This Day, September 23, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L
September 23
Signing of the Concordat of Worms. It was an agreement between Pope Calixtus II
and Holy Roman Emperor Henry V that brought to an end the first phase of the
power struggle between the Papacy and the Holy Roman Emperors. The Jews of
Worms may have had a special affection for Calixtus II. In 1120, he had issued
Sicut Judaeis, a Papal Bull that reiterated the Church’s protection of the Jews
in the wake of the persecutions of the first Crusade. The Jewish community of
Worms had been wiped out by Crusaders traveling to the Holy Land during the
First Crusade. Unfortunately, Christians
ignored the words of the bull since the community was again slaughtered during
the Second Crusade.
Coronation of John I Albert the Polish monarch also
known as King Jan I Olbracht who in 1495,
transferred the Jews Cracow to the nearby royal city of Kazimierz, which
helped to create a major European center for Diaspora Jewry. “With time it
turned into a virtually separate and self-governed 34-acre Jewish Town, a model
of every East European shtetl, within the limits of the gentile city of
Kazimierz. As it developed into a safe haven for European Jewry, its population
increased reaching a total of 4,500 Jews by 1630.
Siege of Vienna begins as Suleiman II begins his attack on the city. The Siege of Vienna of 1529, as distinct
from the Battle of Vienna in 1683, represented the farthest Westward advance
into Central Europe of the Ottoman Empire, and of all the clashes between the
armies of Christianity and Islam might be signaled as the battle that finally
stemmed the previously-unstoppable Turkish forces (though they continued their
conquest of the Austrian-controlled parts of Hungary afterwards).
of Tishrei): Nathaniel, son of Benjamin, son of Azriel Trabotti who was born in
1576 passed away to in Modena.
The Cossacks captured Satanow, Poland, one of the few Polish towns to have
escaped harm until this date. The Jewish
populations would suffer accordingly.
In New York, Jacob and Abigal Franks gave birth to their youngest son, David
who would side with the British during the American Revolution. “As a young
man, he moved to Philadelphia, where he became a successful merchant, engaging
in land speculation, shipping, and fur trading; he was also a member of the
Congregation Mikveh Israel. He was elected a member of the provincial assembly
in 1748. Franks, with his wife Margaret Evans a member of one of Philadelphia's
Christian families, was socially prominent in the city. During the French and
Indian War, he was engaged by the government to supply the army with
provisions. In 1755, upon the defeat of General Braddock, he helped to raise a
fund of £5,000 for the further defense of the colony. He signed the
Non-Importation Resolution of 1765, but eventually his loyalist tendencies won
over. During the revolution, he was the king's agent for Pennsylvania.
Perceived as a threat to the security of the United States, he was jailed
briefly in 1778 by order of Congress, and then imprisoned again in 1780. He for
a time owned and inhabited Woodford, a mansion in Germantown, now a National
Historic Landmark. His nephew, Col. David Salisbury Franks, a revolutionary who
served as aide to Benedict Arnold, came under further suspicion because of his
relationship with his loyalist uncle. He died in October of 1794 at Iseworth, UK.
Jacques Basnage the French Protestant minister who wrote Jewish Antiquities and
who was considered one of the best sources on the subject history 19th
century authors liked Isaak Markus Jost began published their works, passed
away today.
Charles VII “issued an order that of every Jewish family only one member should
be considered "pro incola," which meant that only one should be
permitted to marry.”
The torture of António José da Silva “a Portuguese-Brazilian dramatist, known
as "the Jew" (O Judeu)” intensified.
Eventually he confessed to having followed Jewish practices, a
confession that saved his life.
of Tishrei, 5520): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah observed five days after the
French had signed the articles of capitulation turning Quebec over to the
British which helped to pave the way for Jews to be able to live in Canada.
German born, merchant and signer of the Non-Importation Resolutions Moses
Mordecai “was naturalized today in Philadelphia.”
of Elul, 5528): Erev Rosh Hashanah observed on the same day that Founding Fathe
and future president of the United States John Adams wrote to Richard Cranch
congratulating him on the birth of his child.
of Tishrei, 5532): First Day of Sukkoth observed on the birthdate of Emperor
Kokaku of Japan who reigned thirty-seven years from 1780 to 1817.
of Tishrei, 5537): Yom Kippur – American Jews fast for the first time as
citizens of the newly independent United States
of Tishrei, 5539): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah observed on the same day during
the American Revolution that “six thousand British troops erupted into
neighboring Bergen County, New Jersey” putting an end to notion that the
British were preparing to evacuate New York City most of whose Jewish
population had fled to such places Newport, RI and Philadelphia.
New Jersey land holder and Loyalist Jacob Louzada left New York today “with the
United Empire Loyalist Settlers” bound for Nova Scotia.
Birthdate of Hannah Lazarus, the daughter of Marks Lazarus who married Isaac
Clifton Levy in 1892
of Tishrei, 5547): Rosh Hashanah observed as Shay’s Rebellion continues in
western Massachusetts.
of Tishrei, 5550) Tzom Gedaliah observed during the first year of the
Presidency of George Washington
Burial of Meir Salomon Maas today at the Battonnstraße Jewish cemetery,
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen-Nassau, Preussen,
of Tishrei, 5551): Sukkoth observed for the second time during the Presidency
of George Washington.
of Tishrei, 5556): As the Russians, Prussians and Austrians negotiate the
treaty that will result in the third and final partition of Poland, Jews
observe Yom Kippur.
Birthdate of German native Salomon Oppenheimer, the husband of Johanna
Oppenheimer and son-in-law of Sarah Gillen and Moises Cahn, who settled in New
Orleans before his death in 1854.
of Tishrei, 5562): Second Day of Sukkot celebrated during the Presidency of
Thomas Jefferson who coined the term separation of church and state.
of Tishrei, 5565): Fourth Day of Sukkoth on the same day that Lewis and Clark
stopped just below present-day Pierre, SD, having paddled up the Missouri for
twenty miles.
of Elul, 5565): Erev Rosh Hashanah observed on the same day that American
explorers Lewis and Clark parlayed with the Nez Perce
of Tishrei, 5569): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah observed for the last time
during the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson.
Birthdate of Marcus Nordeheim, the native of Memmelsdorf who began his business
career as a butcher.
of Tishrei, 5577): Rosh Hashanah
Zipporah Isaacs and Hymen Cohen gave birth to Caroline Cohen.
Uzziel Emanuel married Jane Solomonson at the Great Synagogue today.
of Tishrei, 5581): For the first time during the reign of King George IV of the
UK, Jews observe Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5584): Fourth Day of Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5585): Rosh Hashanah celebrated for the last time during the
Presidency of James Monroe.
of Tishrei, 5588): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah
of Tishrei, 5589): Sukkoth is observed for the last time during the Presidency
of John Q. Adams.
of Elul, 5595): Erev Rosh Hashanah
of Elul, 5595): Twenty-two-year-old Hannchen Leffmann Weinberg the “daughter of
Lefman Isaac Rhee and Rahel (Rachel) Moses Rhee, the wife of Abraham Bendix
Weinberg and other of Leffmann Abraham Weinberg; Aron Abraham Weinberg; Rosalia
Weinberg and Moses Abraham Weinberg passed away today in Westphalia.
In New York Mary Levy became Mary Moss today when he married Eleazer Moss.
of Tishrei, 5594): Yom Kippur
(13th of Tishrei, 5598): On the secular calendar Rabbi Akiva Eiger
of Posen passed away. Born in 1761, he
was a renowned scholar and leading Talmudist.
He was also a leading opponent of the Reform movement sweeping across
German, one of the leading Talmudists in the first half of the nineteenth
century. His devotion to the sick during a cholera epidemic earned him the
recognition of Frederick William
Birthdate of Joseph Rabinowitz the native of Bessarabia who was raised as
“chasid” but converted to Christianity in 1885.
In Canterbury, Fanny Nathan and Joel Abrahams gave birth to Judith Abrahams.
of Tishrei, 5600): Sukkoth
In Posen Schiee Jaffé and his wife gave birth to Dr. Benjamin (Benno*) Jaffé.
Henry Jacob Humphreys married Sophia Cohen at the Great Synagogue today.
In New York City, Rachel Seixas Nathan and 30 year old Montague M. Hendricks
who were married in 1836 gave birth to Washington Hendricks.
Caroline A. Carvalho and Emanuel Nunes Carvalho gave birth to David Nunes
of Tishrei, 5603): Fifth day of Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5603): Charles Moss, the son of Julia Levy and Joseph Lyons who had
been born in December of 1841 passed away today.
of Tishrei, 5605); Yom Kippur is observed for the last time during the
Presidency of John Tyler, the first Vice President to become President
following the death of the President.
In New York, Abigail and Asher Kursheedt gave birth to Frederick Adolph
In Charleston, which at that time was part of Virginia, Sarah Solis and Solomon
Carvalho gave birth to Jacob Solis Carvalho, the younger brother of David Nunes
of Tishrei, 5607): Tzom Gedaliah
of Tishrei, 5607): Sekl Loeb Wormser, the Frankfurt educated native of
Michelstadt whose knowledge, piety and work with the sick earned him the
honorific “the Michelstadter Ba’al Shem” passed away today.
of Tishrei, 5615): Rosh Hashanah
In Cleveland, Ohio, the Marshall arrested two men named Cohen and Freehart,
both of whom have been identified as “English Jews,” for stealing valuable
silks from several stores.
Birthdate of Henry Abrahams, the native of Buffalo, NY and Boston trained cigar
maker who served as the secretary of Cigar Makers’ International Union of
America Local 70 in Cambridgeport and Local 97 in Boston and the “president of
the Massachusetts State Branch of the American Federation of Labor from 1889 to
Three days she had passed away, 64-year-old Amelia Israel was buried today in
of Tishrei, 5621): Caroline Steckler, the second wife of California merchant
Charles Steckler passed away today.
In Philadelphia, Henry F. Birnbaum enlisted in Company H of the 65th
Regiment of the Fifth Cavalry.
Birthdate of Bucharest native and Zionist leader, Mortiz Tobias Schnirer, MD.
of Tishrei, 5624): Yom Kippur
Birthdate of Odessa native Dr. Leon Brodsky
In Kotteso, Hungary, Joseph Deutelbaum and Fannie Zelenka gave birth to Leopold
Duetelbaum, the husband of Johanna Kurz who taught at the Jewish Orphan Asylum
in Cleveland and the Sabbath Schools at Congregations Tifereth Israel and Anshe
Chesed from 1892 to 1900 when he began serving as the Superintendent of the
Chicago Home for Jewish Orphans.
1863: Rabbi Samuel M. Isaacs delivered the Yom
Kippur sermon at the synagogue on Wooster Street in NYC.
Rabbi Jacob M. Raphall gave the Yom Kippur sermon at the Greene Street
Synagogue in NYC
Rabbi Samuel Adler delivered the Yom Kippur Sermon at Temple Emanu-El on 12th
street in NYC.
