A New Year, Another Opportunity! http://goo.gl/fb/rBStj #ourCOG ourCOG January 18, 2011 10:23 pm #ourCOG 0 A New Year, Another Opportunity! http://goo.gl/fb/rBStj #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets, opportunity By ourCOG Related Posts New Year’s Day: What’s the big deal? http://goo.gl/fb/9pEf2 #ourCOG My grandson said something crazy is going on at Penn state. Does anyone know a news group that might be following the story? #ourCOG live your passion http://goo.gl/fb/fTfgO #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/HH34B #ourCOG http… http://goo.gl/fb/2mNgl #ourCOG My wife was crying her eyes out last night about me not paying attention and Perry Stone was on. #wifeINtheCORNER #ourCOG #COG