This Days, October 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levi Z"L


680: Wamba, the Visigoth King of Hispania, abdicated.  During his reign, he issued an order expelling the Jews from Spain.  This was part of an on-going policy of abuse, mistreatment and humiliation the Jews suffered under the Catholic Visigoth monarchs.

996: Beginning of the reign of the Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim who ordered Christians to put on half-meter wooden crosses and Jews to wear wooden calves around their necks

1066: William and his Norman army were victorious at the Battle of Hastings.  The Jewish community in England dates from the Norman conquest of the British Isles. William brought a group of Jews from Rouen, part of his holdings in Normandy.  That decision probably did not sit well with the Pope.  William probably wanted the Jews to settle in England because of their commercial skills.  The Jews were limited in their activities.  For example, William conformed to the Pope’s decree that Jews were not allowed to keep Christian bondsman or to use Christians as nurses.

1165 (4th Marcheshvan): Maimonides and his family arrive in Jerusalem. When the Almohades, a group of Muslim fundamentalists, conquered Cordoba and threatened the Jewish community, Maimonides’ father decided it was time to leave Spain. The family settled for a while in Fez, Morocco where the Rambam wrote his commentary on the Mishnah and then moved on to Eretz Israel where they lived for a short period before finally settling in Egypt.

1270 (4 Cheshvan 5031): Moses Ben Nachman - known as Nachmanides or as the Ramban, passed away. Born in 1194, Gerona, Spain, Nachmanides was trained as a doctor and served King James of Aragon as court physician.  At the same time the Jews of Spain viewed him as their spiritual leader due to his prowess as a Talmudic scholar and sage The turning point came in his life came when he was forced by the King to defend Judaism in a debate with Pablo Christiani, a heretic Jew, in Aragon 1263.  Nachmanides was so successful that the debate was called off after four days without the usual claim of Christian victory.  Nachmanides was so bold that at one point, in discussing the concept of Jesus as the “peace of prince” that he declared, “from the time of Jesus until the present the world has been filled with violence and injustice and the Christians have shed more blood than all other peoples.:  To make a long story short, the Dominicans forced Nachmanides to flee.  He moved to Eretz Israel where he first settled in Jerusalem in 1267.  After working to refurbish the community there, he moved to Acre where he worked on his extensive Torah commentaries until his death in 1270. Nachmanides was one in long series of great Sephardic teachers, many of whom combined a secular career as physician with the role as scholars and sages.  Some people confuse the Ramban (Nachmanides) with the Rambam (Maimonides).

1494: Based on an edict issued by Grand Duke Alexander Jagellon, “it appears that the customs duties of Brest and its districts were farmed by Jews of Brest and Lutzk.”

1617: “On the death in infancy of his elder brother Henry Willoughby, 4th Lord Willoughby of Parham, Francis Willoughby, under whose leadership a group of Sephardic Jews migrated to Suriname in 1652 and “settled in the Jodensavanne area” succeeded to the title and became the 5th Baron Willoughby of Parham

1633: Birthdate of King James II of England and VII of Scotland.  James reigned during a period when the Jews were trying to gain re-admittance to England, a cause to which he showed some partiality. He ordered his Attorney General not to take any action against the Jews and see to it that they be allowed to practice their religion freely as long as they obeyed the laws of the realm.

1644: Birthdate of William Penn founder of Pennsylvania.  The Quaker leader founded a colony that adopted the Great Law, a humanitarian code which became the fundamental basis of Pennsylvania law and which guaranteed liberty of conscience.  This liberal fundamental law made Pennsylvania an early home to many non-conformists including Jewish settlers.

1663: An entry in the diary of Samuel Pepys describes his visit to a synagogue on Simchat Torah. “…after dinner my wife and I, by Mr. Rawlinson's conduct, to the Jewish Synagogue: where the men and boys in their vayles, and the women behind a lattice out of sight; and some things stand up, which I believe is their Law, in a press to which all coming in do bow; and at the putting on their vayles do say something, to which others that hear him do cry Amen, and the party do kiss his vayle. Their service all in a singing way, and in Hebrew. And anon their Laws that they take out of the press are carried by several men, four or five several burthens in all, and they do relieve one another; and whether it is that everyone desires to have the carrying of it, I cannot tell, thus they carried it round about the room while such a service is singing. And in the end they had a prayer for the King, which they pronounced his name in Portugall; but the prayer, like the rest, in Hebrew. But, Lord! to see the disorder, laughing, sporting, and no attention, but confusion in all their service, more like brutes than people knowing the true God, would make a man forswear ever seeing them more and indeed I never did see so much, or could have imagined there had been any religion in the whole world so absurdly performed as this.” (Editor’s note: I have not been able to find any explanation for the visit.)


1700: After leaving Moravia in 1697 with a group of his followers Judah he-Hasid Segal ha-Levi arrived in Jerusalem today where his 500 to 1000 followers may have more than double the city’s Jewish population.

1740(23rd of Tishrei, 5501): Forty-six year old Grace Mears, the native of Spanishtown, Jamaica and the husband of Moses Raphael Levy passed today in New York City

1740: In Savannah, GA, Abigail and Abraham Minis gave birth to Samuel Minis.

1753(916th of Tishrei, 5514): Second Day of Sukkoth


1759(23rd of Tishrei, 5520): Simchat Torah

1760(4th of Cheshvan, 5521):  Eight month old Faybes Myers, the New York born son of Hester and Naphtali Hart-Myers passed away today.

1764: In Montreal, Lazarus David and Phebe Samuel gave birth to Canadian fur trader, businessman, and militia officer David David “the first Jew born in Quebec.”


1767: Dutch born Frances Hart and Savannah, GA native Mordecai Sheftall gave birth to Benjamin Sheftall.

1768: William Pitt, also known as "Pitt the Elder," who “is historically recognized for his relatively progressive stance towards Jewish people, notably supporting a bill in 1753 that aimed to naturalize Jewish residents in Britain as full citizens, which demonstrated his willingness to advocate for Jewish rights despite the prevailing societal views” resigned today as Prime Minister of Great Britian.

1775(20th of Tishrei, 5536): Shabbat Shel Sukkah

1776(1st of Cheshvan, 5537): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan observed on the same that during the American Revolution the  “British forces burned the shipyards of Poughkeepsie, New York, and several small villages and large houses, including the home of William Livingston, the governor of New Jersey.”

1778(23rd of Tishrei, 5539): Simchat Torah observed on the same day that General George Washington wrote to his generals asking for advice on winter quarters for the American Army.


1778(23rd of Tishrei, 5539): Simchat Torah observed on the same day that General George Washington wrote to his generals asking for advice on winter quarters for the American Army.

1783(18th of Tishrei, 5544): Fourth Day of Sukkoth observed on the day that Tom Paine, the author of Common Sense, wrote to fellow founding father Robert Morris about the need to delay their visit  because he was running a fever.

1791(16th of Tishrei, 5552):Second Day of Sukkoth observed on the same day that President Washington wrote to Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton whose Jewish origins are detailed in The Jewish of Alexander Hamilton, concerning matters of importance that Congress should be dealing with including policies “encouraging the grown of cotton and hemp in such parts of the United States are adapted to the culture of these articles.”

1795(1st of Cheshvan, 5556): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1789: A deputation of six “German Jews from Lorraine” including Berr Isaac Err of Turique, a French financer and member of the city council of Nancy, appeared before the Assembly in Paris to defend the granting of citizenship to Jews of Lorraine.


1792: Birthdate of August Lewald, the Konigsberg native who in 1835 founded the periodical Europa which published the first novel written by his cousin Fanny Lewald.

1794: “Richea Gratz” and Samuel Hays gave birth to Fannie Hays.

1798: Pennsylvanians Maria and Moses Nathans gave birth to Nathan Nathans.

1799(15th of Tishrei, 5560): First Day of  Sukkoth celebrated for the last time in the 18th century.

1802(18th of Tishrei, 5563): Fourth Day of Sukkot observed on the same that “King Charles IV of Spain published a royal bill that transferred Louisiana to France” which outraged those in the United States favoring westward expansion.

1805(23rd of Tishrei, 5566) Hoshan Rabba

1808(23rd of Tishrei, 5569): Simchat Torah

1808: The Republic of Ragusa including its major city of Dubrovnik, was annexed by France. “The Old Synagogue in Dubrovnik is the oldest Sephardic synagogue still in use today in the world and the second oldest synagogue in Europe. It is said to have been established in 1352, but gained legal status in the city in 1408.” Jewish merchants living in Ragusa must have been successful since Christian merchants moved to have them expelled during the 16th century. There are records of Jewish merchants and physicians living in Ragusa as far back as the 16th century. The annexation by the French marked the first time that the Jews of the region enjoyed the rights of full citizenship.  The victory was short lived since when the French were defeated the Austrians took back what the French had given.

1810(16th of Tishrei, 5571): Second Day of Sukkoth

1812: Israel Isaacs married Rachel Andrade at the Great Synagogue today.

1809: Birthdate of London native Naphtali Hart, the husband of Elizabeth Solomon and the father of sarah, Louisa, Jane and Benjamin Hart.

1813(20th of Tishrei, 5574): Sixth Day of Sukkoth observed on the same day that French cavalry under General Murat fought a multi-national cavalry force under Russian general Wittgenstein at the Battle of Liebertwolkitz which was a prelude to the Battle of Leipzig.

1814(30th of Tishrei, 5575): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1814(30th of Tishrei, 5575): London born Rebecca Nunes-Miranda Luria Cohen, the wife of Jacob Raphael Cohen passed away today after which she was buried at the Mikveh Israel Cemetery in Philadelphia, PA.

1814: Birthdate of Solomon Klein, the native of Bishcheim, who served as the “grand rabbi at Comare from 1850 to 1867.


1815(10th of Tishrei, 5576): Yom Kippur

1815(10th of Tishrei, 5576): English born Rebecca Luria, the wife of Jacob Raphael Cohen, passed away today in Philadelphia.

1816(22nd of Tishrei, 5567): Shmini Atzeret

1824(22nd of Tishrei, 5585): Shmini Atzeret observed for the last time during the Presidency of James Monroe.

1824: Frances Cohen and Aaron Joseph gave birth to Samuel Aron Joseph the husband of Matilda Philippa Levien

1827(23rd of Tishrei, 5588): Simchat Torah

1829: Birthdate of Eduard Lasker, the German Jewish political leader who supported the unification that led to the creation of the modern German state.

1832: Birthdate of Essenhausan, Bavaria native Isiah Frankel who in 1855 began his business efforts in Indiana before settling in Iowa where his family became “one of the most foremost Jewish families in the Hawkeye State.”

1833: In Lichtenau, Meier Kaufmann and Hindel Kaufmann gave birth to Karolina Dreifuss, the “wife of Emanuel Dreifuss and mother of Isaias Dreifuss; Babette Dreifuss; Nathan Dreifuss; Abraham Dreifuss and Moritz Dreifuss.”

1835(21st of Tishrei, 5596): Hoshanah Rabah


1835: Jacob Levy Siexas, the New York born son of Judith and Moses Benjamin Seixas and his wife Hortensia Seixas, the Charleston born daughter of Major Myer Moses and Esther Moses gave birth to Judith Seixas.

1837(15th of Tishrei, 5598): Sukkoth observed for the first time during the Presidency of Martin Van Buren.

1838: In Bendin, Poland, Dobrish Erlich and Rabbi Zev Nachum Bornsztain gave birth to their first child Avrohom Bornsztain, founder and first Rebbe of the Sochatchover Hasidic dynasty” who was “known as the Avnei Nezer ("Stones of the Crown") after the title of his posthumously-published set of Torah responsa, which is widely acknowledged as a halakhic classic” and whose “only son, Shmuel, author of Shem Mishmuel, succeeded him as Rebbe.”

1839: Caroline Davis and Levy Jacobs gave birth to Montague Jacobs.

1840: In Bavaria, Sigismond Adler and his wife  gave birth to New Haven, CT. resident  Max Adler, the husband of Esther Myers the manufacturer, banker and a partner in the firm of Strouse, Adler and Company who was “a liberal contributor to Hebrew philanthropies in New England.

1840: In Randegg, Germany, Leopold Schott, the German born son of Rachel and Aron Schott, and his wife Sara Randegger gave birth to Stella Rothschild, the wife of Wilhelm Benjamin Rothschild.

