Neil’s Notes 2009-05-21 23:39:00
The Need To Push When The Urge Is Missing
It's been awhile since I've blogged, for sometime now I haven't felt creative so I just stopped. Funny how the things we love to do fall by the wayside during times of transition, how we retreat and hide during times of struggle even though we know we need to push forward, we skip church during trials when we know that's the time we need to be there the most. I've often said that if I could do anything that I wanted I would preach and write, yet I find myself withdrawing, hiding, desiring to sleep rather than walk...tired!
The incredible truth rising in my spirit as I write this simple thought is that there must be those who push until they give birth...even when the urge to push is missing, we must push when we don't feeling like pushing because nothing takes place unless we make the effort.
This week I was reminded of a prophetic word spoken over my life several years ago, a minister from Rhode Island say that it was time for me to quit walking like a son and to begin walking like a father. I understood that word, within me I desire more than anything to impact this generation, to impart life and spiritual truth into others, to establish the Kingdom of God in this earth. It is my heart to build a church upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, to see a prophetic church arise that will speak life into dead places, yet in the midst of my desire I have also found myself frustrated, fearful...hiding...but it's time to push, the Kingdom of God is at hand!