affirming statements
I had a brief but very encouraging conversation today. The person with whom I was speaking said some very kind things. I felt so good walking away from our talk. Don’t you think we should build up each other a little more?
So…don’t lie, don’t be inauthentic, and don’t be patronizing. But say something nice to someone – say it now – and build them up.
Need some suggestions on what to say?
“I believe in you.”
“You are brilliant.”
“I respect you.”
“You mean a lot to me.”
“You have a very bright future.”
“I love you.”
“What you say and do influences me.”
“I would like to be more like you.”
“You have more impact than you know. “
“Thank you for being you, I appreciate you.”
You never know what an impact you can have simply by saying something positive. What you say may be exactly what that person needs right now. Go ahead, affirm!