thru the Bible
Tomorrow marks the conclusion for me of 90 days through the Bible. I utilized to help me track progress. I have read my way through all 66 books on my smart phone and Mac, not one page from my printed Bible. I have to say that it has been an intense three months of reading but I am so glad that I committed to this process. I did so with many people from Cross Community Church who enjoyed an “Exponential Summer” (E90).
Now that I have just a few chapters in the Book of the Revelation left, there is a small part of me that will miss the large amount of reading every day. I think I averaged around 16 chapters a day. I do have another reading plan in mind to start on September 1, but it will not be this great of a challenge.
Here are just a few takeaways:
- I am full to the brim with the Bible. I find it interesting that staying focused on God is much easier these days. There isn’t a lot of interest in other things, some hobbies have taken a back seat. I do not regret the TV I have missed, the baseball I didn’t watch or the Internet surfing I eliminated.
- I am at peace. Even some stressful situations that I faced this Summer didn’t rock me as they normally would have. I am stronger. I even received some comments about how much more laid back I appear to be!
- I got a TON of great message ideas. I feel like I could preach for a year on the passages that I have been reading just the last few weeks. I guess it helps when pastors actually read the Bible, huh?
I did hear a little criticism this Summer from people who didn’t like my approach: “Too regimented”, “There’s no way you can absorb all that material!”, “I emphasize quality over quantity”, etc. Here’s the deal: I read every word for myself, and God really spoke to me. Don’t criticize unless you can show me how to improve.
Let me encourage you – spend some time with God and His Word. Be intentional and committed. God has something to say to you that will change your life.