Rabbi J.J. Lyons delivered the Yom Kippur Sermon at the Nineteenth Street
"Local Intelligence...The Yom Kippur" published today reported that “Last
night commenced the most solemn festival known to the Jewish faith -- the Yom
Kippur, or Day of Atonement. From the most ancient down to the present time, it
has been religiously and strictly observed by them and the Solemn warrant for
its celebration is found in Leviticus, xvi., 29, where Moses, by the express
command of God, designates the formula the festival. The great fast of 24 hours
duration, there prescribed, commenced last evening at sunset, and will continue
until sundown to-day. This morning all the synagogues in the City will be
thronged with worshippers. every orthodox Jew deeming it absolutely
indispensable to go this day at least, if upon no other in the year, to the
conventicle of his people, and with full confession, make solemn and earnest
atonement for his sins during the past twelvemonth. This, too, is the only day
on which, according to the ancient rite in Judea, even the high priest dared to
enter the "holy of holies,'' the inner sanctuary of the temple.”
Thirty year old Louis Manly Emanuel a native of London and a graduate of the
University of Pennsylvania Medical School who was a surgeon with the 82nd
regiment was mustered out today after three years and two months of service
with the Union Army.
“Hebrew congregation Shaaray Tefila, which for fourteen years past has occupied
a house of worship in Wooster-street, dedicated a new synagogue this afternoon
with the usual ceremonies of the Jewish ritual. The new edifice erected by this
congregation is situated in Broadway, between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth
streets, and is in every way a suitable and comfortable building. The interior
is fitted up with great taste and at considerable expense. The woodwork is
grained in imitation oak. The altar, the ark and the veil are of beautiful
workmanship, and elaborately ornamented with gold and silver bullion letters
and embroidered. The service of dedication in the Hebrew church is very solemn
and imposing. After the psalms had been chanted by an excellent German choir
under direction of Mr. Woolf, and the prescribed passages of Scripture had been
read, the priest and deacons carried the scrolls of the law, in procession,
three times around the synagogue, finally depositing them in the ark. The
services concluded with an impressive address by the Rev. S.M. Isaacs, minister
of the congregation. The building was crowded by a large and attentive
of Tishrei, 5626): Shabbat Shuva
of Tishrei, 5628): Seventy-two-year-old Hayman Levy Seixas, the New York born
son f Benjamin Mendes Seixas and Zipporah Mendes Seixas and the husband of
Abigail Nunez Seixas passed away today.
An association dedicated to building the first Jewish hospital in Philadelphia,
PA was incorporated today.
of Tishrei, 5627): Erev Sukkoth
In New York City Jacob Mitchell and Rosa Straschitz, gave birth to William
Mitchell the graduate of CCNY who managed the glass department of L. Straus and
Sons for 12 years and began serving as Superintendent of the Young Men’s Hebrew
Association since 1898.
El Grito de Lares (The Cry of Lares), the first major revolt against Spanish
rule and call for independence in Puerto Rico began today in Lares, Puerto
Rico. Among the participants were Mathias Brugman and his son Hector who had
formed a revolutionary committee code named: "Capa Prieto" (Black
Cape). The revolt failed. The Spanish
executed the Jewish revolutionaries who had refused to surrender to the
authorities. Mathias Brugman was the son Pierre Brugman and Isabel Duliebre,
two Dutch Jews who met and married in New Orleans where they raised their son.
The family moved to Puerto Rico as part of the Spanish government’s attempt to
get non-Hispanics to settle on the island.
Brugman’s participation in the revolution was a product of his setbacks
as a coffee grower and disgust with the abusive rule Spanish rule.
In Austria, Pearl Grauer and Bernhard Klepner gave birth to New York resident
Samuel Klepner, the husband of Rose Rappaport who was actively affiliated with
numerous Jewish organizations including Israel Orphan Asylum, Congregation
Sheveth Achim Anshei Slonim and Congregation Ohab Zedek.
As France continues to wrestle with the aftermath of the Paris Commune, it was
reported today that an unidentified Jew has been passing himself off as a
destitute refugee when in fact he had several hundreds of thousands of francs
in his possession. This has led to
speculation that he is working for the government as spy informing the
authorities of the activities of the communists.
Dutch jurist and States General member Michael H. Godefroi, “delivered
exhaustive speeches in the chamber, insisting that the commercial treaty with
Rumania should not be ratified until guaranties should have been given that
Netherland Jews in that country should enjoy perfect equality before the law.”
In Manchester, England, Betsy Jacobs and Rabbi Aaron Asher gave birth to Russian trained rabbi Joseph
Mayor Asher who became a “disciple” of Solomon Schechter” after returning to
England and immigrated to America where “he became the rabbi of B’nai Jeshurun
in New York City.
of Tishrei, 5634): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah
In Cincinnati, OH Bertha Hess and Isaac Winkler gave birth to Eli Winkler, the
co-founder and chairman of the board of the United States Alkali Export
Association in New York and husband of Selma Einstein.
Leyser Lazarus began serving as president of the Jewish Theological Seminary of
Breslau. He succeeded the legendary Zacharias Frankel who had passed earlier in
the year.
Birthdate of New York City native and attorney George Philip Heimberg, the
Democratic Party activist and graduate of Packard Business College.
In Brighton, “after ten months of work at a cost of £12,000 (equivalent
to £1.01 million in 2015), the dedication ceremony took place today and
The Middle Street Synagogue with a seating capacity of 300 was opened today.”
of Tishrei, 5637): Parashat Vayeilech; Shabbat Shuva
of Tishrei, 5637): Seventy-six-year-old Moses Nathan Levy, the husband of both
Sophie Levy and Hannchen Levy and the son of Nathan and Jette Levy passed away
in his hometown of Hamburg, Germany.
Birthdate of Moshe Zvi Segal
1876: In Pittsburgh, PA, “Julia and Moses Oppenheimer”
gave birth to Oscar William Oppenheimer, the “husband of Claude Siesel” whom he
had two children who was the “President of the Steel Drum Company” in his hometown.
1877: In Cincinnati, OH, Henry and Barbara Steiner Hirsh
gave birth to Olga Hirsh Guggenheim the wife of Simon Guggenheim the U.S.
Senator from Colorado and President of the American Smelting and Refining
Company with whom she “established the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial
Foundation in 1925 in memory of their son.”
1878: In Livingston, AL, Emma Moses and Rabbi Adolph
Moses gave birth to University of Cincinnati graduate and HUC educated rabbi Alfred
Geiger Moses, the grandson of Rabbi Israel Baruch Moses and Eve Graditz and
great-grandson of Rabbi Joseph Graditz who followed in his father by following
in his father’s footsteps by serving “as the rabbi at the Reform Congregation
Sha'arai Shomayim,[4] in Mobile, Alabama, from 1901 to 1940” and who was the
husband of Birdie Feld.
1881(29th of Elul, 5641): Erev Rosh Hashanah
1881: “The Jewish New Year” published today described the
upcoming Jewish holiday season that begins with the start of “Rosh Hashono”
this evening. Business will be almost
entirely suspended among the Jewish community during these holidays; all will be
united in welcoming the new year in a becoming manner.”
1881: “Mourning For The Dead” published today described
various plans to honor the late President Garfield including the plans of the
“Young Men’s Hebrew Association to hold a memorial meeting in honor of the late
1882(10th of Tishrei, 5643): Yom Kippur
1882: “The Fast of Yom Kippur” published today describes
the importance of what “is regarded as the holiest day in the year.” While for most Jews “neither food nor drink
of any kind is allowed to pass” their lips, “among Reformed Jews the fast is
not so strictly kept.”
1883: A Jew named Henry Stern was reported today to have
“swindled several persons at Asbury, NJ” including the cashier at the National
Banking Company of Freehold and the owner of Patterson’s Opera House whom he
convinced to cash fraudulent checks, one for $100 and the other for
$80.(Obviously there has been a change in the idea of what constitutes a
newsworthy financial crime in the last 100 years.)
1883: German born American architect, who designed Anshe
Chesed Synagogue located at 172 Norfolk Street passed away today.
1883: Mrs. P. J. Joachaimsen was elected today to serve
as President of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society in New York City.
1883: “The Late Leon Halevy” published today, relying on
information that first appeared in the Paris American Register described the
death and career of the Leon Halevy, the son of playwright and novelist Ludvoic
1884: In New York City, the family of Sarah Schuer
received telegrams that had been sent the young bride and her new husband,
Henry C. Friedman from Saratoga saying that they were on their way to Niagara
Falls. The couple had eloped last night and had gone to Saratoga to solemnize
their marriage. The bride is the 19 year
old daughter of millionaire merchant Solomon Scheuer. The 28-year-old groom is a member of the New
York Mining stock and National Petroleum Exchange.
1884(4th of Tishrei, 5645): Sixty-seven-year-old Hermann
Edler von Zeissi, the Austrian dermatologist who became an authority on skin
diseases and syphilis while work at the General Hospital in Vienna passed away
1886: In Pittsburgh, PA, “Samuel and Julia (Morganstern)
Strassburg gave birth to Harvard educated attorney Eugene B. Strassburger, the
husband of Constance Block whose activities included lecturing at the Duquesne
University Law School, chairing the legal aid committee of the Federation of
Jewish Philanthropies of Pittsburgh and serving as a a director and secretary
of the Coca Cola Bottling Works.
1886: Birthdate of Warsaw native David Davidson, the
commercial printer and husband of Bertha Davidson with whom he had three
children – Frederick Sylvia and Hilda.
1887: In Poland, Etta Schwartz and Rabbi Judah Idel gave
birth to
JTS ordained rabbi Max Drob who became one of the major
leaders of the Conservative Movement, making it a bridge between the excesses
of Reform and the rigidity of Orthodoxy and who raised four children – Judah,
Harold, Frank and Ruth – with his wife Dorothy.
1887: Justice White presided over an unusual child
custody case to at the Harlem Police Court.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lee, an African American couple, and Mr. and Mrs.
Hirsch Brodcki, a Jewish couple each claimed that a nine year old girl now
known Annie is there daughter. According
to the Brodcki, their daughter disappeared three years ago. According to the Whites the child was given
them by an unwed African domestic whose father was a white.
1887(5th of Tishrei, 5648): Sixty-eight-year-old Samuel
Rossin, a resident of New York who was head of S. Rossin & Sons, a tobacco
importing firm passed away today while visiting his daughter in the Adirondack
Mountains. A native of Bavaria who began
his business in Toronto, he was a Director of the Home for Aged and Infirm
1888: “Jerusalem As
A Trade Center” published today relies on information that first
appeared in the London Times to provide a snapshot of conditions in
Palestine. During the past year that in
the past year exports from Jerusalem have exceeded imports, due in part to the
good harvest in the area. Two thirds of
the goods that pass through Jaffa go on to Jerusalem which has become a market center
for the Bedouins and villages farther to the east. There has been a significant increase in the
export of religious related art most of which goes to the United States and
Europe. While Jewish immigration has
been limited by new Turkish regulations, the price of land has increased
significantly due to the arrival of so many Jews from abroad.
