlements in the Negev.  Four civilians and two Israeli soldiers were wounded.  At mid-day Egyptian terrorists were spotted trying to infiltrate from Gaza.  The failed attempt was accompanied by a renewed barrage from the Egyptians which killed three Israeli soldiers.  The Israelis returned fire, killing 63 civilians in the process.  The Foreign Ministry expressed regret at the loss of civilian life but reminded the Egyptians that it was “their folly” which had brought on the exchange in the first place.  Attacks like these from Gaza were one of the causes of the war between Egypt and Israel that took place later in 1956. [Yes, this is the same Gaza from which the Kassam Rockets are being launched during the 21st century.

1958(15th of Nisan, 5718): First Day of Pesach

1958(15th Nisan, 5718): Terrorists lying in an ambush shot and killed two people near Tel Lakhish.

1961(19th of Nisan, 5721): Fourth Day of Pesach

1961: Barbra Streisand made her first performance on national television tonight when she appeared on the Jack Paar Show singing Harold Arlen’s “A Sleepin’ Bee.” (Of the three mentioned Paar is the one who was not Jewish.)

1962: CBS broadcast the last episode of “The Gerturde Berg Show” a sit-com starring Gertrude Berg which had begun its broadcast life as “Mrs. G. Goes to College.”

1962: “A Thousand Clowns” featuring Gene Sakes as “Leo Harman” officially opened on Broadway today.

1963: In “Wilkins Says Jews Help Negro Escape ‘Ghetto’’ published today “Roy Wilkins executive secretary of the NAACP denounced anti-Semitism among Negroes as ‘senseless hatred’.”

1963: It was reported today that in Moscow “as many as eight persons were seized and machinery used for the baking and cutting of” Matzah was confiscated as Jews were arrested on charges of profiteering in the sale of matzos.

1964: In the Terrace Room at the Plaza, Rabbi Charles Shulman officiated at the wedding of Phyllis Linda Steinberg and Lucien Simon Marchand.

1965: Jack Benny, whose weekly television show will not continue after this season, said today he would star on two special hour-long shows next season on the National Broadcasting Company network. The 71-year-old comedian will thus continue the uninterrupted association with broadcasting that began in 1932.

1966(15th of Nisan, 5726): Pesach

1967: “Double Trouble” an Elvis Presley musical directed by Norman Taurog  and produced by Irwin Winkler and Judd Bernard was released in the United States today.

1967(24th of Adar II, 5727): Seventy-six-year-old Nobel laureate Herman Joseph Muller passed away today.

1967(24th of Adar II, 5727): Sixty-year-old Russian born violinist Mischa Elman passed away.

1969(17th of Nisan, 5729): Shabbat Shel Pesach celebrated for the first time during the Presidency of Richard M. Nixon.

1970(28th of Adar II, 5730): Eighty-seven-year-old Russian born, American “anatomical Illustrator” Alfred Feinberg, who had been trained at the Art Students League and the National Academy of Design passed away today.

1970(28th of Adar II, 5730): Seventy-one-year-old Max Bozyk, a popular performer in the Yiddish theater collapsed offstage after finishing a performance at Town Hall this afternoon after having apparently suffered a heart attack which proved fatal.

1970: A memorial services is scheduled to be held today for seventy-one-year-old New York native and World War I Navy veteran Ralph G. Engelsman, a long-time “leader in the life insurance sales industry” and noted amateur water-color painter who had two sons Ralph and Alan with his wife Naomi.

1971: The Supreme Court rendered a decision in INVESTMENT COMPANY INSTITUTE et al., Petitioners, v. William B. CAMP, Comptroller of the Currency, et al. in which Joseph B. Levin represented the petitioner, National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

1972(21st of Nisan, 5732): Pesach VII

1972(21st of Nisan, 5732): Sixty-five year old MK Reuven Barkat passed away today.

1973(3rd of Nisan, 5733): Five days before his 70th birthday, “Austrian-American opera producer” Herbert Graf, the Little Hans discussed in Freud's 1909 study Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy” passed away today.

1973: Funeral services are held at Temple Emanu-El in New York for Aaron Rabinowitz, a pioneer in the field of affordable housing and other forms of real estate innovation.

