Thousands Of Laborers Dying Each Year In The Ongoing Construction Of Dystopian Megacity NEOM Under The Whip Of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

Thousands Of Laborers Dying Each Year In The Ongoing Construction Of Dystopian Megacity NEOM Under The Whip Of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

Thousands of labourers are dying every year amid the construction of futuristic ‘megacity’ NEOM in Saudi Arabia due to horrific working conditions and human rights abuses under Mohammed bin Salman, a new investigation has claimed.

Whether or not you believe the prophecies as laid out in the books of Daniel and Revelation makes no never mind, because they are coming to pass with lightning speed. The kingdoms of this world are preparing to give their hearts to the coming Beast, and are hard at work preparing for his arrival. Muslims call him the Mahdi, the Bible calls him Antichrist, and this world is about to receive him. In preparation for that, over in Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is busy creating his dystopian megacity NEOM on the backs of tens of thousands laborers held in concentration camps, and they are dying at an alarming rate. Now where have we seen that before?

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.” Revelation 17:17 (KJB)

In Nazi Germany, a great prosperity was shown to the world but it was a lie, for it was built on the backs of predominantly Jewish slave labor held in the concentration camps. According to this article today from the Daily Mail, much the same thing is happening in Saudi Arabia as foreign workers held against their will are worked literally to death to construct the Muslim version of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Germania’. Solomon tells us that “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be..” and brother, that is playing out before your very eyes.


‘Thousands of labourers are dying every year’ amid the construction of Saudi Arabia’s futuristic NEOM and The Line ‘megacity’ due to horrific working conditions, with ‘21,000 killed since 2016’

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: The Kingdom’s controversial ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is spending trillions to transform his country and its international image while diversifying away from oil as its primary source of wealth as part of his ‘Vision 2030’ initiative. One of the cornerstones of the Crown Prince’s ambitious project is The Line, a scarcely believable car-free metropolis that is planned to stretch more than 100 miles through the desert.

Project chiefs say The Line will ‘redefine liveability’ and ‘transform how we live​’, serving as a sustainable, inclusive example of cities for the future. But figures revealed this week claim at least 21,000 migrant workers have died working on the Crown Prince’s outrageous projects in just eight years since Vision 2030 was first announced. This shocking statistic is supported by details of abuse and tyrannical treatment of helpless workers in the upcoming ITV documentary Kingdom Uncovered: Inside Saudi Arabia, which airs this Sunday at 22:15pm.

The Kingdom relies primarily on a migrant labour force who head to the region in search of a better life but are often forced into savage working conditions for very little pay. Many allege their passports are confiscated upon arrival, meaning they cannot leave.

Speaking anonymously, one worker said: ‘We’re made to work extremely hard. There is little time to rest. We get tired. We suffer from anxiety day and night. Saudi doesn’t care much for citizens from other countries. We are treated like beggars.’

His testimony is supported by accounts from five other workers. The film includes rare footage of conditions from construction sites along The Line, as the Saudi authorities carefully manage the media’s coverage of the project.

The Line is part of a wider project called NEOM, which also includes a ski resort, vast industrial area and luxury island for tourism – with Mohammed bin Salman as its chairman of the Board of Directors.

NEOM itself is just one of more than a dozen mega-projects that make up the Crown Prince’s Vision 2030 – these include several new cities in the desert connected by a state-of-the-art transport system, five new airports, and the world’s tallest skyscraper. READ MORE

Progress on the Dystopian City of NEOM and The Line

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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