1889: A United States Deputy Marshall brought a prisoner
before Immigration Commissioner Hitchcock in New York who will probably be
deported if he proves to Simon Baruch, the Jewish swindler who is charged by
Austrian authorities with making off with the equivalent of $150,000.
1889: Birthdate of Walter Lippmann. Born in New York City, Lippmann was raised in
comfortable circumstances by German-Jewish parents. A graduate of Harvard,
Lippman began his career as a journalist.
During World War I he was both a captain in the Army (military
intelligence) and Assistant Secretary of War.
Although his name is meaningless to many today, from the days of Woodrow
Wilson through Lyndon Johnson, Lippmann was one America's leading journalists
and political columnists. During his the
various stages of his career, Lippmann's writings were variously described as
socialist, liberal and finally neo-conservative. They were never characterized as being
pro-Jewish. He passed away in 1974.
of Tishrei, 5656): Erev Yom Kippur
Anarchist Johann Most is scheduled to hold a mass meeting this evening at the
Labor Lyceum on Myrtle Avenue for the purpose of mocking Yom Kippur and the
Jewish religion.
In Brooklyn, Captain Ennis of the 6th Precinct and 100 reserves to
possession of the Labor Lyceum and locked the doors to prevent Anarchist Johann
Most from delivering a speech attacking Yom Kippur using language that “very
much shocked” Mayor Chapin
In a note bearing today’s date, “the Austrian Embassy in London reported to
Vienna on a rumor from Paris to the effect that the French government was the
considering the expulsion of Baron Maurice de Hirsch from France” because of
his connection to General Boulanger, “the man on a white horse” who threatened
to topple the Third Republic.
A rabbi from a South Brooklyn congregation represented by Joel Krone will
appear as plaintiff in a proceeding before the New York Supreme Court seeking
an injunction that will prevent Johann most from holding a mass meeting
tonight. Speaking on behalf of Orthodox
Jews, he is basing the request on the part of the Penal Code making “it a
misdemeanor for person to assemble in such a manner as is adapted to disturb
the public peace” and another section that defines “a public nuisance any act
which annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of any
consider number of persons.”
Jews in New Rochelle, NY will close their services today in preparation for the
observance of Yom Kippur.
In Austria, Rachel Rose and Max Neuman gave birth to Columbia graduate and JTS
ordained rabbi Abraham A. Neuman, the husband of Gladys Reed, and both the
Associate Professor of History at Dropsie College and spiritual leader of B’nai
Jershurun in Philadelphia who was also a
member of the national executive board of the Z.O.A.
“Millionaire Joseph F. and Zillah Stix Cullman” gave birth to Yale graduate
Howard S. Cullman, the grandson of millionaire tobacco merchant Ferdinand
Cullman and “an American civil servant, philanthropist, and board member of the
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for 42 years” who served as Chairman
of the Board for ten years, from 1945 to 1955.
of Tishrei, 5653): 2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah
Four women died and untold hundreds more were injured when a fire broke out
today at 27 Ludlow Street, a tenement building meant to hold 200 hundred people
but that was filled with over a thousand Jews who were worshipping with one of
the five congregations that were using the building for Rosh Hashanah services.
For the second day in a row, the Erie Street congregation of Russian Jews held
services in the assembly room of the new Young Men’s Christian Association
building despite the fact that there were two crosses on the front of the
According to statements by his son who is a physician, Dr. Gustav Gottheil, the
rabbi at New York’s Temple Emanu-El is very sick and may be suffering from
typhoid fever.
A fire broke out on Ludlow Street that left so many Jewish victims Jacob H.
Schiff and the United Hebrew Charities would take a leading role in collecting
funds to aid them.
Seventy-year-old John Pope, the Union General who commanded the Army of the
Potomac and whose bodyguard was commanded by Nathan Davis Menken, a captain in
the 1st Ohio Cavalry and a leading Jewish merchant from Cincinnati
passed away today.
Three Hebrew Anarchists – Carol Feldman (editor of the Freie Arbiter Stimme),
Bernard Packman and Arthur Press were arraigned in the Essex Market Police
Court for their role in a small riot sparked by their Anti-Yom Kippur
Demonstration. Feldman was discharged
but Press and Packman were each fined $10.
In Philadelphia, “Anna and Albert Mendel Weisbrod” gave birth to Maxfield M.
Weisbrod, George Washington University trained lawyer and WW I veteran who was
the “husband of Rose Weisbrod” and the “father of Charles Weisbrod.
Miss Clara Perry Thomas and David Solomon were married this evening by the
rector of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Harlem after she had gained his
release from the Bloomingdale Asylum over the objections of his family. They had asked Rabbi Maurice Harris of Temple
Israel in Harlem to perform the ceremony but he refused
Birthdate of Muncie, Indiana native and University Chicago trained lawyer
Benjamin V. Cohen, a member of the administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt and
Harry S. Truman, had a public service career that spanned from the early New
Deal through and beyond the Vietnam War era.
Birthdate of Brooklyn native, WW I veteran and Harvard alum Albert Lewin who
went from being an English teacher at the University of Missouri to a career as
movie director, producer and screenwriter.
“In all the synagogues” in New York the prayers offered before “the ten
penitential days” known as Selicoth were offered today.
In Paterson, NJ, a Russian Cossack riding the parade of Buffalo Bill’s Wild
West Show attacked an 18 year old Jewish spectator, Bernard Benes, “severely
lashing him” before being forced to stop several spectators.
Birthdate of Baltimore, MD native and Columbia University trained
ophthalmologist Dr. Emanuel M. Josephson who served as Assistant to the Medical
Director of the American Red Cross in Europe before “engaging in the practice
of medicine and medical research.
Benjamin Mordecai, the New Orleans born son of Katherine and Allen Louis Mordecai,
and his wife Constance Miriam Mordecai
gave birth to Constance Cardozo.
Clara, Baroness von Hirsch, widow of Baron Moritz von Hirsch, signs the first
copy of her last will and testament.
In Vienna, the Reichsrath opened today with a turbulent session dealing with
issues of “religion, race, local government and national elections” in which
the anti-Semitic parties played a dominant role.
1897: In Rome, Henryk Glicenstein, a sculptor his
wife Helena Hirszenberg gave birth to painter Emanuel Glicen Romano who “emigrated
to America and spent some time in Safed in Israel. where he organized a museum
for his father's work.”
The Hebrew Infant Asylum of the City of New York was reported today to have
purchased “a new home at 161st Street and Eagle Avenue” which it
will soon be dedicating.
Birthdate of Louise Nevelson, one of the most important American sculptors of
the twentieth century
Max Regis, the former Mayor Algiers and a notorious anti-Semite boarded a ship
bound for Spain as he tries to escape from French authorities in North Africa
who have arrested eight of his fellow anti-Semites.
Three thousand Jews met tonight in Chicago where they heard Leon Zolotkoff who
had been a delegate to the Congress at Basel, declare “Palestine will be
secured to us and the Zionist will colonize it.
The movement is under way, and I believe it will be a success.”
“Mark Twain and the Jews” published today takes issue with the humorist’s paper
on the Jews that was published in Harper’s Magazine in which he says that “Jews
constitute but one per cent of the human race.”
Reportedly there are seven million Jews in the world, meaning “they
constitute less than one-half of l per cent” of the population. “Making due
allowance for the number of Jews who conceal their religion Mark Twain’s
estimate is twice as large as it should be.”
of Elul, 5660): Erev Rosh Hashanah
This evening at Temple Emanu-El Rabbi Silverman “addressed a large congregation
deliver his sermon dealing the nature of the Feast of the New Year.’
This evening, on the east side of New York, “many services were held in halls
which are rented for the purpose at this season” to ensure “that all may have
an opportunity to observe the holiday who desire to do so.”
In Harlem, Rabbi Harris conducted services at Temple Israel.
of Tishrei, 5662): Yom Kippur takes on an extra solemnity as the nation mourns
the recent death of President McKinley who died at the hands of an assassin.
For the first time ever, Yom Kippur services are scheduled to be held today in
the Grand Central Palace where the cantors will be accompanied by “a chorus of
150 voices.”
“In an editorial article today in regard to the Roumanian Jewish question” the
Times of London” says there can be no doubt that in East and Central Europe
antipathy to the Jews rests not so much on religious as on social and economic
The first comments about Secretary Hay’s note to the powers on the subject of
Romania’s treatment in appeared today in the St. Petersburg Zeitung which said
that “one may will rejoice if American intervention betters the sad lot of the
Romanian Jews” but “one doubts the unselfishness of the Americans since the
Romanian Jews are probably much better off than the Filipinos.”
of Tishrei, 5664): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah
Twenty-year-old Alma Hochstadter married Franklin Seligsberg.
of Tishrei, 5664):: Sixty-two-year-old Rabbi Salo Bloch passed away today “at
Jarotschin, Posen.”
J. de Haas who had been a delegate to the Sixth Zionist Congress addressed a
meeting of the Daughters of Zion at “the Capitol Hall” today.
In Siauliai, Lithuania Nathan Menachem Schapiro and Fanny Adelman Schapiro gave
birth to Meir Schapiro. When he came to the United States in 1907, a government
worker at Ellis Island changed his name from Meir to Meyer. As Dr. Meyer
Schapiro became a professor at Columbia University, a multi-disciplinary critic
and historian, galvanic teacher, lifelong radical and a pre-eminent figure in
the intellectual life of New York.
of Elul, 5665): Leil Selichot
In Warsaw, “the police this evening surrounded parks in which thousands of Jews
were promenading” and placed two hundred of them under arrest.
of Tishrei, 5667): Tzom Gedaliah
of Tishrei, 5667): Seventy-one-year-old Amsterdam native Sara Isaac Monis, the
wife of Isaac Mendoza with she had eight children, passed away after which she
was buried at the Nuevo Jewish Cemetery.
Evidence was discovered that “the Black Hundreds had planned an attack on the
Jews of Odessa on Rosh Hashanah”
of Tishrei, 5668): As a wave of foreign bank runs continue which will lead to
the Panic of 1907 in the United States, Jews observe Sukkoth
Thirty-one-year-old NYU Law School graduate Jacobs S. Strahl, and municipal
court judge the son of Robert and Betsey Strahl who was President of the Judea
Industrial Corporation of N.Y. married Beatrice Reiss.
of Tishrei, 5668): Eighty-four-year-old Moses Joseph, “the brother-in-law of
Solomon Ullmann” passed away oday afer which he was buried at the Edmonton
Western Jewish Cemetery.
