Prayer Permeates Leadership, Council Meetings

Prayer Permeates Leadership, Council Meetings
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Prayer Permeates Leadership, Council Meetings

Cleveland, TN—Administrative bishops, youth directors, and evangelism directors from every state and region of the U.S., in addition to the leaders from departments and ministries of the International Offices, completed two days of training and resourcing at the fall Leadership Meeting. The gathering took place September 16 and 17 at the Westmore Church of God.

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Gather25 to Bring Together Global Church Like Never Before

A global prayer and worship event called Gather25 aims to use technology to connect the Global Church in 2025 to reach the whole world with the Gospel and fulfill Jesus’s command in Matthew 28 to, “go and make disciples of all nations.”

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Group Repurposes Inactive Domain Name

In today’s digital age, domain names can carry significant spiritual weight, but many of the most iconic religious domains have fallen into misuse or they are locked up to prevent others from using them.

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