A Businessman’s Prayer
A lot has happened since my last entry. At the top of the list is a new granddaughter (!!!). I welcome Anne Elizabeth Kemp into the world. May God’s grace be with her all her days and may they be many.
This morning in my prayer time I ran across this little prayer that I had filed away. It comes from Herbert V. Prochrow’s “A Businessman’s Prayer,” and it touched my heart this morning. On this last working day of the week let’s finish strong. Maybe ts prayer will help…
“Help me, O Lord, to remember that three feet make one yard, sixteen ounces make one pound, four quarts make one gallon, and sixty minutes make one hour. Help me to do business on the square. Make me sympathetic with the fellow who has been broken in the struggle. Keep me from taking an unfair advantage of the weak, or from selling my self-respect for a profit. Blind my eyes to the petty faults of others, but reveal to me my own. And when it comes to the sound of low music, the scent of sweet flowers, and the crunch of footsteps on the gravel, make the ceremony short, and the epitaph simply – “Here lies a man…one who was of service to others.”
With kindest regards and best wishes,