1843: The Synagogue of Beracha Veshalom Vegmiluth Hasidim (Congregation of Blessing, Peace and Loving Deeds) in St. Thomas holds the first confirmation ceremony for Jewish youth ever in the Western Hemisphere. The St. Thomas synagogue has held a weekly service since it first opened its doors in 1833; reportedly, it's the oldest synagogue in continuous use under the American flag and the second oldest in the Western Hemisphere. Acclaimed Impressionist painter Camille Pissarro was a member.

1848: Birthdate of Hungarian and University of Prague educated American rabbi Moritz Spitz  who officiated at Congregation B’nai Sholom in Chicago, Congregation Emanu-El in Milwaukee and since 1878 at Congregation B’nai El in St. Louis while publishing articles under the pen name “Ben Abi.”


1849: Birthdate Budapest native and “Hungarian philologist” Solomon Schill , “a professor of Latin and Greek at the rabbinical seminary in Budapest” who authored a number of books on the Greek language and literature as well as translating several others.

1853(12th of Tishrei, 5614): Eighteen-year-old Laura Block, the daughter of Frances Isaiah Isaacs and Abraham Block who were married in New York in 1811, passed away today.

1853: During their Friday meeting, the Assistant Board of Alderman voted to accept an invitation from the Directors of the Jews Hospital to attend the cornerstone laying ceremony scheduled to take place on Thanksgiving Day.

1854(22nd of Tishrei, 5615): Shmini Atzeret

1854(22nd of Tishrei, 5615): Thirty-nine-year-old London born, and University College educated journalist  Samuel Phillips who “renounced the Jewish faith,” wrote the novel Caleb Stukely and then went on edit a newspaper call John Bull while “taking an active part in the formation of the Crystal Palace Company.”

1856(15th of Tishrei, 5617): First Day of Sukkoth observed for the last time during the Presidency of Franklin Pierce.

1857: Henry Lewis Cohen married Priscilla Joseph at the Great Synagogue today.

1859(16th of Tishrei, 5620): Second Day of Sukkoth

1859: Birthdate of producer and author Alfred Bock, the son of a cigar manufacturer from Gieseen and the father of author Wener Bock.

1863(1st of Cheshvan, 5624): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1863: Twenty-three-year-old William Lovenstein, the Virginia born son of Mary Wasserman and Solomon Loevenstein married Doris Wasserman after which he went on to become one of the highest ranking Jewish political in Virginia who among others served as President pro tempore of the state senate.

1864(14th of Tishrei, 5625): Erev Sukkoth observed as General Sherman and his Union Army which included at least one future Jewish general was marching from Atlanta to Savannah.

1867(15th of Tishrei, 5628): Sukkoth


1869: In Amsterdam, Karel Abraham Wertheim, the son of Johannes Wertheim and Maria Rosenik and his wife Henriette van Heukelom gave birth to Charlotte Maria Werthiem

1869(9th of Cheshvan, 5630): Solomon Daniel Ghosalker a member of “the 25th regiment of the Bombay native light infantry” who “served in the Scinde campaign in 1843-45, the Indian mutiny, and the Abyssinian expedition of 1867-68” and “rose to the highest regimental rank, that of sirdar bahadur” while being honored with a first-class star of the Order of British India passed away today.



1869: Three days after he “was murdered,” Louis Kyezor was buried at the “Bancroft Road (Maiden Lane) Jewish Cemetery today.


1869: In Hull, England, Rosetta Barnett and “Sir Joseph Joel Duveen, a Dutch-Jewish immigrant who had set up a prosperous import business in Hull” gave birth to the Joseph Duveen, the “eldest of their thirteen children,” Sir. Joseph Duveen, the first Baron of Duveen one of the most influential art dealers of his time and husband of Elsie Salomon, the daughter of Gustav Salomon with whom he had one child, Dorothy Rose.



1871: During his sermon today, Rabbi J.J. Lyons called upon the members of the West 19th Street Portuguese Synagogue to contribute to aid the people of Chicago who are suffering from the effect of a great fire that consumed much of the city. Since money cannot be handled on Shabbat, a special meeting will be held tomorrow to deal with this.


1871: In Trieste, Italy Michele Levi and Emma Perguia gave birth to Professor Giusepp Levi “a pioneer of in vitro studies of cultured cells.”

1871: In Vienna, Alexander Von Zemlinsky, a Catholic and his wife who converted to Sephardic Judaism gave birth to composer and conductor Alexander von Zemlinsky.

1872: In Trieste, Emma Perguia and Michele Levi gave birth Giuseppe Levi an Italian anatomist and histologist, professor of human anatomy who was a “pioneer in vitro studies on cultured cells” and the tutor of “three students who later won the Nobel prize.”

1873(23rd of Tishrei, 5634): Simchat Torah

1874: Birthdate of San Francisco native and University of California insurance executive turned author Joy Lichtenstein.


1875(15th of Tishrei, 5636): Sukkoth

1876: In Kastellaun, Germany Caroline and Moises Hirsch gave birth to Hugo Hirsch who was murdered at Lodz at the age of 65.


1878(17th of Tishrei, 5639) Third Day of Sukkoth


1879: In the on-going battle to have the Romanian government honor its promise to grant full rights to the Jews, it was reported today that 58 deputies in Bucharest are opposed to the government’s bill granting emancipation to the Jews.  This has increased fears that the bill will not get the two-thirds majority required for passage.


1881: John W. Carroll, the actor whose fame rested in part for his portray of Fagin, the Jew in ‘Oliver Twist,’” passed away today in New York City at the age of 44.


1881:”Russian Hebrew Exiles” published today described the activities of the committee formed in New York designed to help the newly arrived Jewish immigrants from the Czar’s anti-Semitic empire. The most recent group of arrivals number 120 and plans have already been to send 70 of them to “various sections of the country” since there is no way to find all of them employment in New York.  Committees have been formed in Houston, New Orleans, Louisville, St. Louis and Wilmington, NC to help with the re-settlement plans. (This marked the first year of what would  prove to be a tidal wave of immigration that would last until World War I.  These well-intentioned plans would soon be overwhelmed by the unprecedented number of immigrants)


1881: “An assignment for the benefit of creditors by Hirsch Levy to Isidore Hirsch with $600 preferences was filed in the County Clerk’s office” today.


1882: It was reported today that “Mordecai Lyons,” a new play Edward Harrigan that features an array of Jewish characters is scheduled to open at the Theatre Comique next week.


1882: It was reported today “there is a singular set of lunatics in England who are devoting all their energies to the rather hopeless tasks of proving that the so-called Anglo-Saxon race is not Anglo-Saxon but Jewish.  They believe that all Englishman belong to the tribe of Manasseh and all Americans to the tribe of Ephraim and that the Irish belong to the rest of the long-lost ten tribes.”

1882: Birthdate of Eamon De Valera, Irish prime minister and president.  As Prime Minister during the 1930’s De Valera modified the Irish Constitution so that it gave recognition to many non-Catholic religious groups including the Jewish community. “The behavior of de Valera's government towards Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust is also controversial. Ireland's Justice Minister Michael McDowell later described the Irish government's treatment of Jewish refugees as ‘antipathetic, hostile and unfeeling’. Dr Mervyn O'Driscoll of University College Cork reported on the unofficial and official barriers that prevented Jews from finding refuge in Ireland: ‘Although overt anti-Semitism was untypical, the Irish were indifferent to the Nazi persecution of the Jews and those fleeing the third Reich’. However, this attitude towards Jewish refugees differed little from other Western Governments - as exemplified by the abject failure of the Evian Conference-who were unwilling to admit Jews fleeing Nazism.”

1882: There was a “serious disturbance” among the Russian Jewish immigrants on Ward’s Island, the New York entry point for those arriving from Europe.


1884: “Funeral of Rabbi Huebsch” published today described the procession for Rabbi Huebsch which began at his home on Lexington Avenue, then moved to Ahavath Chesed, before finishing on Long Island where he was interred at Linden Hill Cemetery.

1885: Birthdate of Prague native and refugee from the Nazis Eric Kahler, the cultural historian who began his American academic career in 1938 at Princeton.

1886(15th of Tishrei, 5647): Sukkoth

1886: In Poland, Nettie Blum and Alexander Mandelbaum gave birth to NYU trained attorney and New York State Assemblyman Samuel Mandelbaum who introduced legislation “regulating the sale of Kosher food” and who a member of Young Israel Synagogue. (Other sources show his birthdate as September 20, 1884)

1886: In Cincinnati, OH, “Adolph Aria Berman and Mary Agnes Jacobs” gave birth to Lillian Berman who was, for a while, married to Isidor Schifrin with whom she had to children, “Elaine and Stuart Schifrin.”

1886: A column styled “Law Reports: Business in the Surrogates Courts" published today reported that will  of the late Solomon D. Moses is among those that have been admitted for probate during this past week. Under the terms of Mr. Solomon's will payments of two hundred dollars are to be made to the Jews Hospital of New York and the Hebrew Orphan Asylum


1886: In Philadelphia, Millie Berman and Meyer Rothschild gave birth to University of Pennsylvania trained architect LeRoy B. Rothschild, the husband of Millie Greenberg and member of Rodeph Shalom who designed numerous structures including Haar Zion Synagogue while serving as a director at Mt. Sinai Hospital

1888: In New York, Harriet Strouse and Louis Levy gave birth to  Yale graduate and Johns Hopkins trained cardiologist Dr. Robert L. Levy, the husband of Beatrice Straus with whom he had three children – Gerald, Barbar and Jessic – who as “a Captain in the Medical Corps during World War I” touring Army camps in France during the influenza epidemic and who received the Selective Service Medal for his work as a consultant in cardiology for the Secretary of War during WW I after which he became an assistant professor of clinical medicine at Columbia.


1888: “Some Glances Backward” published today provided a retrospective on the fight in California to halt Chinese immigration and to ban them from living here including a speech by A.A. Haight the Democratic Governor of California in which he said that the “same argument” made “today in this country against the Chinese were used two centuries ago against the industrious Jews of Europe…. But it did not take” these bigots “a hundred years before they found out their mistake because the Jews too industry along with them and enriched the new countries in which they settled.  It will work with the same with the Chinese..if our laws permit us to drive them from the State.”

1888: “Old World News by Cable” published today described events surrounding the recent death of J.M. Levy whom many mistakenly thought was the founder of the Daily Telegraph. Actually Joseph Moses Levy bought it from the founder in 1855 three months after its opening for $4,000.  “He and his son” then “made it one of the half dozen great newspaper properties of the world.  “A very good man, charitable, just and simple manners and tastes, as was the last professing Jew of his fmily, all of whom now bear the name Lawson.”

1888: “Jews Leaving Russia” published today relied on dispatches from the London Daily News to describe the exodus of nearly 2,500 Jews from Odessa (Russia) during the law three months.  The Jews are leaving because of the Expulsion Law enacted last Spring.  The number of Jews leaving is being swollen by those who are taking advantage of the recent relaxation in the conscription laws which were designed to have just that effect.  Most of them are going to America or England but lack the capital to open business on their own.

1889(19th of Tishrei, 5650): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1889: Birthdate of cardiologist Aaron Ephraim Parsonnet, the native of Balta Russia and U.S. resident since 1903 who graduated from Loyola Medical School in 1913 and eventually became the Medical Director for the Daughters of Israel Home for Aged in Newark, NJ,

1890:  Birthdate of General of the Army and U.S. President Dwight David Eisenhower. In a recently published history about three World War II generals entitled 15 Stars, Stanley Weintraub described a hither-to little known story about Ike and the Jewish people.  While serving in the Philippines in 1938 as a Lt. Colonel, “Eisenhower got to know some of the 1,200 emigres who had fled Hitler who could find no sanctuaries in the uncaring West, including his own country.” At this time “he was made a surprising and hugely remunerative offer.  Almost certainly it came from Alex Frieder, one of three brothers from Cincinnati who had opened a cigar factory in Manila, and who played bridge and poker with…Ike.  ‘I was asked to take a job seeking in China, Southeast Asia…and every country where they might be acceptable, a haven for Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany.  The proposed pay would be $60,000 a year with expenses…Te offer was, of course, appealing for several reasons.  But…I had become so committed to my profession that I declined.’” Given other facts of Ike’s life during this period and the revulsion he demonstrated when Allied troops liberated the Concentration Camps, no one should think Ike’s decision was tainted by antipathy toward Jews and that it was made for the reasons he stated. Given the political environment of the 1950’s as a Republican President, Ike was only going to have a limited amount of popularity among Jewish voters.  To his credit, he became the first President to participate in national television show sponsored by a Jewish organization.  In this case it was a program celebrating the 300th anniversary of the American Jewish Community. For many Jews living during the 1950’s Ike was the American President who sided with the Arabs against Israel.  During the Suez Crisis of 1956, the Eisenhower administration threatened Israel with economic ruin if it did not withdraw from the Sinai. This policy had four effects.  It left Gaza as a place from which terrorist could attack Israel.  It gave Nasser a new lease on life thus setting the stage for another decade of un-rest in the Middle East that reached its next crescendo in the Six Day War. During the crisis, the Americans actually sided with the Soviets who threatened the French and the British with nuclear attack if they did not remove their forces from Suez.  From the French point of view, the Americans had shown that the nuclear umbrella did not protect France when she did not agree with the United States, so the French started to build their own independent nuclear force.  This is one of those times where Jewish history is world history and world history is Jewish history.  As is so often the question, where does one begin and the other end?

