a tribute
This Mother’s Day includes lots of emotions for me and my family. Our daughter, Jessica is a mom for the first time. Sophia, born on 4.22.11, remains in NICU, but thankfully is progressing. This whole experience has been a huge blessing but has also pushed us in significant ways.
Letha and I are now expected to pray like grandparents. That is a different level of prayer for us. And being put in that position causes me to really miss Letha’s mother, Mary Haynes. Mary passed away in January of 2009. She was an absolute prayer warrior. For years, the entire family counted on her to shoulder the load of praying for us and our kids. I can’t tell you how many times we called her, sometimes in the middle of the night, to pray for a sick kid. And she always did.
Mary is in heaven so now we have to step up and be able to cover the family. I feel the change in responsibility. I can’t measure up to the standard that Mary set for prayer. We miss her. But we have to accept the responsibility.
I do want to say Happy Mother’s Day to my wife, Letha, to my daughter, Jessica, to my mom, Fran. I love you all and thank God for you!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!