A Brand New Discipleship Series

A Brand New Discipleship Series

A Brand New Discipleship Series
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Discipling Pentecostals” is the 2.0 Series Follow-Up to the immensely popular β€œLiving What We Believe” series.


These six volumes provide 6 months of superb Pentecostal and practical discipleship for brand new and mature believers. This series is designed
for personal study or for use with Small Groups, Congregations, Online and
In-Person Classes. β€œDiscipling Pentecostals” provides the absolute best in Pentecostal teachings written in everyday language for you, members of your class, or your congregation!

A Praying People is a Pentecostal Study of the vital prayer life of the believer. This study is a must for anyone who wants to delve deeper into the transformative power of passionate praying.  

An Overcoming People is a Pentecostal Study of victorious spiritual warfare. This eye-opening, Pentecostal, Biblical treatment will help lead you toward an overcoming life in Christ Jesus!

A Fruitful People is a Pentecostal Study on bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Not only will you gain an in-depth understanding of the fruit of the Spirit how you can live them out in a practical way within the community for believers. 

A Gifted People is a Pentecostal Study for the use of the gifts of the Spirit. This study is an indispensable resource for anyone desiring a deeper understanding of the purpose and proper use of God’s equipping and power spiritual gifts. 

A Blessed People is a Pentecostal Study for living out the beatitudes. In it you will find practical insight for every Christian who desires a deep and fulfilling relationship with God and healthy relationships with other people. 

A Miraculous People is a Pentecostal study on expecting the miraculous. In this encouraging study you learn gain a deeper understanding of miracles, signs, and wonders, as well as spiritual discipleship principles to help on your journey. 

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