Don’t Let the Cement Dry!

28 “Then they will call on me, but I will not answer;
They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me.

29 Because they hated knowledge
And did not choose the fear of the LORD,

30 They would have none of my counsel
And despised my every rebuke.

Proverbs 1:28-30

There is possibly no more damning and dangerous reputation than to be described as someone who is “set in their ways.”  

The desire and insistence that things do not change is a sign of a stagnating mind. 

The moment that we make that which is the familiar and predictable our guiding principle is the moment our world begins to narrow and diminish. 

And most tragic of all is when we start ignoring the revealed will of God because the price is too high and the path does not lead us where we want to go. 

The ONE THING for today: I must not allow the “cement” to dry!  I must stay pliable, teachable, and humble.  Please, Father God, don’t let me become set in my ways!  Please don’t let the cement dry.  Help me to keep growing, living, striving, learning, and becoming…more like Jesus.