The Liar and The Truth :: By Sean Gooding

John 8:44

“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”

John 14:6

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'”

John 8:31-32

“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'”

The world we live in is binary. There are the lost and the saved; there are the right and the wrong; there are those who live in darkness and those who live in the light. Sadly, some have lived in darkness for so long that they have difficulty with the light. Also, some have lived so long in the lies that it is hard to accept the truth, and in fact, they can begin to hate the truth and those who speak it. This is the world that we live in more and more. Even many Christians have a hard time with the absolute truth.

I will offer an example: there is a group of ‘evangelicals’ that are planning to vote for Kamala Harris for the job of POTUS. These persons who claim Jesus as Savior, the same Jesus who said not to harm or offend children, will vote for someone who is openly pro-abortion. This one stance alone should be enough to sway any ‘evangelical’ toward any other candidate, but no, abortions it is. It is hard for us to come to the understanding that we have been lied to by the very people we trust way too often. They have told us that “up is down” and that “water is dry,” and for a long time, we believed them.

We trusted that welfare would help the poor and that the things they gave us would help, but now, more and more, we see that there were lies. Maybe at first, they did all with good intentions; but when they found out they were wrong, they had lied for so long that they could not go back and save face, so they kept up the lie.

Our bodies need cholesterol; our brains need cholesterol for good health. Yet, in the 1980s, they began this campaign against cholesterol; they started reducing it in our foods, taking pills to stop its production in our bodies, and with it came an epidemic of brain diseases like dementia and also other things. Cholesterol is essential in regulating our hormones, but they soon added seed oils and made things like lard and tallow (beef lard) and said it is bad for us; they are not.

They told our little girls that they could be just like men; they could work in the workforce, and they told our young people to sleep around and sow their wild oats. Then we had an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases. Children were born out of wedlock, and there was the rise of daycare, where we put strangers in charge of our kids for hours at a time. Sadly, our churches did not do much to stem the flow, and we incorporated this into our systems as well.

Our young people went off to pagan colleges and married pagan people and never came back. We, too, encouraged our kids to go and see the world rather than marry and have kids. Now, there is a serious lack of youth in many of our churches. Why? Because we accepted the lies that kids were a curse rather than a blessing from God. If we truly believed they were a blessing, we would want more and more.

Jesus has told us that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. We may hear these lies from different sources: the government, the classroom, your neighbor, or your best friend. But no matter where you have heard the lie, it is from Satan, and it is meant to trap, trip, and bind you and feed you some schemes that are contrary to Jesus’ teachings. As we get closer and closer to the end, the voice of truth will become more and more singular. Jesus is the voice of truth; His word is truth. Too many of us do not know the truth; we have not read or studied the Bible so that it is as real to us as the lies that have been put upon us.

There is no freedom without the truth. Lies are designed to enslave us and trip us up. Even well-intentioned lies can be dangerous. Only the truth frees us. Make the truth a regular part of your day. But not just Biblical truths, and there are many to learn. But seek truth in as many things as you can; go back and look at what you were told as a kid about many, many things, and it will make the truth of the scripture more and more real, powerful, and precious.

As we surmised as we began, we live in a binary world. There are only people who live in lies and those who seek and are open to truth. There are those so delusional about the lies that they will seek to quiet those who tell the truth, and eventually, they will make the truth illegal.

You may scoff, but there are people in the UK who have been arrested and tried for simply stating that there are two genders only. Just recently, a UK law enforcement person posted an invitation to Elon Musk to come to the UK so they could arrest him and try him for exercising his free speech here in North America. This will be coming to a government near you soon. Once again, the lies, let’s be tolerant, but not to Christians, not to conservative voices, not to truth-tellers. Let’s be tolerant of those that sound like us and shut down all who don’t. Satan’s minions are hard at work; remember, there are only two sides in the fight. Whether they knowingly or ignorantly speak lies, it is from Satan.

If you think we just need to find a hole and crawl into it until Jesus comes or for us all to become undercover Christians until Jesus comes and kills all the bad guys – think again; we can’t do that. We are called to be light in a dark world, we are called to be truth in a world of lies, and we are called to be love to those that hate us and our Lord. The truth will set you free, but freedom comes at a price. The price is that we have to live among the very enemies of our freedoms and try to love them as the Lord says so they can see the truth like we do.

Lastly, speak the truth at home, tell our kids the truth, read the truth, repeat the truth, and fill their ears and minds with the truth so that they can see the truth. The truth is in Jesus, John 17:17, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

God bless you,

Dr. Sean Gooding
Pastor of Mississauga Missionary Baptist Church

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