10 Feb 2025
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A Most Amazing Proposal
Well, Donald Trump stunned the world again this week. He does now on an hourly basis (I’m all for it!).
Hosting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week—the first foreign leader to visit the White House in Trump’s second term—the President stood at a podium and announced a bold, bold, boooooold plan for the Gaza Strip.
“We [the U.S.] will own it.”
Admittedly, the completely amateurish American Middle East policy going back, oh I don’t know, 70 years, has produced nothing but a radicalized Palestinian society. I don’t mean that the U.S. directly produced that, but indirectly, emboldening serial killers like Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas has produced nothing good. The Palestinians have been offered a state six times since 1948. Each response was violent.
Trump is proposing a vast reconstruction project for the Gaza Strip, one that would create a resort to rival any in the world. Details are to be worked out, but it could happen. And it will be without the Palestinians. It won’t happen for years, since the cleanup from the war Hamas brought has utterly destroyed the place.
There are those that believe not all Arabs in the Gaza Strip are radical. I am not one of those that share that view. For a long time I have advocated moving the Palestinians out of the area—they should be moved out of Judea-Samaria, too. Which makes me wonder if the IDF’s recent and ongoing operation there to clear out Hamas might be attached to Trump’s now public plan to transfer Gaza’s Arabs to other countries. There are credible reports that he will support Israel annexing Judea-Samaria in the coming weeks. This would completely realign the Middle East.
Egypt and Jordan have already said they won’t take the Palestinians. I imagine they will do what Trump tells them to do, since we give both billions in aid each year. The oppressive regimes there wouldn’t survive without it. Indonesia has been suggested as a destination. That would just de-stabilize east Asia, because wherever this death cult ends up, violence will follow. In fact, that’s why King Abdullah’s father in Jordan, King Hussein, expelled them (along with the PLO) in 1970.
The Palestinians breathe hate. It would take generations for them to approach normalcy, completely apart from the terror groups they have voted for, so there’s that. Canada and El Salvador have also offered to take some of them. I don’t want them anywhere in the Western Hemisphere.
Twenty years ago, I was visiting friends in the Knesset in Jerusalem. I met for the first time a rabbi named Benny Elon. Born in Jerusalem, Elon was one of the few totally realistic Israeli politicians. He was advocating population transfer then, and was demonized for it. But it was always the right idea. But at the time, the Deep State was in power in Washington and Europe was just as bad. Elon was considered a whacko.
Then October 7 happened. Even the most left-wing Israelis don’t want to be burned alive, raped, and kidnapped to Hamasistan. There will be no Palestinian state in the near future. Which is why the Gazan population today will be somewhere else tomorrow.
Get this. Elon’s book, God’s Covenant With Israel: Establishing Biblical Boundaries in Today’s World, was quite prescient. He was seeing the future two decades ago:
“Israel, the United States, and the international community will recognize the Kingdom of Jordan as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinians. Jordan will once again recognize itself as the Palestinian nation-state.
“In the context of a regional economic development program, Israel, the United States, and the international community will put forth a concerted effort for the long-term development of Jordan, to rehabilitate its economy and enable it to absorb a limited number of refugees within its borders.”
Holy cow! He wasn’t a whacko at all!
You see, the realists—stretching back to great men like another of my heroes, Ze’ev Jabotinsky—understand exactly what a radicalized Arab population was always capable of.
Again, Elon:
“I continue to remind the citizens of Israel of our God-given right and of our responsibility to this land. This is not an easy road to travel, and I have found myself isolated from those of my colleagues who are willing to forfeit the covenant in order to appease terrorists.
“We must win this battle. After Gaza and Northern Samaria will come the battles for Shechem, Beit El, Bethlehem, Hebron, and Jerusalem. All these areas will be sacrificed to compensate the terrorists’ appetite. We must remember that the battle for Israel is not for the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The Palestinian education system teaches that all of Israel belongs to the Arabs. When they succeed in pushing the Jews into the sea, heaven forbid, the Palestinians will own all of Israel, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.”
Not anytime soon, thanks to forward-thinking leaders like Netanyahu and Trump.
Now, I want to make an additional point. The concept of a Palestinian state/Two-State Solution, while satanic and mind-numbingly stupid, will not be dropped. Republican presidents come and go, but the Deep State, which pushes the Two-State Solution, will never stop pressuring Israel. As I have stated many times, I expect this one point is the trigger to Armageddon.
Until then, we are going to be treated to momentous, transformational scenarios for the duration.
What a great time to be alive!
The post 10 Feb 2025 appeared first on Rapture Ready.