Bothered and Nothing to Do

“Badgering a man is a particularly effective method of exploration.”

_Soren Kierkegaard

(Note: This blog is a conversation I had with myself a few mornings ago, but it may be something you’re struggling with to. I invite you to listen in.)


I have found myself bothered a lot lately and I’m not sure exactly how to handle it.  

I’m not ashamed of the things that are bothering me.  It’s not like I’m bothered because I didn’t get the largest piece of pie or someone cut me off in the parking lot and stole “my” parking space.    

No, the things I am bothered by are important, systemic matters that are affecting the country I love, the church I love, and, most importantly, the people I love.

But is living a bothered life of worry, being frustrated, angry, and fearful the answer?  I think not.

I’m not advocating living a life of blissful unawareness or artificial rose-colored optimism.  There’s nothing wrong with being informed and aware.  But there are limitations on all of us.

I’m reminded of my axiom about how to know if something is gossip: It’s not gossip if you’re telling someone who can actually do something about it.  Telling anyone else is gossip.

And the truth is, besides an occasional vote, there’s very little I can do about the things that are bothering me. 

So what to do? 

  • I don’t have to feed my “botherness” by feeding on a steady stream of bothersome things.  As Kierkegaard said, “badgering a man is a particularly effective method of exploration.”  But I don’t have seek out badgerer and invite them into my life.

  • I can pray.  Like a child who is troubled – not certain of all the dynamics and nuances – but they are certain that mom or dad do and will know what to do.  In the same way, I can take my worries and frustrations to Abba Father, there’s nothing that is above His “paygrade”. 
  • I can be the salt and light where I am, living out my values, practicing my faith, giving hope, direction, and encouragement. (Lighting candles in the night instead of cursing the darkness.)
  • And after that?  Get on with the good life that God has given me.  Sitting around being bothered by things I can do little to nothing about is no way to live. 

The ONE THING for today: It’s one thing to have to live in a world that includes badgerer; it’s another thing to invite them in and make them feel comfortable as they ruin my day.