Gospelism :: By The Gospelist

If it seems like, more and more, we are living in a world of unreality; that is only because we are.

Satan’s kingdom is advancing by leaps and bounds and will soon dominate the entire world. The church is slowly losing influence and has little strength. We now have one last small window of opportunity to share the Gospel before it is shut.

When this window is shut, things are going to get really ugly for the last few years of the church age. If we keep Christ’s command to endure patiently, He will keep us from the hour of trial that will soon come upon the whole world.

The vast majority of the preachers, especially in the U.S., preach rubbish instead of the Gospel. The most popular teachers and preachers of ‘God’s Word’ do not preach the Gospel or call sinners to repent in the name of Christ.

As a result, God has turned his back on those who have enjoyed the benefits of his blessings. In the West, we are overrun with ‘migrants’ who are more favored than the indigenous population by our corrupt leadership. Due to their rebellion against God, God is allowing them to be ‘replaced’ by the very leaders that they elect.

In Europe, ‘liberated’ women are discovering that they are not so ‘liberated’ anymore. They are targets of migrants who harass and rape them without any fear of consequences.

Apparently the ‘girl boss’ routine is not working on them.

And the sad thing is, these women would prefer this state of affairs rather than, for instance, call the LGBT to repent of its wickedness. They so hate the Christian faith that they will gladly endure a violent sexual assault now and then.

Many in the church waste our time arguing over various useless theologies such as ‘Calvinism’ and any number of other ‘isms.’ Since this is unlikely to change, it is recommended that we create a more productive ‘ism.’

We will call it Gospelism.

Gospelism is the theology that states that the Good News is the very foundation of all knowledge.

The Good News is that Christ died for our sins.

Gospelism is our testimony about who Christ is and his incredible act of sacrifice on the cross to save us from our sins. It is the one simple truth that we can stand upon to evaluate the world around us.

The truth of the Gospel can be established beyond dispute. We can begin with the process of elimination. When we compare the Gospel to man-made theologies and ideologies, we find that all worldly ideas are absurd.

There is also the universal understanding that no one is righteous. We can ask every person on the planet the question, “Are you holy and perfect,” and each person will understand exactly what we are asking and answer accordingly.

On what other question can we get 100% agreement from every human being who ever existed?

Finally, there is the fact that we are all created in the image of God and know the truth when we hear it. The problem is that most people harden their hearts against the truth and, of their own free will, refuse to accept it.

Then God takes over.

There really was a guy named Jesus who lived two thousand years ago. He did lots of things that were prophesied long before he existed. He performed miracles that his most ardent enemies could not dispute. He claimed He was the Son of God who came to die for our sins, and then he was put to death because of this proclamation. It was claimed that he rose again from the dead, which resulted in his disciples being willing to die horrible deaths to call sinners to repent and be forgiven in his name.

That is 100% historical accuracy. It is indisputable.

To reject the truth of the Gospel is inexcusable.

When God created the universe, he said, “Let there be light,” and the light was separated from the darkness. Jesus claimed to be a witness to the light of the world and that whoever followed him would never walk in darkness.

The light of the world is the Gospel.

The Gospel is the foundation of the entire Christian faith which is responsible for the creation of the greatest civilization the world has ever known. It is because of Christ, as explained in Scripture, that we in the West enjoy civil rights, safety, prosperity, and comforts that no king in the past ever enjoyed.

Every society that embraced the Scriptures was prosperous and powerful. The Roman Empire was raised by God so the Gospel could be proclaimed around the world. It was said that the sun never set on the British Empire which, at one time, was a great proclaimer of the Gospel.

And, of course, America, which was founded on the Gospel, is the greatest nation the world has ever known.

The Apostle John proclaimed, “Through him [Christ] all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it (John 1:3-5).

The British and American empires were the light of the world because they, at one time, stood on the Gospel. The “darkness” still does not understand it and derides the people of these great civilizations as ‘colonialists.’

Now that the Gospel is no longer proclaimed in most American churches, the light of this nation is going out. And the whole world is descending into darkness.

The words of Jesus have proven true time and again. When a nation abandons Christ, it descends into darkness. When it embraces the Savior and honors him, that nation becomes a light to the world.

Are any of the Islamic nations a light to the world? Have they ever been? How about the Hindu (or the Eastern religions) nations? Atheists, anyone?

The fact that Christ is the light of the world cannot be denied. But His coming in the flesh is not the end of the Good News. He also died for our sins.

Christ, who was God in human flesh, was both divine and human. He had to be divine in his nature to serve as the perfect sacrifice and human so that we could kill him.

If that sounds like a pessimistic view of human nature, it is only because it is.

Sin came into the world because the woman that God created in his own image came to believe that God was a liar and Satan was a truth-teller. The man then made the conscious decision to share her fate.

