A big THANK YOU! for the pastors

We have been attending a small COG in Tavares Florida. Years ago it was packed when we visited. Now a small group of good folks. We support our home church as we travel and give to the ones we visit along the way. This is the church I mentioned that had a $26,000 insurance bill a year. I KNEW with the folks there it was tough. At our last visit, I learned the church was 70 years old. The pastor said when he became the pastor the church owed $85,000 plus $45.000 new roof.
He has a good paying occupation. I finally learned like pulling teeth, that he paid most of the bills at the church, I knew the church would have a tough time just paying utilities. We gave a little more than normal as we left. But I told my wife, I would bet that there are many preachers now that are paying to serve and love his people. God bless the pastors who love our Lord enough to do that. The Lord surely must smile on all pastors, but more so on those who also sacrificed to do it.

submitted by /u/overlandhermit
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