1890: Chaie X. Hishovitz signed a release in the presence of Mortiz Tolk that stated in consideration of a payment of $8.00 she release Kopel Harris from their marriage, promises not to bring any further legal action against and gives him permission to marry any other person he may so desire.

1891: “The Indictment of Russia” published today speaks approvingly of Harold Fredric’s use of “cold, rigid, facts to present the date relating to the” harsh treatment of the Jews in Russia which some have “transformed into an indictment against the victims” to justify the acts of the Czar’s government.

1891: “The Local Tickets” published today analyzed the Republican and Tammany Candidates in the upcoming New York City elections including  Ferdinand Levy one of the Tammany candidates for Coroner and Meyer S. Isaacs

1892(23rd of Tishrei, 5653): Simchat Torah observed for the last time during the Presidency of Benjamin Harrison

1893: Because it is Shabbat, there will be a pause during the day in the festivities marking the Golden Anniversary of the B’Nai B’rith.

1893: This evening in New York five hundred people are scheduled to attend a banquet celebrating the Golden Anniversary of B’Nai B’rith where the guests of honor will include President Cleveland, Governor Flower and Mayor Gilroy.

1894(14th of Tishrei, 5655): Erev Sukkoth

1894: In Braddock, PA, founding of Congregation Agudath Achim which holds services at 7 pm on Friday and 8 am Saturday and owns a cemetery west of Braddoc,

1894: Officer Grier of the MacDougal Street Station arrested 15-year-old John Shevlin after he saw him and a group of boys “chasing two old Hebrew men” whose beards they pulled and then kicked after throwing them to the ground.

1894: Marquis du Paty de Clam, a French General Staff officer is designated as Officer of Judiciary Police a position from which he masterminds enquiry against Dreyfus and invents the scenario of his hostile interrogation and handwriting test. His son will be appointed head of Jewish Bureau under Vichy government.


1895: “In Yekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk), Ukraine, then part of the Russian empire,” Yitzhak Trachtenberg and his wife gave birth Beba Trachtenberg, the Zionist and organizer of relief work in Russia who gained fame as Beba Idelson after she married fellow Zionist Israel Idelson.

 1895: Birthdate of Philadelphia native U of Pennsylvania alum Milton Joseph Greenbaum, the WW I veteran who was “active in the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies.

1896: Birthdate of William Shemin, the native of Bayonne, NJ who “was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for bravery in action in Vesle River, near Bazoches, France.”

1896: The University of Wisconsin football team led by first year head coach Philip King, a Jewish native of Washington, DC won its second straight game of the season to go 2 and 0.

1897(18th of Tishrei, 5658): Fourth Day of Sukkoth

1897: In New York City, Felix Mortiz Warburg and Frieda Schiff Warburg gave birth to Frederick Marcus Warburg

1897: One day after he had passed away, 52 year old Aaron Cohen was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery in London.”

1898: Jacob C. Rosenbluth, who had served as assistant surgeon aboard the USS Massachusetts during the Spanish-American War made “Passed Assistant Surgeon” today.

1900(21st of Tishrei, 5661): Hoshana Raba observed for the first time in the 20th century.

1900: Following the unexpected influx of Jewish immigrants from Roumania, it was reported today that “the Commissioner of Immigration at New York has made a request of Assistant Secretary Taylor than an agent be appointed to visit Roumania to ascertain, if possible, the reasons which were inducing so many of the Jews to leave their homes and come to” the United States.


1901: First edition of the Houston Chronicle, which courageously opposed the anti-Semitic KKK, was published today.

1902: It was reported today that the object of the Hebrew Charity Fair  being held at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, and which had been opened by the Governor and Lt. Governor of New York “is to raise the balance of the $100,000 needed to build the Hebrew Charity Hospital.”


1903(23rd of Tishrei, 5664): Simchat Torah

1903: Joseph M. Proskauer American lawyer, judge, philanthropist, and political activist married Alice Naumburg today, after which they had three children: Frances, Ruth, and Richard

1903: “Dr. Marcus Jastrow” published today reported that among the survivors of the recently deceased rabbi were his two sons, “Morris Jastrow, the widely known philologist and Joseph Jastrow, the well-known psychologist.”

1904: “Kaiser Enobles A Jew” published today reported that “Emperor William has nominated a Jewish millionaire merchant James Simon to be a life member of the Prussian House of Peers.”

1904: Today thirteen-year-old violinist Mischa Elman who had already made his debut in St. Petersburg performed for the first time in Berlin.

1905(16th of Tishrei, 5666): Second Day of Sukkot

1905: In an example of what two Jews could do, Leon Ascher’s “first operetta, Vergeltsgott with a libretto by Viktor Léon, premiered today at the Theater an der Wien

1906: Today Dr. Bruno Alfred Döblin, the author of the novel Berlin Alexanderplats, “took up a position at the Berlin psychiatric clinic in Buch where he worked as an assistant doctor for nearly two years.

1906: Birthdate of anti-Nazi German historianPrince Hubertus zu Loewenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg, co-founder along with Otto Katz of Hollywood Anti-Nazi League which was unique in that it one of the first organization that at least, superficially, was not tied to the Jews

1906: Birthdate of author and commentator Hannah Arendt.  Many know her for her writings about the Nazis and the originator of the term “the banality of evil.” Living amidst the political turmoil of Europe greatly shaped Arendt's studies and interests. Initially a philosophy and theology student, Arendt shifted her focus to the rising anti-Semitism permeating the German polity in the 1930s. In addition to her writing, Arendt became involved in the German Zionist Organization in 1933 and worked to bring Nazi atrocities to global attention. Arendt was arrested for investigating anti-Semitic propaganda, but befriended a Berlin jailer who enabled her escape. Fleeing to Paris, Arendt worked with Youth Aliyah to help rescue Jewish children from the Third Reich by bringing them to Palestine. While in Paris, Arendt met her second husband and both were sent to internment camps in southern France. In 1941, both were able to reach America and reunite with Arendt's mother. In America, Arendt published numerous articles in Jewish studies journals, and was in charge of Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, a program created by historian Salo W. Baron to recover and restore lost and damaged Jewish archives and cultural markers. The publication of her book The Origins of Totalitarianism in 1951, made Arendt an intellectual celebrity as America, searching for answers to the horrors of World War II, careened into the Cold War. The Origins of Totalitarianism sought to explain the rise and appeal of both Hitler and Stalin. Arendt went on to publish several other books including her most controversial work, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil in 1963.Arendt taught at the University of Chicago and Wesleyan and was the first female full professor at Princeton. She continued to lecture and teach until her death in 1975.


1907: Letters received in Tangier bring news which, among other things, show that Mulai Hafid, the “Sultan of the South,” “has effectively put a stop to the ill-treatment of Jews in Morocco City.”

1908(19th of Tishrei, 5669): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1908: It was reported today that a crowd of fifty depositors in the private bank of Polowe, Mogielwesky and Werner, most of whom were Russians and Jews had “hovered” around the corridors of the United States District Court because a prankster had posted a notice saying that the depositors would be given their money.

1909(29th of Tishrei, 5670): Eighty-one year old Amalie Grinberg, the daughter of Henrietta and Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, and the wife of Moritz Grunberg passed away today.


1910: A Jew, David Effendi Molcho, First Interpreter of Imperial Divan of the Ottoman Empire is appointed member of the Senate. On this same day, Samuel Effendi of Salonica is appointed Chief of Police for the coast districts of Constantinople.


1910: Der unsterbliche Lumpg (The Immortal Blight), an operetta composed by Edmund Eysler “was performed for the first time” today” with great success at the Vienna Bürgertheater


1911: Dr. Alfred Döblin and his girlfriend Friede Kunke gave birth to their son Bodo.

1911: The New York Sun received a cablegram that read: “Fifteen thousand Turkish troops sent to Palestine” during the Turco-Italian War.

1911(22nd of Tishrei, 5672): Shabbat and Shmini Atzeret

1911(22nd of Tishrei, 5672): Holiday services, including Yizkor, began at 9:30 a.m. at the South Side Hebrew Congregation on Indiana Avenue.

1911: In an editorial published in the Outlook, former President Theodore Roosevelt proposed submitting the Treaty of 1832 which was an anathema to Jews to the Hague Tribunal for interpretation

1911: “As a result of the” Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire which claimed so many Jewish lives, “the American Society of Safety Engineers was founded in New York City” today.


1912: Constantin C. Arion, who as the Rumanian Minister of Foreign Affairs would say that his “Government would grant rights to the Jews in accordance with the peace treat” and that the Government “would completely abolish Article 7 of the Rumanian Constitution” which states that “Jews in Rumania are aliens and that naturalization is only possible for them individually” completed his service as Minister of Administration and Interior of Romania.

1912: It was reported that a veritable “who’s who” of American Jewry including Judge Julian W. Make, Justice Samuel Greenbaum, Henry Morgenthau, Cyrus Sulzberger, Louis Marshal and Professor Solomon Schechter, attended the lecture at the Astor Hotel delivered by Israel Abrahams.  The British academic is a firm believer in the need to maintain a strong Jewish identity as the Chosen People develop national identities in the various home-countries.

1913: “At the continuation to-day of the trial of Mendel Beiliss, accused of the murder of the boy, Andrew Yushinsky, the prosecution concentrated its efforts on an endeavor to prove that the Jews practice "ritual murder" on Christians by the testimony of the Archimandrite Autonomius.”

1913: Northwestern University Medical School trained physician Isadore Michael Trace, the Vilna born son of Hanna Etta Smith and Alexander Trace married Miriam Gertrude Hacker today after which he served as the physician at the Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis  Dispensary of Medicine and professor of clinical medicine at Loyola.

1914: Columbia graduate and Stassburg University trained surgeon Percy Henry Perez Fridenberg, the New York born son Bertha Przylubska and Henry Perez Fridenberg who was an associate professor of ophthalmology at NYU and visiting surgeon at Jewish Memorial Hospital and Mt. Sinai Hospital married Louise T. Fletcher today.






1914: Sir Alfred Knox, the British military attaché described the condition of the Jews on the Eastern front when he wrote today, “It is said that a Jew was caught carrying a German officer in a sack across the bridge at Ivangorod. Both were hung.  (Jewish misery would only increase as can be seen by the 20 Jews who were killed by Coassacks at pogrom in Lemberg during November or the 64 Jews in Warsaw were arrested and detained as alleged members of a conspiracy to raise prices through speculation.  As was all too common their property was confiscated by the authorities) p 393 Max Hastings.

1914: In Manila, Philippines, Leopold Kauffmann Kahn, French born Manila businessman, the “son of Julieta and Moise Wolf Kahn” and Anacoreta Cortes Villarosa gave birth to Raoul Evaristo (Raoul) Villarosa Kahn

1914: “To Aid Jewish Sufferers” published today described the work of Leon Sanders, the President of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Society to form a special committee that will provide assistance to the Jews trapped on the battlefields of eastern Europe whose members include Jacob H. Schiff, Chairman; Louis Marshal, Cyrus L. Sulzberger, Dr. J. L. Magnus, Samuel Dorp, Dr. Cyrus Adler of Philadelphia and Judge J.W. Mack of Chicago.


1914(24th of Tishrei, 5675): In New York, “Hyman Goldfarb, a manufacturer of women’s hats who had to the United States from Russia 30 years ago passed away today “in his 56th year.”

