The Twelve Apostles: Jesus’ Crew… (Matt. 10:1-4) :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

…Jesus’ Crew of Ordinary Dudes

Matthew 10:1-4; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16; Acts 1:8-11

Summary: Matthew 10 begins with the names of the twelve ordinary men whom Jesus chose to be His disciples. We start with Simon Peter.

In this chapter, we are introduced to the twelve men who will carry out the message of Jesus to the nation of Israel and, inevitably, to the world. None of them were scholars or religious officials. They were twelve ordinary men, some of whom were fishermen by trade and probably knew each other since childhood. One was a tax collector, the lowest of the low in the society of the times; one was a political zealot who would end up as the worst traitor in history. These were flesh and blood men charged with a great task. They are listed in both Mark’s Gospel (3:13-19) and Luke’s (6:12-16). They were given authority by Jesus to cast out demons, heal the sick, and preach the gospel message.

The first apostle listed in every account is Simon Peter. We will examine him and the others using the Scriptures and early church history as our guide. The “big fisherman” was from Galilee with two other fishermen, James and John. It was a lucrative business for all three. Simon was rash and impulsive, ready to give an opinion, impetuous, and always ready to get mixed up in the fray. In spite of these traits, he is what we would call “a born leader.” Later on in the Scriptures, he will be the spokesman for the group, but first he needed to be called and commissioned by the Lord Jesus. The earliest recording of Peter’s commission is found in Luke 5:1-11.

Jesus got into Peter’s boat and told him to go out into the middle of the Sea of Galilee and lower his nets down for a catch. Simon could have told Him that fish do not come out during the day. He could also have said that he was tired and ready to go home or could have told Jesus that, as a carpenter, He was an excellent builder of boats but not good at catching fish. Instead, he complies with Jesus’ request and lowers his fishing nets. The result was a huge catch of fish, a heart convinced of sin, and a new task; that of” catching men” (verses 6-10).

Simon Peter made the supreme declaration of faith in Matthew 16:13-20. His faith in Jesus was a foundation stone for the church. Simon would also receive a rebuke from Jesus for saying that Jesus didn’t have to go to the cross. It was typical of Peter to say things before he thought them out. We read about this in the account of the Transfiguration of the Lord (17:4-5). He asked questions about forgiveness (18:21-27) and was confronted with the awful truth that he would end up denying he knew Jesus and, after doing so, would weep bitter tears of repentance (26:31-35, 69-75).

John recorded that Peter was restored to fellowship and given the responsibility of tending to the flock of new believers in the early church (John 21). Acts 2 records Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost, which resulted in the salvation of 3,000 Jewish pilgrims from various parts of the Roman Empire. While Peter was a walking contradiction of various emotions, he was also someone who loved and was devoted to the Lord Jesus, writing two letters of support and encouragement to persecuted believers while he was waiting for his inevitable death. It can be said that Simon Peter is the patron saint of every Christian who walks the rugged path of life.

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