The Push and Pull of Life

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather, teach them to long for the immensity of the sea.”_

__Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Audio Version | The Push and Pull of Life


What is tugging at your heart today?

Where would you rather be?

What is calling you?

More importantly, are you being pulled or pushed?

Life will push you around. No doubt about that. And to some degree that’s just how it is.

We have good bosses and we have bad one. Some days the sun shines and the red carpet is rolled out for us. But most days, we have to deal with grumpy people who are just waiting to punch the clock and go home.

If they’re not pushing you, you have to push yourself, just to get through another day.

That’s not all bad; it’s just life in a fallen world.

But…back to my opening question: What’s tugging at your heart.

I don’t know the specifics that David was dealing with when he wrote the song we call Psalm 55, but people being people, it was probably similar to what you are facing today.

This is what he sang:

Oh, that I had wings like a dove;
    then I would fly away and rest!
I would fly far away
    to the quiet of the wilderness.

PsAlm 55

There were many things – some of them dreadful – that were pushing David that day, but there was something also tugging at him.

It was a place far away from where he was; he called it the quiet of the wilderness.

Maybe he was remembering those star-filled nights in the hill country outside of Bethlehem when as a boy he’d keep the night watch over his father’s sheep.

Maybe it was the beautiful sunrises that broke across the wilderness horizon or was it his favorite fishing hole down by the river Jordan.

We don’t know, but I bet you’ve got places like that. Don’t forget them. Don’t let the noise and clamor and chaos of this crazy world push you away from the things and the people that tug at your heart.

As long as there is something tugging at your heart you’ve got a chance.

The ONE THING for today: Life can’t be all push and no pull. Find a quiet place today and remember those precious things that tug at your heart.