It Doesn’t Matter Until…

Letters to a State | Volume 3, No. 5

We must not
forget that it is not a thing that lends significance to a moment; it is the
moment that lends significance to things.”

—Abraham Joshua Heschel

A long road trip mostly listening to songs about heaven.

Covered dishes of treats and comfort food quietly dropped by the house.


Calls and texts of condolences.


So many little kindnesses.

Just little individual sentimentalities. 

They don’t matter that much…until they do.

They suddenly mattered to Sonja and me on May 9th

It was that day that Sonja’s mother – my mother-in-law of 45+ plus years – left us and entered her heavenly reward.  Beginning that day and throughout the next several weeks Sonja and I have been deeply touched, blessed, and encouraged by the kind outpouring of condolences and kindnesses of so many people.  And you – Illinois Church of God family – were at the front of the line.  You never met Ruby J. Knight, you’ve only know Sonja and me for less than two years, yet like long close friends you rallied around us, prayed for us, and comforted us during this season of loss. 

We are deeply touched and profoundly appreciative.

Through it all, I have been reminded that we must never underestimate the value, the impact, the importance of little kindnesses.  Some would say they don’t matter that much.  And perhaps they’re right, that is, unto they do.

On behalf of Sonja and me, blessings and many thanks to you our dear ILCOG family,

David & Sonja Kemp