Prophetic Presence in Sliven

Prophetic Presence in Sliven

Preaching in Sliven

In the beginning of 2010, the Lord gave as a word for a New Prophetic Generation in Bulgaria, which we delivered in the Church of God in Gabrovo. The word came from I Samuel and referred to the story comparing Eli and his two sons with Hannah and her Son of promise, Samuel. It opened the door to a new level in our ministry, one we have waited for over 20 consecutive years of ministry.

After preaching over 100 times by 2011, a second word came to us during the Bible Camp we organize each year for young ministers in the Eco Complex of Katunishte in the Balkan Mountains. This word was from Ezekiel chapters 8-11 about the departure of the Glory of God. Virtually all present, over 80 youth leaders from around the country and abroad, testified that the presence during this service was perhaps the most powerful move of the Holy Spirit they have ever witnessed.

Finally, we delivered yet a third message in a more recent service with the Pentecostal Roma Gipsy community in the city of Sliven. It was called “New Prophetic Generation Part 2.” The picture above is from that meeting.