1974: “132 Soviet Jews from 13 towns appealed to the U.S. Senators in behalf of Alexander Feldman, who was confined to a punishment cell and whose detention was repeatedly extended despite serious illness.”

1974: “Passover Messages Back Israel And Note Plight of Soviet Jews” published today the messages of Jewish leaders “that pleaded for the safeguarding of Israel's position as a democratic country in the Middle East and pointed to the plight of Soviet Jews stressing that life without freedom is worthless” including a message to the followers “Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, world leader of the Hassidic Lubavitcher movement who stressed that Passover meant that each Jew “must free himself of those influences” that impeded his adherence to mitzvoth [biblical commandments] and his daily study of the Torah.”

1975(24th of Nisan, 5735): Parashat Shmini

1975(24th of Nisan, 5735): Ninety-year-old New York Law School graduate and Democratic member of the NY State Assembly, David C. Lewis, who served as “on the Domestic Relations bench” and served on the board of “the Young Men’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Association of Washington Heights and Inwood while raising three children – Hope, Rosalee and Roger – passed away today.

1975: “Premier Yitzhak Rabin of Israel, in an interview for American television, says that his country has asked the International Red Cross to try to bring about an agreement under which Israel, Egypt and Syria would refrain from striking at lone another's population centers if a new war erupts.”

1976(5th of Nisan, 5736): Seventy-eight-year-old NYU trained attorney, WW I veteran and Republican Party leader Lester Bachner the husband of “the former Margaret Goodman” and the father of Robert Bachner passed away today.

1977: Today, Judith Heumann led demonstrators into the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in San Francisco, where they staged a sit-in demanding the signing of the regulations to operationalize Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warned that his country and Israel must not paralyze ourselves by suspiciousness that deprives our relationship of dignity and our cooperation of significance. He reassured, “We’ll never abandon Israel.”

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that President Sadat of Egypt, who was in Paris on an arms-purchasing mission, assured his hosts that he had withdrawn the Soviet Union’s right to use Egyptian port naval facilities.

1977: Birthdate of Israeli tennis player Jonathan Erlich.

1978(27th of Adar II, 5738): Eighty-eight year old Odessa trained American sculptor, Aaron J. Goodelman the Bessarabian born son of Joseph and Mollie Goodelman  and husband of Sarah Hyman who fled to New York in the wake of pogroms, settled in New York, created “Necklace,” a statuette displayed in “Struggle for Negro Rights,” anti-lynching exhibition before turning to “art related to the Holocaust after WW II” passed away today.

1978: The annual meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee began today in Madrid Spain.

1980(19th of Nisan, 5740): Shabbat Shel Pesach

1980(19th of Nisan, 5740): Sixty-six-year-old Chicago native and University of Illinois alum Ralph “Ruffy” Silverstein, the successful amateur and professional wrestler and husband of Evelyn Epstein with whom he had a son and a daughter who reached the rank of Captain in the U.S. Amy where he was with the intelligence unit known as Ritchie Boys and “an advisor to General MacArtur “about the Japanese study of martial arts during the U.S. occupation of Japan” passed away today.

1981(1st of Nisan, 5741): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

1981(1st of Nisan, 5741): Ninety-year-old Lithuanian born French artist Pinchus Kremegne passed away


1982(12th of Nisan, 5742): Abe Fortas Supreme former Supreme Court Justice and advisor to Lyndon Johnson died at the age of 71. (As reported by Linda Greenhouse)

1982(12th of Nisan, 5742): Eighty-eight-year-old Dr. Harry David Salinger, the Berlin born son of Sidonie and Salomon (Sally) Salinger, the husband of Irene Salinger passed away today in Los Angeles.

1985(14th of Nisan, 5745): Ta’anit Bechorot and Erev Pesach

1985(14th of Nisan, 5745): Seventy-eight-year-old Benjamin Novack, the New York born son of Hyman Novick, a Russia Jewish immigrant  operator of a Borscht Belt hotel and Sadie Novick, moved to Miami Beach where he co-owned the Sans Souci Hotel before he built and owned the luxurious Fontainebleau hotel, one of the most famous hostelries on Collins and who married Bernice Mildred Stempel after his divorce from Bella Novack and who was the father of Ronald Marc Novack and Ben Novack, Jr. passed away today in Miami.