1914: Louis Marshall wrote a letter to Albert Lucas, the secretary of the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering Through the War (CRC) expressing his opposition to the formation of the CRC because it undercut the efforts of the American Jewish Committee to organize “a general committee, composed of Jewish national organizations for the purposed of dealing effectively with the tremendous problem which confronts the Jews of American in respect to granting relief to the sufferers from the European War. (Editor’s Note – With all due respect to Louis Marshall, there are those who would say this was really about a conflict between the old established Jewish community and the newcomers many of whom were immigrants or the children of immigrants

1915: The Kingdom of Bulgaria declared war on Serbia today meaning that it was now one of the Central Powers – a decision that would lead to 211 Jewish soldiers being recorded as fatalities in WW I.


1915: According to the Maccabean, “a large number of Jewish privates as well as officers have been killed and wounded… at the Battle of Loos” – a three week long British offensive that failed to dislodge the Germans -- which ended today.


1915: In New York, at the 86th Street Temple, Rabbi Maurice Harris officiated at the marriage Charlotte Glendyle Harris whose only attendant was Mrs. Ruth Schram-Rosenfeld and Rabbi Goodman Lipkind whose best man was “Dr. Jacques Zipser and whose ushers were Joseph Kann, Abraham Tobias, and Samuel S. Kogan”


1916: “The Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Williamsburg announced its plans for the upcoming season today which will include a Jewish Congress to be held on the fourth Wednesday of the month, monthly dances, lectures, games and athletic exhibitions.

1916: Birthdate of Vienna native Walter Bukbiner, who escaped from Czechoslovakia before the Anschluss and gained famed British architect and town planner Walter George Bor.



1916: Felix M. Warburg, the Chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee announced today that Nathan Straus has donated $50,000 to the “new fund for the relief of the thousands of Jewish sufferers in the war stricken countries of Europe.”


1916: According to the “military critic of the Overseas News Agency” “British and French divisions with a total of more than 1,000,000 men had been virtually annihilated in the Battle of the Somme while the Russians have lost “about 1,000,000 men from June 1 to October 2.”  (These losses, especially on the part of the French and British, help to explain the oft criticized reluctance of these two nations to fight a war 20 years later.)

1916: After 341 performances, the Very Good Eddie, a “Jerome Kern Musical” was performed for the last time at the Princess Theatre.

1917 (28th of Tishrei, 5678): Over 250 people, including students, faculty and alumni attended exercises marking the formal opening of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.  Dr. Cyrus Adler, acting President of the Seminary gave the keynote address in which he urged everyone “to get behind the Government in the successful prosecution of the war.”  Additional addresses were given by two of the most prominent leaders of the Jewish community - Louis Marshall, Chairman of the Board and Professor Louis Ginzberg.

1917: In Vilna, Dr. Arthur Hantke, the president of the Zionist Federation of Germany addressed “a mass meeting of Zionist on the present state of the Jewish national movement

1917: In a sign of the divisions among the leaders of the American Jewish community, the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Congress held a meeting this afternoon in the Metropolitan Building where it was “decided by a vote of 73 to 31 to refrain from calling the Jewish Congress until peace negotiations were actually under way” saying “that nothing should be done to hold back the unification of the country during the war.”

1917: Princeton and Cornell educated horticulturist Drue Nunez Allman, the Philadelphia born son of Mildred C. Nunez and Hebert and “breeder of commercial varieties of snapdragons who was a member of Keneseth Israel and the Federation of Jewish Charities in Philadelphia married Blanche Adelaide Oppenheimer today in Philadelphai.


1917: U.S. premiere of “Cleopatra” starring Theda Bara (Theodosia Burr Goodman) in the title role.

 1918:  “An ‘inter-communal’ Jewish congress was organized in Vienna.” As World War I was coming to an end, it became apparent that the Austro-Hungarian or Habsburg Empire would dissolve into a group of small nations based around national constituencies. “Arriving from the principal Habsburg cities, the delegates elected a Jewish National Council and issued a policy statement that was intended as a message to the Allied Powers.  Whatever the empire’s fate, they declared, the Jews expected to be awarded the identical civil and collective recognition, and the identical protection, extended to any other nationality.


1918: Accompanied by another officer, Major Julius O. Adler was supervising the work of clearing the enemy from St. Juvin where they suddenly came upon a party of the enemy numbering 150. Firing on the enemy with his pistol, Major Adler ran toward the party, calling on them to surrender. His bravery and good marksmanship resulted in the capture of 50 Germans, and the remainder fled (For this he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross)

1919(20th of Tishrei, 5680): Sixth Day of Sukkoth

1919: In Virginia, Governor Westmorland Davis urged “citizens, irrespective of race or creed, to contribute liberally” to the Jewish relief campaign beginning today.

1920: The Bazaar and Fair sponsored by the Kane Street Temple in Brooklyn continued for a third day.

1920: “A Munich dispatch today contradicts the recent report from Berlin of the death of Professor Magnus Hirschfeld, the noted German physiologist, who was said to have in a Munich hospital as the result of a beating given by some anti-Semites because he was a Jew” but who in fact “has sufficiently recovered to have left the hospital.”

1920: “Tributes to the philanthropic work of the late Jacob H. Schiff” were read today at “the first meeting of the Business Men’s Council and Women’s Division of the Federation for Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies” which took place at the “5th Avenue home of Adolph Lewisohn.”

1921: “The Black Panther,” a German silent moved staring Eugen Burg was released in Germany today.


1921: Birthdate of Manchester, UK native Joseph “Joe” Hyman.



1921: In Philadelphia, Morris Sokoloff, an immigrant tailor and his wife, “the former Goldie Levy” gave birth to Dr. Louis Sokoloff, “the Pioneer of Pet Scams.” (As reported by Sam Roberts)


1922(22nd of Tishrei, 5683): Shmini Atzeret

1922: Those responsible for the assassination of Walther Rathenau, including Ernst WernerTechow, were sentenced today.

1922: Wake Forest, coached by George Levene, tied Davidson.

1923: The American Jewish Congress will meet today in New York.  The congress was originally to meet in Boston.  The meeting was moved to accommodate the schedule of Israel Zangwill whose schedule only had an opening for him to meet in New York.


1923: Tonight, at Carnegie Hall Israel Zangwill, Jewish scholar, author and publicist, in an address which he referred to earlier in the day as "the greatest labor of my life" declared that the Jews must forego their political hopes in Palestine "rather than kindle a conflagration which may ravage the whole world."

1923: Today, in Philadelphia, twenty-three-year-old Norma, NJ, native Helen Rovine married Benjamin Grossman with whom she had three children.

1923: “Over a billion dollars worth of Merchandizing power as represented at dinner tonight at the Holtel Pennsylvania wen 150 oof the leading resident buyers and their staffs met to form a financial fighting force to help raise the $1,250,000 for which the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies is making a drive.”

1924: Birthdate of Leipzig native Leo Sachs, the British educated, prize-winning Israel “molecular and cancer researcher.

1924: “Clubs Are Trumps” a three-act play produced by Walter Hast opened at the Bijou Theatre.

1925: “Another temple beneath the temple of Ashtaroth” which dates back to the time of Ramses II, “has been discovered by the Philadelphia Museum Expedition at  Beit She’an Palestine.

1926: It was reported today that plans for a campaign for additional membership were discussed at a meeting of the New York branch of the United Synagogue of America because, as Dr. Jacob Kahn said, “if we American Jews expect our children to remain Jews and not to wander off into Christian Science or some shadowland cult we must organize that they may realize there is a real driving force behind American Judaism.”


1927(18th of Tishrei, 5688): Fourth Day of Sukkoth

1927: “American Jews contributed $459,816.2 to the JNF during the year that ended on September 30th according to figures made public today by I.N. Rubin, Secretary of the fund, which is a land-buying agency whose purchases automatically became the property of the Jewish state.


1928(30th of Tishrei, 5689) Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1928: “A campaign to interest Jewish parents in the education of their children was started” tonight “at a testimonial dinner given to Dr. Israel Goldstein, President of Young Judea” at the Hotel Astor which was attended by four hundred people included Herbert H. Lehman and Rabbi Jonah B. Wise.


1928: H.J. Levine, the Resident Manger of the Jewish Agricultural Society welcomed the visitors to “an event in the history of the Jewish farm movement in New York which was celebrated at Ellenville, NY at the seventh annual Harvest Festival.


1929(10th of Tishrei, 5690): Jews observe the first Yom Kippur of what would become the Great Depression

1929: The scheduling of “collectivization day” today in the Soviet Union is seen as a way for Jewish communists to compel “Jewish colonists to work in the fields on” the Day of Atonment.


1929: “Louis Fleisher, Harry Fleisher, and Henry Shorr, three members of the Purple Gang attended services at Orthodox Congregation B’nai David in Northwest Detroit.” (As reported by Robert Rockaway)

1930(22nd of Tishrei, 5691): Shmini Atzeret

1930: “Girl Crazy” with music by George Gershwin and lyrics by Ira Gershwin opened at the Alvin Theatre.

1931: Publication today of “The Human Voice; Its Care and Development” by Leon Felderman.

1932: “The Big Broadcast,” a comedy produced by Benjamin Glazer and featuring George Burns playing himself was released today in the United States.

1933(24th of Tishrei, 5694) Parashat Bereshit

1933: Led by team captain Sid Gillman Ohio State defeated Vanderbilt today.

1933: Germany withdrew from the League of Nations. This was the first of Hitler’s moves to overturn the Treaty of Versailles, which was in turn part of his plan to create his Jew free Third Reich.

1933: Formation of the 6th Airlift Squadron in which author James Salter would serve following WW II.

1934: Plans will be announced this afternoon at the opening session 20th annual convention being held in Washington, DC “for Palestine’s first medical center and graduate school of medicine to be built in Jerusalem by Hadassah and the American Jewish Physicians Committee.”


1935: ' Barbary Coast,' a Thumping Melodrama of the Gold Rush Days -- 'Charlie Chan in Shanghai’ published today provides a positive review of the Ben Hecht written melodrama produced by Samuel Goldwyn.

1936: “For the second time this week the Montreal riot squad was called out” tonight “to disperse mobs of French-Canadian youths were breaking the windows of Jewish businessmen”

1936: Today, “two years after becoming the rabbi of the Jewish community at St. Anne’s where he was also the shochet, Rabbi Leslie Henry Hardman who in 1945 would be the first Jewish chaplain to enter Bergen-Belsen married his wife Josi today.


1936: Sir Oswald Mosely the British fascist leader who supports Hitler and Mussolini addressed “immense crowds from the top of a loud-speaker truck at Bethnal Green and Lime-house without interruption.

1937: The Palestine Post reported from Warsaw that a new Polish Labor Party resolved to oppose totalitarianism, but to stimulate Jewish emigration.

1937: Seventy-two year old  German banker, liberal politician and Vice Chancellor Bernhard Dernburg, the son of Friedrich and Luise Dernberg who had converted to Christianity and husband of Emma Dernberg passed away today in Berlin

1937: The Palestine Post reported that court proceedings were taken in Romania against Jews guilty of having Jewish National Fund blue boxes in their houses.  Yes, the little blue box that we use to this day was part of a criminal activity in Romania.  Anti-Jewish measures like this provide further proof that the Holocaust was possible, in part, because of pre-existing conditions throughout Europe.

1938(19th of Tishrei, 5699): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1938: The Jewish-Americans living in Palestine of which there are eight to nine thousand made “plans today for a conference” for all of their number who have made investments in Eretz Israel to let the British and American governments know about their opposition to any move to restrict Jewish immigration into Palestine.  The Jewish-Americans intend to use the conference as a way to remind the British that their investments had been predicated on the pledges made in the Balfour Declaration which were incorporated in the League of Nations Mandate that provides the basis for British rule over Palestine.  These investments have totaled more than forty million dollars.

1938: “A Man to Remember,” a dramatic film direct by Garson Kanin was released today by RKO Pictures.

1938: “L'Osservatore Romano, official newspaper of the Vatican, publishes a story accusing the Nazi Party of being behind the attacks on the Vienna palace of Cardinal Theodor Innitzer, Archbishop of Vienna.”

1938: Herman Goering, Hitler’s second in command, announced plans for ghettoizing Jews in all big cities.

1938: “There Goes My Heart,” produced by Milton Bren and Hal Roach and featuring Irving Pichel was released today in the United States.

1939(1st of Cheshvan, 5700): Parashat Noach; Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1939: Led by team captain Sidney “Spike” Alter Penn St. University played and won its second game defeating Leigh University at New Beaver Field.

