A Russian Priority :: By Daymond Duck

On Aug. 13, 2024, Palestinian Authority Pres. Mahmoud Abbas visited Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin in Moscow to discuss their relationship, the situation in the Middle East, and Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.

Putin said,

  • We are making every effort to support the Palestinian people.
  • We believe that in order to secure lasting and stable peace in the region, it is imperative to implement all U.N. resolutions, with the establishment of a full-fledged Palestinian state as a priority.

Abbas said,

  • Russia is one of our most cherished friends.
  • We deeply appreciate the attention and significance our Russian friends and brothers place on our issues, our suffering, particularly regarding the humanitarian situation and security challenges we face.
  • Rest assured; we stand unwaveringly with the Russian Federation.

Following his departure from Moscow, Abbas traveled to Turkey to meet with Erdogan who has threatened to attack Israel.

And while Abbas was meeting with Putin and then Erdogan, the U.S. and EU were focused on trying to stop Iran from attacking Israel.

Russia’s support for a Palestinian State at the same time Turkey and Iran are threatening to attack Israel makes one wonder if the Battle of Gog and Magog is on the horizon (Ezek. 38-39).

Here are some of the pre-conditions for that great battle:

  • The land of Magog (the land where Noah’s grandson Magog settled: Gen. 10:2) must be ruled by a dictator (Gog is sometimes interpreted as the man on top or the dictator. The land where Magog settled is Russia.).
  • The land of Magog must be north of Israel (Russia is, plus Russia, Iran, and Turkey have troops in Syria which is north of Israel).
  • Russia must be aligned with Iran (ancient name is Persia) and Turkey (house of Togarmah).
  • The attack must be in the latter years and latter days, and they have arrived (Ezek. 38:8, 16).
  • The nation of Israel must exist again (It does).
  • Israel must have silver and gold, cattle, and goods (It does, and oil too).
  • Israel must be dwelling safely (Israel can be attacked, but God will not allow Israel to be destroyed).
  • Israel must have unwalled villages (Many villages do not have walls).
  • The birds of prey must return to Israel (They migrate over Israel every year).

Some prophecy teachers believe the Battle of Gog and Magog will take place before the Tribulation Period, and some believe it will take place during the Tribulation Period.

Here is my opinion:

  • Gog and Magog can’t take place in the last half of the Tribulation Period because the Jews in Judea will flee into the wilderness at the Tribulation Period mid-point (Dan. 9:26; Matt. 24:16), and those that flee won’t be there to burn weapons and bury the dead (Ezek. 39:12-15).
  • The Jews that do not flee into the wilderness can’t be burning weapons and burying the dead during the last half of the Tribulation Period because the Antichrist will try to kill them (Rev. 12:17).
  • Gog and Magog will probably not take place during the first half of the Tribulation Period because it will take seven years to burn the weapons (Ezek. 39:9), but the Jews can’t be burning weapons in Israel during the last half of the Tribulation Period (same reason as above; fear of the Antichrist).
  • Gog and Magog will probably occur before the Antichrist rises to power because he is not mentioned in Ezek. 38 -39. It’s difficult to believe we will have a world government, and the most famous man on the world stage isn’t even mentioned.
  • Gog and Magog will probably occur before the Antichrist rises to power because it is not likely that Russia, etc., will attack Israel if Israel is under the covenant with the Antichrist.
  • Gog and Magog is not the Battle of Armageddon because Gog and Magog is a 10-nation (approx.) attack on Israel, but Armageddon is an attack on Israel by all the nations.
  • Gog is not the Antichrist because Gog will die on the mountains of Israel, but the Antichrist will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire (Ezek. 39:4; Rev. 19:20).
  • Gog and Magog will occur before the Tribulation Period because the defeat of Russia, Turkey, Iran, and their Islamic allies will remove a lot of the opposition to the rise of the Antichrist over a world government. Russia, Iran, Turkey, and their Islamic allies are not likely to surrender to a European leader unless something major has greatly weakened them.

Why will God destroy them?

  • “That the heathen may know me” (Ezek. 38:16).
  • To get the attention of everyone and everything (Ezek. 38:20).
  • To glorify and reveal Himself (Ezek. 38:23).
  • To let people know He is Lord (Ezek. 39:6).
  • To reveal His name to Israel (Ezek. 39:7).
  • To let the lost know that Israel’s God is God (Ezek. 39:7).
  • To let the world see His judgment (Ezek. 39:21).
  • To let Israel know He is her God (Ezek. 39:22).
  • To let Israel know it was God who regathered the nation (Ezek. 39:28-29).

