Endless Reserves Of Cash Of The United Arab Emirates Are Wooing Silicon Valley Tech Titans Who Suddenly No Longer Care About Human Rights Abuses

Two years ago, Andrew Feldman couldn’t find Abu Dhabi on a map. But like many Silicon Valley leaders, the artificial intelligence entrepreneur has been wooed by the promise of Middle Eastern partnership and money.

The Middle East has finally figured out the same lesson that Rome understood in the early days of the 4th century AD. If you have an enemy, as Rome did with the Christians, it’s a losing battle to take them on directly as you only cause their ranks to grow. But if you woo them with money, prosperity and security, as the Roman Catholic Church did when they conducted their hostile takeover of the Church Jesus started, you get a much better result. The United Arab Emirates have opened up the bank vaults, and like moths to the flame, American tech titans are rushing in. But the UAE is buying, not selling.

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:4 (KJB)

If you haven’t figured it out by now, Artificial Intelligence combined with human-implantable biometric devices for both software and hardware, is the largest and fastest-growing industry in the world. Every airport in America is now demanding all passengers have REAL ID, a biometric digital identification card. After May 7 of 2025, you will not be able to fly without it. Retail stores are now accepting payment with your palm, and it is a very short distance to the other side of your hand as Revelation 13 shows you.

Silicon Valley once chafed at dictatorships. Then came a Middle East gold rush and everyone suddenly wants it.

FROM MICROSOFT START: On trips to the glittering capital of the United Arab Emirates, he’s toured a government-built synagogue and a local outpost of the Louvre. The city is so teeming with the tech sector that he ran into fellow California start-up founders in the lobby of the Four Seasons Hotel. Meanwhile, millions from the oil-rich UAE are allowing Feldman’s Cerebras to build advanced supercomputer data centers in Stockton, Calif., Dallas and on the outskirts of the Emirati desert city.

 He’s among a generation of tech founders and investors quietly pilgrimaging to the sovereign wealth funds of the gulf states, pursuing deals with authoritarian regimes. Microsoft last month announced a $1.5 billion investment in G42, the United Arab Emirates’ flagship tech firm, which also has an agreement to use AI language models from Sam Altman’s OpenAI. Prominent venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz is in talks to raise $40 billion from Saudi Arabia for a dedicated AI fund.

The cutthroat and costly ambition of the AI arms race is driving a seismic shift in the region’s prominence, changing how one of the world’s most advanced technologies gets built and the players who stand to benefit, according to interviews with more than two dozen investors, tech company executives and government officials that have dealt with the region, many of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of damaging business relationships.

Some tech entrepreneurs and venture firms once shunned Middle Eastern funding, driven by concern for human rights abuses, the region’s ties to China and industry disdain for what were once considered lucrative, but unsophisticated, investments, deemed “dumb money,” from oil states. The 2018 killing of Saudi journalist and Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi caused some firms to explicitly step away from the country’s cash.

But Middle Eastern money has become the most powerful geopolitical force in the tech industry virtually overnight. “The Khashoggi era is over,” said a prominent venture capitalist.

“Everyone I talk to is either going to or coming back from the UAE — the same way we used to swing by Sand Hill Road,” said Feldman, referring to the street that’s home to Silicon Valley’s storied venture capital firms. Feldman will visit Saudi Arabia later this year.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this year, two giant showcases of Middle Eastern tech firepower were on display on the city’s central promenade: A glossy storefront for the Saudi smart city Neom and a sleek white pavilion from the UAE, emblazoned with the slogan, “Tolerant Nations Are Global.”

“Nobody cares where their money is from as long as they can find money,” said Andrew King, a venture capitalist and founder of Future Union, a nonprofit that has advised lawmakers on China risks. “It’s like see no evil, hear no evil.” READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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