1939:  Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants Frieda Culter and “Frank Lifshitz, an artist and house painter from Pinsk,  gave birth to the U.S. Army veteran and Baruch College alum Ralph Lifschitz who gained fame as Ralph Lauren the fashion designer began by working with Brooks Brothers before striking out on his and riding his “polo pony” to fame and fortune while raising three children – Andrew, David and Dylan with is wife Rick Ann Lowe-Beer, “the author of The Hamptons: Food, Family and History.”


1939: Dr. Ludwig Halberstädter of Tel Aviv, a Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem left the United States today aboard the American export liner Excalibur after having attended the International Cancer Congress at Atlantic City, New Jersey. Ludwig Halberstädter obtained his doctorate in 1901 in Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland). From 1901 to 1907 he worked at the surgical clinic in Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia) under Carl Garré (1857-1928) and then dermatology with Albert Neisser (1855-1916) in Breslau. He was habilitated for dermatology and radiation therapy in Berlin in 1922 and in 1926 became "nicht beamtlicher ausserordentlicher Professor". His interest in irradiation resulted in studies on its effects on lower forms of life and on tissues and cells. He became director of the Radiation Department at the Institute for Cancer Research, Berlin-Dahlem and used thorium in an effort to treat cancer. Halberstädter demonstrated sensitivity of the ovary to irradiation in 1904. In 1907 he was a member of the research expedition on syphilis which went to Java under Albert Neisser’s direction. After 1933 he was one of 276 Jewish dermatologists who were able to leave Nazi Germany. He settled in Palestine that year and became director of radiation therapy at the Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem. He brought with him a tiny amount of radium and opened the first radium and X-ray institute in the Middle East. Working together with cytologist Dr. Leonid Doljansky, he was able to provide the first treatment for cancer in the country.

1939: “L'Osservatore Romano, the official Vatican newspaper, insists that Pope Pius XII really is sorry that the Polish people have lost their country and that they are experiencing such horrible things such as persecution and mass murder” but has nothing to say about the fate of the Jews of Poland.

1940: “Charles Lindbergh delivers his second radio address to promote neutrality and urge America not to enter the European war.” (Lindbergh will join forces with America First which believes that the British and the Jews are among those conspiring to get the United States to enter the war.  Lindbergh will cling to his beliefs until he is embarrassed by having a speech scheduled for December 7, 1941.)

1940: "Four months after they had bicycled out of Paris" Margret and Hans Rey arrived in New York, their new home and the new home for Curious George.

1940: The Nazis move non-Jews out of a designated section of Warsaw, Poland, and import Jews to replace them.

1940: The Carlton Club to which Benjamin Disraeli had been elected in 1836 as a sign of his acceptance by the Tory establishment, suffered a direct hit today during the Blitz.

1940: “The Reverend William C. Kernan, chairman of the refugee committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, NJ, is scheduled to make the address at the exercises opening the 19th academic year at the Jewish Institute of Religion” which was founded by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise who is the president of the institute and who will welcome the new students.

1941(23rd of Tishrei, 5702): Simchat Torah

1941: Birthdate of Arthur Louis “Art” Shamsky who played major league ball for seven years and managed the Modi'in Miracle of the Israel Baseball League in 2007.

1941: Karl Bishoff approved the plan of the POW camp at Birkenau today

1941: At the intervention of the Union of Jewish Communities in Romania, an order was given today to stop the deportations of Jews from Bessarabia, Bukovina, and the Dorohoi district

1942: One thousand Jews living in Piotrkow, Poland are dragged from their homes in the middle of the night. Those too ill or old to move were shot on the spot. This was first of eight straight days of terror resulting in the deportation of 20,000 Jews. All of them were sent to Treblinka to be killed. The Shtetel of Piotrkow had had a Jewish population since at least the start of the fifteenth century.  At the start of World War II, the Jews made up a third of the town’s population.  After the Holocaust there were so few Jews left that they were less than one percent of the population.

1942: 3rd of Cheshvan, 5703): Twenty year old Charles Abelson of Montreal, a Private serving with the Canadian Army Dental Corps, “was presumed to have died” today “according to an official announcement” when the SS Carbou, aboard which he was traveling was torpedoed and sank. (Canadian Jewish Congress records)

1943(15th of Tishrei, 5704): Sukkoth I

1943(15th of Tishrei, 5704): Led by Alexander Pecherski and a few other Jewish members of the Red Army, a revolt broke out in the Sobibor death camp when a number of SS guards were killed. Prevented from fleeing through the gates, 130 Jews died trying to escape through the mine fields. Thirty found their way to freedom. The remaining 140 were captured and shot. The camp itself was closed immediately. Yes, you did read a description of the same event on October 13.  Apparently different sources disagree on the date of this heroic act.  If there can be such a lack of agreement on the date of so recent an event, we should not be surprised when we have difficulty providing exact dates for ancient events.

                                                     Or, a different version

1943(15th of Tishrei, 5704): Leon Feldhendler and Jewish Soviet officer Aleksandr Pechersky, interned at the Sobibór death camp since September, instigate an inmate revolt and escape, during which 11 German SS guards and two or three Ukrainian SS guards are killed. Two hundred of 600 Jews in the camp are killed by gunfire and exploding mines; among them is 33-year-old Dutch painter Max Van Dam. Of the 300 who escape, only 100 are recaptured; many of the remaining 200 escapees join Soviet partisan forces. Of these, only 50 to 70, including Pechersky, will survive the war.,_Oct._14,_1943,_4_p.m

1943: Sixteen year old Tomasz Toivi Blatt, a native of Isbica, as Jewish shtetl in Poland whose “parents and younger brother had been gassed six months earlier” took part in the revolt at Sobibor today after which he was “shot in the jaw by a Polish farmer” but was able to survive and eventually settled in the United States where as Thomas Blatt he became a successful businessman and wrote From the Ashes of Sobibor: A Story of Survival with Christopher R. Browning and a memoir Sobibor: The Forgotten Revolt — A Survivor’s Report.

1943(15th of Tishrei, 5704): Dr. Saul Tchernichovsky, the physician-poet who translated Macbeth and The Odyssey into Hebrew died today the age of 68 after settling in Eretz Israel ten years ago after fleeing from Nazi Germany.  According to the New York Times, he was born in the Ukraine, practiced medicine in St. Petersburg and Berlin. “In My Dream,” his first Hebrew poem was published in the United States in a magazine called Hagispah (Summit).  “His original verse and translations made him a leading figure in the world of modern Hebrew literature.  The government of Finland decorated him for translating the Finnish national epic, “Kalevala: and during his later years he won the Bialik Prize for his poetry.”  He also served as one of the governors of Hebrew University.  During the First World War, he “served as a Russian Army doctor on the Eastern Front.  He practiced medicine for a year in Palestine during the middle 1920’s before settling in Berlin where he was a successful physician until the Nazis came to power.

1943: Angelo Donati, an Italian banker and diplomat who has risked his to save Jews in southern France found refuge in Switzerland today after evading the Gestapo which had been ordered to arrest him.

1944:  Soviet Troops entered Riga. Only a handful of Jews survived where there were 30,000 just ten years earlier.

1944: ‘Hans Günther Adler, who wrote under pseudonym H. G. Adler” his wife and his mother-in-law arrived at Auschwitz.

1944: In Hungary, the Horthy government promises to release imprisoned Jewish-Palestinian paratroopers.

1944: As he attempts to negotiate for the safety of Hungarian Jews, Dr. Rudolf Kastner “travelled for the second time to St Margathen.”

1945: Birthdate of Alan Blinder a Professor of Economics at Princeton who served as Vice Chairperon of the Federal Reserve System during the Clinton Administration.

1946(19th of Tishrei, 5707): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1946:Mrs. Sol Boneparth, preside of the New York Chapter of Hadassah declared today that “votes are the most powerful weapons American Jewish women have in helping to gain recognition for Palestine as a Jewish homeland and haven for refugees.’

1946:Mr.David M. Levy, the chairman of the United Jewish Appeal’s women’s division reported today that “three hundred thousand Jewish women in the United States have contributed $8,727,583 twoard the nationwide UJA goal of $100,000,000 during the first nine months of 1946.”

1947: The Palestine Supreme Court ruled that “the government must give Gershon Friedmann of Tel Aviv and his wife Erna, legal status because years ago two certificates had been deducted for them from the official immigration court.”  The decision is “a test case that may provide legal status for more than 2000 Jews who migrated to Palestine without proper certificates.”

1948: Bob Hope and the Clark Sisters recorded “Buttons and Bows” with music by Jay Livingston and lyrics by Ray Evans.” (Evans and Livingston were Jewish; Hope was not.)

1948: Brandeis University opened its doors to its first undergraduate class of 120 first-years.

1948: Birthdate of Minnesota native Dr. Norman J. Ornstein, the political scientist affiliated with the American Enterprise Institute who is a friend of liberal Senator Al Franken, the husband of attorney Judith L. Harris and co-author of One Nation After Trump.

1948: During the War for Independence major fighting between Egypt and Israel resumed.  The Egyptians found out that the Israelis would not be any easier to defeat in “round two” of the fighting.

1949: In the U.K. premiere of “Give Us This Day” with a score by Benjamin Frankel.

1949: In Brooklyn, Basil Pollitt, a Protestant and  a lawyer who championed liberal causes, and her mother, Leonora Levine, a Jewish  real estate agent gave birth to poet, essayist and critic Katha Pollit whose works include Reasonable Creatures: Essays on Women and Feminism  a collection of nineteen essays published in 1949.

1950: In New York City, “Two Flags West” starring Jeff Chandler premiered today at the Rivoli Theatre.

1951: Southpaw Morris "Moe" Savransky was traded by the Buffalo Bisons of the International League to Cincinnati of the National League.

1952: Birthdate of Steve Rothman, who was first elected to Congress from the 9th District of New Jersey in 1997.

1952: “Justine Wise Polier” gave a passionate “speech on justice at Christ Church” today.

1952: Having been trader by the Dodgers to the Cincinnati Reds, outfielder Cal Abrams was traded by the Reds to the Pittsburg Pirates, which at that time meant he had gone from the best in the NL to the worst in the NL in one short year.

1953: In New York, Rabbi Paul and Helen Ackerman gave birth to “American astrologer, writer, actress and singer” Shelly Ackerman.

Shelley L. Ackerman Performer and Astrologer Has Died (


1953: Unit 101, together with a unit of regular paratroopers, all under the command of Ariel Sharon carried out a reprisal raid on the Arab village of Kibya on the night after an Israeli woman and her two infant children were murdered by Arab terrorists from Jordan.

1955: In Washington, DC, real estate agent Joyce Sorkin and dentist Irving Sorkin, who had “a longtime dream of having one of his film ideas adapted into a movie” gave birth to Arleen Frances Sorkin, “an actress and comedian who created memorable characters in two decidedly different universes — the soap opera one of “Days of Our Lives” and the crime-fighting one of Batman” who was  the wife of producer Christopher Lloyd and the mother of Eli and Owen Lloyd. (As reported by Neil Genzlinger)

1956: After winning their season opener, Sid Gillman’s Los Angeles Rams lost their second game of the season as the Detroit Lions prevailed at home.

1957(19th of Tishrei, 5718): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1958: Foundation stone of the Knesset laid in Jerusalem.  The Knesset is the Israeli parliament.  Knesset is a Hebrew word that means “meeting.”

1958:  “A bomb which police described as home-made exploded early this morning in a stairwell at the Anshe Emet synagogue in Peoria, Illinois, smashing at least one dozen windows.


1959: Alexander "Alex" Bittelman’s planned memoir was condemned by Gus Hall and other leaders of the Communist Party in the United States.  This was part of Bittleman’s shift in views in the wake of the exposure of Stalin’s crimes and the Hungarian uprising in 1956.

1960(23rd of Tishrei, 5721): Simchat Torah celebrated for the last time during the Presidency of “Ike” Eisenhower.

1961: The National tour of Flower Drum Song, the eighth musical by the team of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II which had opened in May of 1960 came to a close today in Cleveland, “a month before the film version of the musical opened.”

1961(4th of Cheshvan, 5722): Parashat Noach

1961: Birthdate of fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi


1962: NBC broadcast the first show of the final season The Dinah Shore Chevy Shoe starring Dinah Shore.

1963: “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, a popular Christmas song written in 1963 by Edward Pola, born Sidney Edward Pollacsek to Hungarian-Jewish immigrants Ida Friedman and Alexander Pollacsek, and George Wyle (born Bernard Weissman) was released today in the United States.

