A story about a lucky fisherman

“When you leave it to chance, then all of a sudden you don’t have any more luck.” —Pat Riley, Basketball coach  

A blog on luck coming from a minister who believes strongly in the sovereignty of God may seem a little strange.  But then if you’ve been reading my blogs for a while you already have figured out that actually I am strange.  (I’m also very kind and thoughtful, so I won’t mention the implications of you having read my blogs for a while!)

But back to luck.  If it makes you more comfortable, let’s call it God’s gracious gift of “free will.”

It turns out that our actions really do matter and when we take action things happen.

This came to mind recently when I happened to overhear a conversation between two men.  Honestly, I wasn’t trying to be nosey, but they were telling fishing stories and trust me, when men starting telling fishing stories they get loud. (I actually suspect the guy telling his story wanted me to hear it. Imagine that!)

Here’s how it came down…

One guy was bragging about how he caught a fish with just a fishing hook (no bait on it).  Now I don’t know if that was true (It’s said that fishermen are known to lie) but the other guy believed him and complained, “You’re the luckiest guy I know.”

And bang, just like that the thought came to me:

It’s hard to catch fish if you don’t put the hook in the water.

The ONE THING for today: You’re a reasonable person, you know what to do with this…put the hook in the water! 

If you want to keep it spiritual or you’re the kind of person that knows about as much about fishing as you do hermeticism, then this is how “luck” works “spiritually”.

You act and then God acts. 

That’s it. You can thank me in the comment section.

Yes, I know: God’s sovereign and in control. But He is very generous in giving us the privilege of having a lot of input. 

Dare to try.  Dare to give God something to work with—even your failures can turn out well.  But if you’re doing nothing don’t expect much luck.