Twenty-six-year-old Charles M. Rice, the St. Louis born son of Jonathan and
Aurelia Rice and St. Louis Law School trained attorney married may Goldman
Birthdate of New York City native and City College graduate Michael G.Tress,
the husband of Edith Tress and “an executive with Lamport Company, Inc. who
headed Agudath Israel for more than two decades and “who was credited with
helping in the rescue and relief of thousands of Jews from Eastern Europe
during World War II.”
It was reported today that a telegram has been sent to the American Embassy in
St. Petersburg to the acting Secretary of State at the request of Simon Wolf,
“as king for information in regard to the recent alleged massacre of Jews at
Kiev” and if any of them were Americans.
“Jews Win Case In Russia” published today, reported that “a great number of
appeals made by Jews whose expulsion has been ordered by the Imperial Government
are pending, following the favorable outcome of a test case instituted by some
Jews who had long resided in Ekaterinoslaff Province” in which “the Senate
decided that the orders of expulsion were illegal and that the petitioners
should be reinstated in their homes.”
of Tishrei, 5672): Rosh Hashanah
Approximately 60 people were injured when Arabs attacked Jewish worshipers in
Jerusalem at the Western Wall observing the Jewish New Year.
In Dayton, Ohio, “Morris and Rebecca (Lenderman) Sandmel gave birth to Rabbi
Samuel Sandmel, the University of Missouri Phi Bea Kappa graduate and the
recipient of an M.H.L. degree from Hebrew College in 1937 who was a prolific
author and the husband of Philadelphian Frances Langsdorf Fox with whom he had
three children.
In Albany, GA, Ben and Blanche Adler gave birth to Morris W. Adler, four years
before the birth of \ their second child Frances who was also born in Albany.
Henry Adler of Dallas, TX, Nathan Straus of New York and Max Goltman of
Memphis, TN, served as an “official delegates to the Fifteenth International
Congress of Hygiene and Demography” that opened in Washington, DC today.
Birthdate of New Brunswick, NJ, native and WW II veteran Sumner Marcus, the
holder of JD from Harvard and a Ph.D from the University of Washington where he
served as a dean,
Anti-Jewish demonstrations took place in Sophia, Bulgaria in response to
statements by the Chief Rabbi. Police were instructed to repress further
of Elul, 5673): Fifty-two-year-old Julius Preuss, the “German-Jewish physician
and Talmudic scholar who authored the 1911 pioneering textbook
Biblical-Talmudic Medicine (Biblisch-Talmudisch Medizin)” passed away today.
In London, Baron Édouard Alphonse de
Rothschild and his wife, the former Germaine Alice Halphen gave birth to
Baroness Bethsabée de Rothschild.
1914: American “officials
expressed the view that Russia’s reported modification of stringent regulations
against the Jews of their loyalty to the Government in its struggle in the
present European war might pave the way for a” new commercial treaty to replace
the one that “became inoperative in 1913 because it was interpreted by Russia
as permitting the exclusion of American Jews” from the lands ruled by the Czar.
1914: “Peace Prayers in
Chicago” published today described the prayerful response on Rosh Hashanah of
the Jews in Chicago to the war raging in Europe.
1914: In Washington,
“officials expressed the view that Russia’s reported modification of stringent
regulations against the Jews because of their loyal to the Government in the
present European war might pave the way for an understanding” that would lead
to the signing of a new treaty of commerce and navigation between the two
of Tishrei, 5676): As the French prepare to try and retake Champagne for a
second and the British are fighting the Turks in Mesopotamia, the Jews observe
On Sukkoth, the Russians began their first siege of Przemysl whose Jewish
population would suffer additional hardships because anti-Semitism during the
extended fighting in and around the city.
of Elul, 5676): Leil Selichot
Today, in Baltimore, Rabbi C.A. Rubenstein called on the congregants of Har
Sinai Temple to help create “a Judaism that shall be ‘the inspiration of our
life and not a mere badge of descent’”
Following his report about conditions of the American troops serving on the
Mexican border, Dr. Aaron Eiseman, the former rabbi at Temple Beth Israel was
reported to have said that contributions for the Y.M.H.A. which is providing
services to these soldiers regardless of religious belief can be sent to S.S.
Rosenstamm, Chairman of the Army and Navy Committee
“Tells of Flight From Russia” published today contains the first hand report of
Lorena Cohen, a resident of Memphis, TN of the suffering being endured by the
Jews of Kovno whom the Czar forcefully deported from their homes because he
considered all of them as spies after they had endured aerial bombing from the
City College graduate and NYSE member Hyman Freiberg who would die during
fighting at Chipilly Ridge was drafted today
Abraham “Shiplacoff was indicted for three counts of violation of the so-called
Espionage Act for a speech against American intervention in Russia made in the
Bronx 10 days ago.”
Five hundred British cavalrymen captured Haifa and then moved north and
captured Acre, much to the joy of the Jews who must have sensed that each
British victory brought the Balfour Declaration that much closer to
1918: The 15th (Imperial service) Cavalry Brigade
comprised of lancers from the princely states of Jodhpur and Mysore, equipped
only with lances and swords, liberated Haifa from the Turks who were using
advanced artillery and machine guns. Yet, the 15th Cavalry Brigade captured
Israel and came back victorious. https://www.wionews.com/photos/the-battle-of-haifa-indias-forgotten-soldiers-336#the-15th-(imperial-service)-cavalry-brigade-51326
“A Society Sensation:” starring Carmel Myers was released today in the United
Birthdate of Dr. Maurice M. Rapport, “a biochemist who helped isolate and name
the neurotransmitter serotonin, which plays a role in regulating mood and
mental states, and who first described its molecular structure, a development
that led to the creation of a wide variety of psychiatric and other drugs.” (As
reported by William Grimes)
Samuel I. and Pauline G. Sievers gave birth to “author, actor and Stanford
University professor” Wieder David Sievers, the brother of Virginia Sievers
In Baghdad, Yaakov Ben and Gorgia Ovadia gave birth to Ovadia Yoset “the
spiritual leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party.” (As reported by Isabel
“The murders of Mathias Erzberger belong to a secret political organization,
the purposes of which are ‘to combat everything anti-national and
international, the Weimar Constitution, the Social Democrats, Jews and
of Tishrei, 5683): Rosh Hashanah is observed for the last time during the
Presidency of Warren G. Harding.
Wake Forest, coached by George Levene defeated Atlantic Christian in the first
football game of the 1922 season.
1922: A border crossing
manifest, bearing today’s date gives both actress Eugenie Lenotovich’s age and
that of Yiddish actor and her husband, Gregory Ratner as 29, indicating 1893 as
the year of birth of both.
Yosef Yechiel Zaid, HaKohen and Chinka Chana Zaid gave birth to Israel Zaid and
Yehuda Zaid.
Lightweight boxer Benny Leonard (born Benjamin Leiner) fought Kid Lewis to a draw in Newark.
“Announcement was made tonight of the purchase of two city blocks on the east
side of Amsterdam Avenue between 186th and 188th Streets
as the site of the new buildings for the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological
Seminary (Yeshiva)” and “Samuel D. Levy, Chairman of the Executive Committee of
the Building Fund declared…that construction would begin shortly.”
It was announced today that “in response to the appeal for a fund of $500,000
issued last week by the Emergency Committee on Jewish Refugees for the
immediate relief of 10,000 Jews stranded in European seaports who had planned
to migrate to the United States $100,000 has been voted by the Hebrew Immigrant
Aid Society.”
“The Butter and Egg Man” written by George S. Kaufman opened on Broadway at the
Longacre Theatre for the first of 243 performances.
of Tishrei, 5687): Jacob Braverman who was the husband of Sarah Braverman and
who was buried in Ahavas Sholom Congregation Cemetery passed away today.
of Tishrei, 5687): As Jews observe Sukkoth, Gene Tunney defeated Jack Dempsey
to become world Heavyweight Champion
“Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans” a silent film produced by William Fox, with a
screenplay by Carl Mayer and music by Hugo Riesenfeld was released today in the
United States by Fox Film Corporation.
U.S. Premiere of “Two Arabian Knights” an Oscar winning comedy directed by
Lewis Mileston (Leib Milstein) and co-starring Louis Wolheim.
“Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis” produced by Carl Mayer and Karl Freund who
also worked on the picture as one of the cinematographers was released in
Germany today.
1928(9th of Tishrei, 5689): Erev Yom Kippur
1928: “The Butter and Egg Man,” the first film
adaptation of the George S. Kaufman Broadway hit play was released in the
United States today.
“Random Note on Summer Art Season in Paris,” published today described the
works of Ruben of Palestine whose works are on display at the Galerie Druet.
His canvases capture secenes from Dan to Beersheba including paintings of the
new towns (Tel Aviv) and old cities (Jerusalem, Safed and Jaffa.)
1928: On the second day of the Massena (NY) Blood
Libel, the state police questioned a Jew named Morris Goldberg about the
disappearance of four year old Barbara Griffiths who had been reported missing
yesterday. Goldberg was lacking in any
real knowledge about his religion and may have left the police with the
impression “that there might be some truth to the rumors that Jews engage in
ritual murder. The police then interrogated Berel Brennglass, the rabbi at
Adath Israel Synagogue “When asked about the allegations of ritual murder,
Brennglass told the police and the town's mayor, who was present, that they
should be ashamed for asking such questions. He expressed outrage that people
believed such lies in the United States in the 20th century.” “Barbara Griffiths was found in the woods
later that afternoon roughly a mile from her home. She told authorities she had
become lost during her walk and slept in the forest. Nevertheless, some
citizens of Massena continued to believe that Griffiths had been kidnapped by
the Jews. They attributed her safe return to the discovery of the Jews' plot.
The Massena blood libel drew national attention.[5] Through the efforts of
Rabbi Brennglass, the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish
Congress denounced the town's leaders, prompting apologies from the mayor and
the state police to the rabbi, the town's Jews, and all Jews of the United
States.In his apology, the mayor wrote:
In light of the solemn protest of my Jewish
neighbors, I feel I ought to express clearly and unequivocally ... my sincere
regret that by any act of commission or omission, I should have seemed to lend
countenance ... to what I should have known to be a cruel libel imputing human
sacrifice as a practice now or at any time in the history of the Jewish people.
Judge William M. Lewis national chairman of the United Palestine Appeal, who
has just returned from Palestine, addressed the Men’s Brotherhood of the First
United Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.
Judge Lewis expressed the belief that the turmoil was based in economics
not religion. He told the attendees that “envy of Arab landowners” and not the
Wailing Wall “is at the basis of the conflict between Arabs and Jews in
Palestine…” “’the real trouble in
Palestine is with the Arab landowners who still work their ground under the old
feudal system with primitive methods... The Jews have introduced modern
machinery and working conditions with the result that the Arab workers have
shown dissatisfaction with their lot.
Racial and religious hatred has been inflamed as a consequence.”
Birthdate of Herman Rosenblat, the author of a fake story about the Holocaust.
“Harry Sacher arrived in Jerusalem this morning to take charge of the preparation
of the Jewish before the Commission of Inquiry.”
of Tishrei, 5691): As the economy continues to spiral downward, Jews observe
first Rosh Hashanah of the Great Depression.