1964(8th of Cheshvan, 5725): Sixty-nine-year-old Nathan Parnes who had been a co-producer at the Second Avenue Theatre with Molly Picon and been the house manager for the Biltmore Theatre passed away today.

1964: “Send Me No Flowers” with a screenplay by Julius Epstein and co-starring Tony Randall was released today in the United States.

1964: The Episcopal Church cleared Jews of the charge of killing Jesus.  The Roman Catholic Church reached a similar conclusion during this period.  While this action was a cause for optimism about the future of relations between Christians and Jews, recent comments and actions by the Episcopal Church concerning the state of Israel have clouded some of this optimism.

1965(18th of Tishrei, 5726): Fourth day of Sukkoth

1965(18th of Tishrei, 5726): Forty-three-year-old producer and director Burt Balaban, the Chicago born son of Tillie Urkov, the stepson of Barney Balaban who became a combat photographer during WW II after graduating from Roanoke College passed away.


1965:  Sandy Koufax hurled his 2nd shutout of the World Series beating Twins 2-0.  Koufax is still regarded by the greatest southpaw and the leading Jewish athlete of his time.

1967(10th of Tirshrei, 5728): Yom Kippur is observed in a united Jerusalem.

1968(22nd of Tishrei, 5729) Shmini Atzeret

1968: “Paper Lion” featuring Ann Turkel in the role of “Susan” was released today in the United States.

1969: On his 28th birthday, Art Shamsky started in Game 3 of the World Series.

1970(14th of Tishrei, 5731): Erev Sukkot

1970: “C.C. and Company” a biker movie brought to the silver screen by executive producer Joseph E. Levine was released today in the United States.

1971(25th of Tishrei, 5732): Eighty-eight-year-old Usda, Russia native and “cotton goods converter” Morris J. Bernstein, the philanthropist  who along with his first wife Ethel “established the Morris J. and Ethel. Bernstein Pastoral Psychiatry Center at Jewish Theological. Seminary” and “who endowed the institute of that name, at Beth Israel Medical Center that pioneered in the methadone treatment for heroin addicts” passed away today.


1971(25th of Tishrei, 5732): Seventy-two-year-old Samuel Spewack, the husband and writing partner of Bella Spewack passed away today.

1971: “The Samuel Freeman House” was added to the National Register of Historic Places today.

1971: “Blood from the Mummy's Tomb” starring Valerie Leon was released today in the United Kingdom.

1972: Lo chiameremo Andrea (We’ll Call Him Andrew) produced by Arthur Cohn was released today in Italy.

1973: David Zeit and Eli Tovel ejected from their F-4E Phantom Jet after it was shot down by either a MiG or a SAM.  Both were recovered by Israeli forces.

1973: During the Yom Kippur War, Egyptian tanks mount a major attack against Israeli forces.  Their goal is to seize the Mitla and Gidi Passes in the Central Sinai which will then open the road to eastern Sinai Peninsula and the Negev.  Two thousand tanks were involved in the battle.  This is more tanks than were used in any single battle of World War II except for the great battle of Kursk.  In other words, this was one heck of big fight over a very limited front.  At the end of the day, the Israelis held the line.  That evening, despite the opposition of Moshe Dayan, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army ordered Israeli forces to prepare to cross the canal on the following night and begin a major assault on the Egyptian bridgeheads.  He correctly believed that the heavy Egyptian losses had weakened the Arab army.  He also had already been convinced that the only way to end the war was to cut the supply line to the Egyptian forces attacking east of the Suez Canal. Despite the battlefield successes of the last forty-eight hours, moral on the homefront was low as the Israeli casualty lists lengthened and the war moved into its second full week.  To make matters even worse, The Soviets continued to rush tons of supplies by sea and air to both Cairo and Damascus. 

1973: In one of the largest tank-to-tank battles ever fought, Israel is estimated to have lost 10 tanks, the Egyptians anywhere from 250 to 300. Iraq and Jordan send troops to the Golan, in response to appeals for assistance from Syria. (As reported by JTA)

1975: The President of the Soviet Union continued his visit to Tunisia which was part of Russia’s attempt to increase in the Middle East which was detrimental to the survival of Israel.

1976(20th of Tishrei, 5737): Sixth Day of Sukkoth

1976(20th of Tishrei, 5737): Eighty-six-year-old long time Zionist activist who counted among his many friends Chaim Weizmann passed away today.

1977: “Equus” the film version of Peter Shaffer’s play directed by Sidney Lumet was released in the United Kingdom today.

1977(2nd of Cheshvan, 5738): Eighty-seven-year-old  “Yiddish theater and vaudeville director, producer, lyricist, songwriter, coupletist, character actor” John Jacobs known at birth as Yakov Yakubovitsh passed away today.

Jacob Jacobs - Save The Music Archives



1979(23rd of Tishrei, 5740): Simchat Torah

1980: The Albert Kahn Building, the Detroit office building designed by architect Albert Kahn, the son or Rabbi Joseph Kahn, was placed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places today.

1980: In something that is unique to Israeli government, MK Yitzhak Yitzhaky left Likud and formed “a one-man party called One Israel.”

1981(16th of Tishrei, 5742): Second Day of Sukkoth

1981(16th of Tishrei, 5742): David Nations, “the British water-skiing champion in 1955 and 1956 who helped to found the British Water Ski Federation in 1955 passed away today.

1982: “A Kind of Alaska” “a one-act play written by Harold Pinter” premiered in the Cottesloe Theatre in London.

1982: In Manhattan, Mary Amanda Dargan and Steven Joel Zietlen, founder of City Lore gave birth to Benjamin Harold "Benh" Zeitlin “the 2012 recipient of Smithsonian magazine's American Ingenuity Award in the Visual Arts category.”

1983: In the Soviet Union refusnik Iosif Begun went on trial for a third time.

1985(29th of Tishrei, 5746): Ninety-six-year-old Russian born Pinchas Cruso who came to the United States in 1909, served in WW I and was chairman of the Labor Zionist Movement passed away today.

1986: VHS release of “The Cage” which was supposed to have been the first pilot episode of Star Trek, featuring Leonard Nimoy as “Mr. Spock” and Malachi Thorne as “The Keeper.”

1986: Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate Elie Wiesel was named winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

1988: “Madame Sousatzka” the movie version of the novel of the same name by Bernice Rubens directed by John same name by Bernice Rubens.Schlesinger was released in the United States today.

1988: “The Accused,” produced by Stanley R. Jaffe and Sherry Lansing an directed by Jonathan Kaplan, the son of Sol Kaplan was released today in the United States.

1989: Sixty-three-year-old German historian and war crimes expert Martin Broszat passed away. (As reported by Eric Pace)



1989: The Syrian fighter pilot who defected to Israel in a Soviet jet fighter on Wednesday said today that his flight was ''a very difficult mission'' since he flew at about 800 miles an hour and was only about 100 to 150 feet off the ground. In a meeting with journalists, the pilot, Maj. Mohammed Bassem Adel, said that the monitors on his Soviet-made MIG-23 showed that Israeli air-defense radar tracked him all along the way, and that he was worried because he knew that ''the section I was crossing is spread all over with missiles.'' But the major said he believed that he was not shot down before he landed because ''a country that has confidence in itself cannot be afraid of one single plane and would take the time to evaluate what was going on before taking action.'' Major Adel, whom the Israelis had initially identified as Maj. Adel Bassem, is balding and has a mustache, and he looks far older than his 34 years. The Israeli military allowed journalists to interview him this afternoon at a military base just north of Tel Aviv. He still wore his deep green Syrian flight jumpsuit. Two dozen Israeli military officers sat in the room as he talked. He said he fled Syria, leaving a family and fiancee behind, because ''I wanted to change my life - I wanted to live in a democratic country where people are free to express their views.'' He would not elaborate. He decided to leave three months ago but did not make his ''operational plans'' until Wednesday morning, he said. He was influenced by what he read of Israel and saw on television. ''I was not in contact with anyone here before I came; no one was expecting me,'' he added. ''I've no connection whatsoever with anyone in Israel before now.'' Before leaving, Major Adel said, he told no one what he intended to do. Once he lifted off from his base in Syria, he said he was in the air 20 minutes, and over Israeli airspace only between three and four minutes, before he landed near the town of Megiddo. On Thursday the military opened an investigation to determine how Major Adel flew into Israel in a potentially hostile fighter plan without interference. He appeared to give much of the explanation today. He said all his active electronic systems were off. Without any of his target radars armed - conditions easily monitored from the ground - air defense officers could probably see he had no immediate hostile intent. He said he did not know where he would land. ''I didn't know if there would be a facility I could land at and thought I might have to land on a highway,'' he said. ''I thought I might be intercepted by Israeli planes. But I kept flying, looking for a place to land.'' After he landed, he waited 20 minutes for security officials to arrive, and in that time he told a ground technician at the airfield that police in Syria had beaten him up after he had asked for better housing several months ago. Today, he declined to discuss his life in Syria. He said his treatment here so far has been ''gentle.'' West Bank and Gaza Killings

1990(25th of Tishrei, 5751): Composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein passed away.  During his 72 years, Bernstein drew on a variety of themes from traditional Judaism to Shakespeare and racial conflicts that divided the teenage gangs of New York. There is no way that this blog can do justice to this musical genius and social icon.  The man who gave the world West Side Story was an ardent supporter in its darkest days. He came to Israel during the War for Independence to perform and his concert on Mt. Scopus after the June War is a treasure in more than one way.

1991(6th of Cheshvan, 5752): Fifty-five-year-old Brooklyn born Alan Goldstein, “an All-America and All-ACC end at the University of North Carolina who also played one season with the Oakland Raiders passed away today.

1992(17th of Tishrei, 5753): Third Day of Sukkoth observed for the last time during the Presidency of George Bush.

1993: The Wldodawa Museum which erected the first monument to Sobibór victims in 1965 “established a separate Sobibór branch today.

1993: In “This Jewish Mom Dominates TV, Too” John J. O’Connor examines this comedic staple in the closing decade of the 20th century.

1993: A revival of “Conversations With My Father,” a play that “presents the saga of a first generation of American Jews who came of age in the Depression and were assimilated at a high price during and after World War II” opened today “at the James Doolittle Theatre in Hollywood, CA.”


1994 (9th of Cheshvan, 5755): Nachsho Wachsman, a nineteen-year-old Israeli soldier who had been kidnapped by Hamas, was killed when Israeli forces attempted to rescue him.  “His father Yehuda was an advocated of improved Jewish-Arab relations, and a supporter of the peace process.’”

1994:  Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

1994: A month after premiering at the Venice Film Festival, the Woody Allen Comedy “Bullets Over Broadway” co-starring Harvey Fiertsein  and featuring Rob Reiner was released today in the United States.

1994: NBC broadcast the first episode of season three of “Homicide: Life on the Street” starring Yaphet Frederik Kotto as “Lieutenant Al Giardello” and Richard Belzer as “John Munch.”

1995(20th of Tishrei, 5756): Shabbat shel Sukkoth

1997(13th of Tishrei, 5758): American novelist Harold Robbins passed away.

1997: First broadcast of “The Dream Team” a British television series with scripts by Noam Friedlander.

1997: Martin Sean Indyk, the London born son of Polish-Jewish immigrants, with degrees from University of Sydney (BA), Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Australian National University (MA, PhD) began serving as the 18th Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East under President Clinton.

1998(24th of Tishrei, 5759): Ninety-three-year-old New York native Leo S. Palitz the CCNY basketball player and physician who was married to “Lillian Nassau, the doyenne of New York antique dealers” passed away today.

1999(4th of Cheshvan, 5760): Seventy-nine-year-old Baltimore born and Johns Hopkins and Harvard educated Sigmund Diamond, a Columbia professor of sociology and history who studied American business titans, female industrial workers and Federal Bureau of Investigation information gathering” the husband of Shirley Diamond and father of Stephen and Dr. Betty Ann Diamond who “founded and headed the history department's social history program and was a consultant for an American Jewish Committee oral history project about the Holocaust” passed away today.



2000(15th of Tishrei, 5761): As Israelis cope with the violence of yet another round of Arab terrorism, the first day of Sukkoth is observed.

2000: Broadcast of the third episode of “A History of Britain” a documentary series “written and presented by Simon Schama.

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish author or of special interest to Jewish readers including  Will the Circle Be Unbroken?:Reflections on Death, Rebirth, and Hunger for a Faith by Studs Terkel.

