4 Nov 2024

Ordinary Men

I watched this week a documentary on Netflix titled, “Ordinary Men.” It is a look at how German men during World War 2 murdered men, women, and children—especially in the Nazi push into Russia 1941-43. We know of course that that invasion ended in disaster for Hitler. But before he lost more than a million men in the carnage of the Russian frontier, his hordes of demons brutalized generations of Jews.

For my tastes, there was too much emphasis on trying to understand these SS killers as normal people driven to do unconscionable things against the backdrop of national fervor and war.

In fact, I experienced that almost unexplainable tendency of Jews to pull back and be too kind to their tormentors. This in some way led them to their deaths. No one can predict how he would act in such a situation, but I must believe that I wouldn’t just jump down from a truck and sprint to the pit where I would be slaughtered by execution squads.

Then there were the comments near the end by Jewish attorney Benjamin B. Ferencz. Born in Romania, Ferencz became an American and made his mark prosecuting the “Einsatzgruppen” leadership that dispatched German soldiers to follow behind the attacking army. Their sole job was to empty villages and towns of Jews. They murdered more than a million of them. And it was the tenacity of Ferencz that brought some of them to justice. (As is always the case, the weak international community did not want to see these trials happen. Better to move on and go along to get along.)

Very ironically, Ferencz was instrumental in the establishment of the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the very morally corrupt body now that wants to bring to trial Israeli leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu.

The ICC, like the UN, is a sinister organization dedicated to shielding killers, while prosecuting victims.

Thousands of SS murderers escaped earthly justice; only a fraction were ever brought to trial. Many rejoined the German police forces after the war. The world looked the other way.

The same thing is happening today. U.N. agencies that exist to trash Israel and even join terrorist operations are protected by a corrupt global media syndicate.

The regular joes and janes wear stylish clothes, eat in elegant restaurants, take their kids to school. They all contribute to the torment of the Jewish state and the global Jewish community.

I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land. (Joel 3:2)

The Ordinary Men of today are not only the Palestinian society that was raised on hate of Jews. They are the diplomats and media figures that provide cover to the killers. They have blood on their hands, too. Israel is in the middle of a campaign to grind Hamas into powder, but U.S. and European diplomats push Israel to negotiate with the murderers. Biden and his gang of criminals insist on Israeli concessions, with their prize being a 23rd Arab state in the Middle East.

U.N. Resolution 1701, designed to keep the Hezbollah killers north of the Litani River in Lebanon, was never really implemented. That has brought us to the present moment, in which the Lebanese-based terror group has caused significant damage in northern Israel. Now, even Hezbollah is “agreeing” to the resolution, but of course they don’t really mean it.

Finally, we all know Iran is the dragon’s head. And the malevolent Biden Regime is tying Israel’s hands in finishing-off the mullahs. People say, “Why is that? Why do they insist on slow-walking this?” The answer is very simple: The Regime and its cabal of “journalists” and diplomats are also evil. Every bit as much as the actually killers.

This kind of statement has lost me plenty of friends in recent years, and plenty of work. I’m too extreme. Isn’t that stunning? The only extremists are the murderers and their enablers. Yet in our upside-down world, victims are villains and villains are the victim. Murderers should be exterminated, not analyzed and mused about. Are they ordinary type individuals? Who cares?

Here are the broad outlines of what I think might be taking shape: Israel will succeed largely in eliminating the threats to her borders. Then the modest global support they have now (did you ever imagine you’d live in a world in which America tries to harm Israel, but Germany pledges to keep sending arms to the war effort?) will craft some sort of temporary peace plan, Israel will look secure and safe—a land of unwalled villages—and then the final stage will be set as the world finally and completely turns on the Jewish state.

We know what happens after that.

The “Ordinary Men” of 90 years ago were willing killers. We don’t need to psychoanalyze them or try to understand why they did what they did. They murdered children.

In the same way, the modern killers of Jews are simply what they are. Devils on the fast-track to hell.

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The post 4 Nov 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.