“Representatives of Zionist organizations throughout the city of New York met
at the Hotel Pennsylvania” tonight “and started a campaign to acquire 10,000
acres of land in Palestine to be known as ‘Nachlath New York,” and to be leased
to emigrants from the United States and other countries.”
The Toronto Star reported today that newspaper correspondent Rhea Clayman “had
been from Russia and attacked as a bourgeois troublemaker.” (As reported by
Jars Balan)
“The Phantom President” a political satire directed by Norman Taurog with music
by Richard Rodgers and lyrics by Lorenz Hart was released today in the United
States by Paramount Pictures.
of Tishrei, 5649): Shabbat Shuvah
of Tishrei, 5649): Sixty-year-old New
York native and publisher Sime Silverman, the son of Louis J. Silverman, the
husband of Harriett Freeman, the father of Sidney Silverman, and grandfather of
Syd Silverman who in 1905 founded Variety which became “the Bible” of
American show business passed away today.
Walter Becker, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Becker” is scheduled to be called to the
Torah as a Bar Mitzvah at Congregation Beth-El in Camden, NJ.
of Tishrei, 5695): Sixty-three-year-old German born American industrialist
Ludwig Vogelstein who was a leading figure in the Reform movement and was vice
president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism passed away today in New
Outfielder Fred Sington made his major league debut with the Washington
“The Nazi party's Economic Information Agency, representing official or
semiofficial opinion of party leaders, appeared today with a plan for,
liquidating Jewish businesses in Germany.”
“Eight of the leading pastors of North Germany met” in Berlin “tonight as
delegates to the third synod of the Opposition Protestant Church and the
Prussian Confessional Church” which “are expected to adopt a resolution
condemning the government for excluding Christian children with Jewish blood
from Christian schools and forcing them to attend wholly Jewish schools.”
“Little Man, Big Doings” published today described the meeting of “Adolf Hitler’s
Party Congress” in Nuremberg.
(7th of Tishrei, 5697) Meier Dizengoff, one of the founders of Tel Aviv and its
first and only Mayor, passed away at the age of 75. Born in a village in Bessarabia where he
received a typical Cheder/Yeshiva based education, Dizengoff moved to Kishineff
with his parents and it is there he further his secular education at State run
school. Dizengoff first went to
Palestine in 1891 where he failed in an attempt to start a glass factory that
was intended to provide bottles for wine grown in Eretz Israel. Dizengoff
returned to Russia but left in 1905 when he made Aliyah. Dizengoff was one of those seemingly mythic
figures who stood on a stand dune in 1909 and turned it into a modern
metropolis that numbered 100,000 citizens on the day he passed away.
1936: A concentration camp opens at
Sachsenhausen, Germany.
Dr. Israel Goldstein, the acting chairman of the United Palestine appeal
announced today that “a total of $1,007,225 was spent for reconstruction in
Palestine from April 1 to July 31.”
Due to a decision by the Nazi government, “blind Jewish war veterans have lost
the privilege of reduced monthly telephone rates” which are still enjoyed by
“Aryan” veterans.
The Palestine Post reported that
Palestinian Arabs indicated that they would refuse to Commission on Palestine.
Jacobs solidified his position as a top promoter when he staged the Carnival of
Champions today, at the Polo Grounds in New York, featuring four world
championship bouts in one night.
1938: Synagogues were burned to the ground in Cheb
and Marienbad, ethnic-German towns in the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia.
Today, week before it was occupied by Nazi Germany, the Czech town of “Chomutov
was declared "Judenrein" by the increasingly the pro-Nazi
Fritz Löhner-Beda was transferred to the Buchenwald concentration camp” where
“together with his fellow prisoner Hermann Leopoldi, he composed the famous
anthem of the concentration camp, Das Buchenwaldlied ("The Buchenwald
Journalist Heinrich Eduard Jacob was transferred from Dachau to Buchenwald
of Tishrei, 5700): Yom Kippur
of Tishrei, 5700): Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, died at the age
of 83.
1939: On the Jewish Day of Atonement, Jews
across Poland are publicly humiliated by SS troops: forced labor, coerced
shavings of beards, destruction of property, beatings, and forced dancing. At
Piotrków, Poland, Jews are compelled to relieve themselves in the local
synagogue school, then use prayer shawls and holy books to clean up the mess.
As the Nazis completed their conquest of Poland, Jews began to feel the
persecution that would eventually become the Final Solution.
Polskie Radio was bombed by the Nazis today “shortly after broadcast the last
Chopin recital played by Władysław "Wladek" Szpilman.”
1940: Birthdate of Pulitzer Prize winning
playwright Bernard Pomerance. (As reported by Neil Genzlinger)
1940: SS chief Heinrich Himmler authorizes a
special SS Reichsbank account to hold gold (including gold extracted
from teeth), silver, jewelry, and foreign currency stolen from interned Jews.
The account is held by the fictitious "Max Heiliger."
of Tishrei, 5702): Rosh Hashanah
Meir Binem (Beniek) Wrzonski arrived at the Lodz ghetto and found out that his
father Noah Wrzonski had passed away earlier in the day.
1941: Gassing tests are conducted at Auschwitz.
1941: 3500 Jews unable to escape from
Ejszyszki, Lithuania, are locked in a synagogue and then moved to a cattle
market, where they are denied food and water;
Over 2,000 Jews were deported from the "show ghetto" at
Theresienstadt to the extermination camp of Maly Trostenents in the Soviet
Union. Approximately 200,000 to 500,000 were murdered at the camp. There were no known survivors.
Three of Sigmund Freud’s siblings – Regine Debora, Maria and Pauline Regine –
were deported to Treblinka
1942(12th of Tishrei, 5703): Twenty-four-year-old
Soviet poet Paul Davidovich Kagan was killed by the Germans while leading a
reconnaissance mission.
1942(12th of Tishrei, 5703): Hundreds of Jews
from Slovakia and 641 from France are gassed at Auschwitz.
1942(12th of Tishrei, 5703): At the Treblinka
death camp, 10,000 Jews from Szydlowiec, Poland, are killed.
Regina Debora known as Rose and Marie known as Mitzi, two of the sisters of
Sigmund Freud were deported to a concentration camp. Rose died at Auschwitz and
Mitzi died in Theresienstadt.
1942: British Home Secretary and Minister of
Home Security Herbert Morrison opposed any further admission of Jewish
immigrants into Britain. He fears this would encourage the French Vichy government
to "dump" Jewish children into Britain.
New Yorker cartoonist William Steig and Liza (Mead) Steig, head of the fine
arts department at Lesley College gave birth to Jazz flutist Jeremy Steig.
Berlin native Paul Steinberg who had remained in Paris to care for his father
Joseph and his stepmother Pauline “was arrested today” because of an
informant’s letter and shipped to Drancy, the first stop on the road to
The Nazis liquidated the Vilna Ghetto. Eight thousand of the remaining 10,000
Jews were beaten, robbed and gathered in Rosa square. One thousand, six hundred
were selected to go to the labor camps in Estonia. Another 5,000 were sent to
Majdanek and its new gas chambers. Hundreds of the old and sick were sent to
Ponar and shot.
Birthdate of Detroit native and Detroit College of Law trained attorney Bernard
A. Friedman, the former Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Michigan.
Birthdate of Henk Brink son of Henk Drogt, a Dutch policeman who joined the
resistance movement after being ordered to round up Jews. Drogt, who was
executed by the Nazis in 1944, was already recognized as a hero by former U.S.
president Dwight D. Eisenhower, Britain and the Netherlands for his role in
rescuing Allied pilots who ejected over occupied Holland. In 2008, Brink
attended ceremonies at Yad Vashem where his father was recognized as A
Righteous Among the Nations.
Birthdate of Ariel Zilber, the native of Tel Aviv who gained famed as a singer
and songwriter who composed “Yes Din ViYesh Dayan (there is a judge and there
is judgment)
of Tishrei, 5705): Erich Birnbaum, one of the last Jews in Berlin, died today.
Warner Bros. released “Arsenic and Old Loss” a comedy with a screenplay by
Julius and Philip Epstein with music by Max Stiener
The 340th Bomb Group, whose members included Joseph Heller,
destroyed of the Italian light cruiser Taranto in the heavily defended harbor
of La Spezia today before the ship could be used by the enemy to block the
harbor's entrance which Group received “a second Distinguished Unit Citation.”
of Tishrei, 5706) Second Day of Sukkoth
“The British Government has decided, it was learned on the highest authority
tonight, to refer the whole issue of Palestine and of Jewish immigration to the
United Nations Organization with a statement that this was a responsibility
that all the Allies must share in common.”
“A business see-saw, set in motion by the nationwide shortage of salable meat,
resulted” today” in the closing of many more delicatessen shops in this city,
while most of the 5,000 kosher meat markets that had shut down last week were
back in business but not to sell red meat” but so they could deal with the
deliveries of poultry to be eaten on Rosh Hashanah.
“Hopes of Zionist attendance at the conference on Palestine receded tonight
because an authoritative source said that the British Government had notified
the Jewish Agency for Palestine in writing that it was unwilling to release
Zionist leaders in the Latrun detention camp in time for them to join a Zionist
of Tishrei, 5708): Erev Yom Kippur – Jews hear Kol Nidre as the U.N. prepares
to decide on the fate Palestine in its upcoming vote on partition.
The wife of Sir Arnold Bax, the longtime lover of pianist Harriet Cohen passed
away but did not lead to their marriage much to the surprise of Cohen
of Elul, 5708): “Iraq’s wealthiest Jew, Shafiq Ades, a secular man with close
ties to the monarch and the Iraq business elite was hanged today before
cheering crowds outside his mansion in Basra on trumped up charges of aiding
of Elul, 5709): Erev Rosh Hashanah
“At the Mareilles Hotel, more than 1,150 Jewish displaced persons, the largest
number ever maintained by the United Service for New Americans, are scheduled
to commemorated their first Jew New Year” in the United States “with
traditional Orthodox Services.”
“The United Jewish Appeal announced that a simultaneous appeal for immediate
gifts to meet the critical lag in contributions will be made tonight at service
in 1,800 synagogues throughout” the United States.
“Aged blind residents of the Yonkers Home of the New York Guild for the Jewish
Blind filled the Home’s synagogue for services” tonight.
Birthdate of Howard Reznick, the Brooklynite who gained fame as “actor,
director and author” Hanon Reznikov. (As reported by Campbell Robertson)
Shortstop Al Richter made his major league debut with the Boston Red Sox.
Tonight, acting Egyptian minister of war Abd el-Fatha Hassahn charged Israel
with unspecified violations in the area of Gaza on September 19. The minister would not specify the nature of
the violation saying only that they “did not constitute ‘armed aggression.’”