2001: Delta Flight 458 from Atlanta, Georgia to Newark, New Jersey, is diverted to Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, and passengers are taken off the flight while officials investigate a report of two "Middle Eastern men" making threats in a foreign tongue -- two Orthodox Jews peacefully praying.

2002: “As he prepared to leave Israel for a meeting with President Bush, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called on Palestinians today to change their "murderous regime," saying that the coming year could be "a year of change."

2003: Following today’s celebration of the 60th anniversary of the revolt at Sobibór “the grounds of the former death camp received a grant largely funded by the Dutch government to improve the exhibits.”

2004: "FDR's Auschwitz Secret," by Michael Beschloss appears in Newsweek Magazine. The article is an excerpt from Beschloss’ latest book and reveals the fact that it was FDR himself who made the decision not to bomb the Nazi death camp.’

2004: Today, Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim, whose father,Friedrich Carl von Oppenheim had been posthumously recognized  as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem in 1996, “was awarded the North Rhine-Westphalia Decoration of Honour.”

2005:  As part of an interview with the Israeli Interior Minister, the Jerusalem Post reported that Jewish extremists were continuing with plots against the life of Prime Minister Sharon.  While the capabilities of the Israeli security forces had improved since the murder of Prime Minister Rabin ten years ago, the Jews who are willing to murder other Jews still posed a major threat.  The Interior Minister called for the same kind of Administrative Detention be used in dealing with Jews plotting to kill government officials or blow up the Temple Mount as was used against Arab terrorists.

2006: International Haifa Film Festival comes to a close.

2006: A show featuring the works of Lazar (El) Markovich Lissitzky opens at the Phillips Collection in Washington.   According to an article in the Forwards, the “prints in the Phillips show are from his “Victory Over the Sun” drawings for an opera set.”  Lissitzky was a contemporary of Chagall with whom he was often confused.  The paintings from this period represent Lissitzky’s attempt to break from “Chagall Shadow.”

2006(22nd of Tishrei, 5767): Shemini Atzeret, 5767.

2007:The New York Times cited U.S. and Israeli military intelligence sources saying that the target of the attack in Syria had been a nuclear reactor under construction by North Korean technicians, with a number of the technicians having been killed in the strike.”


2007: The Sunday Washington Post book section featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including  Lost Genius: The Curious and Tragic Story of An Extraordinary Musical Prodigy by Kevin Bazzan which is a biography of pianist Ervin Nyiregyhazi -- pronounced, "air-veen nyeer-edge-hah-zee" – “who was born in Budapest of Jewish ancestry.” 


2007: The Sunday New York Times book section featured a slew of reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or that featured Jewish topics including, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World by Alan Greenspan, The Bulldozer and The Big Tent by Jewish author Todd Gitlin, The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs, Lords of the Land: The War Over Israel’s Settlements in the Occupied Territories,1967-2007 by Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar; translated by Vivian Eden and The Castle on Hester Street by Linda Heller, a book for children that is a zestful tale of Russian-Jewish immigration at the turn of the last century.


2007: As a sign of the vitality and growth of the Jewish Community, The Washington Post reported that Charles County, Maryland, is getting its first synagogue. Congregation Sha'are Shalom, which has been holding services for the last sixteen years at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Waldorf, has located an acceptable site after a five year search.  Speaking about the benefits of building a permanent home, congregation treasurer Lee Weinberger said, “With the construction of the synagogue, we will be able to expand our educational and social activities and be able to offer all our activities and services at one location."


2007: The New York Times Magazine featured an article entitled “The SY Empire” describing the growth of the Syrian Jewish Community.


2007: Rabbi Shais Taub of the Chabad Lubavitch of Wisconsin led a group of 10 Orthodox Jewish football fans on a pilgrimage from Milwaukee deep into Green Bay Packerland. They tailgated across the street from Lambeau Field, in a grass-covered parking lot, next door to Kroll's West, where butter burgers - definitely not kosher - are a specialty. They prayed, with some of the men and their sons donning a prayer shawl called a tallit and phylacteries, two small leather boxes containing verses of Scripture. They stood out amid the familiar green-and-gold sea. And they showed that people can find or express their faith at a house of worship or a house of sports. You recite morning prayers in Hebrew, even if a rock band is on a nearby stage blaring "Brown Sugar." "What's the point?" Rabbi Taub said. "Number one, Judaism is not relegated to the synagogue or the study hall. When you're a Jew, you're a Jew everywhere. If a group of Jews want to go to a Packer game, we do it like Jews." "Number two, Jewish pride," he added. "Some Jews should see this and say, 'You know what, there is nothing to hide.' I can be openly and boldly Jewish and do that anywhere on earth and go where I want to go."

2007: Rafael Armament Development Authority Ltd. Changed its name to  to Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.

2008(15th of Tishrei, 5769): First Day Sukkoth

2008: In Canada today, a “Battle of the Booths”; Canada’s Conservative Party chooses to hold elections on the first Day of Sukkoth giving Jews the choice between the voting booths or the Festivals of Booths.  Jews can vote ahead of time, but many Jewish leaders object because holding the election on a Jewish holiday limits Jewish participation in the electoral process.  Others express no objection.

2008: Canter's Deli, a famous Jewish style delicatessen in the Fairfax District of Los Angeles, California, near the border of West Hollywood, celebrated its 60th anniversary today. To mark the occasion, the deli reduced the price of their "famous" corned beef sandwich to its 1948 price of 60 cents, limited to one per customer, for a period of 12 hours.


2008(15th of Tishrei, 5769): Seventy-six year old Irish author and feminist June Levine author of Sisters passed away today.


2009: The Jewish Agency is scheduled to hold citizenship ceremonies for new immigrants on the roof of a Yeshiva overlooking the Western Wall.  Up until today the ceremonies had been held at the Western Wall plaza.  The agency changed the location for the ceremony because the rabbi responsible for the site “had demanded gender separation at the ceremonies.” 

2009: The UN Security Council is expected to meet today instead of October 20 and is expected to discuss the Goldstone Report which reported on Israeli actions during the anti-terrorist incursion into Gaza known as Cast Lead.

2009(26th of Tishrei, 5770): Sixty one year old investment banker Bruce Wasserstein passed away today.


2009: The Center for Jewish History and Leo Baeck Institute present: Music in the Age of the Wittgensteins, Part 1. The Wittgenstein Century began in the early 19th century and ended after WWI. During this period the dynasty rose from humble origins to become the wealthiest family in Austria-Hungary and produced one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, Ludwig Wittgenstein.  Great music accompanied this remarkable family all along its historical trajectory. The Wittgensteins included performers, like Paul Wittgenstein, who became known for his ability to play piano with just his left hand, after losing his right arm in World War I.  The household was frequently visited by prominent cultural figures, among them the composers Johannes Brahms, Gustav Mahler, Josef Labor and Richard Strauss, with whom the young Paul played duets. They studied under great composers, hosted the greatest musicians of the time at their Musikaals, and commissioned masterpieces. This four-concert music series will present music from the gestalt of Wittgenstein family.

2010:Two Thousand Years of Jewish Life in Morocco” an exhibition sponsored by American Sephardi Federation that tells the story of one of the oldest Jewish communities in the world is scheduled to open in New York.

2010: “Surveying Judy Chicago: 1970-2010,” a one-woman exhibit, opens at the AC Galleries, in New York.

2010: Rabbi Joseph Ehrenkranz, was presented with CCJU's prestigious Nostra Aetate Award for "his outstanding contributions to a world at peace."

2010: In an article entitled Vague, Opaque and Ambiguous: Israel’s Hush-Hush Nuclear Policy, Ethan Bronner reviewed The Worst-Kept Secret: Israel’s Bargain With the Bomb by Avner Cohen

2010: According to reports published today,”The world's youngest billionaire, Dustin Moskovitz, is 26, born just eight days after his former Harvard roommate and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. While Zuckerberg is no longer the youngest member of the Forbes 400, he is this year's biggest percentage gainer: His net worth has jumped to $6.9 billion from $2 billion. The third Facebook billionaire, 28-year-old Eduardo Saverin, left the company in a legal dispute, settled with Saverin reportedly getting a 5% stake in the company.”  All three are Jewish.

2010: The Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, the city’s second Holocaust museum was dedicated today at Pan Pacific Park in the city’s heavily newish Beverly-Fairfax neighborhood.

2010(6th of Cheshvan, 5771): Eighty-five-year-old “maverick mathematician” Benoît B. Mandelbrot passed away today. (As reported by Jascha Hoffman)

2010(6th of Cheshvan, 5771): Ninety-two-year-old legal scholar Louis Henkin passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)

2011(16th of Tishrei, 5772):  Second Day of Sukkoth      

2011(16th of Tishrei, 5772):  Eighty-seven-year-old Morris Chaftez, the first director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)

 2011: “The Big Year” a comedy directed by David Frankel and co-starring Jack Black was released today by

2011: Following Friday night services at Auguda Achim in Iowa City, IA, congregants are scheduled to view “Ushpezin,” a comedy in which an impoverished Jerusalem couple is visited by a pair of escaped convicts “become their guests (ushpezin) in the Sukkah”

2011: The disagreements and tensions within Hamas over the Gilad Shalit prisoner swap are reportedly pitting group detainees against each other in Israel's prisons. A website affiliated with Fatah reported today that great tensions emerged between Hamas prisoners from the West Bank and their counterparts from the Gaza Strip as result of the swap's characteristics. As it turned out, most released prisoners who will not be allowed to return to their homes and instead be expelled to various countries abroad are West Bank residents, while most Gaza detainees would be allowed to go home. Moreover, the report said, as opposed to Hamas' declarations that any swap would be brought up for the prisoners' approval, no such vote was held. As result of the above developments, the Fatah website said, great tensions currently persist between the different groups of prisoners held in Israeli jails. Meanwhile, senior Hamas figure Ismail Radwan attempted to allay the tensions, claiming that the Palestinian prisoners who would be expelled abroad would return to Gaza later.

2011: “It  was announced that Scott Radinsky would be promoted to pitching coach for the Indians for the 2012 season:

2011: Bereaved families filed a petition with the High Court of Justice today, the first against the Gilad Shalit deal which will see 1,027 Palestinian prisoners being released in exchange for the Hamas-held soldier. They are claiming the deal is a "wholesale release of murderers" and have asked that the implementation of the exchange be delayed.The families are seeking a delay in order to be given more time to organize a petition against their loved ones' murderers being freed. It should be noted that the full list of prisoners set to be released in the deal is only expected to be published on October 16 – two days before the exchange is expected to go ahead. The families have petitioned against the cabinet decision itself claiming it was "unreasonable and disproportionate" due to the "dramatic number of terrorists with blood on their hands being released, including arch-murderers sentenced to multiple life sentences for the murder of dozens of people." The petitioners are also claiming that the decision is one that includes moral and humane issues towards a family and a soldier who was kidnapped, and therefore it is an issue that deserves to be debated publically, all the more so as part of a legal hearing in the High court. They added they were promised, at their loved ones' gravesites that "Israel's hand would find the murderers and carry out justice and here, they find that the other hand is releasing them under the threat of violence that gnaws at and undermines the foundations of justice, democracy and equality before law." The petition against the prime minister, defense minister and chief of staff was filed by the Almagor Terror Victims Association; Yitzhak Maoz, whose daughter was murdered in the 2001 Sbarro terror attack; Hovav Nuriel, son of abduction and murder victim Sasson Nuriel; the Bloom family, who were injured in a Molotov cocktail attack; Rabbi Shmuel Weiss, whose son was killed in a battle with terrorists; Ron Kerman who lost his daughter in a Haifa terror attack, and others. Some 450 prisoners are set to be released in the first stage of the deal and the Justice Ministry has already begun to prepare for the handover, including providing the High Court with possible responses should petitions be filed against the deal. Some of the bereaved families are claiming that the price being paid by Israel is too high. Responding to public criticism, the Shin Bet noted that from the organization's perspective it was the best deal they could get. Among those set to be released are the man behind the 405 bus terror attack that claimed the lives of 16 people, the murderers of Nachshon Wachsman, the murderers of yeshiva student Haim Kerman, Amana Muna, who lured 16-year-old Ophir Nahum via Internet chats to his murder in Ramallah, and others. Meir Indor, CEO of the Almagor Terror Victims Association, told Ynet: "There are a number of bereaved families who are categorically opposed to the deal. Some aren't even aware of the fact that the terrorists who murdered their loved ones are going to be released. "Usually they give you time to go over the names, yet not in this case. This deal outdoes all previous ones in the number of terrorists being released and the severity of their deeds." "The deal must be postponed otherwise the complaints will only be submitted after the terrorists are released." 