1987: Broadcast of the first episode of “The Tracey Ullman Show” which was created and produced by James L. Brooks

1990: Eighty-one-year-old Rabbi S. Gershon Levi, a former president of the Rabbinical Assembly and a former editor of the quarterly publication Conservative Judaism, died of heart failure at his home in Jerusalem.

1991(21st of Nisan, 5751): Seventh Day of Pesach

1991: U.S. premiere “The Marrying Man” with a script by Neil Simon and featuring Paul Reiser as “Phil.”

1991: Launch date for the Space Shuttle Atlantis whose crew included Jerome “Jay Apt.

1992(2nd of Nisan, 5752): Actress Molly Picon, the star of the Yiddish theatre who played Yente the Matchmaker in the film version of “Fiddler on the Roof” passed away today

1993(14th of Nisan, 5733): Ta’anit Bechorot; erev Pesach

1994: "Jackie Mason Politically Incorrect" opened in New York City for the first of 347 performances.

1995: Alisa Flatow, a Brandeis University Junior from New Jersey, was riding a bus in the Gaza Strip when a van loaded with explosives was driven into the bus. Shrapnel from the bomb went through her skull and she never regained consciousness. Stephen Flatow, her father, flew to Israel to confirm that the brain-dead young woman was his daughter. Staff at Sororkin Hospital in Beersheva asked him if he would be willing to donate his daughter’s viable organs. After consulting with his wife and making a conference call to his rabbis, Alvin Marcus and Rabbi Moshe D. Tendler of Yeshiva University, Alisa’s parents decided to follow the positive mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh, the "Saving a Life." Alisa’s organs changed the lives of six people on the transplant waiting list. "People have called it a brave decision, a righteous decision, a courageous decision. To us it was simply the right thing to do at the time," said Flatow. The Flatow family decision had an emotional impact on a grieving Israel. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin told American Jews in May 1995 that "Alisa Flatow’s heart beats in Jerusalem." Even more, the Flatow’s decision made public a painful issue — Jewish views about organ donation.

Alisa Flatow, 20, was riding a bus in the Gaza Strip when an Islamic Jihad militant drove a van loaded with explosives into the bus. Shrapnel from the bomb went through her skull, and she never regained consciousness. Her heart was successfully transplanted to a 56-year-old man who had been waiting more than a year for one; her liver was donated to a 23-year-old man, and her lungs, pancreas and kidneys to four different patients. Her corneas were donated to an eye bank. Miss Flatow, a Brandeis University junior from West Orange, N.J., had taken a semester off to study at a Jerusalem seminary. She loved Israel and had considered settling there; it was fitting that she could help others in Israel. Alisa was a young Jewish woman of sterling character who came to Israel to study her Jewish heritage; an unusually thoughtful person -- bright, modest, and delightful. Her loss is felt by her family, her community, her classmates and her many friends in the United States, Israel, and throughout the world.

1993: The keel of INS Hanit, the corvette built by Northrop Grumman, was laid down today.

1996: Marlon Brando made anti-Semitic remarks about Hollywood on The Larry King Show.

1997(27th of Adar II, 5757): Beat poet Allen Ginsberg passed away.

1998: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Confederates in the Attic” by Tony Horwitz, “Good Spirits: The Making of a Businessman” by Edgar M. Bronfman and “Jewish Roots in Poland: Pages from the Past and Archival Inventories” by Miriam Weiner.

1998(9th of Nisan, 5758): Ninety-four year old University of Maryland trained attorney and reformer Rose Sylvan Zeter, the Baltimore born daughter of Jacob and Fannie B. Zeter  who was the first woman to be admitted to the Maryland State Bar Association and the founder of “the first all-female law firm” in the state of Maryland passed away today.

2000: Joseph Gutnick was among three men who resigned as directors of Great Central Mining following the exposure of financial irregularities.

2000: “Keeping the Faith” a romantic comedy about boyhood friends who become respectfully a rabbi and a priest and as adults deal with loving the same woman – a gentile doctor who converts to Judaism – written by Stuart Blumberg with a cast filled with Jews including Lisa Edestein, Ben Stiller and Eli Wallach was released in the United States today.

