A Name Change and a Vision
You may have noticed that the name of this blog has changed slightly from “Riding Blind” to “Riding Shotgun.” I never meant to imply that God leaves us in the dark about His plans completely. After all, He gave us 66 books of meaty goodness to learn all about that. Mainly, the title simply meant that you, my faithful readers, wouldn’t know all the details until I was ready to share—and was sure myself.
But now that I’ve had the confirmation I prayed for, I wanted to share the vision He’s given me. Ready?
Vision Statement: To plant a biblically faithful, culturally relevant church that reaches the least, the last, and the lost; that equips a diverse community of Christ-followers to grow in fellowship and Bible study, to share their faith in love, and to multiply themselves through discipleship; and that transforms a city and beyond by declaring and showing God’s unconditional love and grace.
Thoughts? Anybody want to come?