Today Menachem Begin was granted a six’s months leave of absence from his
position as chairman of the Herut Party Center so that he can complete his
studies for the upcoming bar examinations and complete a book on his World War
II experiences focusing on his time in the Soviet Union.
of Elul, 5711): Eighty-four-year-old Mrs. Annie Nathan Meyer, chief founder and
trustee of Barnard College, died today of a coronary thrombosis in her
residence at the Hotel Croydon, 12 East Eighty-six Street.
Agudat Yisrael and Poalei Agudat Yisrael left the coalition today shortly after
disagreements over the conscription of women into the IDF leaving the
government with only 60 of the 120 seats in the Knesset
The Jerusalem Post reported that two
Israeli soldiers were wounded by Jordanians. Infiltrators from Jordan stole
animals and irrigation pipes in the Jerusalem Corridor during Yom Kippur.
of Tishrei, 5714): Erev Sukkoth celebrated for the first time during the
presidency of D.D. Eisenhower.
of Elul, 5714): Sixty-seven-year-old medical school student turned journalist
and broadcaster, Edward Kaluber, the Louisville, KY born son of Morris and Ray
Forst Kaluser who married Doris Larson Klauser two years after the death of his
first wife Gladys Gustafson Kaluber and served as the city of the New York
Times before eventually becoming an executive vice president of the
Columbia Broadcasting System passed away today.
CBS radio broadcast the last episode of “Meet Millie” a sitcom featuring Marvin
Kaplan as Alfred Prinzmetal
of Tishrei, 5716): Seventy-two-year-old German born American banker Jakob
Goldschmidt, a favorite target of Joseph Goebel’s anti-Semitic propaganda who
in 1936 came to the United States where he served “on the Boards of the
Tennessee Corporation of New York and the Pierce Governor Company of Indiana”
passed away today.
Shimon Peres met with French Defense Minister Bourges-Manouy to discuss
increased shipment of French arms to Israel to offset the increase of modern
arms being sent to Egypt and Syria by the Soviets. The French also were seeking to involve the
Israelis in Operation Musketeer,, a joint Franco-British plan to land in Egypt
and seize the Suez Canal which had been nationalized by Egyptian President
of Tishrei, 5717): A Jordanian soldier
at a border post north of Bethlehem opened fired on a group of a hundred
Israeli archaeologists who were examining the ancient ruins excavated at Rmat
Rahal, the southernmost point of Jewish Jerusalem. Four of the archaeologists were killed. One
of the four was the daughter-in-law of Golda Meir.
of Elul, 5717): Sixty-one-year-old clothing manufacturer and the founder
of the radio show “Morris B. Sachs Amateur Hour” Morris Bernard Sachs, the Lithuania born son
of Rose Fiensinger and Louis Sachs, and the father of Rhoda and Morris Sachs
passed away today in Chicago.
of Elul, 5717): Seventy-one-year-old Samuel S. Lefkowitz, the Hungarian born
“son of Meyer Lefkowitz and Sarah Weisberger and the husband of Yetta Lefkowitz
who was “a registered pharmacist and a chiropractor” and “served as the
secretary-treasurer of the Amalgamated Chiropractors Association of New Jersey”
for almost 20 years passed away today at his home in Hackensack, NJ.
In Tel Aviv, athletes from 21 countries continued to compete the Fourth
Maccabiah Games.
of Elul, 5719): Eighty-one-year-old “civic, religious and education leader”
Mrs. Evelyn Aronson Margolis, “the widow of Max L. Margolis, former professor
of Biblical philology at Dropsie College and a noted Biblical scholar” passed
away today.
In Newark, NJ, Ruth Minnie (née Simon), a nurse and health care administrator,
and Alexander B. Greenspan, an accounting manager gave birth to Jay Scott
Greenspan who gained fame as Jason Alexander best known for his portrayal of
“George” on Seinfeld.
Two days after he had passed away, 64 year old Isidor Nagler, the Vice
President of the ILGU was buried today “in Mount Hebron Cemetery” following a
funeral service where the 2,000 attendees heard a eulogy by Golda Meir who
“said that ‘thousands of Israeli workers mourn” the passing of this man who
aided “in breaking down the barrier between the labor movements” in the United
States “and in Israel…”
of Tishrei, 5721): In his first year in Washington, DC, Rabbi Stanley
Rabinowitz delivered the sermon at Adas Israel on the Second Day of Rosh
of Tishrei, 5722): Parashat Ha’Azinu
of Tishrei, 5722): Seventy-nine-year-old Eliezer Poupko, “the highest ranking
Orthodox Rabbi in Pennsylvania,” and “spiritual leader of Etz Chaim
Congregation in Philadelphia who raised
seven children, including five sons who became rabbis, with his wife “Pesha
Chaya” passed away today.
of Tishrei, 5722): Sixty-four-year-old Seymour Nebenzal, the father of Harold
Nebenzal and the husband of Lisbeth Mary Else Nebenzel who with his father
formed the Nero-Film production company before being forced to flee when the
Nazis came to power passed away today in Munich. (There is some debate as to whether he was
born in 1899 or 1897 which accounts for the variance given for his age at the
time of his death.)
“Milk & Honey” finished its pre-Broadway run at the Colonial Theatre and
headed for its opening in New York City.
Seventy-nine-year-old Rabbi Eliezer Poupko, the native of Radin, Lithuania who
came to the United States in 1931 after having been imprisoned by the Soviets
and began serving Aitz Chaim Congregation in Philadelphia in 1942 passed away
Birthdate of Falls Church, VA native and Yale University grad Bruce L. Cohen
who became an “Academy Award-winning producer in film, television, and
Leonard Bernstein led the inaugural concert of the New York Philharmonic in
Philharmonic Hall (later renamed Avery Fisher Hall), Lincoln Center, New York
of Tishrei, 5724): Seventy-one-year-old Warsaw born American Yiddish author and
poet Eli A. Almi, “whose real name was Eliash Almi Sheps” passed away today in
New York.
Today “, Hofstra University's Board of Trustees awarded the newly created
Augustus B. Weller Chair in Economics (Long Island's first fully endowed
professorial chair) to Harvey J. Levin, then chairman of the university’s
Economics Department, who held it for the next twenty-five years.”
1964: The Paris Opera unveils a stunning new ceiling
painted as a gift by artist Marc Chagall, who spent much of his life in France.
Jacob Werlin the Austian car salesman who “was an honorary SS Leader” and “a
confidant of Hitler” who protected “the safety of Bimbo the Jewish wife of
Wilhelm Haspel, the head of Daimler-Benz passed awaytoday.
of Tishrei, 5727): Erev Yom Kippur
Two spiritual leaders of American Reform Judaism, Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath,
president of the Union of American Hebrew congregations and Rabbi Jacob J.
Weinstein, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, in a Yom
Kippur statement, today “called on their fellow Jews to join with other
religious forces, including Pope Paul, to halt the war in Vietnam.”
“The Happy Time,” “a musical with music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb, and
a book by N. Richard Nash” premiered today in Los Angeles.
of Tishrei, 5729): Rosh Hashanah
Jewish students who notify the proper authorities at the University of
Minnesota are excused from the opening day of classes which coincided with the
Jewish New Year.
“Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” starring Paul Newman, with a script by
William Goldman and music by Burt Bacharach premiered today.
of Elul, 5730): Sixty-one-year-old Rabbi Morris Lieberman, “the leader of the
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation and husband Lillian Lieberman who as a chaplain
during WW II took part in the Normandy landings and who was among a group of
clergymen arrested when they to integrate and whites-only amusement park passed
away today.
“Condor” a western with a script by Larry Cohen was released today in the
United States.
“The Go-Between,” a “British historical drama” with a screenplay by Harold
Pinter premiered in London today.
Former U.S. Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, an associate of the Vera
Institute of Justice and Rabbi Edward Sandrow are scheduled to be among the
speakers at the funeral today of Louis J. Schweitzer the businessman and
founder of the Vera institute of Justice.
A memorial service is scheduled to be held for eighty-two-year-old Joseph
Jablonower, the Austrian born New York City teacher whose “pupils included
Senator Jacob Javits and author Harry Golden” and who raised a son and a
daughter with “his wife the former Hannah Sonnenfeld.”
of Tishrei, 5733): As McGovern and Nixon enter the last six weeks of the
Presidential campaign, Jews observe Sukkoth.
Birthdate of Oscar nominated director Joshua Lincoln Oppenheimer who “is a 2014
recipient of the MacArthur "Genius" Award”
In Stockholm, Izzy Young, the son of Pola and Philip Young gave bit to “Swedish
actress and television host” Philomene Grandin.
A Broadway revival of Gypsy – a product of Jule Styne, Stephen Sondheim and
Arthur Laurents – opened at the Winter Garden.
Funeral services for former magistrate and adjunct professor of law at NYU
Morris Ploscowe who was the author of “Sex and he Law” and “The Truth About
Divorce” are scheduled to be held this afternoon at the Riverside Amsterdam
Avenue where the mourners will include his widow, “the former Zelma Friedman,
his son Bernard L. Ploscowe and his daughter Deborah Ehrenstein.
of Elul, 5736): Seventy-eight-year-old Sarah “Salle” Blumberg Parnes, the widow
of Harold Solomon Gerstner and Maxwell Parnes and the daughter of David
Blumberg, passed away today after which she was buried in the Mount Ararat
Today, Menachem Begin, who had only been elected four months ago, “convened his
security cabinet for a secret meeting” where the ministers agreed to order
Mossad “to renew the hunt for Nazi War Criminals. (As reported by Yossi Melman
and Dan Raviv)
of Elul, 5738): Eighty-one-year-old American actor Jay Adler, the oldest child
of Jacob and Sara Adler, leading actors in the Yiddish theatre and the brother
the famous acting duo, Luther Adler and Stella Adler, passed away today.
of Tishrei, 5740): Second Day Rosh Hashanah
“What’s Doing in Tel Aviv” published today described the various events planned
for celebrating the 70th anniversary of the establishment of
Israel’s largest city.
In Philadelphia, a rally is scheduled to be held outside of Lit Brothers, the
home of the department store opened by Samuel and Jacob Lit in 1891, “to show
support for its preservation.”
In the wake of Israel’s less than successful incursion into Lebanon, Amine
Gemayel, was elected president of Lebanon after the Syrians had assassinated
his brother Bachir who had been serving as President.
1982: Funeral
services are scheduled to held today for eighty-two- year-old New York City
born C.P.A “Alfred R. Bachrach, former president of Congregation Emanu-El of
the City of New York and a longtime leader in Jewish charitable and civic
affairs” and the husband of “the former Alice v. Rothschild” with whom he had
three children – Robert, John and Ellin.
NBC begins to broadcast the second season “Family Ties,” the sitcom created by
Gary David Goldberg.
“Eddie and the Cruisers” produced by Joseph Brooks and starring Ellen Barkin
and Helen Schneider was released in the United States today by Embassy
of Elul, 5747): Erev Rosh Hashanah
In Berlin, Isaac Newman became rabbi of the Rykestrasse Synagogue,
“Sweet Hearts Dance,” a comedy directed by Robert Greenwald and produced by
Jeffrey Lurie was released in the United States today.
