The Gift of Music

The Gift of Music

“If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:

― kurt vonnegut

(See: Luke 1:46-55)

My dear singing Ruby C.,

When I read today’s passage I couldn’t help but smile for it reminded me of you. 

You came into the world with a song in you.  You’ve had rhythm and music in you from day one.  And that makes me glad.  I have music in me as well and have enjoyed making music with all my grandchildren.  David Lee showed interest as a little baby, and Rory would run around the house in circles while I played the boogie-woogie, and Trinity, Ella, and Annie all love to sing and dance, and now you! 

As I type this I remember how your Nana and I kept a basket in the music room of our house full of musical instruments – mostly percussion.  Many nights after enjoying Nana’s great cooking we’d all gather and I’d play one of my fast songs and all the VPGs would join in with their instruments.  Wow, what a joyful cacophony of different rhythms and tones!  It was beautiful to me.  I sure wish you could have been there.

But you’re here now and making up for lost time!

Always remember, music is a special gift, and the ability to make music is even more special.  Your Nana is the singer in our home, my music is more about playing the piano or keyboard.  Some of my most precious moments in prayer have been when I “prayed through my figures.”  When times would be tough or I had had a stressful day, a few moments at the piano would allow the stress to just flow away. 

All that to say, let nothing or no one stop the music in you – it is God’s gift for you.  And how you use it is can be your gift to Him.

There’s one more thing I want to share.  I think it is an important lesson and it has to do with today’s text.

Remember Mary’s words when the angel gave her her “God assignment” (to be the mother of Jesus)?  She said: “let it be to me according to your word.”  Then, as I wrote yesterday, she verified the message from the angel by going to visit Elizabeth and confirming that she was pregnant, and being convinced, she sang a song of praise.

We call her song: The Magnificat.  I’ve included a YouTube video below. It includes interpretive dance too. 

Here’s the lesson: It is one thing to mentally surrender to the will of God, but it is another thing to fully embrace it and have peace about it.  One of the key ways you know you’ve arrived at that embracing stage is when you’re able to worship about it. 

So remember, singing is not just for fun, singing is about pressing into the will of God for your life until you have embraced it and can rejoice about it. 

Obeying God will not always be easy and the price can be high, but singing and praise will help you get to the place that any sacrifices and cost will be worth it. And remember this… 

God loves you more than anyone in all the world and His plan for your life is always for the best—even if you don’t understand everything in the moment.  And that is why we can sing. 

Sing my sweet Ruby, sing!

Love, Papa

Prayer: Father God, it delights me that you sing over us (Zephaniah 3:17)!  And it delights me that you have put music in my grandchildren.  All of them sing!  And this makes me very, very happy. 

I pray that throughout their lives they will leverage the music you have put in them to worship you.  Let their lives be filled with joyful songs and even in the mournful times – and they will come – I pray that they will determine to sing in faith knowing that all things will ultimately work together for their good because of your faithful and everlasting love.  Amen.

Photo by Lorenzo Spoleti on Unsplash