2001(12th of Nisan, 5761): Ta’anit Bechorot

2001(12th of Nisan, 5761): Eighty-seven-year-old John B. Oakes, the Elkins Park, PA born son of Bertie Gas Ochs, and George Ochs and the husband of the former Margery Hartman, with whom he had four children – Andra, Alison, Cynthia and John – who was the long time editor of the New York Times editorial page passed away today. (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

2001(12th of Nisan, 5761): German born entertainer, Theodore Gottlieb, known as Brother Theodore, passed away.

2002: Operation Defensive Shield continued today with Israeli forces fighting terrorists in a number of towns including Jenin, Hebron, Nablus and Bethlehem where their mission was made that much more difficult because the terrorists hid among the Arab civilians.

2002(23rd of Nisan, 5762): Sgt. Merom Fisher, 19, of Moshav Avigdor; Sgt. Ro'i Tal, 21, of Ma'alot; and Sgt. Oded Kornfein, 20, of Kibbutz Ha'on - were killed in exchanges of fire between IDF troops and Palestinian gunmen in Jenin during Operation Defensive Shield.

2002: “Big Trouble” the movie version of the book by the same name directed and produced by Barry Sonnenfeld was released today in the United States.

2002: Qeis Adwan, head of the suicide bombing network responsible for the Passover Massacre at the Park Hotel in Netanya was killed by IDF forces today during Operation Defensive Shield, after the IDF and the Yamam caught him in Tubas, some 70 kilometers north of Jerusalem.

2003(3rd of Nisan, 5763): Parashat Tazria

2003: “After years of debate and delay, construction began on Germany's national Holocaust memorial, as “bulldozers started leveling the five-acre site in Berlin, near the Brandenburg Gate, about 18 months after a groundbreaking ceremony.

2004(14th of Nisan, 5764): On the Jewish calendar, 61st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

2004(14th of Nisan, 5764): Abraham Altus, the husband Lillian Altus and “father of Stephen and Karen, Craig and Leslie, Jonathan and Leslie” who a member of the Hewlett East Rockaway Jewish Center passed away today.

 2005(25th of Adar II, 5765):  Pulitzer Prize winning author Saul Bellow passed away at the age of 89.

2006:  In a story that resonates with special meaning as Jews prepare to remember another Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the Jerusalem Post reported on the reuniting of two cousins, Holocaust survivors, who had been separated for 66 years. For 66 years, Ella Friedvald, 82, and her 79-year-old sister Lila were sure that their cousin Krystyna had been killed in the Holocaust, just as she was convinced they were long dead.

2007: An exhibition opens at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles entitled “The Art of Vintage Israeli Travel Posters” opens.

2008: The 92nd Street Y presents a piano recital by Peter Serkin, son of the famous Rudolf Serkin

2008(29th of Adar II, 5768): Shabbat Ha-Chodesh

2008(29th of Adar II, 5768): Eugene Ehrlich, a self-educated lexicographer who wrote 40 dictionaries, thesauruses and phrase books for the "extraordinarily literate," not to mention people just hoping to sound that way, died at his home in Mamaroneck, New York at the age of 85

2008: The New York Times reported that Sederot, a long-neglected immigrant town a mile from Gaza, pounded by Palestinian rockets for the past seven years, is taking on a new identity, edging into the center of Zionist consciousness as a symbol of the nation’s unofficial motto: “Never Again.” Like the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, Sderot is now a must-see stop for those who support Israel or are being urged to do so.

2009: “Picturing the Shoah,” a film festival sponsored by YIVO that explores how movies have represented the Holocaust from radical, provocative, and unexpected angles continues with a presentation of the works of director Jean-Luc Godard including– In Praise of Love and Our Music.

2009: The New York Times featured books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Mainly On Directing: Gypsy, West Side Story, and Other Musicals” by Arthur Laurents

2009: The Washington Post featured books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Spartacus War by Barry Strauss.

