PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING: 72 Hours After ‘McDonald Trump’ Video Goes Viral, A Deadly Outbreak of E. Coli Sweeps Across Nation In Stunning ‘Coincidence’

E. coli food poisoning linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounder hamburgers has sickened at least 49 people in 10 states, including one person who died and 10 who were hospitalized after ‘McDonald Trump’ viral video

The New World Order moves in and out of the shadows as a blur, leaving a trail of devastation and confusion in its wake, operating at the deepest levels of our global society and culture. They love to “send messages” through Predictive Programming that they dare you to figure out, a process that, for them, is every bit exciting as the crimes they commit. Such is the case with our story today about a deadly outbreak of E. Coli sweeping through McDonalds, news that was withheld until mere days after Donald Trump went viral with his McDonald’s shift video on Sunday.

“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 (KJB)

The first case of E. coli happened back on September 27th, with the rest of the cases taking place up to October 11th, but the news of that was held back until Donald Trump goes viral with a video drop of him working a shift at McDonalds. One way that you know its predictive programming is that there is almost always what we call a sacrifice, someone has to die to “seal the deal”, and so far one person has indeed died. Donald Trump received a huge bump from his viral video, his “October Surprise” for Kamala Harris, and this is the New World Order reminding everyone who’s really in charge over this sin-cursed world that’s waiting to receive Antichrist.

Deadly E. coli outbreak linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders sickens 49 people in 10 states

FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: The death was reported in an older person in Colorado, and one child has been hospitalized with severe kidney complications, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

McDonald’s shares dropped 9% in after-hours trading Tuesday after the CDC’s announcement.

Infections were reported between Sept. 27 and Oct. 11, in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Colorado has the most cases, 27, followed by Nebraska with nine.

Everyone interviewed in connection with the outbreak had reported eating at McDonald’s before falling ill and most mentioned eating Quarter Pounder hamburgers, the CDC said. The U.S. Agriculture Department, the Food and Drug Administration and state health officials are also investigating.

The specific ingredient tied to the outbreak has not been identified, but investigators are focused on onions and beef. McDonald’s reported to the CDC that it had removed slivered onions and beef patties used for Quarter Pounders from stores in the affected states. The burgers may be temporarily unavailable in those states. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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