productive obsessions

productive obsessions

I think it is very important for us all to recognize our weaknesses. If we can realize the area(s) where we are less than competent and work on utilizing those weaknesses for the good, we will all benefit.

For most of my adult life, I have been aware of my tendency to obsess. There has never been a clinical diagnosis but I come from a long line of obsessors – I know well the indicators. I would not consider it much of an emotional imbalance but there are times when it is easy for me to get focused on one thing to the exclusion of other important things. More of a danger than overlooking other important things is my tendency to go overboard with whatever it is I have in my crosshairs.

A few times in my life, I have gotten into such an intense workout regime that I have injured myself. Repetitive motion and intense use has resulted in tennis elbow, stress fractures in both ankles and low back damage. I guess that may qualify for obsessive, huh?

But I have had the opportunity to accomplish some very important things by utilizing my obsessiveness. In 1999 I helped raise $10,000 by running a marathon. We used the money to build a church in Cuba (yes- I carried the cash to Cuba and hand-delivered it to church leaders there).

I am headed for another one of my obsessive but beneficial projects. Some of my friends and I plan to ride 120 miles over two days on bicycles. We will be raising awareness and money for International Orphan Support. I know myself well enough to know that between now and our October 20/21 ride date, I will log a lot of miles on the bike. I just have to be careful to not injure myself in the preparation process.

I think my obsessiveness serves me well. The key for me is keeping it channeled and not going crazy.

So, is there a weakness, or even an obsession that you can make productive?