2009: Israeli archaeologists continued their inspection today of the Western Wall stone by stone in a new conservation effort at the Jewish holy site. The oldest stones were laid 2,000 years ago as part of the retaining wall of the Jewish Temple, and the newest by the Ottomans - who ruled the area until 1917. Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Jon Seligman says the work aims to make sure stones don't collapse on those praying below. Today workers on a platform cleaned stones near the top of the 20-meter-high wall, which is a religious flash point. The authority says work will likely continue for two months.

2010(21st of Nisan, 5770): In Jerusalem, Isralight is scheduled to host the Seudat Mashiach this evening.

2010: Edom; featuring Israeli guitarist Eyal Maoz is scheduled to appear at The Local 269 in New York City.

2011(1st of Nisan, 5771): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

20122(1st of Nisan, 5771): Eighty-seven-year-old Charles Laufer, the creator of magazines aimed at teenage girls passed away today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2011(1st of Nisan, 5771): Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Baruch Blumberg passed away today.

2011: In New York City, the Guggenheim Museum is scheduled to present “Omer Fast: Art Talk.” Omer Fast is a native of Jerusalem who “works with film, video, and television footage to examine the complex interplay between personal and public histories.”

2011: Irwin and Ginny Edlavitch are scheduled to be honored at the Washington DCJCC Annual Spring Gala.

2011: Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to kick off the 150th anniversary month of the Civil War with t a Lunch and Learn entitled “The Jewish Civil War.”

2011: President Peres joined President Obama for a working lunch at the White House where they will discuss Israeli peace proposals.

2011: A leading US Congressman, House Whip Deny Stoyer.

2011: Doctors around the country began a two-day warning strike in the public health and hospital system today after a meeting between representatives from the Finance Ministry and the Israel Medical Association (IMA) ended with no agreement yesterday. The public health sector and hospitals around the country will operate on a reduced Shabbat schedule.

2012: The Timofeyev Ensemble is scheduled to present the NYC premiere of "Shloyme: a Musical Biography of an Imaginary Hero."

2012: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to present “All the Missing Souls: A Personal History of the War Crimes Tribunal.”

2012(13th of Nisan, 5772): Eighty-seven-year-old University of Oxford Professor Siegbert Salomon Prawer whose family had fled Nazi Germany in 1939 passed away today.

2012(13th of Nisan, 5772): Ninety-four-year-old Bernard Rapoport, the Texas insurance tycoon who became the financial angel for numerous liberal candidates and causes passed away in Waco, TX. (As

2012: “Fake ‘eviction notices’ scare Jewish Students” published today described efforts by Students for Justice in Palestine to terrorize Jewish students attending Florida Atlantic University.

2013: The Eden-Tamir Music Center is scheduled to host a celebration of Verdi’s 200th Birthday in the form of a performance by The Israeli Opera’s Meitar Studio.

2013:  In Coralville, IA, Agudas Achim is scheduled to host its annual Sisterhood Shabbat Service.

2013: “No Place on Earth” a documentary about the Sterner and Wexler families surviving in Ukrainian caves for 17 months is scheduled to premiere in New York City.

2013: Hundreds of demonstrators marched in Tel Aviv this afternoon for the second consecutive year in protest of violence against women in the now world-famous Mitzad Sharmuta (SlutWalk).

2013: Royal Dutch Shell declined to comment on reports that it will divest its stake in an Australian energy firm because of that firm’s investment in Israel’s gas fields. (As reported by Times of Israel)

2014: Yaala Ballin and her Quintent are scheduled to “celebrate the outstanding female vocalists of Jazz history” at their performance at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music.

2014: Yoni Rechter is scheduled to perform at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue.

2014: “Friends From France” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “Cupcakes” is scheduled to be shown at 11th JCC Rockland International Jewish Film Festival

2014: The European Weightlifting Championships are scheduled to begin today in Tel Aviv.

2014: “An original chamber opera, also titled ‘Regina’" based on the life of Regina Jones, the Berlin born rabbi “written by composer Elisha Denburg and librettist Maya Rabinovitch, premiere in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.”

2014: In Waterloo, Iowa, Sons of Jacob Synagogue is scheduled to host Harry Brod, author of Superman is Jewish?: How Comic Book Superheroes Came to Serve Truth, Justice and the Jewish-American Way

2014: The Shachar Club, a kosher nightclub, is scheduled to open in Moscow.

