CATEGORY 6?? Hurricane Milton Is Rapidly Heading For The Maximum Established Limits As Wind Gusts Have Already Hit 200+ Mile Per Hour

Hurricane Milton threatens to reach maximum limits, sparking calls for a new Category 6 designation for hurricanes, is HAARP to blame for this?

Late last night, Hurricane Milton reached a fat Category 5 with winds up to 200 miles per hour as it churned in the Gulf of Mexico. This morning, Milton has relaxed somewhat and has gone back down to being a Category 4, but this is a temporary situation. The reason for this is something called eyewall replacement where the eyewall gets really small, a weakening, but then is replaced by an eye much larger and stronger. That’s where the talk for a Category 6 is coming from, pray that doesn’t happen.

“For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.” Isaiah 25:4 (KJB)

There is a battle being waged in the air right now, and no, I am not only talking about Milton. There is a battle in the air as this lost world prepares itself to receive the coming Antichrist, you can feel it everywhere you go, and see it everywhere you look. Think about it. In 2024, open talk around the dinner table with intelligent, rational people is less about news, sports and classifieds, and more about UFOs, weather manipulation, the New World Order, DARPA, out of control AI and all the rest. I just got off the phone with a buddy of mine, and he says it’s like we’ve watched a new door open and we’re in the process of going through it. I agree. Christian, the door that’s opening is the door to the coming 7-year kingdom of Antichrist, and the door that’s closing is the Church Age. Flight #777 now boarding. If you are planning on getting something done for the Lord, do it now. That’s the memo.


Milton threatens to reach max limits, sparking calls for a new Category 6 designation for hurricanes

FROM THE NY POST: Hurricane Milton is threatening to reach known maximum limits with wind gusts already topping 200 miles per hour — leading to calls for a new Category 6 designation for such a historic superstorm.

“This is nothing short of astronomical,” Florida meteorologist Noah Bergren said late Monday as Milton reached sustained winds of 180 mph and “gusts 200+ mph.”

“I am at a loss for words to meteorologically describe to you the storm’s small eye and intensity,” he marveled. “This hurricane is nearing the mathematical limit of what Earth’s atmosphere over this ocean water can produce.”

After being a monster Category 5 storm for much of Monday, Milton was downgraded early Tuesday to a Category 4 with maximum sustained winds of 155 mph — just two mph below a Category 5 — but is expected to increase again as it churns towards Florida’s gulf coast, where it is expected to have a devastating impact.

After forming in the Gulf of Mexico, Milton rapidly accelerated from a tropical storm with 60-mph winds Sunday morning to a deadly, 180-mph, Category 5 hurricane by Monday — an incredible trebling of power in only 36 hours.

If the hurricane reaches winds of 192 mph, it will surpass a rare threshold that just five storms have reached since 1980, USA Today reported. Its exceptional intensity has prompted calls from some meteorologists to expand the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale to include a new sixth category for hurricanes. While no such official category exists, professor Michael E. Mann tweeted that “Milton might have actually breached the 192 mph ‘cat 6′ cutoff.” READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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