If anyone has a better explanation regarding how evil entered the world, we are listening. And we will try not to giggle when you offer it.

When Paul informs us that we all fall short of the glory of God, we know this instinctively to be true. Each of us is fully aware that there is something wrong with us.

Sin is a violation of God’s law. The law of God is written on the heart of every human being who was created in the image of God. Everyone knows that murder, adultery, fornication, theft, bearing false witness, homosexuality, bestiality, and sacrificing your child to pagan gods are evil.

Testifying that these things are not evil but are instead good qualifies you as an evildoer who has rejected the Gospel.

In order to call these things good, one must harden his heart against the Lord and wallow joyfully in his rebellion against him. Such people are at war with God and are dead in their sins.

It is foolish for people to believe that they should be able to enjoy the blessings of God when they suppress the truth in their wickedness. When you refuse to glorify God and give thanks to him, you deserve to be ruled by degenerates.

The Gospel is a very simple concept. One does not need to be a theologian or an intellectual to embrace it.

Gospelism is nothing more than the determination to know nothing more than Christ and him crucified for our sins.

Those who have attempted to overcomplicate this rather simple theology are legion. The pope is the master of burying the Gospel under mounds of ‘theology’ in order to distract people away from this fairly elementary concept.

The last thing the Roman Catholic Church wants us to believe is that we are saved by grace through faith.

That is why they engage in ‘Bait and Switch’ religion. They dangle Jesus in front of us but then quickly replace him with prayers to Mary, the worship of the Saints, and the hoops people must jump through to stay in the good graces of their ‘church.’

Then there are those who would distract us by intellectualizing about certain concepts such as ‘no free will’ predestination. Scripture clearly reveals that God deals with us like a father with His children, not a master to his slaves.

God highlights his primary attribute, which is love, not sovereignty.

They overintellectualize the Scriptures until they produce a Frankenstein’s monster that distracts us from the light of the Gospel. The Gospel is about God’s love, not his sovereignty.

Both groups work diligently to ensure that few can understand the Scriptures without relying on a guru. We all need a good pastor to guide us, but we need the discernment to know who a good pastor is before submitting to his authority.

Finally, the Gospel can be used to ensure that one is never deceived by this wretched generation.

It can be used to easily identify a false teacher of God’s word. One does not have to be a theologian to identify a hireling or apostate.

One needs to be a Gospelist.

A Gospelist listens to a preacher and repeatedly asks himself throughout the sermon, “What does this message have to do with the fact that Christ died for our sins?” If a link cannot be found by the end of the sermon, you have just listened to a false teacher.

When we listen to any political or religious assertion, we need only ask ourselves, “What does this have to do with the Gospel?” How does it line up with God’s law?

That is how we determine its value.

When a Tim Keller acolyte informs you that you are a ‘racist’ due to ‘systemic racism,’ the Gospelist is not intimidated by this at all. He understands that this ‘disciple’ is an unregenerate sinner and is bearing false witness against this neighbor.

And responds to this terrible sin with the call for repentance.

If the Keller acolyte refuses to repent, he should not be considered a Christian by a true man of God or the true church.

When we listen to a guy like Andy Stanley, as he draws us in like a fast-talking used car salesman, it is easy to determine that he preaches a different gospel than the one that Paul preached. Once again, when you ask yourself what any of his sermons have to do with the fact that Christ died for our sins, you will be unable to make the link from start to finish.

Paul said, “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.” ‘Woe’ means you are headed to hell with the knowledge that, after your incarceration, you will be tossed into the Lake of Fire.

There are some who are concerned that the Godless Democrats are attempting to take away our religious liberty. They claim we need to stand on the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and to ensure that this right is never taken away.

This effort is misguided.

It is not our religious liberty they are after. As far as they are concerned, we can have all the religion we want. They want to take away our right to proclaim the Gospel.

They have ‘politicized’ sin in order to keep churches from calling sinners to repent and be forgiven in the name of Christ. And they have been wildly successful.

We are not called to fight for our civil rights.

Paul gave us this charge:

“Preach the Word [the Gospel]; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction” (II Timothy 4:2).

There will be plenty of religion during the last days of the church age. It will be a false religion, and it will not be worth fighting for.

It will be a religion that will demand those who stand on the Gospel be imprisoned or put to death.

Paul continues:

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (II Thessalonians 4:3-5).

That time is upon us.

We are called to proclaim God’s moral law and his Gospel until Christ returns. We are to do this whether our government or the majority of the populace likes it or not.

Gospelism is a very simple theology. All we need to understand is who Christ is and what our relationship to God’s moral law is in this present dispensation.

That is our foundation and is the one that we build upon when sharing our faith with others.

It is the lens through which we view Scripture and the world.



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