2015(16th of Nisan, 5775): Second Day of Pesach

2015: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including ISIS: State of Terror by Jessica Stern and J.M.Berger, ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror by Michael Weiss and Hassan Hassan, Act of God by Jill Ciment and Eleanor Marx: A Life by Rachel Holmes.

2015: “Nearly 100,000 people came to B’nei Brak early this morning for the funeral procession for Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner.”

2015(16th of Nisan, 5775): Ninety-three-year-old New York labor leader Victor Gotbaum passed away today.

2015(16th of Nisan, 5775): Eighty-seven-year-old emeritus Professor Barbara Bergman, a trail-blazing academic, passed away today in Bethesda, MD.

2016(26th of Adar II, 5776): Eighty-eight-year-old author Erwin Nathanson whose The Dirty Dozen was the inspiration for one of the most popular WW II movies ever made.

2016(26th of Adar II, 5776): Seventy-nine-year-old “Emmy-nominated screenwriter” Barbara Turner who was also the mother of actress Jennifer Jason Leigh passed away today.

2016: Center for Jewish History and The Edgar M. Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life at NYU are scheduled to present Rabbi Jonathan Sacks lecturing on “The People and the Book – The World We Make with Words.”

2016: The Rosh Hashanah tractate, the first completed volume of the first Italian translation of the Babylonian Talmud is scheduled to “be ceremonially presented to Italy’s president today five years from the start of the state-funded project.”

2016: “Imber’s Left Hand” is scheduled to be shown at the Hartford Jewish Film Festival.

2016: “The Heartbreak Kid” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2016: The UJA Federation of New York is scheduled to host the opening reception for Beyond The Balcony: The Works of Michal Nachmany!beyond-the-balcony/l0ca6


2017: “Fanny’s Journey” and “Atomic Falafel” are scheduled to be shown on the last day of the 14th annual International Jewish Film festival at the JCC in Rockland, NY

2017: Trezos” The Lost Jews of Kastoria” and “The Queen of Rebetiko” are scheduled to be shown at the 20th annual New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival.

2018(20th of Nisan, 5778): Sixth Day of Pesach

2018: The White House today called on Palestinians to engage in solely peaceful protests and stay at least 500 meters from Gaza’s border with Israel, on the eve of fresh demonstrations supported by Gaza’s Hamas terrorist rulers along the border.

2018: At the Begin Center, “Map and Matza”—“a festival happening for the whole family that includes tours of the museum creative workshops” is scheduled to come to an end today.

2018: In Coralville, IA, Agudas Achim is scheduled to host Erev Pesach services this evening.

2018: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to present “Perfect is Boring: 10 Things My Crazy, Fierce Mama Taught Me About Beauty, Booty and Being a Boss.”

2019: In New York, the Film Forum is scheduled to host a screening of “The Wall,” an animated version of the play by David Hare.

2019(29th of Adar II, 5779): Ninety-two year old biologist Sydney Brenner, the Germiston, South Africa born son of Morris Brenner, a cobbler from Lithuania and Leach (Blecher) Breener  and husband of May Covitz, who shared in the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with H. Robert Horvitz and John Sulston passed away today. (As reported by Nicholas Wade)

2019: Dr. Scott Gotlieb completed his service as the 23rh Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration.

2019: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host an evening with Felicia Farber, the author of Abe vs. Adolf: The True Story of Holocaust Survivor Abe Peck

2019: In Cedar Rapids, IA, Temple Judah is scheduled to host Musical Shabbat.

2019: The issue of People appearing newsstands today, contains excerpts from the new book Dutch Girl: Audrey Hepburn and World War II in which “biographer Robert Matzen” tells the hither-to unknown story of how the future movie star lived for five years during the brutal Nazi occupation of Holland, including her work with the Resistance and the murder of her uncle Otto van Limburg Stirum.

2020: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Hitler’s First Hundred Days: When Germans Embraced the Third Reich by Peter Fritzsche, and the recently released paperback edition of Funny Man: Mel Brooks by Patrick McGilligan.

2020: Jewish LearningWorks is scheduled to present a virtual presentation on “In Search of Jewish Hoemalnd during which “writer-teacher Dan Schifrin expands on his recent J. cover story about his heritage visit to Spain with his family, and the country’s Jewish history and communities.”