Here is a crucial point about Iran’s current threat to attack Israel:

  • The Battle of Gog and Magog cannot take place if the U.S., EU, Saudi Arabia, etc., are protecting Israel because they will question the attack but not help Israel (Ezek. 38:13).
  • If the U.S. and others decide that they will not help protect Israel, an Iranian attack could turn into the Battle of Gog and Magog.

(My opinion: I can easily see Biden/Harris turning against Israel, but it is difficult for me to see Trump turning against Israel. If I am right, Gog and Magog could be before Trump takes office if he is elected, or he may not be elected, or he may not be allowed to take office. This is just one of my thoughts.)

(More: On Aug. 20, 2024, the Democratic National Convention hosted a group of Palestinians who want the U.S. to stop selling weapons to Israel for the war in Gaza. Democratic leaders are meeting with Palestinian groups because they want the Arab vote this fall. As Pres. Biden took the stage, a group of attendees unfurled a large banner reading “Stop Arming Israel” to protest America’s support for the Israeli government.)

(More: On Aug. 20, 2024, it was reported that an election integrity group is saying all the swing states have 500,000 to 1.4 million illegitimate voters on the rolls, and Trump cannot win if something isn’t done about this.)

Here are some recent events that seem to have implications for the end of the age.

One, concerning an Iranian/Hezbollah attack Israel: on Aug. 16, 2024, Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs (Israel Katz) met with his counterparts from the UK and France.

Katz told them,

  • Israel expects France and the UK to publicly inform Iran that it may not attack Israel and that if Iran attacks, the US-led coalition will join Israel, not only in defense but in offense against significant targets in Iran as well.
  • Iran must understand that if it won’t stop its direct and proxy aggression against Israel, it will pay a heavy strategic and economic price – and that is the only chance of stopping an all-out war.

I do not know if France and/or the UK will help defend Israel against an attack by Iran and Hezbollah or not, but I do know that France/UK won’t help defend Israel in the Battle of Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38:13), and Israel won’t need their help because God will defend Israel.

(More: At a recent Breakfast for Israel in Canada, former Canadian Prime Min. Harper said, “We shouldn’t have to ask if politicians support Israel… We should expect it.)

(More: On Aug. 15, 2024, Israeli jets practiced mid-air refueling to prepare for long-range sorties in what was seen as a stark warning to Iran.)

(More: On Aug. 16, 2024, a US official warned Iran that it would face cataclysmic consequences and derail momentum toward a Gaza truce if it strikes Israel in response to the killing of a top Hamas official.)

Two, Israel’s nuclear deterrence (about 90 warheads and missiles that can reach Iran, nuclear-armed submarines, bombers that can be refueled, etc.) and Israel’s “never again” attitude (the Samson Option) have Iran freaked.

Iran’s military knows that Israel can take them out.

Three, Jordan will not allow Iran to use Jordan’s airspace to attack Israel, but Jordan will allow Israel to use Jordan’s airspace to defend itself against an Iranian attack.

Four, concerning God’s promise to bless those that bless Israel and to curse those that curse Israel (Gen. 12:3) and His covenant to give all the Promised Land to Abraham and his descendants forever (Gen. 17:7-8): at a speech in New Jersey on Aug. 16, 2024, former Pres. Trump said,

  • When I’m back in the Oval Office, I will support Israel’s right to win its war on terror. They have to have a right to win the war.
  • And I will give Israel the support that it needs to win, but I do want them to win fast. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could win fast?

(More: On Aug. 17, 2024, while campaigning in Pennsylvania, Trump said, “There has never been a more dangerous time since the Holocaust if you happen to be Jewish in America.”)

Five, concerning an increase in pestilences and the rise of world government as the end of the age nears: on Aug. 14, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that Monkeypox (the woke culture doesn’t like to call a disease that affects mostly gays Monkeypox, so some have started calling it Mpox) has officially been classified as a public health emergency of international concern.

On Aug. 15, 2024, it was reported that some health officials are warning U.S. schools to prepare for another pandemic and mass vaccinations.

Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are issuing similar warnings.

Some prophecy teachers (I am one of them) believe the WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and others are using so-called public health emergencies as a scare tactic to try to get nations to surrender their sovereignty to a world government.

It is likely that society will soon be told that they must control and vaccinate everyone to keep the disease from spreading.

(More: On Aug. 15, 2024, the WHO said they have found an extremely dangerous case of Mpox in Sweden.)

(More: On Aug. 16, 2024, a case of Mpox was found in Pakistan, and China said it will start monitoring people and goods entering their country for Mpox.)

