AC-95 Breaking the Apocalypse Code DVD Package
Breaking the Apocalypse Code DVD Package is now available!!!
For over three years, Perry has announced the coming of the Breaking the Apocalypse Code series, and NOW you can enjoy this complete, advanced prophetic Bible Study with family and friends! This album of 7 DVDs along with a study syllabus clearly explains the 22 chapters of the Apocalypse, Totaling 14 hours of eye-opening, exciting prophetic insight. These seven DVD’s include the following subjects:
DVD #1 – Reveals the mystery of the Apocalypse Code and the Heavenly Temple.
DVD #2 – Examines the creatures & people in the throne-room, the Priesthood and the Beginning of the Tribulation.
DVD #3 – Explains the mysterious Two Witnesses, the Bema judgment, the Great Dragon and the Kingdom of the Beast.
DVD #4 – Gives amazing insight into the future Islamic Antichrist and False Prophet, and the Empire of the Beast.
DVD #5 – Explains with clarity the coming Mark of the Beast 666, the Mysterious Harlot and Mystery Babylon.
DVD #6 – Preached from Israel, called The Millennial Code – it explains the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ in Jerusalem.
DVD #7–Gives prophetic insight into YOUR eternal future, When Satan is Bound and Heaven Comes Down.
Also included is a 100 page study syllabus that includes Perry’s personal outlines from these teachings. This study syllabus is available ONLY when you order the seven DVD series!
Order at: http://www.voe.org/store/ac-95-breaking-the-apocalypse-code-dvd-package