I'm telling on myself! This is a funny story about…
I’m telling on myself! This is a funny story about me. When I pastored a CoG in Memphis about 1989. I was forced out of the pastorate and was devastated to the point of surrendering my ordination and my credentials were transferred to the Assembly of God. I attempted to change. At a pastor’s prayer breakfast in which I was introduced to the ministerial group we gathered casually making small talk. By mistake, off the cuff, I stated to an elderly pastor that I was “bout half backslid”.
I was greatly discouraged and not making adjustments too well so I was being transparent by my remark. The elderly man turned to a group of ministers and stated (referencing the ‘half back-slid’ remark) “now there a phrase we don’t hear too much around here, half backslid!”
I realized then the giant step it was to go from CoG to AoG. I was not able to make the change.