The BBC Wants You To Know That Hurricane Milton Is Not The Product Of Geoengineering And That HAARP Has Nothing To Do With Wild Weather Patterns

The BBC says false claims suggesting that Hurricane Milton was ‘geoengineered’ and that the weather in Florida is being ‘manipulated’ have been spreading on social media. Imagine that.

As you read this, Hurricane Milton is preparing to come ashore on the west coast of Florida, two weeks after Hurricane Helene, and right behind him are Tropical Storms Nadine and Leslie. Over 17 tornadoes have already touched down, each with spectacular bursts of lightning, as the storm surges begins to flood downtown streets. The BBC wants you to know that none of this has anything to do with HAARP, DARPA, cloud seeding or geoengineers that we discussed on Monday’s Podcast. Instead it’s all caused by cow farts, red meat consumption, Trump voters, carbon footprints, gas stoves, an aversion to Greta Thunberg, and refusal to purchase EVs. Uh-huh. Let’s take a close look at the BBC and see what they’re all about, because the BBC is lying to you.

But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value.” Job 13:4 (KJB)

The BBC is a cesspool of Far Left Liberalism, and a fount of lies and deceit, pushing the New World Order agenda at every turn. Back in 2020, BBC World Service radio program Heart and Soul aired a program titled “Black Jesus” on December 18, in which presenter Robert Beckford claimed that Jesus was a “Palestinian,” despite the term only coming into use some 100 years after the crucifixion. Then there was the story of Patricia Chandler in Austin, Texas, who volunteered to receive the new COVID-1984 vaccine from the joint partnership between Pfizer and BioNTech in Mainz, Germany. Shortly after participating in the Pfizer trials, Chandler developed oozing, pus-filled sore on the bottoms of both feet, and we showed you the photos. After we broke that story, the BBC called us ‘an apocalypse-themed evangelical Christian site that promotes conspiracy theories about vaccines, the Covid-19 pandemic and the US election.’ Now the BBC wants to assure you that there is no way Hurricane Milton was engineered and that our weather patterns are not being manipulated. That can only mean one thing, they absolutely are.

Please take a moment to pray for us, and all Floridians in the path of Hurricane Milton, we sure do need it. Man-made or not, he’s an intimidating force. Thank you!

No, Hurricane Milton was not ‘engineered’ says the BBC

FROM THE BBC: There is no technology that allows humans to create and control hurricanes. But on platforms like X and TikTok, posts alleging – without evidence – that the US government is secretly controlling the weather have been viewed millions of times. Many were published by accounts known for spreading conspiracy theories, as well as misinformation about Covid-19 or vaccines.

These users shared the belief that Hurricane Milton, one of the strongest storms in recent US history, was purposefully created by shadowy forces at the heart of US politics. But they proposed several different explanations for how that was supposedly done.

Some users claimed weather manipulation techniques like cloud seeding are to blame.

Cloud seeding involves manipulating existing clouds to try to produce more rain, for example in countries with a dry climate. But the south-east of the US had already been hit by huge amounts of rainfall from Hurricane Helene, which triggered deadly flooding in several states just two weeks ago.

“When we cloud seed, it is because we do not have enough aerosols or water vapor within the atmosphere to see condensation occur, so we try and force it through cloud seeding,” says Jill Trepanier, an expert in extreme weather phenomena from Louisiana State University. “Over the western Gulf of Mexico and the Bay of Campeche, that is not a problem. The Earth will make a hurricane all on its own.”

Other users blamed “geoengineering” instead – a wide array of methods to manipulate the environment with a view to reducing the effects of climate change. But there are no tools that would allow humans to create or control storms like this one.

“There is no possibility using current knowledge and technology to use geoengineering to modify hurricanes,” says Suzana Camargo from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post The BBC Wants You To Know That Hurricane Milton Is Not The Product Of Geoengineering And That HAARP Has Nothing To Do With Wild Weather Patterns appeared first on Now The End Begins.