Acts 2:42-47 42 The believers spent their time listening to…
Acts 2:42-47
42 The believers spent their time listening to the teaching of the apostles. They shared everything with each other. They ate together and prayed together.
43 Many wonders and miraculous signs were happening through the apostles, and everyone felt great respect for God.
44 All the believers stayed together and shared everything.
45 They sold their land and the things they owned. Then they divided the money and gave it to those who needed it.
46 The believers shared a common purpose, and every day they spent much of their time together in the Temple area. They also ate together in their homes. They were happy to share their food and ate with joyful hearts.
47 The believers praised God and were respected by all the people. More and more people were being saved every day, and the Lord was adding them to their group.