1990: Saddam Hussein announced that he would
destroy Israel.
of Tishrei, 5752): Sukkoth
“Mr. Saturday Night,” a comedy starring Billy Crystal who also directed,
produced and co-authored the script for the film was released today in the
United States.
NBC broadcast the first episode of “Mad About You,” starring East Side Hebrew Institute
student Paul Riser, the New York City born son wholesale food distributor
Samuel Reiser and Baruch College graduate Helen Hollinger Reiser.
of Tishrei, 5754): Ninety-year-old Scottish born Labour MP Louis Myer Galpern
who “was given a life peerage as Baron Galpern” in 1979 passed away today.
“Ed Wood,” a biopic comedy co-starring Martin Landau and with music by Howard
Shore premiered today at the New York Film Festival.
of Tishrei, 5755): Third Day of Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5755): Seventy-seven-year-old fiction writer Robert Albert Bloch who was best known for
his crime works “who attended the Methodist Church in his youth and who was the
Chicago born of German-Jews Raphael Bloch and Stella Loeb, passed away today.
NBC broadcast the first episode of “JAG” a Naval legal series featuring Jordana
Spiro as “Lt. Tali Mayfield.”
of Tishrei, 5757): Yom Kippur
In “For Cuban Jews, endless deprivation” published today, Steve Fainaru
described conditions for the community under Castrol.
Michael “Levy himself was created a life peer today as Baron Levy, of Mill Hill
in the London Borough of Barnet.”
“Martin S. Indyk, the American ambassador to Israel and an architect of
American policy in the Middle East, has been temporarily relieved of his post
and has had his security clearance lifted, pending an investigation into
whether he mishandled classified materials, State Department officials said
today.” (As reported by Christopher Marquis)
2001: The New York Times featured reviews of
books by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish interest including The
Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican's
Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism by David I. Kertzer, Canaries in the Mineshaft: Essays on Politics and Media by Renata Adler and Total Recall
by Sara Paretsky
CBS broadcast the first episode of season six of the “King of Queen” a sitcom
co-starring Jerry Stiller.
of Tishrei, 5763): Chol HaMoed Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5763): Eighty-five-year-old Jule Rivlin, the Marshall University
player and coach who was a teammate and personal friend of Press Maravich, the
father of LSU”s Pete Maravich passed away today.
NEEMO 4, whose NASA Aquanaut Crew included Jessica Meir, began today.
of Elul, 5763): Simcha Dinitz, the Israeli ambassador to the United States
during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, who played a crucial but disputed role in
arranging an airlift of American military supplies to Israel, passed away today
in Jerusalem at the age of 74. (As reported by Paul Lewis)
of Tishrei, 5765): On the day before Jews recite Kol Nidre, “three Palestinian
gunmen relying on a dense fog reached an Israeli army outpost in the Gaza Strip
early today and killed three soldiers before the attackers were themselves
Tibor "Ted" Rubin a Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor, who immigrated
to the United States in 1948, received the Medal of Honor today for his actions
in the Korean War.
Loretta Weinberg won another round in her court battle to have all the ballots
counted in her race for a seat in the New Jersey State Senate when the
Appellate Court ruled that the challenged votes should be counted.
After premiering at the Cannes Film Festival, “A History of Violence,” the
movie version of the novel by the same name directed by David Croenberg was
released today in the United States.
In case of Jew follows Jews Allen Rosenberg “was elected the 24th president of
Screen Actors Guild (SAG) today
Rosenberg’ succeeding Melissa Gilbert, who had served as president
since 2001 and chose not to run for a third two-year term.”
“Hours after rockets were fired into Israel, 10 terrorists were killed when a
Hamas pickup truck was struck by a missile in the Jabaliya Refugee Camp.
2005: The
Jerusalem Post reported that the price of lulavs may triple this year after
Egypt, in an attempt to prevent damage to its date trees, prohibited the export
of palm branches, causing a severe shortage.
(Tishrei I, 5767): Rosh Hashanah
Louisa.Schoenbuam, granddaughter of Dr. David and
Tamara Schoenbaum makes her first appearance in the world. This is a real
reason to sound the Shofar!
2007: The Sunday New York
Times book section featured the following reviews of books with Jewish
authors or Jewish subject matter: The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War by David Halberstam, The
Israel Lobby and U.S Foreign Policy by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M.
Walt and and a study of the lives Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Tolkas entitled Two
Lives: Gertrude and Alice by Janet Malcolm.
2007: The Sunday Washington
Post book section section featured the following reviews of books with
Jewish authors or Jewish subject matter: A Drive in the County by Michael
J. Rosen, The Age of
Turbulence: Adventures in a New World by Alan Greenspan and The Coldest Winter America and the Korean War by David
2007: Iran announced that Christine and Dan Levinson, the wife and
oldest son of the imprisoned Robert Levinson would be allowed to visit the
country – a trip they hope will help him gain his freedom.
2008: In Washington, D.C., the Chaim Kempner Author Series hosts a
discussion with journalist Ariel Sabar
for his new memoir My Father's
Paradise: A Son's Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq.
2008: Thomas Friedman discusses and
signs his new book, Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green
Revolution--And How It Can Renew America, at the Sixth & I Historic
Synagogue, which is the original site of Adas Israel, the only Conservative
Congregation in the Washington, D.C. city limits.
2008: Tuesday, a voting body of 150
rabbis and public servants convenes to vote for the Chief Rabbinate's governing
council (moetzet harabanut harashit), the final authority on issues such as
criteria for kosher supervision, deciding who is a Jew for the purpose of
marriage and the appointment of new rabbis and marriage registrars.
2008: Broadcast of the first episode of
the 19th season of the Simpsons, a sitcom developed by James L.
Brooks and Sam Simon.
2008: Russian archaeologists said they had found the long-lost capital of the
Khazar kingdom in southern Russia, a breakthrough for research on the ancient
Jewish state.
2008(23rd of Elul, 5768): Eighty-three-year-old Joel N.
Bloom, “who in his 21 years as director of the science museum and planetarium
at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia transformed a lackluster exhibition
space into a bright and appealing one with hands-on experiments and
walk-through exhibits, including a giant, pulsing human cell” passed away
today. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)
2009: The Center for Jewish History presents a lecture
entitled “Lessons and Legacies in
Holocaust Survivor Families: Innovations in the Investigation of
Intergenerational Responses” in which Dr. Hannah Kliger, Pennsylvania State
University, Abington College describes the findings from her research that show
the contribution of new methodologies for studying communication about trauma
within Holocaust survivor families.
2009: Sara Paretsky reads from and signs her new V.I. Warshawski
novel, “Hardball,” at Barnes & Noble in Bethesda, MD
2009: The Virginia Tech Hillel sponsors a lecture entitled
“Looking for Jessica: Picturing the Jewish Woman in English Medieval Art”
during which Carlee Bradbury, Radford University art history professor talks about how Jewish women were looked at
by Christians during the Middle Ages.
2009 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is
scheduled to meet with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today in New York.
2010(15th of Tishrei, 5771): Sukkoth I
2010: The first Kleztival is
scheduled to open today in Sao Paulo.
When They Come for Us, We'll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle to Save Soviet
Jewry by Gal Beckerman was published today
2011: The head of the Palestinian Authority presents its
statehood bid to the Security Council and then addressed the General Assembly.
Cantor Larry Paul and Robyn Helzner are scheduled to lead a Carlebach-inspired
service at the Historic 6th & I Synagogue in Washington, DC
followed by a communal Shabbat dinner.
2011: Jurors
found 10 Muslim students guilty today of disrupting a lecture by the Israeli
ambassador at a California university in a case that stoked a spirited debate
about free speech.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today that the Palestinians must first
make peace with Israel, before they get their state during his address to the
UN General Assembly in New York.
2011: The
IDF announced that forces on the Israel-Egypt border had been placed on high
alert after threats were received that Hamas was planning terror activity in
the area, the IDF spokesman's office stated.
of Elul, 5771): Twenty-four-year-old Asher Palmer and his Yonatan died in
automobile accident today that was caused by rock throwing Palestinian
2011: Israel responded positively
today, and the Palestinians negatively, to a formula for restarting
negotiations issued by the Quartet that would place a December 2012 deadline on
reaching an agreement
2012(14th of Tishrei, 5773): Erev Sukkoth
2012: The New York
Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors or of special interest to
Jewish Readers including All Gone: A Memoir of My Mother’s Dementia: With
Refreshments by Alex Witchel and the recently released paperback edition of
The Escape Artists: How Obama’s Team Fumbled the Recovery by Noam
2012: The headstone unveiling for Sue Katz, of blessed
memory, the wife of Bert Katz, an honored pillar of the Cedar Rapids Jewish
community, is scheduled to take place this afternoon at Eben Israel Cemetery.
2012: Rabbi Alana Suskin and Rabbi
Moshe Faierstein are scheduled to lead a study session on Yom Kippur at Tikvat
Israel in Rockville, MD
2012: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Present is scheduled
to commemorate the lost Jewish community of Vilna at the Nusakh Vilne Memorial
Lecture and Concert
2012: Hundreds of mourners arrived in Modi'in early this morning to participate
in the funeral of IDF Corporal Netanel Yahalomi, who was killed along the
Egyptian border the day before yesterday
The 20-year-old Artillery Corps soldier was shot in the
head by terrorists as he and his unit was reportedly giving water to African
migrants who had arrived on the border. A second soldier was wounded in the
attack. (As reported by Yaakov Lappin)
2012: Jewish Musical Tradition Echoes Through Ages by Jon
In “Remembering NFL Films’ Steve Sabol” published today, Bill Lyons remembered
the man who created a cinematic world of professional football perfection.
2012(14th of Tishrei, 5773): Eighty-nine-year-old
gerontologist Dr. Reubin Andres passed away. (As reported by Leslie Kaufman)
2013: In
Washington, DC, the Historic Sixth & I Synagogue is scheduled to host Café Night
which will including “Basics and Beyond or Crash Course in Hebrew Reading” and
class on “Your Adult Bar or Bat Mitzvah”
Israeli pianist Roman Rabinovich and the Jupiter musicians are scheduled to
perform work by several Czech composers at the Good Shepherd Church in NYC.
At the Haifa Military Cemetery hundreds of mournours including comrades from
the Givati Brigade attened the funderal of Tirat Harcamel native Sgt. Gal
Gabrial who had been murdered yesterday
by a Palestinian terrorist as he stood guard over a group of Jews who had gone
to Hebron as part of their celebration of Sukkoth.
Today Lithuania marked 70 years since Nazi Germany wiped out the Vilnius
ghetto, all but obliterating the vibrant Jewish culture of a capital once known
as the "Jerusalem of the North".
2014: Peace talks designed to extend the ceasefire
between Hamas and Israel are scheduled to begin today in Cairo.