2020: “Transformative prayer leader and musician Deborah Sacks-Mintz is scheduled to lead an online Seder, from a feminist perspective on Zoom. With time to share personal stories.

2020: Shai Wosner at 92Y a livestream a concert by the Israeli pianist, internationally recognized for his exceptional artistry, musical integrity and creative insight is scheduled to start at 3 this afternoon.

2020: Thanks to Breman Museum At Home, Movement-for-all – (From Israel) - Online Zoom dance class with Dafi Altabeb for nonprofessional dance-lovers is scheduled to begin this morning at 9.

2021: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “The Ghetto Girls,” a Holoaust themed lecture by Judy Batalion, the granddaughter of Polish Holocaust survivors and author of The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos, now optioned for a major motion picture by Steven Spielberg.

2021: Congregation B’nai Torah is scheduled to present online a discussion of “Shtisel” Season 3 with Rabbi Eiduson.

2021: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center is scheduled to host television star and neuroscientist Maim Bialik as part of its Women Inspiring Women series.

2021: The Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Young Leadership Division is scheduled to digitize its annual Yom Hashoah event, Zikaron BaSolon or “remembering in the living room, that brings Holocaust survivors and small groups of participants together from 8 to 9 p.m. this evening.

2021: Based on data obtained by YNET, the Israeli “economy appears to recovering replying” as can be seen by the fact “that March marked the third consecutive month of high tax revenue that matched pre-pandemic numbers.”

2021: For the first time the Consulate General of Israel to New England and the Honorary Consulate of Morocco in New England are scheduled to join forces in a multicultural Mimouna celebration online dedicated to the memory of Zohra El Fassia, an Israeli-Moroccan singer and poet who was the first woman recording artist in Morocco.

2022: “Wet Dog” is scheduled to have its New York premiere tonight at the New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival.

2022: The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host a lecture by Jordan Sher author of And Still We Rise: A Novel About the Genocide in Bosnia.

2022: The National council of Jewish Women’s Board meeting is scheduled to take place this evening in New Orleans.

2022: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “A Day in the Life of a Jewish Merchant,” the first session of The Medici Archive Project which examines the life of the Jews of Florence.

2022: Chabad University is scheduled to host the first session of “How do we honor the body that housed the soul?”

2023: The Mexican American Jewish Film Festival, a retrospective on Mexican films: directed, created, written, acted or produced by Mexican Jews is scheduled to come to an end today.

2023: Israelis prepare to observe Pesach for the first time since the passage of a law that “ban hametz in hospitals during the week of Passover” which has already resulted in a guard at Laniado Hospital confiscating a snack from a woman several days before the start of the holiday. (As reported by Rene Ghert-Zand)

2023: YIVO is scheduled to present a program based on This Was Not America: A Wrangle Through Jewish-Polish-American History a new book featuring a conversation, often contentious, between Michael Steinlauf, historian of Polish-Jewish culture and child of Holocaust survivors, and the anthropologist and artist Elzbieta Janicka.

2023: The closure on the West Bank with crossing points closed to Palestinians is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. as part of the annual precautions taken by the IDF against terrorists’ attacks.

2023: This afternoon, Temple Shalom of Newton is scheduled to present

Passover Singalong & Storytime designed for families with young children.

2023(14th of Nisan, 5783): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

2024: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Rabbi Shippel on the Parsha of the Week.

2024: Today, Agnon House is scheduled to host Yoram Eshet for a conversation with Professor Haim
Weiss on the power of narrative writing in coping with the trauma of war and its aftermath” in an “event that will begin with a tour of the exhibition "Psalm to David", which presents the photographs and poems of Tamir Lahav-Radlemser, who, like Eshet, dealt with the consequences of the Yom Kippur War in his work’”

2024: “Farewell Mister Haffman” is scheduled open in Boston and Los Angeles.

2024: Kan Kol Hamusika is scheduled to broadcast a special concert featuring Vika Gelman, Omer Herz, violins; Leikie Glick, viola; Gali Knaani, cello and Lior Yoahimik, clarinet.

2024: As April 5th begins in Israel, the Hamas held hostages begin day 182 in captivity.  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)