2012: The Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to sponsor a walking tour of Downtown Jewish Washington that will include a look at “the historic 7th Street, NW neighborhood from 1850 to 1950.”


2012: “Outsiders in Israel” and “Who Shot My Father” are scheduled to shown at the Syracuse (NY) Film Festival.


2012: History of Jewish Giving: Jews and Charity, a “symposium organized by Debra Kaplan, Yeshiva University and Judah Galinsky, Bar-Ilan University” is scheduled to take place in New York City.


2012: Today, the cabinet approved a resolution calling for new elections to be held in 101 days, on January 22, 2013.



2012: The Hezbollah drone that infiltrated the Negev last week beamed back live images of secret Israeli military bases, the Sunday Times reported today. According to the report, the drone was airborne for three hours before being intercepted by an F-16I jet. It is believed to have transmitted pictures of preparations for Israel's joint military exercise with the US, as well as ballistic missile sites, airfields and, perhaps, the nuclear reactor in Dimona, the Sunday Times reported.


2012(28th of Tishrei, 5773): Eighty-two year old Arlen Spector, long-term senator from Pennsylvania passed away today.



2012(28th of Tishrei, 5773): Eighty-seven year old broadcast magnate and philanthropist Joseph Rosenmiller passed away today. (As reported by Leslie Kaufman)



2012: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including I’m Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen by Sylvie Simmons, The Machine That Kills Secrets: How WikiLeakers, Cypherpunks, and Hacktivists Aim to Free the World’s Information by Andy Greenberg and the recently released paperback edition of The Quest: Energy, Security and the Remaking of the Modern World by Pulitzer Prize winner Daniel Yergin.


2013: In Manhattan, the Israel Real Estate Exhibition is scheduled to come to a close.


2013: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host “Creating Identity: Yiddish across a Spectrum of Jewish Communities Today” featuring Isabelle Barrière and Sarah Benor


2013: Maj.-Gen. (res.) Eli Marom, who served as the commander of the Israeli Navy during Operation Cast Lead and during the raid on the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara vessel, was held for questioning at around noon today at London's Heathrow Airport upon his arrival in Britain (As reported by YNet)


2013: Ten Jewish men were detained by police after they were accused of praying and bowing inside the Temple Mount enclosure on Monday morning (As reported by Stuart Winer)

2014: It was announced today that Tulane University graduate Andrew Friedman “had left the Rays to become the President of Baseball Operations for the Los Angeles Dodgers.”


2014: The Oregon Jewish Museum and Center of Holocaust Education is scheduled to host “Ray of Hope Concert” with Alika Hope and Ray Morant.


2014: Tziporela, the award winning Israeli theatre is scheduled to perform its latest production, “Odd Birdz.”


2014: The Wiener Library is scheduled to host Hitler’s First War: Adolf Hitler and the First World War during which author Thomas Weber will present a picture of the German dictator’s military service which is at odds with the myth he created.


2014: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present “The Haunted Sukkah.”


2014: “From Moses to Moses,” a three week course taught be Dr. Maurice Mirahi is scheduled to begin tonight at the JCC of Northern Virginia.


2014: Tel Aviv Noir, an anthology of Gadi Taub’s short stories published by Akashic Books is scheduled to go on sale today.


2014: In the first move to rebuild Gaza fifteen trucks of cement (600 tons), ten of steel (400 tons), and 50 of gravel  along with trucks from the West Bank filled with dates and bananas entered the coastal enclave today from Israel.(As reported by Avi Issacharoff and Marissa Newman)


2014: Sixty-two year old Berry Freundel the long-time rabbi at Kesher Israel Congregation in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C. was arrested this morning and charged with voyeurism; a charge stemming from reports that he had placed a camera in the women’s mikvah.


2014: “A letter purportedly penned by slain journalist Steven Sotloff days before his murder was published in an Islamic State publication today, as the jihadists addressed the hostage’s Jewish identity for the first time connecting his death with his religious beliefs. (As reported by Marissa Newman)


2015(1st of Cheshvan, 5776): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan


2015(1st of Cheshvan, 5776: Ninety-four year old publisher Gerald Gross, the Jewish WW II veteran who is best known for his connection with Nazi leader Albert Speer passed away today. (As reported by Bruce Weber)




2015: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host “the first official event of Hilary, Toast the Term.”


2015: As part of the Tulane University Jewish Studies Speaker Series, Professor Ilan Tojerow is scheduled to speak in New Orleans.


2015: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present a Book Talk featuring Seth M. Siegel, author of Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution For A Water-Starved World


2015: This date is “a feast day on the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church (USA)” honoring Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky the Lithuanian born Jew who became “Anglican Bishop of Shanghai.”



2015: The Museum of Jewish Heritage is scheduled to host “The Picture – A Cinematic Concert.”


2016: In a testament to the vitality of small-town Judaism in Iowa, at Agudas Achim, Boaz Abramoff is scheduled to participate in Erev Shabbat services as part of his “Bar Mitzvah weekend” while at Temple Judah Leah Dillon is scheduled to participate in Erev Shabbat services as part of her “Bat Mitzvah weekend.”

2016: “Carmel Shama HaCohen, Ambassador of Israel to International Organization wrote to Andres Roemer, Mexico’s ambassador to UNESCO, expressing appreciation for his opposition to the resolution denying the Jewish connection to Israel and his willingness to walk out rather than vote for the resolution.


2016: Trumpeter Avishai Cohen is one of the musicians scheduled to perform the works of Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, Mongo Santamaría, and Thelonious Monk at Lincoln Center.

2016: Four days after premiering at Gruman’s Chinese Theatre, “The Accountant” a crime thriller with a twist co-starring Jeffrey Tambor and Jon Bernthal premiered was released in the United States

2016: The “US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation,” a national coalition of anti-Israel organizations, whose co-founder Anna Baltzer who “has declared that she is not opposed merely to any supposed Israeli occupation but to the very existence of Israel itself” is scheduled to begin it annual conference in Arlington, VA.

2016: Michael Worbs, “the chair of UNESCO’s Executive Board said” today that “he was sorry about the resolution passed by UNESCO” yesterday “ignoring Jewish ties to Jerusalem’s sites.”


2017(24th of Tishrei, 5778): Bereshit – The cycle begins again

2017: In the UK, The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host Shacharit Services followed by a Shabbat luncheon.

2017: Dance Tel Aviv is scheduled to host the second performance by Compagnie Thor “directed by Belgian dancer Thierry Smits.”

2017: “In a road victory over Louisville, A.J. Dillion had a breakout game with 29 carries for 272 rushing yards and four rushing touchdowns

2017: Theo Epstein’s Chicago Cubs take on the Dodgers in their quest to get to the World Series where they will hope to prove that last year’s victory was not a fluke.

2018: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center and the Chicago YIVO Society are scheduled to host “Grand Tango Duo: From Tango to Klezmer,” a “special concert honoring the memory of Chicago music teacher, Sarah Lazarus, featuring a performance by Carl Algermissen, piano, and Ethan Lazarus, cello.”

2018: The Breman Museum is scheduled to a preview reception for its newest exhibition, “Vedem Underground: The Secret Magazine of the Terezin Ghetto (1942-1944)”.

2018: In Portland, ME, “the Cantor Kurt Messerschmidt Memorial Fund and the Jewish Community Alliance” are scheduled to “present DIVAS ON THE BIMA Live in concert.”

2018: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Your Duck Is My Duck by Deborah Eisenberg and Deviation by Luce D’Eramo

2019: In Florida, sentencing is scheduled to begin today for the man convicted of first degree murder in the brutal, murder-for-hire shooting of Canadian born FSU law professor Dan Markel.

2019: Having been benched yesterday, quarterback Josh Rosen will be contemplating his future with the Miami Dolphins

2019(15th of Tishrei, 5780):  First Day of Sukkoth

2020: EBIJFF in partnership with Contra Costa JCC and Cong. B’nai Shalom are scheduled to sponsor “a course examining the Red Scare’s impact on movies and two of the first U.S. films to examine antisemitism, “Crossfire” and “The Gentleman’s Agreement” which is “taught by Riva Gambert, director of East Bay Jewish film fest.

2020: The Jewish Heritage Center is scheduled to present online “The First American Jewish Woman Novelist: The Story of Cora Wilburn”

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to an evening with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo where he will probably be asked about the recent behavior of certain parts of the Jewish community during the Pandemic.

2020: The Center for Jewish History, Leo Baeck Institute & YIVO Institute for Jewish Research are scheduled to present Derek Penslar and Jonathan Gribetz discussing “Theodore Herzl: The Charismatic Leader.”

2020: The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host “Coffee with a Survivor” during which Steen Metz talk about “how the Swedish Red Cross liberated Holocaust Survivor Steen Metz and his mother from Theresienstadt concentration camp.

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host Dr. Robert R. Cargill lecturing on “Good Faith Archaeology – Biblical Claims Confirmed and Challenged by Archaeological Evidence.”

2020: The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience is scheduled to present the first session of “Learn Arabic with Professor Daniel Tsadik.”

2020: As Israelis continue to live under a lockdown that began in the middle of September, based on figures released yesterday while Israel is dealing with 1,424 new coronavirus cases, the positivity rate of 4.9% which is “the lowest since early July.”

2021: Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s visit to the United States where he was to meet with the Secretary of State is scheduled to come to an end today.

2021: “The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, Illinois Jewish Legislative Caucus, Jewish Judges Association of Illinois, Asian American Judges Association of Illinois, The Alliance of Illinois Judges, and the Asian American Caucus are scheduled to host a thought-provoking discussion with local and national leaders working to combat anti-AAPI racism and hate, to educate about the history and stories of the community, and to raise awareness of what individuals, communities, and institutions can do to be allies in this important work.”

2021: In Canada, Thornhill Woods is scheduled to host “musician David Skolnick” at its Virtual Yiddish Café.

2021: The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host the opening of its newest exhibition featuring the work of Debra Olin.

2021: The Jewish Film Festival at the Jacob Burns Film center is scheduled to come to a close today.

2022: In Boston, the Vilna Shul is scheduled to host a docent-led tour of its “Come to the Sukkah public art exhibit and sukkah installation created by visual artist Caron Tabb.”

2022: In San Francisco, at Congregation Sherith Israel, Rabbi Jessica Zimmerman Graf and Cantor Toby Glaser are scheduled to lead a Family holiday event with interactive music, games, crafts and a potluck dinner followed by a blessing of the children.

2022:The Center for Jewish History and the American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to present a walking tour led by Frieda Vizel a disaffected member of the Satmar community and “tour guide who specializes in Jewish Williams that will explore “

2022: In California, Los Gatos High School Wildcat Theater is scheduled to present “And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank.”

2022: Security forces are scheduled to be on high alert  in Jerusalem after Palestinians declared today as "a day of rage," following police actions to capture the suspected terrorists who shot and killed an IDF soldier in the Shuafat checkpoint earlier in the week. (As reported by Haim Goldich and Einav Halabi)


2022(19th of Tishrei, 5783): Fifth Day of Sukkoth.

2023( 29th of Tishrei, 5784): Parashat Bereshit;  for more see


2023: The Eden Tamir Music Center’s was scheduled to open its 55th concert season today but it is another “casualty” of the terrorist attacks that began last Shabbat.

2023: In New Orleans, the Federation’s Katz-Phillips Tolmas Leadership Retreat is scheduled to continue for a second day.

2023: At Temple Judea, Harvey Brazell is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah and Blake Berg is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah.

2023: As October 14 begins in Israel, “the Health Ministry has updated the number of wounded to 2, 2243 with over 350 in critical or serious condition,” the IDF is confronted with the real possibility of a two-front war as Hezbollah fires rockets into Israel, the IAF “pounds” Gaza and the country continues to reel from the traumas of last Saturday as new revelations of atrocities are made public. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)

2024: “ The Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History and ANU – Museum of the Jewish People are scheduled to co-host “Between October Seventh and Simchat Torah: Marking the First Yahrzeit As A Global Jewish People” which marks the first anniversary of October Seventh. 

2024: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Hagai M. Segal on “Geo-Politics and the Boardroom: How Corporations Today Understand and Take Risks.”

2024: As October 14th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 374 in captivity while Jerusalem braces for more rocket attacks by Hezbollah  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)