(More: On Aug. 16, 2024, it was reported that a study of 528 infected people since the start of the outbreak found that 98% were either sexually active gay or bisexual men or others who have had sex with men.)

Six, several years ago, an Israeli expert made 2 silver trumpets (Num. 10:2) to blow at the future rebuilt Temple in times of war.

The trumpets have been blown several times on special occasions but never on the Temple Mount.

This year, on Tisha B’Av, they were blown at a building facing the Western Wall that juts out over part of the Temple Mount.

For the first time in 2,000 years, trumpets have sounded on the Temple Mount.

Seven, concerning God making Jerusalem a cup of trembling and a burdensome stone for the entire world during the Tribulation Period (Zech. 12:2): on Aug. 15, 2024, it was reported that PA Pres. Mahmoud Abbas said he is working to get the world to recognize a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Israel says all of Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel.

Eight, concerning famine and an economic collapse during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 6:5-6): CNN is very liberal and often spins events in favor of the Democrat Party, but on Aug. 16, 2024, Kamala Harris announced that she wants price controls on food, and CNN reported that her proposals will lead to higher food prices, shortages, and uncertainty.

Nine, concerning antisemitism and a falling away in the Church: during a recent appearance in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis called Israel’s military activities in Gaza “terrorism.”

Ten, concerning corruption in the White House: on Aug. 19, 2024, three committees in the U.S. House of Rep. released a 292-page report saying there is overwhelming evidence that the Biden family and its associates have been paid $27 million by foreign individuals or entities since 2014.

This follows proof that 51 current and former intelligence officers signed a letter in 2020 saying the information on Hunter’s Laptop was Russian disinformation.

It also follows proof that former vice pres. Joe Biden was the “Big Guy” mentioned in text messages and on TV during the 2020 election campaign.

It seems strange that the report has been released at this time because it is too late to impeach Biden.

Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war.

Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024 (Day 313): The two-hundred fifty-eighth day of the resumed war. Day 100 of the attack on Rafah.

  • S. officials said an Iranian attack on Israel is still likely, and a ceasefire and hostage deal are still needed to avert war.

Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024 (Day 314): The two-hundred fifty-ninth day of the resumed war. Day 101 of the attack on Rafah.

  • The U.S. and EU have a high-level delegation in Qatar to push for a ceasefire and hostage deal between Hamas and Israel.

Friday, Aug. 16, 2024 (Day 315): The two-hundred sixtieth day of the resumed war. Day 102 of the attack on Rafah.

  • In the last 30 days, Israel has destroyed at least 50 tunnels that were used for smuggling weapons from Egypt into Gaza.

Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024 (Day 316): The two-hundred sixty-first day of the resumed war. Day 103 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel destroyed a Hezbollah weapons warehouse and building in Lebanon.
  • Israel assassinated a Hezbollah commander shortly after Hezbollah fired 55 rockets into Israel.

Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024 (Day 317): The two-hundred sixty-second day of the resumed war. Day 104 of the attack on Rafah.

  • S. Sec. of State Blinken headed to Israel to try to get a hostage deal for the 9th time since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.
  • Netanyahu said pressure for a hostage deal should be on Hamas, not Israel.
  • Islamic Jihad and Hamas (2 Iran-backed terrorist groups) claimed responsibility for exploding a bomb near a synagogue in Tel Aviv. Some officials believe the bomb accidentally exploded before he reached his target and are speculating that it could be divine intervention).

Monday, Aug. 19, 2024 (Day 318): The two-hundred sixty-third day of the resumed war. Day 105 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Blinken said the current negotiations may be the last chance for a ceasefire in Gaza.
  • A Hezbollah drone from Lebanon killed an Israeli chief warrant officer and seriously wounded another officer.
  • Israeli forces bombed several Hezbollah weapons warehouses in Lebanon, and there were many secondary explosions.
  • Netanyahu accepted a U.S.-proposed ceasefire in Gaza that Hamas has not agreed to.
  • Israel recovered the bodies of 6 hostages.

Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024 (Day 319): The two-hundred sixty-fourth day of the resumed war. Day 106 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Hezbollah fired about 115 rockets and several drones from Lebanon at northern Israel.
  • Egypt will allow Israel to remain on its border near Rafah if it doesn’t have to publicly acknowledge it.
  • Hamas rejected the latest U.S. ceasefire proposal in Gaza.
  • Hamas used the cell phones of hostages to call their families and demand ransom payments.

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024 (Day 320): The two-hundred sixty-fifth day of the resumed war. Day 107 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Hezbollah fired about 50 rockets at the Golan Heights in Israel.

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and Jesus is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.

[email protected]


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