In A Humiliating Setback For The Kingdom, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Is Forced To Drastically Scale Back Plans For The Futuristic City Of NEOM

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia has been forced to scale back its $1.5 trillion plans for NEOM, a 106-mile linear desert megacity, in a humiliating climb down for the kingdom.

You know, it’s hard to be a dystopian end times dictator bent on world domination these days, just as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman over in Saudi Arabia now knows. We told you back in 2022 the plans that the Crown Prince had to build his futuristic city called NEOM. NEOM consists of  THE LINE, OXAGON, TOJENA and SINDALAH that would all be the premier representation of the 15-minute city that Klaus Schwab and United Nations want us all to live in. But as Adolf Hitler before him found out, building a kingdom is really hard work, and very, very expensive, even of you’re the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?” Luke 14:28 (KJB)

But fret not, these cities absolutely are coming, just as everything else we have been threatened with surrounding the United Nations 2030 Agenda is coming. The people who control the technology control the future, and we have already signed on for the technology part. Remember life before the internet? Not so many people do anymore, and besides, as much as we rail against the ‘electronic leash’ of our mobile smart devices, is anyone going to get rid of theirs? No. They are not. We have melded ourselves together with technology, and as we’ve long told you, it’s a 3-step process. First they got us in front of the computer, 1994 – 2007, then they got the computer on us, 2007 – present day, the third and last step according to Revelation 13 will be the computer inside of us. This setback is but a mere ‘blip on the radar’ for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his city of NOEM, his day is coming soon.

Humiliation for Saudi Arabia as it’s ‘forced to scale back $1.5trillion plans for 106-mile-long city The Line to just 1.5miles with workers already being laid off at desert construction site’

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: The Line – part of the country’s audacious and futuristic NEOM project – was meant to be home to around 1.5 million residents by the end of the decade, with plans to ultimately increase its full capacity to nine million people.

Now, according to people familiar with the project, the development will only stretch 1.5 miles and house fewer than 300,000 residents by 2030, according to a new report from Bloomberg citing sources close to the project and documents.

As a result of the reduction to the construction of The Line, at least one contractor has started dismissing workers it employs on the site, the publication has said.

Stunning concept images released by the kingdom in 2022 showed a vast, mirrored structure cutting through the desert near crystal blue ocean waters. It is one of fifteen developments that form the country’s NEOM project – which also includes an industrial city, ports and tourism developments – that have been gradually announced by the kingdom since 2021.

But The Line was the jewel in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s ‘Vision 2030’ project, which was set in motion to diversify his country’s oil dependent economy, as well as its society and culture, and improve the image it projects on the world stage.

The Kingdom said the project, which is expected to cost $1.5 trillion, would be an ‘unprecedented living experience’ that preserves ‘surrounding nature’. The megacity was to feature two parallel skyscrapers extending across a swathe of desert and mountain terrain, with mirrored facades on the outside.

Saudi officials said it would be built in stages, and would eventually cover a 106-mile stretch of desert along the coast in the western Tabuk province – with its Western tip pointing out over the Red Sea towards Egypt. However, Bloomberg reports that these plans have now been dramatically scaled back – with the 106 mile structure being reduced to just 1.5 miles – a more than 98 percent decrease in size. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post In A Humiliating Setback For The Kingdom, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Is Forced To Drastically Scale Back Plans For The Futuristic City Of NEOM appeared first on Now The End Begins.