2014: “The Israel Navy welcomed a new submarine to its
ranks at a ceremony for the INS Tanin in the port of Haifa today.”
2014: “A Greek Orthodox priest from Israel defended the
Jewish state before the UN Human Rights Council today, arguing that it is the
only country in the Middle East where Christians are not persecuted, and
imploring the 47 member nations to “end your witch hunt of the only free
country in the region.”
2014: “Israeli troops closed a significant chapter in
this summer’s bloody escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict today by
cornering and killing the two men they suspected of kidnapping and murdering
three Israeli teenagers in June.”
2014: “The Israeli military said this morning that it had
shot down a Syrian fighter jet that had “infiltrated into Israeli airspace,”
the first such episode in at least a quarter-century.”
2014: “The House of Rothschild,” “Gentleman’s Agreement,”
“Crossfire” and “Focus” are scheduled to be shown this evening when TCM
presents the fourth in its series “the Jewish Experience on Film.”
2015: Rabbi Roberto Arib is scheduled to lead services at
the Masorti Congregation of Neve Tzedek.
2015(10th of
Tishrei, 5776): Yom Kippur
“G'mar chatima tova
v’tzom kal! May you be sealed for a good year and have an easy fast!”
“The news director of a Chicago TV station apologized after a staff member
mistakenly chose a symbol of Nazi Germany to illustrate a story about Yom
Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement.”
2016(20 Elul,
5776): Yahrzeit of Dr. Jacob Levin, of blessed memory, beloved husband of
Betty, loving father of Michael (Gigi Cohen) Levin, Stephen (Dian Garton)
Levin, Sharon (Philip) Wein and Lawrence (Sandra Morrison) Levin and proud
Zaide to a whole tribe of grandchildren. To his brother Joe, he was
the incomparable “Yaenkel” and to me his was my wonderful Uncle Jack – living
proof that good guys finish first.
Elul, 5776): Ninety-six-year-old Holocaust survivor Max Mannheimer passed away
today. (As reported by Melissa Eddy)
2016: Beginning of
season three of the off-beat comedy series “Transparent” starring Jeffrey
Tambor and featuring appearances by Carrie Brownstein, Michael Stuhlbarg and
Luzer Twersky.
Today, Israeli security forces shot a Palestinian teenager who was attempting
to stab Israelis outside of Kiryat Arba.
2016: Eighty-three-year-old
Pulitzer Prize winning historian Israeli-American writer Saul Friedlander “who
escaped the Nazi by being hidden in a French Catholic boarding school, “said
today he would leave the United States if Donald Trump was elected president.
2016: The
Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host the
Benefactor-Legacy Luncheon where “Ellen Kassoff Gray will share stories and
dishes from the book she co-authored with husband Chef Todd Gray, The New
Jewish Table: Modern Seasonal Recipes for Traditional Dishes.
2017(3rd of
Tishrei, 5778): Shabbat Shuva
2017: In
Memphis, TN, Temple Israel is scheduled to host Tashlich & Havdalah
Services designed for a wide age range of worshippers.
This evening, after Shabbat Quarterback Josh Rosen is scheduled to lead UCLA
against Stanford.
Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for 97-year-old Anne Russ
Federman, the last of three daughters of “Russ and Daughters” fame. (Editor’s note – I am sure that everybody has
their favorite story about this venerable New York institution. In our case it came during a visit to New
York when Mark Russ Federman, who was enchanted with the notion that Deb was
really a farmer’s daughter from New York who knew about lox, took us for “a
tour” of the store and the wonderful world of “smoked fish” including a history
of the family business.)
Following expressions of optimism about the possibility of “reaching a
cease-fire agreement” by Hamas following the departure last night of the
negotiators from Egypt, Israelis prepare for Sukkoth knowing that the reality
is still terrorism – whether from incendiary kites and murderous knife attacks.
of Tishrei, 5779): Erev Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5779): Ninety-nine-year-old David William Wolkowsky, the grandson
of Russian immigrants who opened a clothing store in Key West “in the late
1880’s” who was both a developer and preservationist in this most southern of
Florida communities, passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts.)
Today, “the Israeli military rejected the Russian defense ministry’s claim that
it was entirely to blame for the downing of a Russian spy plane by Syrian air
defenses during an Israeli strike last week, reiterating that Syria was at
2019: In
Berkley, CA, JCC East Bay is scheduled to host “Jewish Earth Magic” with “Rabbi
Jonathan Seidel and Maggid Jonathan Furst discussing “kosher vs. unkosher”
magic, spiritual healing devices and more “around a bonfire.”
2019: The
Leo Baeck Institute is scheduled to host Dr. Lily E. Hirsch as she lectures on
“Anneliese Landau’s Life in Music: Nazi Germany to Émigré California.”
2019” The
Lillian and Albert Small Capital Jewish Museum is scheduled to host its
Guardian Luncheon during which “Jonathan Weisman of the New York Times will speak with CJM Consulting Curator Eric Yellin
about his personal experience of antisemitism after a startling social media
attack in 2016.”
2019: In
Palo Alto, CA, the Oshman Family JCC is scheduled to host “former Obama
speechwriter Sarah Hurwitz as she discusses her “new book, Here All Along.”
2020: The
Maltz Performing Arts Center at Case Western Reserve University is scheduled to
host a free streaming concert featuring violinist Ariel Calyton Karas and
pianist Marina Kerze
Contemporary Jewish Museum and Frameline present a screening of “Minyan,” a2020
drama about a teenage yeshiva student in 1980s Brooklyn, his discovery of his
gay identity and his Russian Jewish immigrant family followed by a Q and A.
2020: USF
is scheduled to present “filmmaker Rebecca Pierce discussing links between
racism and antisemitism, and how to navigate tensions in a white supremacist
system from her viewpoint as a Black Jew.”
2020: The
Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans is scheduled to host the “Oscar J.
Tolmas L'dor V'dor Lobby Reception.”
Live on Zoom, the American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present
“Preparing for the High Holidays – Yom Kippur” during which Rabbi Elie Abdie,
M.D., provides an “understanding of Sephardic Laws and Traditions.”
2020: As
Israelis continue to deal with the effects of the Pandemic lockdown, based on
warnings made yesterday by “senior physicians across Israel,” they now face the
possibility “that the Israeli healthcare system may soon fail to provide
optimal treatment to patients with severe cases of COVID-19 due to medical
staff shortages.”
2020: As Defense Minister Benny Gantz meets with the U.S.
Secretary of Defense and the U.S. government begins a deployment of its New
Space Force in Qatar, some of the elements behind the recently signed
agreements with the UAE and Bahrain seem to be coming more apparent.
2021: Aquarian Minyan is
scheduled to a class taught by Rabbi David Seidenberg exploring aspects of
shmita via Torah, halachah, Hasidic texts and discussions.
2021: YJP Boston is
scheduled to present “Sushi in the Sukkah” where attendees can “enjoy kosher
sushi and listen to live jazz music as you party with hundreds of Boston’s
Jewish young adults under the 3,000-year-old mystical canopy called the
2021: The Center for
Jewish History is scheduled to present a conversation with author Arthur Lubow
on “Man Ray: The Artist and His Shadows.”
2021: The Global
Connections series is scheduled to panelists Shuly Rubin Schwartz (Jewish
Theological Seminary chancellor), Rabbi Elka Abrahamson (Wexner Foundation
president) and Jonathan Sarna (Brandeis University) as they discuss ““Who is an
American Jew in 2021: Insights from the Pew Study.”
2021: In Contra Costa, CA, the JCC is scheduled to host a
Sukkoth Gathering in honor of the survivors of domestic violence.
2021: Today, “Israel's health maintenance
organizations (HMOs) is scheduled to begin providing the potentially
life-saving COVID-19 treatment Regeneron to some patients at high risk of
developing severe symptoms.” (As reported by Dr. Itay Gal)
2021(17th of
Tishrei, 5782): Third of Day of Sukkoth; for more see
In Concord, MA, Kerem Shalom “invites the community to join us as we celebrate
Erev Shabbat: Spiritually Preparing for the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe).”
Lockdown University is scheduled to host a webinar with Rabbi Shippel
discussing the weekly torah portion.
UK Jewish Film is scheduled to reveal the program for the November Film
Festival which then allow UK Jewish Film members to exercise their priority
booking privileges.
Based on previously published reports, Israel is bracing for an influx of Jews
from Russia as the citizens of that country flee in response to Putin’s call
for a draft to continue the fighting in Ukraine which ironically, for an area
with a long history of anti-Semitism, is being led by a Jewish president.
Temple Judea is scheduled to host “Beach Shabbat Worship and Tashlich at Carlin
In Jerusalem, Agnon House is scheduled for a joint reading of “At One Hour”
after which Adin Ner-David will lead discussion about “the relationship between Raham David and his
son Menachem, wonder why Agnon chose Tu B'Av as the time of the story, and
examine the role of the narrator, who often converses with his readers.”
Modern Jewish Gatherings is scheduled to present “Watern Tashlich and Bagel
Brunch” an “intergenerational High Holy Day experience on the Charles River
followed by a light bagel brunch!”
In San Francisco, CJM is scheduled to host “Shabbat at the Jewseum: Shabbat and
the Days of Awe,” a “program featuring a sensory workshop with artist Ari Bird,
story discussion on the Sabbath Queen and her connections to a poem from a
16th-century Greek mystic and cookbook author Adeena Sussman in a
separate-admission demonstration.”
of Tishrei, 5784): Shabbat Shuva
2024(20 Elul, 5784): Yahrzeit of Dr. Jacob Levin, of
blessed memory, beloved husband of Betty, loving father of Michael (Gigi Cohen)
Levin, Stephen (Dian Garton) Levin, Sharon (Philip) Wein and Lawrence (Sandra
Morrison) Levin and proud Zaide to a whole tribe of grandchildren.
To his brother Joe, he was the incomparable “Yaenkel” and to me his was my
wonderful Uncle Jack – living proof that good guys finish first
2024: The American Society for Jewish Music with the YIVO
Institute for Jewish Research and American Sephardi Federation are scheduled to
present “Esther de Carpentras is an opera-bouffe in two acts composed by
Darius Milhaud and based on a text by Armand Lunel. It premiered in 1938 at the
Paris Opéra Comique, just two years prior to Milhaud’s escape to the United
2024: The ADL is scheduled to present on-line “A Growing Threat:
Responding to Antisemitism in the Classroom.”
2024: The Streicker Center is scheduled to present US premiere,
a screening of a filmed performance of the Thedore, the Israeli Opera, in
Hebrew with English titles, supplemented by live performances by original cast
members Oded Reich (Herzl), Noam Heinz (Theodor) and Anat Czarny (Julie),
accompanied by the show’s composer, Yonatan Cnaan.
As September 23rd begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of
anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengers
on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and the
Hamas held hostages begin day 353nd in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid
for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at
midnight Israeli time)