In Celebration Of Pride Month 2024, The Episcopal Church Unveils New LGBTQIA2SL++ Battle Flag Shield Preparing Their Followers For Antichrist

The Episcopal Church has unveiled a new Pride Month Shield proudly proclaiming their opposition to God and the doctrinal teachings of the Holy Bible

The apostle Paul tells you about the ‘falling away’ of the professing Christian church in the last days, and the apostle John shows us the lukewarm Laodicean Church who have lapsed into utter apostasy. In preparation for Pride Month 2024, the Episcopal Church has unveiled a brand-new flag to show all the world just how accurate the prophetic word of those two apostles really is. Now, the Episcopal Church stands prepared and ready to…receive the coming Antichrist.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (KJB)

Everyone is picking which side they are on, God’s side or the world’s side, and it is by turns both sickening and encouraging to witness. Sickening to watch it all happen, but encouraging to see just how accurate your King James Bible really is on every level. It is the duty of Bible believing Christians in any age, to discern the spirit of that age, and to preach against it. The ‘spirit of our age’ comes with a 6-color rainbow, and you couldn’t miss it if you had a missing machine.

Episcopal Church unveils new Pride shield in celebration of LGBTQ+ inclusion

FROM THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH: The design retains the upper-left blue corner of The Episcopal Church’s shield logo and incorporates elements of the traditional Pride flag as well as the Progress Pride flag and Philadelphia Pride flag. In their use of black, brown, pink, and light-blue diagonal lines, the latter two flags represent intersectional progress in acknowledging people who are often overlooked by the mainstream LGBTQ+ movement: communities of color; the transgender community; and the many thousands harmed by anti-LGBTQ+ policy—from those who lost their lives in the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and ‘90s, to those still disproportionately impacted today.

“As a longtime ally of LGBTQ+ people, I was so excited to work on this Pride shield for The Episcopal Church,” said Melissa Walker, senior graphic designer. “I hope many more people feel seen and included by this new graphic as we enter Pride month.”

For half a century, Episcopalians have been working toward a greater understanding and radical inclusion of all God’s children. Resolutions from General Convention in 1976 recognized LGBTQ+ people as children of God with an equal claim to the pastoral care of the church and equal protection under the law. In 1994, General Convention amended the church’s canons to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, providing equal access to the rites and worship of the church, including ordination. In 2015, General Convention voted to amend the canons that regulate marriage, permitting any couple the rite of holy matrimony.

In June 2023, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry issued a video message of encouragement to “all of my LGBTQ+ family members,” noting, “I believe deep in my soul that God is always seeking to create a world and a society where all are loved, where justice is done, and where the God-given equality of us all is honored in our relationships, in our social arrangements, and in law.”

Last month, the church announced the hire of its first gender justice staff officer, a new position called for by the 80th General Convention and dedicated to justice, advocacy, and inclusion work focused on women and LGBTQ+ people.

“In the United States, the bodily autonomy of women and trans people is under attack, and fully 50% of LGBTQ+ Americans live in poverty,” said Aaron Scott, gender justice staff officer. “I am grateful for the care and intention that went into designing this new Pride shield as it not only represents the LGBTQ+ community more fully, but also lifts those who, out of sheer necessity of survival and dignity, have fought the hardest and sacrificed the most for the thriving of all of us.”  READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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